Chapter 43

HK, Liangyou Ice Room

On the table for two by the window, there are milk tea and pineapple buns for two.

But the guests at this table were obviously not in the mood to eat.

"HK police and Interpol are eyeing us, we need to prepare to retreat!"

The man in a black windbreaker looked at the black commercial vehicle that had been parked for a long time from the corner of his eyes.

His voice was so low that the woman on the opposite side moved closer to hear what he said.

The woman was wearing a black luxury dress, with a shining diamond necklace around her neck, and a black top hat with light gauze, covering half of her face.

"Interpol is eyeing us, where can we go?"

The woman's cold voice was mocking.

"Three days later, a batch of goods will leave the port. We will follow the goods. Someone will help us when the time comes!"

The man stared at the woman, looking almost obsessively at her face under the veil.

"let's go together!"

"What about Lao Wu and the others, don't you care?"

The woman touched her face under the veil, a trace of disgust flashed deep in her eyes.

I don't know if I hate men, or I hate my own face.

Hearing Old Wu's name, the man hammered the table angrily.

"Who cares about him? I'm going to kill him, kill his whole family, bastard, if he didn't violate the rules, how could Interpol track us down!"

The woman seemed to be accustomed to the man's anger, so she took a sip of the milk tea in front of her.

"Are you going to give away your art? Can your buyers be trusted?"

"Do you know how much the buyer wants this time?" The man stretched out two fingers:

"Two billion super dollars!"

The woman was also taken aback by this number, "So many?"

The man smiled triumphantly: "For this delivery, we will visit the buyer as a painter's assistant, and he will definitely help!"


Three days later,
HK, South China Sea, open sea
A two-hundred-foot yacht was parked on the sea. Under the night, on the dark sea, apart from the lights of the yacht, there was the sound of waves crashing against the hull.

Under the dim light, one could vaguely see a man and a woman standing at the bow of the ship. The leading man was holding a military binoculars, looking at the sea in the distance.

"Will they come?"

The man rubbed his bloodshot eyes, stretched out his hand and tugged at his crumpled tie, as if telling the woman, or comforting himself:
"Xiuqing, don't worry, the buyer will definitely come! This is 20 billion super dollars!"

The man's name is Li Wen, the best "painter" in the world!It's just that now the painter can't hide his downfall.

The woman stretched out her hand to straighten his collar, and said:
"The story you made up can't be hidden from the Hong Kong Island police for too long. Maybe the Hong Kong Island police are on their way now. Li Wen, come with me. Let's find a place to hide our names and start over!"

Crack, the man opened the woman's hand, his face flushed, and the veins on his neck bulged, and he said hoarsely:
"No, I'm not reconciled, my painting is the most popular simulation painting in the world..."

Li Wen looked at his hands obsessively: "These hands can create the most perfect artwork in the world, and I absolutely can't let it go to waste."

Wu Xiuqing looked at Li coldly and asked:

"But you lost. Now the police on Hong Kong Island know that you are a painter, and the Interpol will receive the news soon. Where do you think you can escape? Wake up!"

Li Wen glanced at her, took out a handkerchief and wiped his glasses, his expression regained his composure.

"Xiuqing, you don't understand. The buyer has great influence in New York. As long as we escape to New York, we will change our identities. Let alone the Hong Kong Island police, even the FBI's federal agents can't do anything to us!"

"No matter how powerful he is, why should he help you? Don't forget, 20 billion US dollars have already fallen into the hands of the police..."

Wu Xiuqing stared into Li Wen's eyes: "You should know that there is no free lunch in this world."

Before Wu Xiuqing finished speaking, the roar of propellers could be heard in the distance.

Two beams of light swept by searchlights appeared on the sea level.

"They're here!"

Li Wen didn't answer Wu Xiuqing's words, put on his glasses silently, took out a black high-intensity flashlight from behind, and took three shots at the sky.

A Hercules gunship flew down slowly and hovered over ten meters above the yacht.

A rope hangs down from the door of the helicopter, and special soldiers in body armor jump down the rope one by one.

"Are you a painter? Where's our goods?" Kane frowned as he looked at the men and women in front of him, and this small yacht that obviously couldn't hold $20 billion.


How extravagant is the life of the top richest people in the Federation?

Just look at this private villa of the Osborne family.

The total area of ​​the villa is 38000 square feet.

Divided into four floors, it has 12 houses, five bars and a cinema that can seat 40 people.

There are also independent helipads, private swimming pools, and courtyards.

There is even a miniature golf course and horse farm in the villa.

Compared with this villa, the manor that Tang and Song had just acquired for a short time paled in comparison.

After all, there is a small goal between the two, which is the US dollar.

And this $2.9 million villa is just one of the many properties of the Osborne family.

The Osborne family, even in New York, where the rich gather, can be called a top rich family.

The old Osborne started from scratch and created the Osborne Group with a market value of [-] billion. It was once the world's most valuable biological company.

Even though it has fallen back, the Osborne family is still at the top of the rich list of federal families.

In front of the Osborne Villa, the owner of the villa, Norman Osborne, was standing in front of the door wearing a hand-made tailor-made suit.

Apparently greeting visiting guests.

In the Commonwealth, it is basic etiquette to greet guests at the door when they come to visit.

However, in New York, there are really few people who can be greeted by Norman Osborn in person. Except for some bigwigs in the political and business circles, it is enough for ordinary guest butlers to greet them.

A white extended Rolls Royce stopped at the entrance of the villa.

The driver opened the door, Tang Song hugged Skye and got out of the car, and walked towards Norman Osborn who greeted him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Norman!"

Tang Song and Norman Osborn shook hands, and Skye handed the gift to Norman Osborn.

"Mr. Tang, you are welcome. There are very few young talents like Mr. Tang in New York. You can come to my place as a guest. In your old oriental saying, this should be called Pengpi Shenghui!"

Norman Osborn showed a completely different enthusiasm than the last time he was on the golf course.

After leaving the golf course, Norman Osborn asked someone to check the details of this Asian.

This investigation does not matter, Norman Osborn was also taken aback by the information found.

The gang leader who was in the limelight in the New York underground world during this time.

The actual controller of several import and export trading companies,
Providers of political contributions in Republican New York State.

With Norman Osborn's status, even if the identities of Tang and Song are added together, it is nothing, but this is the achievement of a young man in two years.

This is kind of scary.

Moreover, during this period of time, Norman Osborn took the jade pendant given by Tang Song every day, and his mental state improved a lot, and he didn't need to take sleeping pills to fall asleep at night.

He once asked someone to test this jade pendant, and detected an unknown radiation, an unknown energy that is beneficial to the body.

This had to make Norman Osborn pay more attention to Tang and Song Dynasties.

"By the way, I even made an appointment with an old friend! Let me introduce you to each other!"

Norman Osborn turned sideways, revealing the figure behind him.

The person who came was wearing a gray suit with empty sleeves. It was none other than Tang Song's old acquaintance, Professor Connors.

"Professor Connors, long time no see! I didn't expect to see you here!"

Tang Song walked up enthusiastically and hugged Professor Connors.

Professor Conners nodded towards Tang Song, showing a polite smile.

He was here specially pulled by Norman Osborn.

Ever since he signed Tang Song's internship certificate, he hasn't seen this smart Chinese Tang.

Although he had always suspected that Tang and Song had something to do with the damage to the camera data in the laboratory at the beginning, but because it did not affect the experiment, the incident was left alone.

Only yesterday, he learned from Norman how scary the true identity of this Asian intern was.

Seeing Tang Song's enthusiasm for Connors, Norman Osborn's eyes flashed a gleam.

He checked Tang Song, and naturally knew that Tang Song had been an intern in his company, and the purpose of his pulling Conners was to build a relationship with Tang Song.

Apparently, it worked out pretty well.

However, what Norman Osborn didn't know was that Tang Song's enthusiasm for Connors was due to the technology in Connors' hands.

Norman Osborn, as the host, led several people into the villa.


The golf ball drew a perfect arc in the air and rolled down into the hole.

Tang Song put down his cue, and Norman Osborn applauded from the side.

"Beautiful eagle ball!" Norman Osborn gave Tang Song a thumbs up after applauding.

Tang Song smiled modestly, and just about to speak, the driver and bodyguard waiting by the side walked towards him with a satellite phone.


Tang Song took the phone, pointed at the phone to Norman Osborn apologetically, handed the golf club to the driver, and walked aside.


"Boss, the goods were confiscated by the HK police. The artist is on board and wants to use technology to change to a new identity!"

Holding the phone, Tang Song watched Skye laughing and running past on a thoroughbred racehorse

Tang Song gave her a high five, turned around and said to the phone:

"Give the phone to the painter!"

On the yacht, Li Wen took the phone from Kane with a pale face.

"Mr. Tang, I am Li Wen!"

"Mr. Painter, we have been cooperating for two years, and we have not been able to meet each other. I have always regretted it!"

Not far away, Norman Osborn was swinging a golf club, and his technique was not bad. Tang Song smiled and extended his thumb.

"However, what's even more regrettable is that the 20 billion super dollars are gone, and I can't see your value now!"

"Technology, I have the technology to make super dollars, as long as you help me, I will have as many super dollars as you want!" Li Wen was at the end of the road at this time, holding on to the satellite phone, not letting go of any life-saving straw.

There was no sound coming from the phone, not even the sound of breathing, and Li Wen's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"Need something?"

Li Wen was taken aback for a moment.

The voice of Tang Song came next: "What do you need to make super dollars, I want to know the cost?"

"Acid-free paper, color-changing ink, and gravure printing machine," Li Wen spoke quickly.

"The file bags in *country use acid-free paper, which is easy to get.

I also have the formula for the color-changing ink. I used to have a gravure printing machine, but now it is in the hands of the HK police! "

"Give the phone to Kane!"

Listening to Tang Song's flat tone on the phone, Li Wen wanted to say something more, but in the end he obediently handed the phone to the big white man beside him.

"Boss!" Kane took the phone and walked to the side of the boat.

"Find out which police station the gravure printing machine is in, and bring back the things and people!"

(End of this chapter)

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