Chapter 44
Many people think that they can check the family history of Qing, Tang and Song Dynasties.

Scavengers, smugglers, bars, protection money and even witchers.

No, neither!
The real first bucket of gold in the Tang and Song Dynasties was US dollar bills, super dollar bills.

Hong Kong Island, West Kowloon Crime Squad.

At two o'clock in the morning, many rooms in the office building of the police station were still lit.

Many police officers are busy working overtime. This time the West Kowloon Crime Squad can be said to have lost face in the entire police system.

He obviously caught the painter, but under his skin, he made people run away abruptly.

Brother Guilao called overnight and reprimanded the chief of the West Kowloon Police Station.

The head of the serious crime team even took everyone to work overtime overnight, and cooperated with the marine police to search for the painter's whereabouts at sea.

Those who stayed at the police station to work overtime were some civilian staff, sorting out the materials of the painter group.

In the police booth at the entrance of the police station, two military police officers on duty were chatting about gossip in the police station.

A large container suddenly turned in from the side of the road. The container didn't turn on the lights and stopped directly at the gate of the police station.

"Go out and see!"

"Hey, who! No parking allowed here!"

A uniformed policeman walked to the driver's cab and looked in through the glass. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything clearly.

Just as he touched the flashlight on his lower back, the car door suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the car door slammed into the head of the uniformed policeman.

The unlucky uniformed policeman fainted and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, you guys!"

Another uniformed policeman had just come out of the police booth. When he saw his fallen companion, he subconsciously reached for the pistol at his waist.

Behind him, a burly figure quietly appeared, and a hand knife hit the back of his neck severely.

"15 minutes, enter the evidence room, find the gravure printing machine, and evacuate!"

Two skilled special forces jumped out from behind the truck, quickly dragged the two military police aside, and opened the gate of the police station.

Kane opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

The bald black man in the driver stepped on the accelerator, and the box drove directly into the gate of the police station.

West Kowloon Police Station, Evidence Room.

The evidence room is located in the southeast corner of the police station, where a large amount of evidence of criminal cases is stored, including many valuables. Because of its importance, the walls of the evidence room are made of three layers of three-centimeter-thick cement walls.

It is said that there are laminated steel plates inside, which has been dubbed by the West Kowloon Police Station as the safest place in the entire police station.

At two o'clock in the morning, the door of the physical evidence room was locked. There was an iron fence on the first floor and a security door on the first floor. Both doors were locked at night and could only be opened from the inside.

Through the light of the bulletproof glass, it can be seen that there are two plainclothes on duty in the evidence room.

The daytime horse race replays were played on the TV in the evidence room, and the two policemen on duty were discussing their favorite horse race fiercely.

"If you want me to say, of course it's the Queen. It's definitely the hottest one. You can't beat that black pearl."

"Black Pearl was second in the last horse race. If it wasn't for the stomachache of the rider who hit the street, how could he have lost? Believe me, if you bet on Black Pearl tomorrow, you will definitely make a profit."

"Pujie, come on, trust you, I might as well trust Fat Dog."

"Jingling!" The doorbell interrupted the argument, and a policeman picked up the remote control and turned on the closed-circuit television.

"No one, it's strange!"

Seeing that there was no one at the door shown on the CCTV, he casually threw the remote control aside.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just as the policeman on duty sat down, the doorbell rang again.

"No one, what the hell are you doing? Damn it, is the line broken? I'll go out and have a look!"

Another policeman on duty who was watching Marseille turned around and said with a smile:
"It's so troublesome to open two doors, why don't you ask a guy from the office building to look for us."

"Let's do it myself. It's not like you haven't seen the posture during the day today. I don't want to get into trouble!"

The speaking policeman picked up a bunch of keys from the table in front of him, went to the door, and opened it.

Pulling open the iron fence outside, the policeman on duty walked out of the gate of the evidence room, looked left and right to see if there was no one there, turned around and was about to check the doorbell with a flashlight.

He suddenly felt a tightness behind his back, and a hard tube pressed against his waist.

"Don't move!"

The policeman on duty swallowed nervously, his survival instinct suddenly took over the high ground.

"Don't shoot..."

The policeman on duty obediently raised his hand, and was pushed into the evidence room with his back.

"Egg tart, isn't it fast? Check it out so quickly..."

The policeman on duty who was watching the horse racing video heard the movement, looked up and saw a colleague with his hands raised and two heavily armed mercenaries behind him.

His first reaction was to touch the gun on the table.


A silenced pistol sounded, and a hole appeared in the head of the policeman on duty.

"Awei!" Seeing his companion being killed, the policeman on duty was restrained and cried bitterly, trembling all over.

"Where's the gravure press?"

The cold barrel of the gun was pressed against the back of his head, and an equally cold voice brought him back to reality immediately.

"Yes, in the basement, storage room No. [-], don't, don't kill me!"


The policeman on duty tremblingly picked up a bunch of locker keys from the table.

Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang found a key from the large bunch, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand.

With a muffled bang, the mercenary hit the policeman on duty hard on the back of the head with the handle of his knife, knocking him to the ground.

The evidence room, the basement, marks the No. 2 storage room.

A mercenary wearing a black Kevlar body armor and a fully enclosed black helmet opened the door with a key.

Inside the gate, the eighty-ninety-square-meter storage room consists of three rows of four-story iron frames.

These iron racks display all kinds of stolen goods confiscated by the West Kowloon Police Station.

"Gravure printing machine, found!"

Kane took a photo provided by Li Wen and quickly found the location of the gravure printing machine.

The gravure printing machine is not small, and their large box may not be able to hold it.

According to the original plan, Kane directed his subordinates to disassemble several core components of the gravure printing machine.

As long as there are these core components, the rest is irrelevant and can be found on the market.

The actions of Kane's soldiers were very quick. It took less than 5 minutes from when he gave the order to dismantling the printing machine and loading it into the car.

The container was driven to the gate of the police station

The electric fence of the police station opened slowly, and two soldiers in police uniforms opened the door and got into the car.


A police vehicle and the box cargo passed by.

The driving policeman honked his horn angrily:
"What are you doing, it's so late, you don't even turn on the lights."

The short-haired policewoman of the co-pilot was in a trance with her chin in her hand, with regret, anger and melancholy in her eyes.

The marine police searched the nearby waters two or three times, but did not find Li Wen's whereabouts.

Only one empty yacht was found.

The painter is gone!

She and everyone in the West Kowloon Police Station are like fools who were tricked by a prisoner in custody.

"Oh? Why is the gate of the police station open? Whoever is on duty today, if someone from the Political Department sees it, there must be a punishment."

The young policeman who was driving opened the window and knocked on the glass of the duty booth.

"Brother, the door is still open..."

The young policeman knocked twice, but there was no response from the police booth.

No, the expressions of the young policeman and the co-pilot female policewoman Qiqi changed.

problem occurs!
According to the police regulations, no matter what happens, the police on duty must leave one person on duty.

The policewoman drew her gun, loaded it with a click, pushed open the car door, bowed her waist and groped towards the police booth.

Holding her breath and holding the pistol tightly in both hands, the policewoman squatted under the police booth and looked inside.

The young policeman on the other side also held guns in both hands, and groped from behind the police booth.

There was no one in the police booth, and the female policeman made a safe gesture to the young policeman on the other side, holding the gun in her right hand and pushing the door with her left hand.

"The truck just now, pull the alarm, let's go after it!"

In a corner of the police booth, two military uniformed policemen on duty were stripped to their shorts, naked and tied together by their belts.

Their own shirts and shorts were still stuffed in their mouths.

The female policeman took a deep breath, remembering the box of goods that just passed by, and immediately understood.

Screaming alarm bells rang through the police station.

The police officers who were on duty in the office building of the police station heard the alarm, and they all got busy like burning their buttocks.

A police commercial vehicle rushed out of the gate of the police station with red lights flashing.

"This is Inspector He Ruoyun. Unknown gangsters broke into the West Kowloon Police Station. The gangsters are currently fleeing along Kowloon Road. The target is a large white truck. Please help the nearby guys. The guys from the traffic team cooperate to intercept, over!"

The female policeman put down the police communicator in her hand, and urged the young policeman next to her:

"Ashin, go faster!"

The young policeman on the side stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the black police commercial vehicle blew its siren and sped along the deserted street.

"Inspector, just ahead!"

Through the windshield, He Ruoyun clearly saw the large truck passing by just now.

"Ashin, lean over!"

He Ruoyun lowered the window glass, clenched the pistol with both hands, eager to try.

The young policeman had good driving skills, and quickly narrowed the distance between the two cars to tens of meters.

He Ruoyun leaned out, held the gun in both hands, and aimed at the rear tire of the large truck.

"Ashin, warning, let them stop!"

The young policeman took out a megaphone and pressed a button.

"The truck in front, we are the police, please stop for inspection."

"The vehicle in front, stop for inspection!"

"The vehicle in front, warn, stop for inspection!"

The police horn installed outside the car broadcast the warning of the young policeman.

Generally speaking, when criminals hear this kind of alarm, they tend to speed up their escape.

To the surprise of the two policemen, the speed of the large truck slowed down.

Did you guess wrong?
He Ruoyun and the young policeman looked at each other.

Before they could stop, the rear compartment of the large truck in front of them suddenly opened to both sides.

Inside the carriage, a strong man wearing a Kevlar body armor half-kneeled facing them, carrying an army green RPG rocket launcher on his shoulder,
Facing the police car, the strong man wearing a fully enclosed black bulletproof helmet pulled the trigger at them without any hesitation.


He Ruoyun watched helplessly as a rocket bombed towards them

Scared out of his wits, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the steering wheel in the hands of the young policeman.

The two rear wheels of the police commercial vehicle quickly rubbed against the ground to form two black scorched marks.

A rocket grazed the rear wheel of a police commercial vehicle and hit the ground.

The strong explosion shock wave directly lifted the police commercial vehicle into the air.

The shrapnel from the rocket hit the car body like a hornet's nest.

The young policeman in the driver's seat was even pierced by a shrapnel through his chest.

The sharp shrapnel tore through the airbag and pierced a large hole in the front windshield.

"I'm He Ruoyun, the gangsters have heavy weapons, call, call the Flying Tigers for support! Call the Flying Tigers for support!"

Trapped in the overturned car, He Ruoyun looked at the young policeman beside him with his head down and his chest was bloody and bloody, with tears in his eyes.

Enduring the pain of a broken arm, he grabbed the walkie-talkie beside him.


The Hong Kong Island Police Force Police Mobile Unit Special Task Company, nicknamed "Flying Tigers", is a high-level special police team affiliated to the Police Mobile Unit Headquarters of the Operations Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

As a special police team that takes into account both the functions and nature of anti-terrorist special forces,

The main responsibilities of the Flying Tigers are anti-terrorism, handling high-risk crimes, rescuing hostages, protecting key personnel, detecting and searching, rescue and disaster relief, etc. They can also perform special underwater, surface and air missions.

The Flying Tigers are well-known among the SWAT teams all over the world, and they are also one of the top SWAT teams in the world.

After receiving an emergency call from the West Kowloon Police Station, an on-duty team of the Flying Tigers rushed directly to the target point by helicopter with heavy weapons and equipment to intercept it.

"As a policeman, you let gangsters break into the police station to kill and rob. What are you doing?"

In the West Kowloon Police Station, He Jun, the director and senior superintendent, was slapping the table and throwing a fit.

Seeing He Jun roaring like an angry lion, no one dared to speak.

Those who can participate in the meeting are at least police officers above the inspector, and they all have their own sources of information.

The immediate boss's biological daughter had just been sent to the emergency room. At this time, even the deputy director who had always been at odds with He Jun didn't want to touch him.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was calm and depressing.

Many people dare not even breathe.


At this time, an inspector appeared at the door, breaking the calm.

He Jun frowned: "Come in!"

"Sir, Inspector Zhou of the Flying Tigers called. The gangsters fired graphite bombs into the sky with rockets, making the armed helicopter unable to fly. At present, the Flying Tigers can only rely on vehicles to reach the target point!"

The middle-aged inspector of the serious crime team walked into the meeting room, and also noticed the strange atmosphere, saluted quickly, and reported the situation to He Jun.

Graphite bomb, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's not that Hong Kong Island hasn't encountered gangsters in recent years, and some of them are even crazy enough to bomb the police station.

But now the military literacy and ferocity shown by this group of gangsters are unique.

Graphite bombs are also known as: blackout bombs, power killers, etc.

This kind of bomb will release hundreds of small cans after it explodes over the target. After each small can explodes, it will release a graphite fiber wire, which will cause a short circuit when it is placed on the power supply line, and then destroy the power supply facility, causing the enemy Vitality areas are paralyzed.

Such high-precision weapons generally only appear on real battlefields.

"Has the reply letter from Interpol arrived?"

He Jun calmed down and asked a police officer next to him.

"Not yet. They are doing database comparison. The police station's cameras haven't captured much useful information. It will take some time to identify the information!"

"What's missing from the evidence room?" He Jun looked at the senior inspector in charge of the management of the evidence room.

"I checked, and nothing else was lost. The core components of the gravure printing machine confiscated a while ago were stolen!"

Gravure printing machine, upon hearing this, He Jun's face suddenly turned dark purple.

Because the painter escaped, he had just been scolded by the chief of police.

Now this counterfeit banknote group dares to send people to the police station to grab things.

"Notify all the officers in the police station to intercept the gangsters, buy time for the Flying Tigers, and prevent them from escaping from Hong Kong Island!"

"Yes, sir!"

After the many inspectors saluted, they got up and left the meeting room, contacted their team members by phone, and assigned tasks.

"Old Huang, call Lao Li and the others and second them!"

He Jun stopped the rich-looking deputy director and said something.

"Okay! I'll do it right away!" The deputy director nodded and walked out of the meeting room.


An intersection on West Kowloon Avenue.

The dozen or so policemen who received the emergency notice had no time to set up roadblocks. With the help of a group of mobile uniformed policemen, they got a few cars across the middle of the road.

More than a dozen people were lying on the back of the car, holding guns in both hands, ready to fight.


In the distance, a large white truck was driving rampantly from the end of the road.

Facing the waiting traffic, there was no intention of slowing down.


The senior inspector who was leading the check-in did not hesitate at all, facing the position of the cockpit of the large truck, he directly pulled the trigger.

GLOCK17 semi-automatic pistol, all 17 rounds of bullets are emptied in an instant.

The front windshield of the truck was smashed to pieces.

More than a dozen police officers fired together, GLOCK17 semi-automatic pistols, police revolvers, and shotguns crackled and exploded on the street like firecrackers.

The large truck did not stop, and rushed towards the vehicle roadblock in a rampage.

The large truck was like a tank. The front of the truck knocked away two police cars lying on the road, broke through the roadblock, and rushed towards the port.

"Get in the car and chase!"

More than a dozen policemen got into police cars one after another to chase, and the large truck in front suddenly started to reverse.

Before the police could react, the rear compartment of the large truck was pushed open to both sides.

In the dark compartment, orange and blue gun flames spewed out.

da da da da da da

The sound of m4a1 carbines continued, accompanied by the explosion of several grenades.

When the big truck left, the scene was a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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