Thor drank a large gulp of the blood-red tea in his tea cup, and the maid standing next to him filled another cup for him. Thor drank another large gulp of tea.

Tang Song took a sip of tea, looked at Thor's appearance, and understood that this guy was worried that he would poison Tony and others.

What a joke, is he, Tang, someone capable of doing such a thing?

However, this Asura blood tea is really one of the formulas for Asura's soul-eliminating smoke. Unfortunately, the raw materials for refining this kind of poisonous smoke can't be found in this universe.

Otherwise, the nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of poisons in the world, the Shura Ecstasy smoke refined in 99-49 years, and then mixed with the Buddhist incense and the Taoist pure powder, the poison can melt the true immortal instantly.

The poison that can seriously injure the Golden Immortal!

In retrospect, we can compile a list of the toxicities of those highly toxic substances and let Professor Connors look for any alternatives.

Thinking of the poisons in the root memory, Tang Song's eyes lit up.

If it weren't for the lack of suitable heavenly materials and earthly treasures in this universe, he would have dozens of poisonous prescriptions that even the Golden Immortal could not withstand.
One of the most poisonous prescriptions is called the Five Decays of Heaven and Man. It is said that even the great masters who have achieved the Daluo Dao Fruit will die if they are poisoned by this poison.

The refining of this kind of poison is even more troublesome. Just one of the medicine introductions requires collecting the ray of calamity at the moment before the universe is destroyed and the world is destroyed.

And this is just Yao Yinzi. The complete Five Declines of Heaven and Man requires nearly a thousand kinds of medicinal materials alone, and each of them is no less difficult to obtain than Yao Yinzi.

These people were pretty good wage earners. Tang Song glanced at everyone present.

As if he was afraid that Boss Tang would poison him, Thor drank half a pot of tea. Tang Song angrily put the teacup in his hand on the table, glared at Thor and scolded:
"Mountain pigs can't eat fine chaff, so you've ruined all my tea!"

The slovenly God of Thunder was licking his fat face at the moment, holding up the tea cup in his hand, and motioning to the maid on the side to fill the cup. He was not at all intimidated by Tang Song's attitude, and muttered: "You just Didn't you invite us to taste the new tea for you? Now you can't bear to part with it, you are stingy and you are still generous!"

"What did you say!"

Tang Song was so angry at this lazy thing that he wanted to beat him up. Before Odin fell into eternal sleep, he recognized this cheap son. From Hela's point of view, this guy was also his brother-in-law.

Perhaps because she appreciates his strength, Hela's relationship with this cheap brother is actually much better than that of her biological brother.
It was precisely because of Hela's relationship that this fatter version of his brother-in-law was able to eat and drink in his manor on the island in the middle of the lake, ruining his wine cellar collection.

After all, compared with several other women, Hela is one of the few women who is more ambitious. She is still in hell, commanding an army to fight for his territory...
Therefore, the Tang and Song Dynasties were somewhat accommodating to this lover and general. Because of this, Thor, this cheap brother-in-law, came to this universe more often than he went home. Of course, most of the reasons why he was so diligent were because he coveted his brother-in-law. Collection in the wine cellar.

"The people below just told me that you went to harm my wine cellar again!?"

"I just brought two bottles of wine as a gift. Didn't I come to the banquet? I can't come empty-handed! Then I won't be a freeloader!" After hearing what Tang Song said, Thor immediately defended.

As soon as Thor's words came out, everyone present, except for the drunken raccoon lying on the round table and sleeping soundly, including Bruce Wayne, Diana, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers, everyone They all looked at each other.

They don't seem to have any gifts
But no one told them in advance that if they came to fight the BOSS, they would have to prepare gifts!

Face-conscious Tony Stark saw Thor gulping down a few cups of tea. It seemed that the tea should be fine. He held the tea cup to hide his embarrassment and carefully looked at this strange and pungent smell. He took a sip of the blood-red tea cautiously.

The blood-red tea smells fishy in the mouth, but becomes extremely fragrant when it reaches the base of the tongue. A stream of heat slides down the esophagus, exploding in the abdomen like a bomb, and the refreshing fragrance pours out from the pores all over the body.

Tony Stark suddenly smelled a stink from his body. He looked down and saw that the suit he had just changed into was soaked with sweat.

The tight-fitting shirt was covered with gray-black sweat, and the shirt clung tightly to the body and was very uncomfortable.
However, after taking a sip of tea, Tony Stark felt the benefits of this tea. Although he was sweating profusely after drinking it, his body felt as if he had just finished a sauna and felt light all over.

Even the old wounds on his chest felt a faint numbness and itching. Tony Stark, who was familiar with some medical books, understood that those were some hidden wounds on his chest, and the previously damaged capillaries were healing.
"This tea?!" Tony Stark took another sip, and more gray-black sweat seeped out of his body, and a strong smell of sweat instantly spread throughout the room.

However, this smell was instantly covered by the fragrance of flowers in the room.
Looking at Tony Stark who seemed to have fallen into a mud puddle, Captain America Steve Rogers silently put the cup in his hand back on the table.

Even Diana and Bruce Wayne, who had taken a few sips of tea, both put down their cups.

Diana, in particular, was restless looking at Tony Stark who was covered in black and gray sweat. In order not to look like this, she began to secretly mobilize the divine power in her body to dissolve the heat brought by the tea in her body.

Ryan on the side quickly explained with a smile: "This kind of blood tea can strengthen the muscles and bones, cut hair and cleanse the marrow, so you need to taste it in small sips, so that it can be absorbed by the body. Once you drink too much, or if the body is not replenished, it will A situation like Mr. Stark appears!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark, it's not a bad thing. I'll have someone take you to change clothes!"



When they heard Ryan say that Tony Stark was too weak to make up for it, as if to prove themselves, Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers both picked up the tea in front of them and took a sip/
After a while, looking at the two people who were safe and sound, Tony Stark said: "."

At this moment, Tony Stark looked at Bruce Wayne with a hint of contempt in his eyes, but I saw that you held the tea in your mouth and swallowed it in two parts.

Bruce Wayne's eyes wandered, avoiding Tony Stark's gaze.

Tony Stark, led by the maid, went to a side hall next door to change clothes.

Bruce Wayne looked left and right, and met Tang Song's half-smiling gaze. Apparently, this man also noticed his little move.

Young Wayne, who took off his bat mask, would not admit that he was physically weak. Well, he admitted that the moment he drank the tea, his body felt like it was soaked in warm water.

The ultimate comfort, as if every cell in the body is trembling
He could feel that if he drank all the tea in one sip, he would definitely end up like Tony Stark.If we talk about fighting ability, Bruce Wayne can confidently say that he can fight ten, no, twenty Tony Stark when he takes off his suit.

But when it comes to physical fitness, the seemingly strong Bruce Wayne may not necessarily be much better than Tony Stark.

In addition to hanging out in various entertainment venues and drinking parties during the day, Bruce Wayne also transforms into Batman at night to fight crime in Gotham City.

Even a body made of iron cannot withstand such a long day and night, not to mention the injuries he suffered from those super villains. It can be said that no part of his body is intact.
If he hadn't relied on the strong financial resources of Wayne Industries and the state-of-the-art medical facilities in the Batcave, he would have died countless times!

Therefore, Bruce Wayne, who drank the tea, felt the benefits of the tea almost immediately. After he was seriously injured by Bane and healed, his spine felt the most intense itching.

Obviously, although his spine has recovered, there are still hidden injuries remaining.

Bruce Wayne picked up the tea cup and took another sip of tea. Holding the tea cup, he looked at the bright red tea in the cup.

As the head of the Wayne family, Bruce Wayne has naturally been exposed to oriental teas, but because of the taste, he does not like those light oriental teas.

Now faced with this kind of tea that can be called a magic potion, his first reaction was to use his cash ability to buy some of this tea from the Tang and Song Dynasties and take it back.

Bruce Wayne's eyes just fixed on Tang Song, and his body froze. Thinking that Clark didn't last more than a few seconds in the opponent's hands, he suddenly understood that his money-making ability might not be of use to him at all.

Sure enough, the next words of Tang and Song Dynasties verified this.

Tang Song took a sip of tea and saw that Diana was avoiding the tea in front of her without even touching it. She obviously didn't want to embarrass herself like Tony Stark.

He chuckled and said: "Diana, this blood tea can not only cut hair and cleanse marrow, but also nourish yin and nourish the skin, whiten the skin. If you drink it for a long time, it can delay aging!"
Don’t worry, with your physical condition, you can drink freely! "

As long as you are a female creature, whether you are a woman or a goddess, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the temptation of whitening your skin and delaying aging.

Even though the appearance of the goddess Diana has not changed in recent decades, what woman can refuse to make herself more beautiful!
After hearing that this tea could not only whiten the skin, but also delay aging, Diana was not reserved and directly picked up the tea and drank it.
"Brother-in-law, look, I have specially prepared a gift. Can you give me two kilograms of this tea! I want to bring some to Jane!"

Upon hearing that this tea could whiten the skin and delay aging, Thor couldn't sit still. He touched his head and said to Tang Song.

"Then I have to thank you for going to my wine cellar and bringing two bottles of wine to me!" Tang Song glared at him angrily.

Thor's face was very sincere and he said: "No need to thank you for this. If you really feel sorry for me, just give me two kilograms of tea!"

"Am I complimenting you?! You still have two kilograms of tea leaves. Do you know how rare this tea is!?"

"You, the Lord of the Nine Realms and the King of the Gods, can't be so stingy! Otherwise, I'll go find my sister, she should be there!" Thor muttered softly.

"Mr. Thor, it's not that the boss doesn't want to give it to you, it's just that this blood tea comes from the Hell Abyss. This artificially cultivated exotic tea tree needs to be irrigated with the blood of high-level demons every day to survive. There are currently only two trees in the entire Hell Abyss. The tea trees survive! The annual tea tree production is only two or three kilograms!"

After hearing what Ryan said, everyone realized how precious this tea was.

"It's okay if you want tea. I see that you have nothing to do all day long. Later, you can go to Hela to help. One hell king's heart will be exchanged for a pound of tea! What do you think? Is this a good deal?"

When he heard that he was going to Hela's place, Thor's face instantly turned bitter. He just said that he didn't want to go to Hela, that violent maniac. Hela in this universe was indeed nice to him, but every time they met, this was a bargain. My sister always beats me up like a punching bag, who can bear this?

"Forget it, I don't want any more tea!" Thor shook his head repeatedly.

Soon, Tony Stark, who had changed his clothes, returned to the flower hall. After everyone drank a cup of tea in the flower hall, two maids led the way and led Natasha and Barton into the flower hall.

When everyone arrived and looked at these uninvited guests, Tang Song nodded and smiled:
"Okay, now that everyone is here and the tea is almost drunk, let's discuss something serious.

First of all, I know why you are here. "

Tang Song said sincerely: "I have already explained to Mr. Stark that I have indeed not handled the quantum channel and Star-Lord matters clearly. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation on this matter!"

Except for Captain America, who had already learned the truth from Tony Stark, everyone else looked at Tony Stark, wanting to know what the two talked about.

Tony Stark rubbed his eyebrows awkwardly,

Bruce Wayne stood up directly at this moment, looking at Tang Song with sharp eyes:

"Mr. Tang, I don't care what deal you have. I want to know if you did the blood sacrifice that happened in Gotham, and what is your purpose?"

Tang Song took a deep look at Bruce Wayne, nodded directly and said: "Yes, I did do it. As a god, this is a divine battle between me and Darkseid! As for my purpose, As a god, it’s normal to want to preach in the multiverse!”

"God battle!"

As soon as this word came out, except for the melodious sound of the piano, there was a dead silence in the entire flower hall.
Except for Captain America and Tony Stark, who had already learned about Tang Song's identity from Thor, everyone else, including Wonder Woman Diana and Bruce Wayne, looked at Tang Song.

Although they had long guessed that Tang Song was an evil god, when he admitted it personally, the pressure of facing a god hit them.

Perhaps the only one with a different mentality among them was Diana. She looked at Tang Song, and a complex emotion arose in her heart as if she had seen someone of the same kind. (End of chapter)

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