On the vast lake in the center of Huanxiong Town, there is an island manor in the middle of the lake covering an area of ​​more than [-] acres.

The typical oriental garden style house has small bridges, flowing water, carved beams and painted buildings, rockeries and ponds, and large blue-gray roof tiles are arranged in an orderly manner, which is extremely elegant and quiet.

In a corridor of the Lake Island Manor with such an elegant landscape,

The three giants of the Avengers were having a fierce quarrel at this moment, and the two maids who were leading the way hid far away...
"We defeated Thanos, is it possible that he is more terrifying than Thanos!?" Tony Stark said angrily: "Just because he is your brother-in-law?!"

"Tony, I'm sorry!" Thor understood that Tony Stark was angry because of his concealment. As a comrade fighting side by side, he should not have deceived Tony in the first place.

In fact, when Steve, Tony, and Bruce Wayne had doubts about Tang Song, he wanted to stand up, explain everything clearly, and warn them not to provoke Tang Song.

But he knows Tony and the Avengers very well!

With Tony's pride, if he had chosen to tell the truth, tell Tony about the power of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and advise them not to provoke the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Tony will definitely not choose to retreat. The strength of the enemy will arouse his competitive spirit. Based on his understanding of Tony, Tony will definitely use all possible means to find out the intelligence of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and then create anti-Tang and Song armor.

With a human body, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods, this is the human world's praise for Tony, the Iron Man.

But no matter which mythology he is in, the God-Slayer will eventually meet his doom.

Tony is too proud, so proud that he is not afraid of anything. This is also what worries Thor. He knows that his cheap brother-in-law is not an open-minded person, and is even very petty!

Once he finds out that the Avengers are hiding in the dark and preparing to deal with him, what will happen to them will definitely not be a good end.

Rather than letting Tony and the others stab him behind his back, it would be better to put all this in the open and have room for relaxation.

The worst he can do is beg Hela shamelessly
As for whether the Avengers can defeat his cheap brother-in-law, he has never had this illusion from the beginning. Mephisto in hell, Jehovah in heaven, and Laufey in Jotunheim, their bones have not yet cooled down. .

So after hearing Tony Stark's question, Thor first expressed his apology to Tony for hiding him, then took a deep look at Tony and said calmly: "Thanos?! There is no Thanos in this universe anymore. !”

"What do you mean by this? This is a parallel universe different from ours. It is normal for Thanos not to exist!" Tony Stark was a little confused.

"There was Thanos in this universe at the beginning, but he was arrogant and wanted to invade the earth, so his fleet was destroyed and he himself disappeared!" Thor smiled bitterly at Tony and said: "The Thanos in this universe is comparable to ours The Thanos of that universe was much stronger, why do you think he disappeared?”

"Is it because of that Don?" Captain America Steve Rogers interjected from the sidelines: "Is he really that powerful!?"

"Captain, you should know that I have been in this universe for a while!" Thor did not directly answer Captain America's question.

"You said at the time that you wanted to protect Asgard in this universe and protect Asgard in this universe from Ragnarok. Even though we don't want you to interfere with the processes of other universes,

But Tony suggested, I hope you can use this matter to untie your knot! "

Although Captain America doesn't know why Thor wants to hide it from them, he understands Thor's character. The God of Thunder in Norse mythology is usually carefree and is not the kind of person who plots and betrays his teammates.

In his opinion, both Tony and Thor were the kind of comrades worthy of trusting his back.

As the captain and spiritual pillar of the Avengers, Steve Rogers tried his best to ease the conflict between Tony Stark and Thor.

This was the first time Thor heard Captain America's words. He subconsciously looked at Tony Stark, but Tony Stark turned his face away.

Thor looked at this arrogant guy, his eyes flashed with emotion. After a moment, he continued to explain: "I wanted to save Asgard at the beginning, but I didn't expect someone to be one step faster than me. He was defeated. The conspiracy of the dark elves saved the magic goddess of this universe,"

Seeing the confused expressions of Captain America and Tony, Thor immediately understood that he did not know who the goddess of magic was. He explained: "The goddess of magic is the mother of the God of Thunder in this universe, and she is also my mother. In our universe, She died in the hands of Malekith to protect Jane!"

When Thor mentioned his mother, his expression was somewhat sentimental. Captain America stepped forward and patted his shoulder to express comfort.

Tony Stark stood not far from Thor. Although he did not step forward, his expression softened a lot.

"I'm fine. The God of Thunder in this universe is much luckier than me. Not only is my mother still alive, but Asgard has also escaped the fate of Ragnarok, and Loki is still alive!" Thor's sentimentality was mixed with a little envy. .

Although the Odin of this universe recognized his son before falling asleep, Thor knew that for this universe, he was just a passerby!
His family and his kingdom were all gone due to the wars!
Looking at the sentimental Thor, Captain America didn't know how to comfort him for a moment, so he could only continue to pat him on the shoulder.

For Captain America, his experience was miserable. He slept for 70 years, and when he woke up, everything around him changed. His family, friends, and even the world he was familiar with left him.

Everything around him was unfamiliar, and he could not find his own meaning and value. When he just woke up, he seemed to be a poor man outside the world, a superfluous existence to the world.

What's both pitiful and funny is that what really makes him identify with this world is his old rivals, Hydra.

The existence of Hydra, the existence of those evil forces, allowed him to find his own meaning and value, defeat them, defeat them, and protect what he wanted to protect, just like 70 years ago.

Tony Stark on the side was not exempt from this, and also fell into sadness. When he was young, he always thought that his parents died in an accidental car accident. Later he learned that his parents died at the hands of the brainwashed Winter Soldier. inside.

Every time he recalled the quarrel with his father when he went out, Tony Stark would always fall into unspeakable regret.

If he hadn't been so willful at first.
The three Avengers, who were all orphans, fell into silence, and the atmosphere was somewhat sad.

In the end, Thor broke the awkward atmosphere...
"My sister is very strong, much stronger than the Hela in our universe. Even now I am not sure of defeating her. The Dark Elf King Malekith is not weak either. My brother-in-law is also strong. Far surpass them!!"

"We also have Superman, Wonder Woman, and our Avengers, we may not lose to him!" Tony Stark naturally understands how strong Thor is, and he who holds the Storm Ax is the whole revenge The first combat power among the soldiers.

Even the Hulk is a little inferior to him. Well, as for the current Dr. Banner, he has been thrown out of the streets.

As for himself, wearing the anti-Thor armor, he might be able to fight Thor at a [-]-[-] level.
Tony Stark calculated Tang and Song's strength and was secretly surprised, but he still kept his mouth shut. "Superman Clark, do you think he can defeat God Jehovah? Wonder Woman, can she defeat Lucifer, the King of Hell?"

Thor looked at Tony and Captain America who were silent when asked, recalling the war between heaven and nine realms, and the bloody battle in hell in his mind. Thor sighed and smiled bitterly: "But he can, he now He is the master of the nine realms, the ruler of heaven, and even the most ferocious demons of hell prostrate themselves at his feet!!"

"We have no chance of defeating him, Tony!"

Thor's words undoubtedly shocked Tony Stark and the American team. Steve Rogers, who was in shock, even forgot his 10-minute order to assemble.

At this time, on a lawn of the Lake Island Manor, Natasha and Barton were hiding among the stems and leaves of a grass, looking at each other.

After seeing the dispute between several people ended, the two maids came over and led them to the banquet hall.

Thor, Little Raccoon Rocket, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers followed them and wandered around the manor for a long time before arriving at a small courtyard.

The length and width of this courtyard are only about ten meters, but after the layout of expert craftsmen, a small flower hall is surrounded by a large bamboo forest and a chain of rockeries. Large vines cover most of the flower hall.

A clear spring flowed out from the flower hall, circled around the flower hall, and then flowed out from a rockery. The entire flower hall seemed to be on a lake.

I don’t know what kind of wisteria in the yard it is, and I don’t see it blooming. It just bears countless mung bean-sized fruits, and there is a faint fragrance coming from the face, which is really pleasant.

There is an exquisite pavilion next to the flower hall. There is a clear water in front of the pavilion, and several pairs of black and white koi are kept in it. When a few people walked into the flower hall, several black and white koi raised their heads from the water and vomited at the people. Bubbles arose.

The two maids brought several people to the door of the flower hall and left——

Thor opened the door and walked in with a familiar face, and Tony Stark and others followed him into the flower hall.

The layout of the flower hall is very simple, with several oriental freehand paintings of flowers, birds, insects and fish hanging on the surrounding walls, and a simple bronze long sword hanging on one wall.

In the corner near the window, a screen was pulled up. Behind the screen, the shadow of a woman wearing an ancient oriental skirt was playing the guqin.

The sound of the piano echoed in the flower hall, and the flower hall was filled with an ethereal charm.

In the middle of the flower hall, there are several round tables made of red sandalwood.
The first time Tony Stark walked into the flower hall, his eyes were fixed on Tang Song, who was sitting in the first place.

At this time, Tang Song changed into casual clothes, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a smile on his face, as if he was introducing something to the people next to him, and hearty laughter burst out from his mouth from time to time.

Tony Stark has not recovered from the shock just now. If Thor hadn't told him, he would never have thought that the handsome and elegant man in front of him turned out to be a god, and even God was worshiped by him. Killed!

Although he does not believe in God, living in the Federation, most people around Tony Stark are believers in God. Under the influence of familiarity, Tony Stark maintains a little fear of God.

After learning that the man in front of him killed God and replaced him, Tony Stark even felt a sense of collapse of faith in his heart.

The same is true for Captain America next to him. If the man in front of him has replaced God's priesthood, can it be said that the man in front of him is now God?

So what is the meaning of their actions, killing God?

Ridiculous and overwhelmed, this is how Steve Rogers truly feels.

At this time, everyone who was gathering in the flower hall to enjoy tea also noticed the visitors in the flower hall, and all turned back to look at Thor and the others.

But the expressions on everyone's faces were different. Bruce Wayne and Diana were obviously relieved when they saw Tony Stark appear.

However, when the two saw the figures of Steve Rogers, Thor and the little raccoon Rocket, an unexpected expression flashed across their faces.

After seeing Boss Tang's inhuman strength, the two of them understood that the so-called infiltration plan formulated by Steve Rogers was impossible to succeed.

"Come here, bring us four more tea sets!"

When Tang Song saw Thor and others coming in, he smiled slightly and greeted in a friendly voice:
"You guys came just in time! I just received some new tea, and you guys are just in time to help taste it and see how it tastes!"

After Thor and others sat down, several maids carefully walked in carrying several tea sets.

When the tea in the purple clay pot was brewed into the teacup, looking at the tea in the teacup that was as red as blood and accompanied by the smell of blood, as if it was tea from hell, Tony Stark and Captain America looked at Tang Song in astonishment. His eyes were full of doubts.

Are you sure this thing is drinkable?

However, Tang Song directly picked up the tea cup in front of him and gestured to a few people, and took a sip directly.

Then he looked at the two of them with a playful expression.

Tony Stark looked at Bruce Wayne opposite. At this time, the Batman was drinking this oriental drink from a tea cup, seemingly not caring about the bright red color of the tea in the cup.

Not only Bruce Wayne, but also Wonder Woman Diana on the side is holding a cup of tea in her hand, and her expression is actually enjoying it.

Tony Stark had been observing the two of them since they entered the flower hall, and there was no sign that they were being controlled. So, he picked up the tea cup in front of him and was about to drink it in one gulp with a frown on his face.


Thor on the side directly picked up the teacup in front of him and drank the tea in one gulp.

To Thor's surprise, the tea, which was originally difficult to drink, smelled fragrant in the mouth, and after taking it, a wave of heat instantly rose up from his belly and spread to all parts of his body.

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