"Beelzebub, I have been sleeping for too long. I don't recognize many little guys. Judging from this guy's aura, he is also an abyss lord. Newcomer?"

"I recognize him. This unfortunate guy is the lava lord of the three hundred and fifty levels of lava hell!"

"Lava hell, that kind of ghost place, only those lava demons and fire elemental creatures can survive in it.

However, in the lava hell, these fire elemental lava demons can exert [-]% of their strength, and with the blessing of abyss consciousness, even I dare not say that they can definitely defeat this lava lord. It seems that our The goddess of death is so terrifyingly powerful! "

The old devil dragon and Beelzebub stood in the corner and looked furtively at Hela and the bloody cocoon on the grass.

"Doctor! You know her!"

There was such a big movement here, which also attracted the Avengers and the Justice League, and they gathered together.
  Natasha Romanoff looked at Dr. Banner. She was keenly aware that Dr. Banner's body shivered violently when he saw the woman in a dark green dress walking out of the space door, so she asked curiously. .

Dr. Banner smiled bitterly and explained: "I have been to Asgard once, the time Asgard was destroyed. She was Thor's sister, Hela, the goddess of death!"

Death Goddess Hela!

Everyone in the Avengers watched Hela's expression change instantly. As Thor's friends, they naturally knew the reason for the destruction of Asgard.

Thor did not hesitate to release Surtur, the fire giant predicted to destroy Asgard.
  In the end, the goddess of death was defeated at the cost of the destruction of Asgard, which shows how powerful she is...
  "Is this the goddess of death? Did I read it correctly just now? It was a demon thrown out by her?"

Looking at the blood cocoon flashing with strange blood, Tony Stark felt a little itchy. He wanted to collect some demon specimens for scientific research.

In the past, it was easy to say that even if the enemies he encountered were as powerful as Thanos, they could still be explained by science! He can constantly upgrade his armor to deal with it.

But in recent times, as he continues to travel through the universe, the enemies he encounters are no longer limited to these super criminals and transformed people.

Demons, angels, and even gods now appear!

Although in Tony Stark's heart, whether they are demons or gods, they are just creatures that exist in another dimension.

They are just a group of powerful beings whose body structure is different from ordinary carbon-based life forms and who possess energy manipulation methods that humans do not understand.

Tony Stark is confident that as long as he is given enough samples and time, he will be able to study the weaknesses of these demons and even gods.

However, this requires a lot of sample research. Tony Stark touched the dial on his left hand, and a drop of invisible silver liquid dripped onto the lawn.
  "John, can you recognize the origin of the demon just now?" Just as Tony Stark was doing his little trick, Bruce Wayne turned around and asked John Constantine in a low voice.

John Constantine barely opened his eyes, which were red and swollen after being stung by a bee, recalling the appearance of the devil just now,

Dark red flesh wings burning with flames, a strong body, the iconic goat hooves, and a horn wrapped in flames,
  "From the appearance and characteristics, it looks like a hellfire demon. From the breath, this is at least a real hell demon level guy!" Constantine put a cigarette in his mouth, lit the lighter, and the familiar nicotine The smell made him let out a long sigh of relief.

In the smoke, Constantine's red and swollen eyes looked at Bruce Wayne with a little guilt.

Yes, he deceived Bruce Wayne, just like he deceived his relatives and friends who trusted him but were sold to the devil by him.

Constantine knew very well how powerful the Demon God of Hell was. After all, he had offended more than one or two of these big guys.

Compared with the powerful Hell Demon, he is like a sardine being targeted next to a giant whale...
  The reason why he was able to survive being targeted by several giant whales at the same time was not only because of the bad relationship between those giant whales.

Another way is to rely on him to offer some small snacks and use other people's souls to ask for an extension in front of his creditors. This kind of thing has been done by Constantine more than once.

John Constantine firmly believes that the suffering of those friends and relatives in hell is only temporary. As the greatest black magician of this century, he will surely destroy all demons and devils and rescue their souls from hell!
  Of course, so does Bruce Wayne and a few unlucky guys!
  The powerful god in front of him took away three or four of his creditors in one go in that blood sacrifice. Just a woman beside him could easily kill a hell demon.
  He sensed that there was indeed something wrong with that document, but what could he do? Expose it on the spot. He didn't want to suffer the pain of his soul being imprisoned in a magic instrument and never seeing the light of day.

Thinking of the souls imprisoned on that set of Nine-Son Ghost Mother Sword, Constantine felt a chill in his heart.

"I can only wrong you, Bruce!"

Tang Song hugged Hela's waist and said, "Don't you always dislike this kind of occasion? That's why I didn't call you!"

Hela's white fingers touched Tang Song's cheek, and her red lips were close to Tang Song's ear. Her slightly hoarse and lazy voice seemed to melt into Tang Song's heart: "Compared to commanding the death army to kill those demons, Hela's Pleasure, I really don’t like this kind of banquet, but I miss you, the master!”

Although Boss Tang prides himself on being cheeky, he is really not very skilled at flirting with his lover in front of so many people.

Especially Hela, the royal sister and a very cold goddess, somehow, under his influence, she seemed to have awakened some great attribute.

"Sister Hela!"

"elder sister!"

Just when Hela's hand moved down Tang Song's cheek and her fingertips traced his chest,
  Skye, Wanda, Mariko, Selena, Little Naughty, and Ju Ziyun, all dressed in costumes, came over and greeted Hela one after another.

From the names that several people called Hela, we can see the status of this Asgard goddess in the harem of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Even Skye, who followed the earliest Tang and Song Dynasty, faced Hela, the goddess of death. As a sister.

Even the little witch Goo Ja Yoon had a sweet smile on her face when facing Hela.
  Of course, the reason why she is so well-behaved is purely because she was beaten by Hela.
  When Hela first became Boss Tang's lover, Goo Ziyun and Zheng Daen came forward to provoke him. If Tang and Song hadn't discovered it, the two of them would have been mummified by Hela using a death cannon.

Since then, Gu Ziyun has been well-behaved in front of Hela for a while. Later, as the strength of Tang and Song Dynasties improved, the strength of several women who had sex with him also improved significantly.

Gu Ziyun, who had practiced "Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Ying Yuan Tianshu", felt that his strength had greatly improved, so he provoked Hela several times——

This time, Hela, who had mastered "Blood Nerve", directly allowed her to experience the joy of pricking acupuncture points with gold needles and calcining with magic fire. From then on, Ju Ziyun became completely obedient in front of Hela.

"Sister Hela, do you want to change your clothes?"

Seeing Skye and the others approaching, Hela loosened her arm around Tang Song's neck. Faced with Skye's suggestion, she smiled and said, "No need to change clothes. Isn't my suit beautiful?" "

"I have something to do here! I will leave after handling it. I will not attend this banquet!" Hela touched Skye's face. She raised her head, and her gentle eyes instantly returned to the original coldness of the goddess of death, her eyes dead. It was nailed to the Thor's Hammer in Clark's hand.

"It was you who summoned Thor's hammer!"

Clark frowned, looked at Hela, then looked at Mjolnir in his hand, and said coldly: "It's not me!"

"Oh?" Hela walked slowly towards Clark and said with cold eyes: "Then why is this hammer in your hand!"

"This hammer was thrown to me by others, not snatched by me!" Clark stared at Hela without fear. Even though the way Hela appeared shocked him, as Superman, Clark didn't know anything. It's called withdrawal. "Really?" Hela looked at the Thor's Hammer held by Clark. As the holder of the first-generation Thor's Hammer, she knew the hammer better than Thor.

The man in front of him was actually recognized by Thor's Hammer through the protective magic circle that Odin had placed on the hammer. This undoubtedly aroused Hela's interest.

Noticing the familiar look flashing in Hela's eyes, a certain fat boy skillfully shrank his body into the crowd. Whenever this cheap sister showed this expression, he would inevitably beat her up.

It's all because of the wine. He drank too much for a while. How could he forget that Thor, the God of Thunder in this universe, is now with this cheap sister. If he summons Thor's hammer, she will definitely find it.

"Bring it!"

Hela is not an unreasonable person. Although she wants the man in front of her to understand that not everyone is qualified to pick up Thor's hammer, she understands that this is the Tang Manor, and the man in front of her is obviously invited by the Tang and Song Dynasties. guests

Based on her knowledge of the Tang and Song dynasties, once she disrupts this banquet, then...
  Hela thought of the punishments meted out to her in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and recalled the coldness of the jade-paved ground touching her knees in the Daluotian Lingxiao Palace. For some reason, Hela suddenly felt the urge to give it a try.

"Ahem!" A cough sounded from behind Hela at the right time, suppressing Hela's inner restlessness.

With a cold face, she opened her palm directly towards Clark and asked for Mjolnir.

Clark did not hand the hammer back to her immediately, but looked at Thor huddled in the corner.

Hela followed Clark's line of sight. The old demon dragon and Beelzebub who were blocking Thor's face faced the gazes of the goddess of death and the god of humanity. They moved aside in tacit agreement, revealing the man holding a holder. The figure holding the golden cup.

"Sister! Long time no see!" Thor met Hela's cold eyes, squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and raised his hand to greet her.

Hela snorted coldly: "I'll settle the score with you later!" Then she looked at Clark: "Do you know who the owner of this hammer is now?"

This time, without waiting for Clark to respond, Hela held her palm. Clark felt a huge pulling force coming from Mjolnir in his hand, trying to break free from his hand.

Clark subconsciously tightened his grip on the hammer handle, but he quickly reacted, let go, and let the hammer fly away.

Thor's hammer shot out of the air, its body surrounded by wisps of lightning, and landed in Hela's hand.

Hela held the handle of Thor's hammer in her right hand, and drew the hammer in front of herself. A space door with sparks flying immediately opened in front of her.

Everyone looked through the space door to the opposite side, and saw a sea of ​​magma and fire on the opposite side, and flames seemed to be floating in the air.

In the sea of ​​lava and fire, a strong man wearing golden armor and a red cloak on his back was leading thousands of berserkers wearing horned helmets to fight with thousands of lava demons and fire giants...
  Behind them, a thin, long-haired man wearing a crown was directing hundreds of Frost Giants to cast spells.
  Hundreds of bloated magic airships in the sky, guarded by tens of thousands of steel soldiers, kept spraying liquid nitrogen gas downwards.
  Extremely cold liquid nitrogen is thrown into the air at hundreds of degrees, making the air explode and crackle.
  With the blessing of a steady stream of liquid nitrogen, hundreds of frost giant wizards worked together to cast spells. Large swaths of frost spread under their feet, freezing the originally boiling lava river. .

Loki, the King of Jotunheim, waved his scepter. Behind him, more than a thousand Frost Giants who had slumped under the high temperature instantly cheered up. This group of Frost Giants, fully armed and heavily armored, waved weapons produced in the Valley of Heavenly Soldiers. The magic weapons were used to kill the lava monsters and lava demons.

"Happy! Roar!"

Thor, the powerful God of Thunder, held the spear he picked up in his hand and plunged the gun into the head of a ten-meter-long salamander that was covered in lava. He put his foot on the lizard's head and felt the surrounding temperature drop. He let out a roar of comfort and stepped down hard.
  He trampled the lava lizard demon's head to pieces. Under the astonished gazes of everyone on the other side of the space gate, he squatted down.
  Taking the spear in his hand, he stabbed the lava lizard's body a few times, then grabbed the lava demon's skin with his bare hands and took out his almost crystallized heart.

"Hey, it's great!" After swallowing, Thor swallowed the demon's heart in one gulp.

Opposite the space door, everyone who saw this scene took a breath at the same time. Dr. Banner couldn't help but swallowed when he saw the fist-sized heart crystal being stuffed into his mouth by Thor.

What has happened to Thor in this universe? !
  "This broken gun is still not as useful as my hammer!"

After Thor swallowed the lava demon's heart, he burped, pulled out the spear inserted into the lava demon's body, and looked at the curved spear head with disgust on his face.

At this moment, a bolt of thunder exploded in the lava abyss. Thor looked up and saw the lightning flashing above his head. He excitedly raised his right hand and called:


The lightning that cut through the abyss of lava struck him instantly, fell into his hands, and turned into a short-handled square hammer!
  Hela threw Thor's hammer back to Thor, then closed the space door directly, walked to the blood cocoon that was four to five meters long, and a line of blood light shot out from behind her and disappeared into the blood cocoon.
  The bulging blood cocoon shriveled up instantly after the blood light submerged. As a blood shadow reappeared behind Hela, calm returned to the lawn.
  "It seems that Thor has been well trained in hell in the past two years!"

Hela, surrounded by Skye and others, went to the banquet hall to admire the jewelry, gorgeous clothes, skirts, and bags they selected.
  Tang Song took the champagne glass from Ryan's hand, took a sip, looked at the crowd at the banquet and said,

At this banquet, except for the Justice League and the Avengers, there were no outsiders. They were all high-level officials of the Tang Corporation, or superpowers like Magneto who had a close relationship with the Tang Corporation, including Black Bolt from the Inhumans. The king, the two deputy speakers of the Dark Council, the chief judge of the new Holy See and the two red archbishops are all his own.

Either they possess extremely strong extraordinary strength, or they have some understanding of the true strength of the Tang Group. Therefore, even though the scene Hela just performed was indeed shocking, it did not have much impact.

At most, it would give this private banquet a little more talk.

Compared with the calmness of the Tang Group's own people, the Justice League and the Avengers are not calm.

"Mr. Tang! If you hire us as agents, these are not the demons we will face in the future, right?"

Tony Stark stroked the watch dial on his wrist distressedly. Just now, the tens of thousands of nanorobots where he dropped them lost contact again.

After exchanging opinions with Captain America, Bruce Wayne and others, they went directly to Tang Song and explained their intention. Tony Stark went up and got straight to the point.

Tang Song handed the champagne glass to Ryan on the side, looked at the people who came forward to question and sighed: "You just saw it, what you usually maintain is the peace of the world, what I maintain is the safety of the entire universe, my My teacher, Master Gu Yi, once told me that with great power comes greater responsibility. Now that I bear the name of God, I cannot watch other universes being ravaged by demons!"

"But you are worried that if I launch a divine war, it will ignite the war to other universes. In this case, I can only leave the important task of destroying those demons to you. I hope you can rescue those poor people from those demons! "

Seeing Tang Song's high hopes, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Just as Captain America was about to speak, Tang Song raised his hand to interrupt him and looked at him suspiciously: "Are you afraid just after seeing the strength of those demons!?"

"You are superheroes. You must know that once the devil invades the real dimension, the disaster it will cause is no less than that of Thanos. If you are worried about Thanos in that parallel universe, don't worry. Your assistance that I was worried about before will be effective. Wait. I’ll help you deal with the matters in your universe, and then you can be my agent and maintain the dimensional peace of the multiverse for me!”

As he spoke, Tang Song turned back to Ryan and said, "How are the preparations of the manpower I asked you to prepare?"

Ryan had been holding back his laughter, standing behind his boss, listening to him fooling several superheroes with nonsense. He was having a hard time holding back his laughter. After hearing what Tang Song said, he quickly said:
  "It's ready. In addition to the batch of alien equipment, I also temporarily mobilized two thousand giant spirit gods. As long as there is need, they can immediately go to the parallel universe to support!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Tang. We don't need the manpower. We have discussed it with Mr. Clark and he will help us deal with Thanos in the parallel universe!"

Captain America and Tony Stark looked at each other and quickly declined.

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