Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 437 The Autobots attack

Number 27 Transformers Universe

Hoover Dam on the federal, Nevada and Arizona border.

"The location of the fire source has been located!"

A radio message was transmitted from the Hoover Dam via a special encrypted message stream,
  "I am Starscream, all Decepticons are assembled!" At a federal air base three hundred miles away from the Hoover Dam, a federal pilot was preparing to take off. Suddenly, his plane's instrument panel trembled, and there was a sound in the cabin. A trembling metallic sound echoed.

Before he could realize what was going on, the F-15 supersonic fighter turned on its autopilot mode and skidded off the runway.
  At the same time, on the interstate highway leading to the Hoover Dam, an unmanned police car was racing towards the Hoover Dam at a speed of [-] miles per hour.

"Barricades on the road!" The voice in the car stereo was equally cold.

After receiving the order, a tank directly broke through the barbed wire fence of the military camp and drove onto the road, also targeting the Hoover Dam.

"The Bone Crusher Demon has set off!"

"Dazzled to go, long live Megatron!"

At the same time, a federal armed helicopter also changed its flight path and flew in the direction of the Hoover Dam.
  "Noisy entry!"

After the Decepticons here got the coordinates of the fire source, they rushed to the Hoover Dam. On the interstate highway, a convoy headed by a Peterbilt 389 truck was also heading towards the Hoover Dam. Drive away.

But what neither the Decepticons nor the Autobots expected was that the unlimited radio waves emitted by the little Decepticons were captured by another group of people in addition to the Decepticon members.

Upstream of the Hoover Dam, several small herbivorous beasts carefully ran through a forest grassland and quickly rushed to the Colorado River. Except for a small deer-like beast standing guard around, the other deer were content. Drink water and rest by the river.

Suddenly the deer's ears moved, it looked towards the sky, and made a bleating sound from its mouth.
  The herd of deer drinking water suddenly went into chaos. Several deer fled in all directions. One deer plunged into the river in a panic and struggled desperately to be carried downstream by the rushing river.

A moment later, a dozen special service soldiers wearing black mecha-shaped Ant-Man suits descended from the sky. They patrolled carefully for a while. A special service security soldier who was obviously leading the team opened his face shield and removed it from his wrist. A light screen appeared on the personal assistant's computer and he ordered in a low voice:
  "The radio lock position is at the dam ahead, everyone quickly replenishes their energy, and then we will raid here directly!
  Everyone should be careful. According to the information provided by the company when we came, the fire source can activate electrical equipment into silicon-based life. In order to prevent accidents from the giant spirit god's armor, everyone took off their armor and only took the necessary firearms. The materials are all reduced in size and put into storage capsules! "

After hearing the order, members of the field team of the Tang Group's security company from the parallel universe took off their mechas one after another. They used the power of Pym particles to shrink their mechas and put them into their portable capsule necklaces, leaving only one Wearing a semi-tight and streamlined symbiote suit and a set of individual energy weapons,
  A group of soldiers found a hidden jungle nearby and chewed energy bars to replenish their physical strength.

The two team commanders who led the team directly found a nearby big tree, jumped onto the treetop, and chewed a piece of high-calorie individual soldier rations.

At the same time, he controlled the reconnaissance drone to fly in the direction of the Hoover Dam to detect the firepower of the Hoover Dam.

"Hahaha, there is only one battalion stationed with strengthened numbers and firepower. It seems that this mission is not difficult!"

The leading team commander used a drone loaded with infrared equipment to find out the fire layout outside the Hoover Dam, and based on the barracks facilities, deduced the number of US troops stationed here.

If you look closely, you will see that the security of the US military around the Hoover Dam is not strict. All military facilities seem to be scattered around the dam in a messy manner. However, if you look closely, you will see that these seemingly messy camps actually seal the area around the dam. If someone invades any corner of the house, no matter which direction he comes from, he will be hit head-on.

It was just a reinforced battalion's firepower configuration, but the drone captured at least eight or nine tanks and a dozen combat vehicles.
  This is not to mention the security force inside the dam. In the interior areas of the alliance, such terrifying firepower is enough to make those terrorists retreat.

The team commander just whistled softly and said with a smile: "It's an easy mission. I'm only a little short of contribution points to be promoted to the rank of major. In this case, I'm not welcome!"

Originating from the ethos of Kane's special forces soldiers, the Tang Group's armed forces are the same as those of the regular army. They also implement the military rank classification system, and officers at each level are treated differently.

At the same time, on the exchange list within the Tang Group, some things can only be unlocked after reaching a certain military rank.

This can also be regarded as a promotion mechanism and incentive method within the Tang Group.

"How did you do that, you beast? I need at least two more missions to get enough military merit!" The commander of the special service team next to him stretched out his fist and punched his shoulder, saying enviously.

"I just took on a few more alien stability maintenance missions than you!" the team commander said proudly.

"I heard that the rank of major can be exchanged for an opportunity for the boss to personally create a training method," the commander of the team next to him looked at his companions with envy.

The team commander chewed the individual soldier rations with satisfaction and smiled happily: "Otherwise, why do you think I am working so hard?!"

"Don't be envious. In two more missions, you can be promoted to the rank of major. Our two giant squads bully a small US military reinforcement battalion. This mission is just like a trip.
  George, they're coming! ! "

The team commander suddenly jumped up and maximized the drone light screen image in front of him.

I saw the Hoover Dam five kilometers away. An F-15 supersonic fighter suddenly dived at a low altitude and aimed at the US military stationed at the bridgehead with two Hellfire missiles——


In the two violent explosions, seven or eight American troops on duty at the bridge were directly reduced to ashes in the flames.

The plane dived to the water, then smoothly flew under the bridge close to the water. The entire fuselage suddenly jumped and turned into a giant robot seven or eight meters high. It raised its arms and headed towards the power supply building complex in the distance. Missiles are fired.

boom boom boom boom-

The water conservancy and power supply facility at Hoover Dam was instantly blown up, sending up thick smoke and large sparks.
  Almost at the same time that the power supply facilities were destroyed, there were problems with the voltage inside the dam.

"What's going on?" The person in charge of the base, who was accompanying the current Minister of Defense to inspect the federal top secrets, was also startled by the sudden explosion and quickly asked the subordinates in uniform beside him.

The subordinates were also a little confused, but the base's alarm quickly answered this question for him.

There is no doubt that this most secretive base in the Federation is being invaded.

"Sir, the power supply facility has been damaged, and there is a problem with the ice sealing device of MB1!"

"Then activate the backup power supply. There must be no problems with MB1!" The person in charge of the base became anxious when he heard his subordinate's words. No one knew the importance of MB1 better than him.

It can be said that the current automobile, energy, and chip industries of the Federation are all based on the reverse derivation of MB1. If there is a problem with MB1, it can be said that it will be a heavy blow to the entire Federation.

"Sir, the backup power supply is not enough to support the ice equipment!"

"Then mobilize all the manpower to go to the cabin where MB1 is located. There must be no problem with it!"

At this time, the person in charge of the base could no longer care about the Minister of Defense who was standing aside. He was holding a walkie-talkie and frantically mobilizing his personnel.

A young man wearing a denim jacket who was incompatible with the surrounding environment listened to the sound of bombing outside the dam and whispered to the female companion beside him: "It should be the Decepticons who discovered this place. They came for the source of the fire." of!"

"Decepticons! Boy, do you know who the invaders are?" The Minister of Defense noticed the whispers of the two young men and secretly took two steps towards them. Overhearing their conversation, his expression suddenly became serious. got up.

The young man named Sam nodded and said: "If I guessed correctly, the people outside are all members of the Decepticons. Their purpose of coming here is to rescue their leader Megatron, who you call MB1, and the source of fire is also here. Once they get it, the entire earth will be in trouble!"

"Do you have any good suggestions, boy!" It's funny to say that Keller, as the federal secretary of defense, had no idea that there was such a secret agency under the Hoover Dam. This also led to him being in a difficult position after the incident. A state of confusion.

He looked at the young man in front of him who was involved in this dispute. With the keen intuition of a politician, he realized that this young man in front of him might be the key to breaking the situation.

At least compared to the person in charge of the base, who was as messy as a headless fly, he seemed to know some inside information.

"We need to hold on. Firstly, we can't let Megatron wake up from the ice, and secondly, we can't let the Decepticons get the source of fire. As long as Optimus Prime and the others arrive, we will win!"

"Optimus Prime, that's the group of Autobots you mentioned who love humanity. Are they reliable?" The Minister of Defense looked a little nervous as he listened to the sound of artillery fire getting closer and closer to his ears.

"Mr. Minister, believe me, Optimus Prime and the others are good people. They are different from the Decepticons. They have always stood on the side of mankind!" Sam tried his best to tell the Minister of Defense in front of him that his friends were just. .

At this time, the person in charge of the base hurried over with an ugly expression: "Mr. Minister, the base's communication system has been destroyed. We won't be able to wait for reinforcements in a short time!"

The Minister of Defense glanced at the person in charge of the base with disappointment, then put an encouraging smile on his face and looked at Sam: "Boy, what do you think we should do now, I need your opinion!"

Sam was somewhat nervous, not only because of the roar of artillery fire outside, but also because his next opinion might be related to the safety of the entire human race.

Every man does not have a heroic dream of saving the world, but when this moment actually came, Sam felt his mouth was dry, and faced with the hope of the Minister of Defense, he was speechless for a moment.

The female companion next to him noticed Sam's nervousness and reached out to hold his palm. After being comforted by his girlfriend, Sam calmed down and gave his advice.

"We should release Bumblebee now. He is an Autobot. He must know more about the source of the fire and the group of Decepticons outside than we do."

"No, that's our trophy, you have no right to make a decision!" After hearing Sam's words, the person in charge of the base directly rejected his proposal.

"Since you don't agree, tell me, do you have any good opinions?" The Minister of Defense glared at the person in charge of the base, looked at Sansan's silence, and directly reprimanded: "If you can't think of a solution, just shut up. , now I take over the base, do as he said, first unblock the robot called Bumblebee, and everyone in the base who can hold a gun should enter the combat position!"

"Yes, sir!" The adjutant on the side saluted and accepted the order without waiting for the person in charge of the base to speak, and then ran to convey the order.

At this time, outside the Hoover Dam, the US military reinforced battalion guarding the dam was attacked by several Decepticon Transformers. They suffered heavy casualties in almost a single encounter.

These are as short as five or six meters, and as tall as Transformers like the Bone Breaker, which are eight or nine meters tall. Not only are their entire bodies made of hard metal, but the US military's standard weapons, with the exception of tanks, are completely insensitive to these silicon-based steel and iron bones. Life can do no harm.

The tanks' armor-piercing bullets are the only weapons in the hands of these soldiers that can cause damage to these Decepticons. However, with the flexibility of these Decepticons, the tank's muzzle movement speed cannot lock them at all.

On the contrary, the heavy firepower of these Decepticons easily destroyed tanks and chariots.
  Often when these Decepticons launch missiles, the heavy, indestructible tanks turn into metal coffins in the fire.

Under the fierce offensive of these Decepticons, the US military retreated again and again, retreating to the entrance of the base in the blink of an eye.

Just as the Decepticons and the US military were engaged in a fierce battle, in a dense forest near the dam, two special service teams from Tang's Security Company had arrived near the Hoover Dam.

Looking at the Decepticons from a distance, they launched a fierce artillery attack on the Hoover Dam.

These soldiers are all wearing symbiote suits. This specially made suit can release dozens of meters of slime-like tentacles during action, grabbing distant tree trunks, making these soldiers like monkeys in the primeval forest, wandering in the jungle. Move like the wind.

Four soldiers carried several heavy energy cannons with a diameter of [-] millimeters, aiming at the Decepticons wreaking havoc on the bridge from a distance. As long as the commander gave an order, they could immediately blow the target into a pile of scrap metal.

"Do you want to do it now?" "Wait a while, the snipe and the clam are fighting over each other, and the fishermen will get the advantage, and wait until they both lose out!"

In the Hoover Dam, the awakened Bumblebee also realized the importance of the problem when it learned that Megatron would wake up at any time and that the Decepticons outside were attacking the base.

The source of fire must not fall into the hands of the Decepticons, otherwise the entire earth will usher in a catastrophe.

So it didn't care to settle accounts with the humans who captured it, and walked directly to the fire source that was four or five stories high. Holding the fire source with both hands, along with a current flowing across the surface of the fire source, a huge The Fire Source Rubik's Cube began to rapidly deform amid a burst of sparks, and finally turned into a Rubik's Cube with a diameter of only half a meter. Judging from its appearance, it was somewhat similar to the Mother Box that Boss Tang brought back from the DC Universe.

"Sam, take the source of fire to Optimus Prime and the others, and I'll lure away the Decepticons outside!"

As Bumblebee handed the fire source in his hand to Sam, a burst of movie synthesized sound rang out from his stereo. After saying this, Bumblebee strode directly towards the outside of the base.

"Minister, what should we do now?" Sam held the fire source and looked at the Minister of Defense with some confusion.

The Minister of Defense glanced at Bumblebee's retreating back, and finally chose to believe this robot that expressed goodwill. He turned to an officer on the side and ordered: "Captain William, take your people and cover Sam to leave the base. , send him to a safe place, this is an order!"

Captain William saluted the Minister of Defense: "Yes, sir!"

"The rest of the people come with me to protect the guy named Megatron and prepare explosives. Once he shows signs of waking up, blow him up!" The Minister of Defense yelled at the others.

"Bumblebee! Damn the Autobots, you betrayed Cybertron!"

Bumblebee jumped out of the dam base and blew up a Decepticon with a grenade while it was not paying attention.

The unlucky roadblock rolled on the ground for more than ten times before he stabilized his figure. He looked up and saw the figure of Bumblebee. The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw it. It turned over and rushed towards Bumblebee.

The Hornet alternately attacked with grenades and heavy firepower, while relying on its flexible movement to contain the roadblocks.

However, several other Decepticons who quickly reacted also rushed towards Bumblebee.

Bumblebee was instantly at a disadvantage
  "Bumblebee, where is Optimus Prime? It seems your leader has abandoned you!"

Starscream took advantage of the Bone Crusher to suppress Bumblebee, sneaked around behind Bumblebee, and blasted an energy cannon directly into Bumblebee's back, directly injuring it severely.

Bumblebee spun with one arm, turned over and leaned against the bridge, and fired the energy cannon at Starscream.

However, Starscream is so cunning. As soon as he succeeded in the sneak attack, he quickly left his original position, and Bumblebee's attack failed directly.
  Starscream looked at his old rival, a human smile on his mechanical face, taunting Bumblebee from afar.

"No, why are you here!"

In terms of combat power, Starscream is not considered high among all Transformers, but it is one of the few intelligent Transformers. After taunting Bumblebee, he immediately realized something was wrong. Bumblebee seemed to be Come out of the human base.

"Noisy, deal with it!" After realizing there was a problem, Bumblebee gave an order to a Transformer, then transformed into a fighter jet and soared into the sky.
  After Starscream quickly swooped around the dam, he spotted a convoy leaving the side entrance of the dam.

"The source of fire has left the base and locked the target location. All Decepticons will attack to recapture the source of fire!"

At the main entrance of the dam base, when Noisy was about to step forward to deal with the Hornet, the human soldiers in the base used the last tank to continuously shoot armor-piercing bullets at him, interrupting his movements.

Noisy turned around and raised his arm. The heavy machine gun on his arm kept firing at the human base. When the Bone Crusher Demon, Roadblock and others were preparing to continue attacking the human base, they received orders from Starscream at the same time.

Several Decepticons gave up their attacks almost at the same time, transformed into various vehicles, and chased towards the coordinates sent by Starscream.

The special service soldiers of Tang's Security Company who were watching the battle from a distance also received this wireless message, "Did you hear that? What we want is on that convoy. Rush up, tear these robots apart, and get back the fire." Source! This task can earn fifteen contribution points part-time!"


A dozen special service soldiers suddenly transformed into Tarzan and rushed towards the coordinates sent by Starscream. With the blessing of the symbiote suit, the charging speed of these special service soldiers was even faster than that of the Decepticons. point.

"Swish swish swish——"

Starscream transformed into an F-15 supersonic fighter jet and bit Sam's convoy. The dense rockets fired from the convoy, which was originally composed of more than a dozen Hummers and cars, instantly reduced most of its members.

Facing Starscream, who had air superiority, even if the soldiers in the convoy wanted to fight back, they couldn't.

While driving the car, Sam tried his best to avoid the rocket attack from behind and stepped on the accelerator.
  The feeling of being chased and beaten by a fighter plane was so exciting that it made his adrenaline surge. Once upon a time, he was still a Luther who had to sell his grandfather's belongings in order to buy a second-hand car, but now the fate of the entire earth is in his hands. In my hands, this exciting feeling is even more exciting than fucking Fake.

Pressing the accelerator to death and listening to the roar in his ears, Sam couldn't even hear his girlfriend's scream...
  He didn't know how long he drove until he saw a familiar convoy coming towards him. The leader was the truck painted with red and blue paint.

"Hey, Optimus Prime! I'm here with the AllSpark, and the Decepticons are after us!"

The truck leading the convoy also noticed Sam and Starscream hovering in the sky. Optimus Prime drifted and transformed directly into combat form. He raised his hand and fired an energy cannon at Starscream!
  When Starscream saw the Autobot convoy, he had already increased the distance. After seeing Optimus Prime transform, he turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

"Optimus Prime, the source of the fire, Bumblebee asked me to leave it to you!" Sam stopped the car, leaned against the window, and pointed to the back seat.

"The Decepticons will never give up. The source of fire remains with you, and we will protect you!" Optimus Prime waved his sword and looked in the direction of the Hoover Dam from a distance. It felt the awakening breath of its old enemy. .

"I can't," Sam said unconfidently after he calmed down and returned to his otaku nature.

Optimus Prime looked at Starscream returning from the sky, then looked down at Sam: "Bumblebee trusts you. You are a human being worth trusting. Believe in yourself, Sam!"

With that said, Optimus Prime strode forward and pounced on the approaching Decepticon army: "Autobots, attack!"

Optimus Prime is worthy of being the leader of the Autobots. He jumped into the Decepticons and almost single-handedly suppressed the most powerful Bonecrusher and Dizzy!
  Ironhide and other Autobots also found their opponents one after another and fought with a group of Decepticons/
  For a time, the entire highway was destroyed by more than a dozen steel behemoths.
  With Optimus Prime around, even though the Autobots were missing one Bumblebee, they still had the upper hand against the Decepticons until Megatron appeared.

Although Megatron, the leader of the Transformers like Optimus Prime, had been frozen for nearly a hundred years, as soon as it appeared, it cut off one of Jazz's arms and kicked the ambulance out.

If Optimus Prime hadn't rushed to resist it, Ironhide would have almost had his head blown off by it.

"Optimus Prime, you are still so stupid. Is it worth it for weak humans?"

Megatron, a Decepticon who was as big as Optimus Prime, waved the sharp blade of his right arm and collided with Optimus Prime's sword. Sparks flew everywhere, and the two started verbal attacks on each other.

Optimus Prime slashed open Megatron's arm that was stabbing at its energy core, raised his arm with his backhand, and blasted the energy cannon mercilessly into Megatron's head.

"Megatron, we have no right to choose for humans!"

"But don't forget that Cybertron is also your home planet. We can completely recreate the glory of Cybertron on this planet, as long as you hand over the source of fire to me!"

"By turning this place into Cybertron again, you are invading humanity's homeland!"

"Humans, those races as weak as insects, they are not worthy of occupying this beautiful planet. I will let them disappear from this planet like bedbugs."


Before Optimus Prime could refute Megatron, a thick blue beam suddenly struck from a distance. In the next second, half of Megatron's body disappeared, revealing half of his body with sparks sprouting from it!
  This sudden scene not only startled Optimus Prime, but even Megatron himself did not react. He lowered his head and looked at the missing half of his body, stared for a few seconds, and then said something to Optimus Prime. roar:

"Optimus Prime, you despicable guy!"

At this time, the Autobots and Decepticons who were fighting fiercely also stopped one after another. The Decepticons, Roadblock, Bonecrusher, Noisy, and Dizzy all moved closer to Megatron and protected the injured boss.

Starscream also moved closer to Megatron, but it seemed that his steps were much slower, and his red eyes kept spinning, as if he was planning something.

When Optimus Prime faced Megatron's questioning, he did not take advantage of it. Instead, he looked at the direction of the energy beam with a knife in his hand, and then he frowned.


Optimus Prime seemed to realize something, transformed into a truck form, and chased in the direction of Sam's motorcade.

Ironhide, Jazz and the other Autobots also transformed into car forms and chased after him.

Megatron looked at Optimus Prime's retreating back and realized that the person who had just attacked it was not an Autobot. "Don't worry about me. Go after Optimus Prime and get back the source of the fire!"

Megatron forced himself to stand up and gave orders to several of his subordinates. Forced by Megatron's prestige, several Decepticons such as Bonecrusher, Dizzy, and Noisy transformed and chased the Autobots in the direction they left. .

Only Megatron and Starscream were left at the scene.

Megatron sat down alone and locked his eyes with Starscream: "Starscream, do you want to disobey my order?"

The expression on Starscream's face was as rich as that of a human being, his eyes staring at the mutilated half of Megatron's body: "Megatron, I'm just worried about your body. If the attacker attacks again, I'm worried that you won't be able to fight back!"

One of Starscream's arms was hidden behind his back, click, and he quietly prepared to load a rocket in his arm.

"I'm fine. This little injury doesn't matter to me. The most important thing now is to get the source of fire! Rebuild the glory of Cybertron!" Megatron looked at Starscream: "Do you want to disobey me? Order!"

"You will always be the leader of the Decepticons, how dare I!?" Starscream looked at Megatron, a little unsure whether it had damaged the energy core.
  After killing Megatron, it became the leader of the Decepticons, but Megatron's accumulated power over the years made it hesitate to move forward.

At this time, Megatron looked at this young man and understood what Starscream was planning, but it was indeed seriously injured now, just when Megatron wanted to use his previous power to scare away Starscream.

A blue energy beam struck from a distance again, this time the target of the attack was Starscream!
  Starscream is indeed a Transformer that can transform into an F-2.8 supersonic fighter jet with a speed of Mach 15. Even Megatron was unable to avoid the attack, but Starscream jumped quickly, causing the energy beam to miss directly. . . .

The energy beam hit the cliff on the interstate highway, and the violent explosion directly caused a landslide.

Starscream looked at Megatron who was lying on the ground, rolled his eyes, and said: "Head, I am fast, go after the source of the fire first!"

Under Megatron's trembling gaze, Starscream transformed into an F-15 supersonic fighter and was about to fly into the sky, but two blue beams of light hit it head-on!

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