Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 438 Enemy: Eradicate the Roots


The blue energy beam that hit the head instantly blew Starscream's lower body to pieces!

On the gravel-strewn road, Starscream, which had lost its legs, crawled hard on the ground with both hands. The exposed parts of its body caused sparks on the ground.
  Soon Starscream fell into a pile of rubble, and the red light in his eyes lost its luster.

Megatron couldn't care less about this kid at this time. It scanned the surroundings vigilantly. The two energy particle pulse beams just now clearly came from nearby, indicating that this group of unknown enemies had already arrived.

"found it!"

The eyeballs of Megatron's body switched to the thermal imaging mode, and suddenly it found several thermal imaging figures more than ten meters away. Without thinking, it propped up its huge body with one hand and rushed towards those red dots. .

With the person in mid-air, its remaining arm switched to grenade mode and poured a dozen grenades at the target in one breath.

Boom boom boom boom!
  After a series of explosions, smoke and dust filled the road...
  After pouring out all the grenades, Megatron switched his remaining arm to blade mode. While pressing his huge body toward the smoke and dust, he swung away the blade with a cold light.

Before Megatron landed, countless strange hissing sounds suddenly came from the large smoke, and then more than a dozen black snake-shaped tentacles poked out of the smoke.

Each of these sticky tentacles is as thick as an arm, and looks like liquid asphalt that has not yet dried. The whole body is dark, and the head is like a strange snake. Each one has its mouth wide open, revealing fangs as sharp as spikes.

These tentacles are more than ten meters long, like sharp black arrows shooting straight at Megatron.

When approaching Megatron, the serrated teeth of these tentacles bit Megatron's body one by one. Some of the tentacles were like soft whips, and the body fell rapidly. The strong and powerful body fiercely hit Megatron's arms, waist, and hands. I shook my leg and heard a crackling sound.

Megatron's whole body was entangled with more than a dozen black tentacles. In the smoke and dust, he looked like a giant marionette.

"It looks like this is a robot leader who dug out its mechanical core! Take it back to the weapons research room, and those guys will probably pay a big price for it!"

In the smoke, four or five figures walked out. Looking at several humans who seemed to be wrapped in asphalt liquid, Megatron shook his body angrily, trying to escape from the restraints.

But even though it weighs dozens of tons and struggles with more than a hundred tons of strength, the sticky tentacles spreading from these humans tightly bind it.

"Do you want a living one? I feel like Mr. Vanke would be interested in this kind of robot that can transform between a machine and a car—"

Several special service soldiers wearing symbiote suits stood in front of Megatron and discussed their opinions on how to deal with it. Megatron could only let out waves of angry roars. It was unwilling to give in. It was the leader of the Decepticons.

It is the hope of Cybertron, how could he die here?
  "Forget it, look at its unruly appearance. If it causes trouble for our mission, it will be a big loss. I don't want to be sent to the Arctic training camp!"

"How to deal with this thing?"

"The glowing thing should be its energy source. Dig it out, cut off the head, and keep it. There may be some chip or something inside."



Starscream buried himself in the rubble, not daring to move. The sound of the group of "demons" dismantling Megatron echoed in his ears. If it hadn't been for the fact that it had no human physiological structure, it would have been trembling at this time.

"All dismemberments are complete!"

"Take everything you can!"

"There's another one over there! It looks like it's dead! What to do with it?"

"The mission is urgent, go support the commander and the others first!"

"it is good!"

Under the rubble, Starscream listened to the footsteps and voices that were getting further away, and he felt relieved. After five or six minutes, Starscream felt that the group of humans should have gone away, so he used his arms to support him. He stood up and crawled out of the pile of rocks.

"Hey! White Bear, you guessed it right, this robot is really pretending to be dead!"

Starscream raised his head and saw four people on top of the surrounding rocks, holding several high-tech high-powered rifles, aiming at its head.

The whole bodies of these seemingly human beings were covered in black liquid, and their heads were also wrapped in it. Their mouths, which were large enough to pull the base of their ears, took up more than half of their heads. The person who spoke, who seemed to be a human, had open mouths all over the place. The big mouth with sharp teeth stretched out a three to four foot long tongue to lick the corners of the mouth.

Starscream had seen this look before. When it was still lurking in human air force bases, the pilots would look at those naked cover girls when they peeked at erotic magazines.

"What to do with this guy? I think I'll cut off its head and take it back!"

A special service soldier shook his head, and the symbiote suit simulated eight sharp spider-leg-like weapons behind him, aiming at Starscream from a distance.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to surrender. I'm different from Megatron. I'm willing to obey your orders! Chichichichi"

When Starscream raised his head, he happened to see Megatron's head in the hand of a special service soldier, and a series of begging sounds came out of his mouth.

I don't know if it was because of the missing lower limbs, but there were bursts of electric leakage sounds as Starscream spoke.
  "He is someone who knows the current affairs!"

Several special service soldiers exchanged glances with each other, and the leading soldier said: "Don't move if you want to survive!"

As he spoke, a three- to four-meter-long symbiote tentacle stretched out from the soldier's back, curled up into a fist, and the cylindrical instrument with blue light moved toward Starscream.

Starscream resisted the thought of fighting back and watched helplessly as the black tentacle approached his body, and the flashing blue cylinder was directly attached to its head.

The next moment, as the cylinder erupted with a burst of blue light, a strong electromagnetic pulse instantly enveloped Starscream in it.

Starscream's two glowing red eyeballs also dimmed!
  A special service soldier stepped forward and activated a shrinking gun loaded with Pym particles. One shot hit Starscream, turning the several-meter-tall Transformer into an ant-sized mini toy on the spot.

Then he leaned over, twisted it up, and put it into a metal storage box he carried with him. This matchbox-sized silver metal box was not only made entirely of Adamantium alloy, but also had a sealing array engraved on the outside.

After the soldier put the unconscious Starscream into the storage box, he took out a watering can and sprayed liquid nitrogen gas into the storage box to freeze Starscream before closing the storage box.
  The sticky symbiote suit behind him stretched out a tentacle with sharp teeth and swallowed the storage box made of Adamantium alloy in one gulp.

"Boss, we're done here! Do you need some support?"

After dealing with Starscream, a special service soldier contacted the commander through an encrypted channel.

"I don't need your help here. You go to the evacuation point and evacuate in fifteen minutes. Before that, you go to the dam base. I have a hunch that there should be a lot of good things there!"


Ten minutes ago, just as Optimus Prime and the Autobots blocked the pursuit of the Decepticons, soldiers from the two special service teams quickly took a shortcut to catch up with Sam's convoy and stopped several vehicles. .

"Enemy attack, be alert!"

Captain William drove an armed Humvee ahead and saw a group of mysterious people suddenly appearing in the middle of the road. While picking up the walkie-talkie to warn, he stepped on the accelerator and crashed into the strange-looking mysterious people.

On the Humvee, an old black soldier set up a vehicle-mounted machine gun and pointed it at those who blocked the road——

"Da da da da da da."

The dense squad machine gun bullets shot out instantly, sweeping away those who blocked the road.

Captain William looked at the shot blockers from a distance, wondering if he was nervous and accidentally injured people. As he stepped on the accelerator and the Humvee military vehicle approached the mysterious blockers at high speed, he discovered with horror that the heavy machine gun The bullets indeed penetrated the bodies of those who blocked the road, opening holes as big as bowls in their bodies.

But the holes in these holes were not red flesh and blood, but thick black liquid. This liquid kept squirming on their wounds, and soon filled the holes shot by the heavy machine guns.

"Oh my god, are these guys really human?"

William Lennox only felt that his experiences these days were like a dream. First, he encountered two strange large robots that raided their camp. After finally escaping, he was transferred to this mysterious seventh robot. district.

Here he finally understood that those mysterious robots turned out to be an alien intelligent life, but before he could take a breath, the seventh district suffered another terrorist attack.

If those robots are alien lifeforms, then what are these weird-looking guys in front of us!
  Through the windshield of the Humvee, William Lennox suddenly spotted a weapon that looked like a rocket launcher carried by a weirdo, and the muzzle glowed with a faint blue light.

"Rockets, be careful to avoid them!"

William Lennox braked, then hit the steering wheel. The Humvee drifted in place, with the rung directly in front of the convoy. Then he opened the door and jumped out.


A blue light penetrated the convoy almost the moment William Lennox jumped out of the car!

The first one to bear the brunt was William Lennox's modified Hummer. The steel plate of the Hummer that could withstand ordinary rifle bullets was blocked by the blue beam. It didn't even hold up for a second, and was directly penetrated by a water. A hole as big as a vat.


The fuel tank of the modified Humvee military vehicle was directly detonated. William Lennox, who jumped out of the vehicle, fainted to death in the strong explosion shock wave.

Perhaps the energy generated by the explosion interfered with the neutron cannon's attack, or perhaps the special service soldier who launched the attack deliberately lowered the energy output intensity of the neutron cannon for fear of damaging the fire source.

The blue light disappeared after penetrating the two Humvee military vehicles.

"Head, I found it, the thing is here!"

"Take it and let's go!"

Sam was lying in front of the front windshield with his face covered in blood. In a daze, he heard the sound of the car door being pulled off, followed by a conversation between two people.

Things, take them away, no, they want to take away the fire source!
  Realizing this, Sam wanted to get up and stop him, but as he was almost in a coma, he tried all his strength as quickly as possible and still couldn't move a finger.

Just when Sam felt desperate, an angry roar suddenly came from his ears: "Autobots attack!"

Optimus Prime saw the tragic situation of the convoy from a distance, as well as the source of fire held by a special service soldier. It roared directly, transformed into a fighting form, and led a group of Autobots towards the special service team. .

In the blink of an eye, this group of Transformers intercepted the special service soldiers who wanted to evacuate. To Optimus Prime's surprise, these human soldiers faced them without any fear, and stared at them with cold eyes.

This situation made Optimus Prime feel a little weird, although it did not want to harm humans, but instead protected humans from harm many times in many conflicts with the Decepticons.

In the eyes of Optimus Prime, who sympathizes with the weak, the humans on this planet are weak existences, and they are so weak that they cannot even withstand the aftermath of their confrontation with the Decepticons.

"Who are you and why are you trying to steal the source of fire?"

Optimus Prime took a step forward, stretched out a sword from his arm, and pointed at a group of special service soldiers: "Leave the source of fire!"

Facing Optimus Prime, a robot that is eight or nine meters tall, ordinary people would feel helpless and suffocated just standing in front of him.

However, facing the group of Autobots blocking the road, these special service soldiers showed no fear in their eyes and rushed directly towards the Autobots blocking the road.

The leader Optimus Prime was even attacked by the two of them!

Facing the enemy's attack, the Autobots immediately raised their guns to fight back.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Bang, bang bang..."

The pulse beam emitted by the energy rifle will complement the flames of the grenade explosion, and brass shells as thick as a human forearm will fall to the ground.

Several Autobots became more and more frightened as they fought.

"Optimus Prime, there's something wrong with the armor on these humans!"

Ironpi watched as one of the grenades he fired hit a human's body, but in the next second, some viscous human-shaped black liquid separated from his body. This liquid seemed to have vitality, and it opened a large hole full of fangs. mouth and spit out several pieces of grenade shrapnel.

As if aware of Ironhide's gaze, the symbiote opened its mouth and screamed at it.

At this time, Optimus Prime was wielding a knife and fighting in close combat with two special service soldiers. The sword and energy cannon in its hand were used together, but it could not gain any upper hand over the two special service soldiers.

The fighting power of the two humans in front of him far exceeded his knowledge of humans, especially the black mucus on their bodies that seemed to be able to turn into various weapons.

Spider spears that can extend seven or eight meters, sharp giant swords, and war hammers can also be turned into soft tentacles, and can also help them jump more than ten meters high.
  Fighting against them, Optimus Prime was like fighting two flexible fleas with hundreds of arms.

"I know, but these things are not afraid of bullets or cold weapons!" Optimus Prime cut off the slime arm extended by a special service soldier with a knife, and watched helplessly as the fallen slime grew hands and feet on its own. He jumped back into his mother's body.

Faced with such a difficult thing, Optimus Prime had no good solution for a while. He could only watch the other special service soldiers leaving with the source of fire.


Just when Optimus Prime let out a helpless roar, the Bonecrusher and other Decepticons also rushed over after the Autobots.

Several Decepticons immediately locked onto the fire source held by the porcupine. They were stunned and launched a sonic attack at the porcupine from a distance.

The symbiote suit on the porcupine was instantly shaken by this high-frequency noise and tried to separate from the porcupine.

Porcupine is George, one of the two team commanders. Each member of the special service team has his own code name. The reason why he is codenamed Porcupine is because his name is the same as an animated character that his daughter likes.

George didn't like those pink pig-head hair dryers, but he couldn't resist his daughter's liking, so he chose the unpleasant name "Porcupine" when choosing a code name.

Part of the reason why his military prowess is lower than that of Viper is that he takes two to three days a week to go back to Raccoon Town to spend time with his two-year-old daughter.

"The thing on them is afraid of sound, so activate the high-frequency concussion cannon on them!"

Ratchet saw that the stun attack was working, and immediately understood the weaknesses of these strange symbiotes. It quickly called out to several car companions
  The Autobots, including Optimus Prime, immediately activated their sound modules and adjusted them to a high-frequency state. Sure enough, under the high-frequency noise, those black slime tentacles and sharp weapons shrank one by one as if they had encountered a natural enemy. Went back.

Under the high-frequency noise, each one wants to separate from the host.

However, neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons noticed that these special service soldiers did not show any panic when faced with the failure of their suits. Instead, their eyes revealed a kind of excitement for a big fight.

Many people's pupils even had green bloodshot eyes!
  "Useless trash. Sure enough, the guys in the Weapons Research Laboratory were right. Things with too many flaws can easily be restrained!"

After the symbiote on the porcupine broke away, it shrank into a ball of black mucus the size of a basketball in his palm. It seemed that it knew that the porcupine was scolding him. The symbiote stretched out its small tentacles and rubbed the palm of George the porcupine.

Porcupine held it in his palm, and another team commander on the side pressed the wireless communicator next to his ear.

"I don't need your help here. You go to the evacuation point and evacuate in fifteen minutes. Before that, you go to the dam base. I have a hunch that there should be a lot of good things there!"

"Porcupine, ten minutes should be enough, right?" The commander looked at Porcupine. The symbiote on his body was also stripped out at this time, and his eyes turned into snake-like vertical pupils at some point.

"Eight minutes to solve it!" Porcupine threw the fire source in his hand to the soldiers aside, then shook his head, and his whole body expanded rapidly, directly tearing the carbon fiber cloth on his body. It transformed into a big green man four to five meters tall.

The porcupine rushed forward in response to the dizziness, leaped hundreds of meters away, and endured the high-frequency shock waves that the dizziness continued to emit and the various attacks of the surrounding Decepticons. It fell from a high altitude and punched the dizziness in the head. .


Dizzy was hit in the head by a porcupine punch, and a large piece of the metal forehead instantly deflated with a crunching sound of metal bending.

With one punch, the dizzy person lived up to his name, his footsteps immediately started to clang, and he entered a dizzy state.

clang clang-

The porcupine's fist, which was bigger than a casserole, moved quickly, and each punch could leave deep fist marks on Dizzy's body.

Under the heavy blow of a porcupine, Dizzy's chest armor was directly smashed into a pile of scrap metal, revealing the energy core inside.

The porcupine grabbed the luminous body and pulled hard!
  The seven-eight-meter-tall Transformer suddenly fell to its knees and became completely silent.

As for why the other Decepticons did not support Stun, it was naturally because they had too much to take care of themselves. In front of each Decepticon was a special service soldier who had transformed into the Hulk form.

The Hulk Potion is a flagship product distributed to the armed forces within the Tang Group. Although it does not have energy attacks after transformation like the Titan Potion, the Hulk's own strong physical fitness and super recovery ability are themselves a powerful weapon. The ultimate weapon.

In terms of strength, even powerful Transformers like Bonecrusher may not be able to take advantage of the special service soldiers in the form of the Hulk.

And these Transformers don't have weapons on hand that can cause fatal damage to the Hulk.
  First, he was stunned and his energy core was taken out. Then, a special service soldier seized the opportunity and punched the back of the head on the roadblock. The untransformed special service soldier on the side hit him with a neutron cannon, and the barricade's body disintegrated into countless scraps. Iron sheets.

Bonecrusher is a die-hard supporter of Megatron. Seeing that it was at a disadvantage, it rushed away from the special service soldiers blocking the way and rushed towards the Viper Commander holding the source of fire.

Want to take away the source of fire.

The next moment, it rushed into a green poisonous mist. Accompanied by the tiny "chichi" corrosion sound, the body of the Bone Breaker Demon rusted and corrupted at a speed visible to the naked eye...
  After the large and small parts rusted along, the paper-thin body rolled to the ground.
  "Plop!" Before the Bone Crusher Demon could reach the commander codenamed Viper, its huge body collapsed.

"All Autobots retreat, I'll break up the rear, Ironhide, take the ambulance and go!"

Optimus Prime fired an energy cannon to knock back the greenskins in front of him. It glanced at the Decepticons, which were almost completely wiped out, and the Autobots on its side, who were in danger of being at a disadvantage.
  Especially after seeing the dying ambulance, it realized that now was not the time to fight.

The energy cannon on Optimus Prime's arm continued to bombard him. With the cooperation of Ironhide and several other Autobots, he temporarily repelled several Hulk-shaped special service soldiers and immediately ordered the Autobots to evacuate.

He himself stayed to break up the queen!
  Faced with the siege of four or five Hulks, even though Optimus Prime was a Transformer with a leader template, after two minutes of delay, he fell into a precarious state, with punch marks all over his body.

If Optimus Prime wasn't the Man of Steel and couldn't see the appearance of injury, his appearance at this moment would be nothing like a human being's bruised nose and face.


A special service soldier jumped up. Relying on the powerful jumping ability in the Hulk form, while Optimus Prime was restrained, he jumped directly behind Optimus Prime, and his thick arms strangled his neck. ,
  Just when the special service soldier's arms full of knotted muscles tensed up and tried to pull out Optimus Prime's head.

A yellow sports car suddenly drove over from the interstate and jumped on the road blocked by rocks. The Bumblebee sports car directly transformed into a humanoid fighting state, with the two guns in its hands constantly pointing at Optimus Prime's head. The special service soldier launched the attack.

The special service soldier who was trying to pull out Optimus Prime's head didn't check, and was directly hit by the intensive firepower of the Bumblebee, causing a burst of pain, and his arm was loosened.

Optimus Prime took this opportunity and swung his sword to push back the people who were besieging him. The big mechanical hand grabbed his back, grabbed the arm of the special service soldier, pulled him off his back and threw him hard. on the highway.

The ground instantly shattered, creating a large crater.
  Bumblebee was running rapidly in the direction of Optimus Prime, and at the same time, the heavy firepower on its body was constantly pouring bullets at the special service soldiers besieging Optimus Prime, remotely rescuing Optimus Prime.


Viper glanced at the approaching Bumblebee and gave the special service soldier beside him a look. The special service soldier who had not transformed into the Hulk form directly picked up the neutron cannon and fired at the Bumblebee!
  Bumblebee was keenly aware of the energy beam attack and jumped up, trying to avoid the attack.
  But it forgot that the injury it suffered from a sneak attack from behind by Starscream in front of the Hoover Dam had not yet been repaired. It only felt the damage to the body behind it when it jumped up, which also made its avoidance height different from what it expected. So a little deviation.

This also caused the powerful neutron cannon to explode directly on it.

Optimus Prime looked at his companions who were submerged in a blue beam of light, looked up to the sky and let out a roar, then waved his sword like crazy, fighting for his life, wanting to kill the enemy in front of him to avenge Bumblebee.

"Commander Viper, a federal air force formation is flying in your direction and is expected to arrive in four minutes! Please evacuate in time!"

Viper listened to the prompt in his ear, looked at the countdown on his wrist, pressed the team's command communicator, and was about to issue a retreat order when he suddenly heard Optimus Prime's roar:
  "No matter who you are, if you kill Bumblebee, I will never let you go. No matter if I chase you to the end of the world, I will definitely kill you. I swear on the honor of the Autobots!"

The viper's eyes stared at Optimus Prime coldly. He remembered the story that his boss told them in person at the Siberian training camp a few years ago.

When facing the enemy, you must not have any mercy. Once you notice that the enemy has a strong desire for revenge, solve the problem from the source.

What should I do if the wildfire cannot be burned out and the spring breeze blows again?
  "Then uproot it!" The boss's instructions still seem to echo in my ears.

Viper adjusted the countdown time on his watch and coldly gave the order to the team.

"Everyone takes action together and defeats the opponent within two minutes! Then evacuate here!"

So seven or eight strong green figures, accompanied by two blue beams, rushed towards Optimus Prime at the same time.

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