Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 442 Meeting Surrender Asking for Help

Earth, Federation, New York, Manhattan

In the headquarters building of the World Security Council, a meeting related to the safety of the entire world is being held.

"I want to know, how long is the time left for us?"

In the hall of the World Security Council, a senior official frowned in a rare way as he looked at Tony Stark on the podium in the conference room and the countless armored and ferocious alien battleships in the light curtain hanging behind him.

"Three months!" Tony Stark held out three fingers: "According to the outcome of the negotiation between the Ancient One Master and the overlord of the universe, we have three months to prepare!"

The reason why Tony Stark appeared at the headquarters of the World Security Council was naturally to convey the results of the negotiations between the Ancient One, God King Zeus and Thanos.

A war related to the life and death of mankind, and even the entire universe, the decisive battle took place around a satellite of Saturn, which is also the hometown of Thanos.

"Three months!" The senior official whispered a few words to the emperor next to him, and the two nodded to each other.

"How many troops are there in the enemy, and how are their weapons and equipment?" the emperor asked directly.

Tony Stark shook his head: "We don't have detailed data on this, but we are very pessimistic. After all, the enemy is an alien civilization that truly controls interstellar navigation, which is far beyond what Earth's technology can match!"

Tony Stark's words were undoubtedly like a bucket of cold water poured on everyone's heads, and there was a lot of discussion in the venue.

The more modern society becomes, the more it recognizes the military differences brought about by technological levels. Just like the original federal blitzkrieg in Iraq, it was completely a dimensionality reduction strike.

Obviously, the technological level of the enemy who can be called the overlord of the universe is definitely far greater than the original gap between the Federation and Iraq.

It is even possible that the war between the spear-wielding natives in Africa and the modern federal army would be more of a massacre than a war.

"Ahem! I don't understand what there is about the earth that these aliens covet. Two groups of people have come. What do they want, the earth's minerals or the population? I mean, is there no possibility of reconciliation between us?"

Everyone in the venue looked at the Gallic leader who spoke. As expected of you, Gallic chicken.

"There is a three-month buffer period. We may be able to seize this period to see if there is any hope for peace talks! Couldn't that ancient magician have peace talks with that alien leader? Why can't we? We are all talented people here. Truly represents the interests of the earth!”

His words immediately caused everyone to fall into deep thought, and the leaders of various countries and some senior officials they brought began to discuss in low voices.

When faced with an enemy that is simply invincible, sometimes compromise may not be the way out.

The iron hooves of the alien invaders are very close, and the huge alien fleet can be seen from the space monitoring stations of various countries.

During this period of time, various countries have repeated their military confrontation drills against this alien invasion countless times. Under the absolute power, the earth often cannot survive even one round in the face of this invasion.

This is still when the Earth takes the lead, bundling all the Earth's nuclear weapons together and launching a deadly attack on the alien invaders. However, according to the supercomputer deduction, even so, the damage caused to those alien invaders It's just a drop in the bucket.

This is different from the Kirita people's small-scale invasion that was limited to space wormholes. This time the alien invaders launched a full-scale attack, and the human side had no chance of winning.

Perhaps surrender is the only option to preserve the people.

Tony Stark stood in front of the podium, looking at the people whispering below, with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

He knew what these people were thinking about at the moment, surrender, or in other words, how to gain greater benefits for themselves when surrendering.

Tony Stark knows that this is human nature, but these people don't know that Thanos wants neither resources nor population.

The environmental idealist terrorist wants to turn half of the universe into ashes. After one failure, he may even turn the entire universe into a no-man's land.

"Ahem!" Tony Stark coughed several times, and finally turned the audience's attention to himself. Facing the confused eyes of everyone in the audience, Tony Stark snapped his fingers, and the man behind him The image of a purple giant wearing golden armor and holding a double-edged sword appeared in the light curtain.

"Now let me introduce to you our enemy, Thanos!"

Everyone in the audience looked at the giant with a giant vertical chin in the light curtain.

This photo of Tony Stark is naturally from the parallel universe, and he thoughtfully attached a detailed data sheet to the photo of Thanos.

Sexual name: Thanos

Sex: Male

Height: 6 feet 7 inches (201cm)

Weight: 985 lbs (447kg)

Nationality: Saturn's moon - Titan

Nation: Eternal Titan

Subordinates: Dark Order (Five Obsidian Generals), and affiliated civilizations (unknown number)

"Saturn's satellite, this alien named Thanos also comes from the solar system. According to the classification of galaxies, everyone is a fellow of the solar system. Isn't our confidence in peace talks even greater!"

President Galuma looked at Thanos' hometown marked on the light screen, feeling as excited as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Unfortunately, I may not have marked it clearly. The reason why this guy named Thanos left Titan is precisely because he slaughtered the entire race with his own hands! He is now the only eternal Titan left in the entire universe!" Tony Star Ke gave President Ma a mocking look.

"Killing the entire clan? Why would he do that?" President Ma was a little surprised.

Tony Stark explained in a deep voice: "This Thanos is an extreme environmentalist. In his opinion, the population of his home planet is bearing a population burden that it should not bear. The living environment of the Eternal Titans is also extreme. Harsh, in order to save his home planet, he simply killed the entire clan!"

"Walt?" The owner of the white house was speechless: "Are you sure this guy is an alien and not a Japanese pretending to be a Japanese? I have only seen this kind of brain circuit in Japanese comics, killing his own race. , is there something wrong with his head?

"Judging from the height, this Mr. Thanos is indeed an out-and-out Eternal Titan, and it shouldn't have much to do with the little bitch!" Someone next to him interjected.

"The key to the problem is that after Thanos slaughtered his own ethnic group, his thoughts did not change in any way, but intensified. In the following time, he conquered countless civilizations, and every time he conquered a planet, he would be indiscriminately and randomly Kill half the population of that planet!"


As soon as Tony Stark finished speaking, the entire venue was in an uproar.

"You mean, after he conquers the earth, he will also slaughter half of the population!" A well-dressed old white man stood up with a serious face.

"No!" Tony Stark looked at the Prime Minister of the United States who asked the question and denied his speculation. But before the Prime Minister of the United States and everyone in the audience could breathe a sigh of relief, he added: "He will directly destroy the earth and let the The planet beneath our feet turns into cosmic dust!”

"Do you have any evidence?" asked a high-ranking official in Gaul.

"What evidence do you need? Huh?" Tony Stark really couldn't stand these politicians. He pointed to his head and said sternly: "The enemy is at the door of the house and is about to come in. You are still looking for reasons to surrender. !”

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly froze with Tony Stark's accusation.

For the small group of people at the venue who stand at the pinnacle of human power, it has been a long time since they have experienced this feeling of being pointed at and scolded.

Many people's faces suddenly became confused.

"Mr. Stark, we understand your feelings, but you must also understand our responsibility! Behind us are the lives of seven billion people on the entire earth. If we make a wrong decision, the entire human civilization will end! No! Not cautious!”

Tony Stark took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "Sorry, I am too emotional. This is not only a crisis for the earth, but also a crisis for the entire universe. If Thanos succeeds, the entire All life in the universe will be reduced to ashes!"

"Mr. Stark, do you know some news that Thanos succeeded, so Thanos came to the solar system to find something?"

Tony Stark glanced at everyone in the venue, and the words of the man from the parallel universe flashed in his mind. He understood that when it came to things like Infinity Stones, there were some things that he couldn't tell the truth. After all, the interests were touching.

If these people really know the purpose of the Infinity Stones, even if Thanos is driven away, the human world will usher in endless chaos.

"Thanos created a weapon that can instantly destroy all life in the universe. Several of its components are on Earth. The purpose of his coming here is to find these items. Once he perfects this weapon, the entire All life in the universe will turn into ashes in an instant!" Tony Stark said half-truthfully!

"One of the parts that everyone should know is the Cosmic Cube, that's one of them!" Tony Stark added.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, this mysterious treasure is no secret in the eyes of many high-level countries.

Not to mention, not long ago, Loki directly used the Cosmic Cube to open a portal to the earth, directly giving the Federation a hinterland bloom.

If it hadn't been for the Avengers to turn the tide, the Federation would have lost New York, a first-tier city.

Of course, at this point, some people secretly regretted it, such as the great emperor who was gesticulating with the leader of the country.

After learning that the Chiritans were repulsed, he once publicly laughed at the Chiritans for not being as reliable as the brown bears in Siberia. At least the brown bears never came back empty-handed from hunting in Russia.

Because of this incident, the Western media began to retaliate against the iron-fisted president overwhelmingly, and even accused the Chiruta invasion, overtly and covertly, of possibly being a conspiracy planned by the Japanese.

People below the venue started a heated discussion in small groups, even including Tony Stark on the podium.

Tony Stark simply turned on his wireless earphones and listened to the more important news coming from the earphones.

"Captain, how is the situation over there?"

"SHIELD has locked onto Ulysses Klaue! Agents Natasha and Barton have already led people there. Once we catch this greeting gift, we will rush to Wakanda!"

"Thor! How much support can Asgard give us?"

"There are not many people, five thousand berserkers, but they are all elites!"

"Five thousand? We may face billions of enemies! Can you tell your father not to be so stingy!"

"Stingy, you have to know that Asgard is also responsible for guarding the Nine Realms. Asgard's troops have to defend the frost giants of Jotunheim and the fire demons of Muspelheim.

These five thousand berserkers were squeezed out from Asgard's teeth! Tony, you guy, don't stand and talk without your back hurting! "

"Well, you're right, I still have some pain in my waist. I suspect that those female celebrities in Lake Island Manor are Tang's conspiracy. They want to destroy my body, but they have forgotten that the great Stark relies on It’s a smart brain!” ˆ ˆ ˆ “And that broken mouth of yours!”

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble! Thor, do you think Diana can call in reinforcements from the Pantheon!"

"I don't think highly of her. This is not what I said, but what the Ancient Master said. My father also agrees with this view. Zeus, a guy with an insect brain, only wants to think of ways to kill Diana when he sees her. She got her into bed. Even if this short-sighted guy knew Thanos's plan, he wouldn't come to support us!

It is very likely that when we and Thanos are both defeated, he will lead those gods to come over and take advantage, and turn the earth into a religious civilization where gods dominate everything! "

"Everyone knows the power of the Time Stone. It seems that Diana will return without success this time. Don't put your hope in the Pantheon. Clark, how are you doing?"

"There are many enemies! And there are enemies coming in a steady stream!" Superman stood on the branches of the World Tree, looking at the huge planet-like steel camp composed of battleships. With his eyesight, he could even see the portholes of the enemy battleships. Inside, there are alien soldiers and various biological and chemical war beasts who are preparing intensively for war.

If Bruce Wayne hadn't told him not to act rashly, he would have even burst into these steel camps and made a scene.

"Tony, how are you doing?"

Tony Stark heard that familiar voice in his ears, and a subtle feeling that he called himself made him stunned for two seconds.

After he came to his senses and confirmed that the microphone in front of him was turned off, he whispered: "They are still discussing. The situation is very bad. Some people at the venue even proposed surrender!"

"This is normal. During World War II, when they faced the Red Skull's offensive, they offered to surrender more than once! I'm used to it!" The captain's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Even if the entire human world's army is combined, it will be difficult to resist Thanos' army! Unless we have reinforcements or Plan C can succeed!"

"But according to reliable information, the Power Stone and the Soul Stone are in the hands of Thanos. It is difficult to collect the five Infinity Stones. Even if we can use the quantum channel to travel back to the past, it will not change the established reality!"

"Captain! I'm sorry to tell you that I have tried it. In theory, we can indeed travel to different timelines in this universe. However, there seems to be a mutation that we don't know about in the quantum channel. We can only be in one part of the universe. Time and space cannot go back to the past!”

"Can we only ask "him" for help? Thanos is a bastard, but "he" may not be a good person!"

"Excuse me, who is the "He" you are talking about?"

Tony Stark interrupted curiously as he listened to the quarrels and discussions in the communication channel.

"He's a bastard like Thanos!" Tony said angrily on the communication channel.

"Since "He" exists, then "God" should also be real. Why don't we seek help from the "God" of this world!"

"Believers are in trouble. Will the "Lord" we believe in watch helplessly? After all, Thanos' snapping fingers do not distinguish whether you are a god or not!"

"I think Agent Natasha's suggestion is a good one. How about we go to church and try it!"

"Don't go!" Thor's voice rang in the communication channel: "God may be different from what you think. Heaven and us are not the same dimension. Strictly speaking, He is also a member of our Asgard. And you Earth mages expel the gods from the real dimension!”

"Why, is it because you Asgardians are competing with them for territory?"

"The reason why Master Gu Yi expelled many gods was because these gods not only launched divine wars everywhere on the earth, affecting most of the creatures on the earth, but they also raised humans as lambs!

You should know about the medieval Papal States. Tony, what do you think your proud wisdom can bring you in that environment? Haha, I tell you, you will be sent to the stake like a medieval witch. Burn at the stake! "

"What about you Asgardians?"

"We Asa gods have our own residence, and we have no intention of treating humans on earth as sheep. This may be the reason why the Ancient One Master will cooperate with us Asgard!

Your earth nominally surrenders to us Asgard, and we the Asgard are also responsible for protecting the earth. Just like when the Frost Giants invaded the earth, it was we the Asgard who repelled them! "

"I understand! But Thor, why isn't this something you can say!? When did you become so knowledgeable?"

"I have always been knowledgeable, but I don't like to show off how smart I am like you!"

Somewhere in Earth, New York, or Hell's Kitchen, Thor rubbed his fat belly while refuting Tony's words.

Of course, the truth is that since he learned about the War of Gods from his brother-in-law, he made a special trip to Asgard and asked his mother, the goddess of magic Frigga, about the story of the War of Gods on Earth. Only then did he know so much.

Of course, this doesn't stop him from showing off to Tony, an arrogant man.

"Master Gu Yi said that the person is in this bar! It should be right!"

Thor walked to the door of a bar with extremely ostentatious decoration. Looking at the bar with all kinds of neon lights flashing, he violently pushed the door open and walked in.

It wasn't dark yet, but there was loud heavy metal music playing in the bar.

In the dance hall, some young men and women with earrings and dreadlocks were swaying to the heavy metal music in the dance hall.

Judging by the way they were shaking their heads crazily, you should know that they were in a state of intoxication at this time.

When Thor walked into the dance hall, he immediately saw the guy playing the drums in the middle of the dance floor!

He is obviously an old man, only wearing a pair of leather pants, but his body is ridiculously strong, with a monster-like body. At a glance,

Pieces of steel-like muscles, like a mass grave, you pile me up, I press you, you squeeze me, I overlap you, layer by layer, piece by piece, piece by piece, desperately protruding outwards in order to survive and develop space. ,

New tendons have grown between the pieces of meat, and the whole thing is like a big meat ball.

What's even more terrifying is that from Thor's perspective, in a field of vision that ordinary people cannot see, this guy's nearly naked and exposed body is densely covered with purple fire-colored hell magic patterns.

The magic patterns were twisting and changing, and they were constantly flashing. In each magic pattern, there were countless faces looming, making desperate screams.

Those were the souls of the creatures he killed, which were imprisoned in those magic patterns, bringing him extremely powerful evil magic.

Thor had met this old guy at the cheap brother-in-law's banquet not long ago, and said he was a new franchise partner who had recently joined his company.

This damn franchise partner is obviously a hell king. These bastards, Master Gu Yi really made sure that they followed them to this universe.

And those unlucky ones in the dance hall are not really immersed in heavy metal music. Their minds are simply blank. As for the way they keep waving their arms and spitting,

It was the instinctive fear of lower-level creatures towards higher-level creatures, which had shocked their entire souls, making their bodies stiffen and harden, and tremble uncontrollably.

Thor looked around, good guy, the DJ next to him is also a familiar person.

Light black smoke lingered on that handsome face, which was the face of a huge virtual image of a fly.

A mysterious green light flashed in his eyes, and a faint green hellish pattern flashed on his skin.

Each magic pattern is composed of countless tiny light patterns that squirm like flies. The whole body feels like being in a deep sleep.

It was as shuddering as being suddenly surrounded by countless flies.

Who is the lead singer on the stage holding a guitar, taking off his shirt, wearing only a T-shirt with a skull on it, and singing high-pitchedly, not his cheap brother-in-law’s right-hand man Frank?

We are coming to this bar for a concert!

"Fat boy! Why are you here?"

A figure familiar to Thor squeezed out of the dance floor with his arms around a small-looking white girl. One hand was around the white girl's slender waist, and the other hand was holding a stick of beer and gulping it into his mouth.

"Wade? You are here too. Where is my brother-in-law? Could it be that he is here too!"

Thor looked at the deadpool in front of him, thinking that his cheap brother-in-law had also come to this universe, so he looked around for Tang Song.

"Don't look, the boss isn't here! It's just us! Why are you here?"

"I should be the one to ask you this. Didn't he promise us not to launch a divine war at will? Does he want to break his promise?"

"You have misunderstood the boss. We just want to change the universe, drink some wine and have some fun," Deadpool said with a bitter look on his face:

"Don't let me win over that woman, how miserable I have been!"

Thor blinked and looked at Deadpool's hands that moved up and down speechlessly.

Deadpool patted the white girl's shoulder and motioned for her to go aside and play by herself. Then he looked at Thor: "By the way, you haven't said anything yet, how did you find yourself here?"

"I'm here to ask for help!" Thor explained his purpose to Deadpool.

"Come with me, Boss Kane has a private room on the second floor!"

Deadpool led Thor through the dance hall where demons were dancing. Thor watched this guy's hands dishonestly groping the women in the crowd. He somewhat believed that this guy really came to this universe to have fun.

Soon Wade took Thor to the private room on the second floor. Wade didn't knock on the door and just pushed the door open with Thor.

As soon as Thor entered the door, he saw an extremely horrifying scene. This room looked like a box for karaoke, on the sofa opposite the big screen.

A guy in a black trench coat stared at a burning skull, leaning over a middle-aged man with a decadent face and an absurdly high hairline, making swallowing movements.

If there wasn't a distance between the two of them, Thor would have been a little worried that the flaming skull would kiss him directly.

"Johnny, Ghost Rider? Uh, Boss Kane, what's going on?"

Thor looked at Johnny lying on the sofa, and then at another Johnny who transformed into the Ghost Rider? Somewhat confused about the situation in front of him, he looked questioningly at Kane sitting aside.

Kane was drinking a bottle of dark beer in his hand while watching the movement on the side and saw Wade walking in with Thor. He was a little surprised, but he just nodded towards the two of them.

"Haha! He wants to suck out the spirit of vengeance. Stop dreaming. If the spirit of vengeance is so easy to get rid of, I will not give it to my knight!"

Before Kane could speak, a voice came from the corner of the corner!

Who is speaking? ! Thor was startled. He searched under the dim light for a long time before he noticed a person stepping on Kane's feet.

In the World Security Council building, three closed-door meetings were held in one day, lasting from morning to ten o'clock in the evening. The members of the World Security Council failed to reach a consensus, and the meeting had to be postponed to the next day!

(More than a thousand words have been deleted, please understand if it doesn’t make sense!)

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