
Thor walked up to Kane, took a bottle of beer from his hand, flicked the bottle cap out with a flick of his thumb, and sat down on the sofa next to Kane.

The sofa collapsed after Thor sat down on it. He carefully looked at the pig-headed guy with a bruised face and a swollen face who was stepped on by Kane. It took him a long time to identify his identity.

"Why is this old devil here?"

Thor raised the bottle and touched it with Kane, drank half of the bottle of beer in one gulp, and asked Kane in surprise.

"Johnny said that he wanted to help him change his fate!" Kane exerted force on his feet, and his high-top military boots stepped firmly on Mephisto's face, making all the words he whimpered in his mouth swallow into his stomach.

Thor glanced at Johnny, who had transformed into the Ghost Rider, and nodded clearly. In the past few years, he had become very familiar with the gang of his cheap brother-in-law.

He knew something about the Ghost Rider. He glanced at the Ghost Rider who was extracting the spirit of vengeance. Thor didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at Kane suspiciously with the bottle in his hand: "My brother-in-law really didn't. Come!"

"The boss really isn't here!" Kane took a sip of beer and glanced at Thor: "You have something to do with the boss!"

Thor hesitated for a while, and then said: "Thanos's army is approaching, and I'm here to ask for help!"

"How did you know we were here?" Kane asked confused.

It was purely an accident that they came to this universe. When the banquet was about to end, Frank came back and insisted on dragging them to drink.

As a result, not only did these people drink up all the wine cellar owner's collection, but they also almost destroyed the wine collection in all the bars in Raccoon Town.

This is not over yet. The two new lords of hell, Old Demon Dragon and Beelzebub, also contributed their own treasures.

That wine called Hell Flame is indeed strong enough to drink.

A group of people who had not yet finished drinking were originally planning to fly directly to New York, but at that time they happened to encounter a plane coming to deliver equipment to the Avengers.

In a daze, I didn't know who suggested that they follow the Avengers to the parallel universe to watch the excitement. As a result, they put on Ant-Man suits and sneaked into the equipment boxes that were provided to Tony Stark and the others.

Even the boss didn't know how they sneaked out and how Thor found them.

"It was the Ancient One Master of this world who told me you were here!" Facing Kane's questioning gaze, Thor confessed: "The Ancient One Master held a negotiation with Thanos and agreed that after three months, the Titans would The star is used as a battlefield, and the human side is engaged in a war with Thanos' forces. If the human side loses, the Infinity Stones will be handed over! The Ancient One Master asked me to come here to find someone to help!"

Ancient one!

Kane, who has been with Tang and Song Dynasty for many years, is familiar with this name. He didn't know why his boss was so wary of this Gu Yi before.

It even seemed to him that the boss was a little afraid of this Ancient One, which made him want to take people to Tibet to solve this problem for the boss.

Thinking back to when he first followed his boss, he felt that a gun could solve all problems. It was only later, when he learned about the Time Stone and truly understood Gu Yi, that he understood why the boss was so afraid of her.

"Help! Are you looking for us or the boss?" Kane raised the beer bottle in his hand and hit Mephisto on the head, who was about to move. The white gas visible to the naked eye was wrapped around the beer bottle. With a bang, Mephisto, who was constantly twisting, was suddenly hit and bleeding, and he fainted.

"Is there any difference?" Thor gulped down a bottle of wine, put the empty bottle on the table, and looked at Kane.

"It doesn't make any difference. We are all brothers. Whether it's with us or the boss, it's a big deal against Thanos! Even mercenaries have to have their own price. What can you bring to the table?"

Kane played with the beer bottle stained with Mephisto's blood in his hand and raised his head to look at Thor.

The moment he saw Kane's eyes, Thor seemed to be stared back at by a ferocious white tiger. This feeling was like returning to the time when he was pierced by Hela with a spear and nailed to the railing, which made him feel like he was facing directly. The suffocating feeling of the goddess of death.

"What do you want?" Thor swallowed.

"Resources, materials, population, souls, beliefs, anything. It depends on what you are willing to give in exchange?" Kane took out the paper towel on the table and carefully wiped the blood on the beer bottle in his hand.

"Kane, you are taking advantage of the situation by doing this!" Thor opened another bottle of beer on the table and took a sip, saying dissatisfiedly.

"Now the earth is in crisis. Even if you were not born on this earth, you are still human beings. Do you really have the heart to do nothing to save it?"

"This is your business. At first, the boss wanted to directly intervene and save the humans in this world, but you superheroes made the choice for these humans. Now that you feel that the matter cannot be handled, you come back and want to kidnap morals. This matter Where can anything be so cheap!”

Thor was speechless for a moment after hearing Kane's words. He was also present when Tang Song asked the captain and Tony.

Captain and Tony relied on the reinforcements of Superman and felt that there would not be much problem in dealing with Thanos, so they rejected Tang and Song's good intentions to intervene.

As a result, I didn't expect that Thanos would not have a small fight with them this time. There were millions of battleships. Even if Superman let go and killed them, it would take decades.

What's more, these alien warships have at least a technological level that is tens of thousands of years ahead of the earth. Even if a warship comes to the earth, it will be a devastating blow to the earth.

Thor had nothing to say for a moment and just drank the wine.

On the other side, the Avengers in the communication channel set up by Tony Stark also heard the conversation between Thor and Kane through the communicator carried by Thor.

For a moment, there was no sound in the communication channel.

"He's right, we are indeed not qualified to make choices for humans in this world!" After a long time, Captain America's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Tony, how are you doing?"

"Are you calling me?" In the World Security Council building, Tony Stark, who was sitting in the corner of the venue, rubbed his temples and listened to the noisy discussions in the venue. After a while, he heard no response from the communication channel. Only then did he realize that Captain America was calling him.

"I suggest that in order to make it easier to distinguish in the future, you can call me young and handsome Tony to distinguish me from the old one, otherwise I won't know who I am calling!"

"It's better to divide it into mature Stark and childish Tony, that sounds better!"

"Mature! You mean your white hair!"

"Okay, you two shut up! Listen, I don't want to hear you two arguing now, and I don't have the time!" Captain America's violent scolding filled the entire channel:

"Tell me, Tony, what is the government going to do?"

"We have been discussing. I placed some bugs in some small conference rooms and the residences of those ****. There is a high probability that they will still choose to try to negotiate peace with Thanos first!"

Tony Stark pressed the headset communication mode on his glasses, turned the radio function to maximum, and lowered his voice at the same time.

"As expected, Thanos will clear their heads!"

"Don't you worry that Thanos will really accept their surrender? Our president plans to use the Rubik's Cube as a condition of negotiation!" Tony Stark said while looking at the federal president who was surrounded by a group of government officials. .

Thinking about the words he overheard, Tony Stark only felt that the faces of these politicians became even uglier. There is nothing wrong with exchanging the Cosmic Cube for the right to survive on Earth, but he plans to backstab Asgard and the mages on Earth in exchange for alien technology that will make Earth a step further. The ugly conversations he heard among politicians, Tony Stark and even I dare not tell the Avengers in the parallel universe, after all, it is too chilling to say it.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone other than Pepper about these Avengers in the parallel universe, not even Captain.

At this time, the captain should be taking Hulk on the aerospace carrier, and Agent Natasha is studying countermeasures. They have no idea that a wave of people is moving around under their identities.

Of course, Nick Fury is indispensable as a cover.

"We have done psychological profiling on Thanos. Although he has an extremely paranoid personality, he is an extremely arrogant guy. He does not bother to lie, let alone agree to their requests, unless the president can bring out the ancient master and Austrian master. Ding Shen’s strength can intimidate him!”

"Then what to do now? These people want to use Asgard's Rainbow Bridge to send envoys to negotiate with Thanos outside the solar system!"

"No problem! Asgard has agreed to let us use the Rainbow Bridge to mobilize troops! Since these high-level officials don't give up, let them fight with Thanos until they are bloody!"

Red*Angel Nightclub!

This place was originally a Mexican gang house, but now it has officially become the first place of the Tang Group Security Company in this universe.

As for those Mexican drug dealers that even the federal police did not dare to provoke, of course they were all fed by Kane.

In the private room on the second floor of the nightclub, the explosive heavy metal music was isolated from the private room door. At this time, Thor had left the private room without knowing it.

On the sofa in the private room, the middle-aged man with an upper hairline lying on his back seemed to be suffering from epilepsy, his whole body was shaking, and his head kept changing between a skull and a human face. .

"It's useless! I told you before, only I can take out this spirit of vengeance! Once you are my knight, you will always be my knight, no one can get rid of it!"

With his hands and feet bound, Mephisto twisted his body vigorously on the carpet, roaring triumphantly, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

Kane looked at Johnny. Johnny, who had returned from the Ghost Rider to a normal person, looked at "himself" on the sofa! He shook his head at Kane, indicating that he had no way to remove the spirit of revenge from his body.

Mephisto looked at Johnny's familiar face and smelled the familiar scent of the vengeful spirit hellfire. Yes, it was indeed the vengeful spirit he planted with his own hands. Two identical ones appeared in the same room. knight.

The old devil's mind turned over and over again. Countless possibilities appeared in his mind in an instant, and along with these possibilities there were countless conspiracies and conspiracies.

For an old devil who is good at playing with souls, he understands the weaknesses of human nature very well. Even if there is only a little flaw, he will catch it in time, maximize this desire, and finally achieve his goal by manipulating people's hearts. .

"Johnny, is it you, Johnny? My knight! Have you forgotten that your father's soul is still suffering in hell, how can you bear it?!"

Johnny stepped forward directly, raised his foot and kicked Mephisto hard in the face.

"Ahem—" Mephisto was kicked until his mouth was bleeding, but a strange smile flashed across his face. Judging from the furious emotion of this kick, the person in front of him was really his knight, poor Xiaoqiang. Ni.

Although he didn't know why two Johnny appeared, Mephisto knew that something interesting must have happened, and he needed to transmit this matter back to the main body.

Just as Mephisto's clone thought about it, Kane raised his head, looked down at him and said, "You mean you have a way to take out the Spirit of Vengeance!"

Mephisto tried every means, but the ropes that bound him seemed to have some ability to seal his soul in this body.

At the same time, this place seems to be in some magical barrier, and he can't contact the main body at all.

Little did Mephisto know that in the ballroom on the first floor, there were two Hell Lords who were not inferior to him in stature and size, playing enthusiastic heavy metal music, vaguely intending to turn this ballroom into a hell on earth.

Mephisto plays tricks and tricks and no one can match him in the abyss of hell, but in terms of strength, both Beelzebub and the old dragon can crush him.

What's more, Mephisto here is just a clone.

"Yes, if you want him to take out the Avengers Spirit alive, I have to do it myself!" Mephisto looked at Kane slyly and said: "How about we negotiate a condition? You let me go, and I will help him. Get rid of the vengeful spirit!”

Johnny stepped forward and kicked Mephisto again, causing him to roll around on the carpet several times. He shook his head at Kane and said:

"Don't believe what this old devil says. He is full of lies. I can take him back to the boss. The boss has a way to take out the spirit of vengeance!"

"Don't bother the boss with this little thing!" Kane stepped forward and picked up Mephisto, held him high, looked into his eyes and said:

"You know what! Although Ryan and I are brothers, our methods of solving things often have differences. He is used to laying out things and considering the consequences when doing things, but I am different. I like to simplify things!

Kane grabbed Mephisto's neck and turned back to Johnny and said, "Since he can take out the Spirit of Vengeance, let him do it himself!"

After speaking, Kane strangled Mephisto's big hand and used force, instantly breaking Mephisto's neck. The next second, a black smoke flew out from Mephisto's body, trying to escape. this room.

But before the black smoke could fly far, a roar of a tiger exploded in Mephisto's separated soul memory.


Mephisto's split soul saw a white tiger lying prone on a barren hill in the middle of the tiger's roar. The tiger's paw alone was as big as a mountain peak.

As the white tiger breathed, the surrounding earth and rocks were corroded into golden ores by the Gengjin air flow it exhaled.

In front of the white tiger, there were countless little people who were kowtowing and saluting. Mephisto walked into it in a daze and joined the crowd of people who were kowtowing.

"Everyone who dies in my hands will become my ghost, even the evil god of hell! Go and take out the spirit of vengeance!"

Johnny watched helplessly as another Mephisto walked out from behind Kane and walked directly in front of himself in the parallel universe. With the ancient devil language in his mouth, a ball of hell flames wrapped around an angel with broken wings from the parallel universe. His own body emerged.

"Click!" Kane threw a jade box, which burst out with a golden light and instantly absorbed the spirit of revenge.

"Are we really not going to help with Thor's matter?" Johnny glanced at Mephisto who disappeared next to Kane, and then asked.

"I made it very clear that if you want our help, you will have to agree to our conditions! Now that you are here, you can't leave empty-handed. I have to bring back some specialties for the boss!" Kane put the jade box away as he spoke. Put it into the Wuyin bag that you carry with you.

"Specialty!?" Johnny thought thoughtfully: "So you plan to find some beauties for Tang to bring back?!"

"Uh, isn't it?" Johnny blinked when Kane looked at him like an idiot.

"It's Ryan's job to recruit beauties for the boss. Let's bypass Thor and talk to the people in power in this world! It's time for this world to change its owner!"

Kane clenched his fists loudly: "You should have heard what Thor and the others were talking about just now. The people in power in this world are far weaker than we thought. Since Thanos refuses to accept them, we Come be their backer!”

(My hands are numb from cold. I spent a long time doing the review today. I will continue to restore six to eight thousand tomorrow——)

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