Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 445 Ambush Something is wrong

On the third battlefield, the main force responsible for this battlefield is the soldiers of the Mao Xiong Kingdom.

Faced with these powerful biochemical war beasts that can bite through alloys, the AK-74 standard rifle issued by Mao Xiong cannot penetrate the fur of these biochemical war beasts.

Even though the soldiers chanted the slogan "Ula" and launched multiple counterattacks towards these biochemical war beasts, they still could not stop them in the face of those rough-skinned and thick-flesh biochemical war beasts.

The heavy tank armor that the Mao Xiong is proud of seems to be completely useless when facing those astonishingly fast biochemical war beasts. Moreover, the number of tanks deployed by the Mao Xiong army at the front is not that many, less than three hundred at best. tank.

When these tanks faced those biochemical war beasts, they only fired a few rounds of artillery attacks and then directly chose to retreat.

Judging from the battlefield situation, the human soldiers were defeated before they could form a decent defense.

Especially when facing those two-headed flying dragons controlled by faceless men, the trench defense line composed of 20,000 people in the positions dug by the Mao Xiong men had no power to counterattack at all.

As soon as tens of thousands of Da Mao's troops came into contact with these alien biochemical war beasts, they fled in rout. They could only retreat one after another under the cover of tank armor and artillery fire. At one point, they abandoned four reinforced concrete fortifications one after another for two and a half hours. Then they retreated more than ten kilometers.

But the faceless man strictly followed General Deathblade's orders and commanded the biochemical war beasts to pursue them crazily——

Those ape-like biochemical war beasts the size of hills faced the tanks responsible for rear interception. With a leap, they pressed these tanks heavily under them like a mountain bearing down on the top. With a casual grab, they lifted these tanks weighing dozens of tons, like He held it up and threw it at the furry bear soldiers who were fleeing far away like a toy.

Accompanied by the rumble of heavy objects falling to the ground, the tank rolled among the crowd, leaving long blood stains on the battlefield.

The faceless man, riding a biochemical beast like a tiger and leopard, came and went like the wind on the battlefield. The high-powered rifle in his hand fired a beam of light, shooting at the fleeing soldiers like a target.

Those soldiers wore heavy body armor that could withstand pistol and small-caliber rifle fire. Facing these alien weapons, they had no defense at all.

In the sky, hundreds of two-headed flying dragons soared over the battlefield. Under the control of the faceless rider, they swooped down from time to time. The purple flames spitting out of the dragon's mouth were more terrifying than the white phosphorus bombs invented by humans...

Countless warriors were stained with purple fireworks and burned to ashes in an instant. Under the pursuit of these biological war beasts, the battlefield was filled with mourning for a while!


"woo woo woo woo."

Although the nearly 20,000 soldiers were not dominant in numbers and firepower, they were able to retreat in an orderly manner relying on the defensive fortresses and fortifications built.

In addition to the fire-controlled heavy machine gun bunkers every tens of meters along the way, which constantly harassed these biological and chemical war beasts and blocked their speed, more importantly, the long-range fire support of the furry bears.

Two Katyusha rocket divisions and two anti-aircraft artillery brigades have been conducting long-range firepower output against these biological and chemical warfare beasts.

Eight kilometers away from these biological and chemical warfare beasts, nearly a hundred heavily loaded military trucks carrying hundreds of BM-8 "Hail" 21mm Katyusha rocket launchers were unleashing firepower on the biological and chemical warfare beasts.


One such rocket launcher can turn an area the size of several football fields into a place of death in just a few seconds.

To fight these aliens, Mao Xiong no longer has to worry about the so-called humanitarian public opinion. The ballistic filling amount in each rocket launcher has almost reached the design filling limit of the rocket.

Even those rough-skinned and fleshy biochemical war beasts were instantly beaten to death when faced with these powerful weapons whose explosive power was comparable to that of short-range missiles.

Of course, facing the long-range artillery on the human side, those faceless men riding two-headed flying dragons naturally wanted to use air superiority to kill these rocket launcher vehicles. ,

But the Bear Army is not a fool. The mobile rocket sports car not only maintains a shooting range at all times, but is also equipped with two brigades of anti-aircraft firepower.

Although the flames spewed by those two-headed flying dragons are very powerful, the distance of the flames is far less than the range of the shells of those anti-aircraft guns.

Ordinary carbon-based organisms, even artificially created biochemical war beasts, are still somewhat dwarfed by the power of large-caliber artillery.

The flames spouted by these two-headed flying dragons are really powerful. Their scales are enough to withstand the attacks of ordinary human thermal weapons. At least ordinary rifles do not do much damage to them, but this does not mean that they can resist the attacks of heavy artillery. .

Especially the Mao Xiong's anti-aircraft guns. There has always been a saying on earth that if the anti-aircraft guns are leveled, it will be a military court.

From this sentence we can see how powerful these anti-aircraft guns are.

More than a dozen two-headed flying dragons found the location of the rocket sports car under the control of the Faceless Man, but just as they were about to swoop down at low altitude, they were beaten to pieces by the well-prepared anti-aircraft artillery group.

The intensive anti-aircraft firepower also prevented those faceless men who had seen the power from approaching the rocket launcher vehicles, allowing these Katyusha rocket launchers to pour out their own fire.

It was precisely with the support of long-range rocket launchers from two divisions that the Mao Xiong army, with nearly one-tenth of its personnel reduced, passed through a canyon and evacuated behind the sixth line of defense.

"Davari! We have completed the planned plan, how are you doing over there?"

In the Earth Alliance Joint Command, a Mao Xiong Army Lieutenant General hung up the wired call from the forward position and hurried through the underground tunnel to the Second Front Command next door.

"General Joseph! Our people have also withdrawn, and these aliens are entering the ambush circle! Three minutes ago, there was a call from the first battlefield, and they have completed it! Now we are waiting for the fourth battlefield! "

"Over the years, the wars in the Middle East battlefield have allowed the federal army to learn a lot of retreat experience!" General Joseph of Mao Xiong looked a little unhappy when he heard that the first battlefield was the first to complete the plan.

The Japanese general who was responsible for commanding this battle neither echoed nor said anything about Joseph's words. He just smiled. After all, the conflict between the Federation and the Bear was well known.

"What? The picture returned by our detection drone system shows that the decoy enemies at the forefront of the first battlefield are Japanese and Nanhan people. They have not fought with these aliens at all. They have not yet waited to engage the enemy. , threw away the weapons and equipment and ran away.

The federal army did not provide them with long-range fire cover. Out of the more than 20,000 Japanese soldiers, only more than 1,000 Southern Han coalition forces managed to escape! "

"Xiao Zhang, where do you come from with so many words? They sacrificed a lot to make money. Doesn't the task of luring the enemy on the first battlefield be considered a success?!" General ** glared at the lieutenant colonel who interrupted next to him.

"Using Japanese and Southern Han soldiers as bait, no wonder!" Joseph nodded as expected, thinking of the casualties reported from the front line, he felt secretly sad in his heart.

If he had known he could do this, he should have sent Japanese soldiers to the forefront of the battlefield.

"General Wang, now we are just waiting for the situation on the fourth battlefield! Are we just going to wait like this? Although our sixth line of defense is strong, once the enemy discovers our purpose, what will happen?"

"Wait another ten minutes. If the fourth battlefield side still fails to complete the task of luring the enemy, don't wait any longer. The opportunity is fleeting!"

"Then I'll go back first!" Joseph glanced at the dozens of combat staff and commanders who were busy on the three-dimensional virtual sandbox in the ** headquarters, as well as the clear real-time video footage transmitted by the drone on the wall, and flashed in his eyes A hint of envy.

Although their country is nominally the second largest military power, Joseph, as a senior officer, knows in his heart that their army still relies on the military legacy left over from the Red Bear era.

Under modern warfare, these originally powerful old guys have gradually been eliminated by the times.

Joseph looked at his watch, checked the time with the clock at the ** headquarters, and said goodbye.

"Have our casualties been counted?" The gentle smile on General Wang's face disappeared in an instant after Joseph left.

"Reporting to the general, 1523 of our battlefield personnel died, 247 were injured, and 78 were missing, including 343 poisoned soldiers, 364 Annan dead, 427 Shan State dead, and 217 Siamese dead."

A combat staff officer quickly reported statistics. In modern warfare, counting casualties is not as troublesome as in the past. Every soldier wears a data instrument connected to vital signs.

Once a soldier is killed or injured, the data will be automatically uploaded to the monitoring central system.

"It seems that these aliens are tough. Even if we were prepared, the casualties were still high!" General Wang frowned.

"Report, all targets have entered the ambush circle!"

"All the heavy artillery has been aimed at Hou Yi, Wujiu, and Chaos has been charged!"

"Don't use Houyi and Wujiu yet. This is just the first wave of attacks from these aliens. We can't expose all our cards!" General Wang waved his hand.

At this time, the door of the headquarters was opened, and a middle-aged man of about half a century with two gold stars hanging on his shoulders walked in. His face was very ugly.

"Old Wang, those people are making trouble again, and they don't want to join us in command!"

"It's that Rajit who is taking the lead in making trouble again! Bastard Asan, tell them that this is a battlefield and no second voice is allowed to exist! If anyone dares to make trouble again, I don't have to send them to a military court. Now You can shoot them right here!"

"Old Wang! Is it okay to have such a tough attitude? What if it causes a dispute?"

"What kind of *dispute is there? If we can't win, the earth will be gone! Ask them whether the earth is more important or the heads of a few of them. Damn it!"

"Calm down, calm down! Old Wang! There is no need to get angry over these people! I just heard that the enemy has entered the ambush circle!"

"That's right, the bastard climbed into the urn and waited for us to light the fire!"

Before General Wang finished speaking, a red phone in the command room rang. The staff officer guarding the phone immediately picked up the phone. "Okay, received, I'll forward it right away!" The staff officer hung up the phone, turned to General Wang and said, "**, there's a call from the Fourth Battle*. The enemy has already entered the cage!"

"Pass my order, heavy artillery force, rocket force, missile force, according to the predetermined position, fire two rounds of artillery fire!"

Nearly ten thousand small aircraft are suspended tens of thousands of kilometers above Titan, and countless high-power high-definition live broadcasters are aimed at Titan.

Outside the World Tree, in front of the throne of the Temple, a virtual light curtain three hundred meters long and wide was supported by dozens of huge magnetic levitation engines, suspended steadily in mid-air.

A bright blue light curtain no more than a foot thick hung down, relaying the scene on Titan to the overlord on the throne in real time.

Seeing that the biochemical beast soldiers led by the Faceless Men defeated the Earth's defense line in one battle, the bishops of the Dark Order on the Temple were relieved, and they all flattered Thanos.

During this period, due to the visit of Ancient One and Odin, the entire Dark Order was in front of Thanos, even breathing cautiously, lest it be affected by the furious Thanos.

"These earth insects are simply vulnerable to the soldiers led by their great master!"

"This is just a vanguard army of the Faceless Men's civilization. The people on earth can no longer resist it. How does this weak civilization have the right to stand in front of its master?"

It can be heard from the harsh words that these dark bishops are not good at flattering. Thanos, who is sitting on the throne, is not even interested in raising his eyelids.

Suddenly, there was silence inside the Temple, and those Dark Bishops and everyone who had been flattering them just now seemed to have their necks strangled.

In this atmosphere where the needle could clearly be heard, Thanos finally raised his eyelids and looked at the big screen in front of him.

On the screen, the ground of Titan seemed to suddenly have countless cracks, and human heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 200 millimeters revealed its ferocious figures from various bunkers.

On Titan, thousands of cannons roared simultaneously, and hundreds of short-range missiles drew a beautiful arc in the sky.

In the forward positions of the four battlefields, several generals stared at the countdown of the timer. When the timer reached zero, they pressed the red button of the detonation key without hesitation.

On all battlefields, more than 100,000 tons of TNT explosives planted in ambush circles were detonated instantly. Several canyons collapsed and the ground was torn apart. In this horrific explosion, several mountain peaks were almost flattened.

As for the tens of thousands of biochemical war beasts and hundreds of thousands of faceless men in the canyon, they were directly turned into ashes in this trap carefully prepared by humans!


The powerful shock wave of the explosion threw a group of low-flying two-headed flying dragons directly away, and some unsuspecting faceless men were thrown directly to the ground.

The commander of the Faceless Man looked at the collapsed valley in front of him, as well as the soldiers and war beasts buried under billions of tons of boulders, and felt his hands and feet were cold.

He didn't know how the Mad Titan would punish their civilization after this failure. He looked at the Deathblade General and the Faceless Man Commander who were riding the two-headed flying dragon in the distance, riding the two-headed flying dragon towards him in a panic.

"It doesn't matter if you fail once. Think about it and you will know how a civilization that can make its master so interested can be defeated so easily!"

Regarding the annihilation of the entire army of the Faceless Men, General Deathblade's expression was very calm, which also made the Faceless Commander feel relieved a little bit from his uneasiness!

"Don't pursue blindly like this again, and be more careful in the next life!"

"Didn't you tell us to keep attacking, attacking, attacking?" When he heard the first half of General Deathblade's words, the Faceless Commander cursed in his heart, but the next words of General Deathblade shocked him.

"General!" Before the Faceless Commander could utter his words of begging for mercy, his head suddenly felt light, followed by a spin, and the Faceless Commander's head fell from the sky, followed by his headless body. !

General Deathblade waved his sword, and a green line of blood slid down the blade and dripped.

"Buzz buzz."

The aftermath of the explosion and the roar of the heavy artillery had not completely dissipated. Along with the noise of the propellers, a dense mass of small black dots soon appeared in the sky.

That is the Earth's air force that has not shown up during the war.

Before hundreds of Black Hawk armed helicopters could close the distance, nearly a thousand air-to-ground missiles and rockets, coupled with anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns that appeared from nowhere on the ground, aimed at the remaining two-headed flying dragons in the sky and launched a clearing sweep. pay.

The Dead Blade General snorted coldly, and drove the two-headed flying dragon towards the group of helicopters in front of him. He kept slashing with the sword in his hand. Complex and strange lines appeared on the blade of the black sword, and then shot out jet-black jets. Knife Qi——

In the midst of the sword energy, the Black Hawk helicopters were chopped down one by one by the Death Blade General!

Soon, the gunfire on the ground and the pilot on the armed helicopter locked onto the powerful two-headed flying dragon. Dense missiles, anti-aircraft shells, and rockets were fired at the Death Blade General.

The armor worn by the Dead Blade General directly activated an energy protection stance when those attacks came. The blue energy protection stance immediately protected himself and the two-headed flying dragon at his feet.

Various attacks and artillery attacks fell on the energy protection position around the Dead Blade General. After the roar of the explosion, these human thermal weapons could not harm him at all.

Instead, General Deathblade rode a two-headed flying dragon and chased hundreds of armed helicopters almost by himself.

However, the Deathblade General's arrogance soon ushered in a targeted attack.

A dazzling white light silently shot out from a bunker on a high ground, shooting straight towards the Dead Blade General.

The energy contained in this white light is at least a hundred times that of the main gun of the standard first-class battleship of interstellar civilization.

The energy protection stance around General Deathblade trembled suddenly. The blue energy barrier could not withstand the attack of this white light and directly shattered.

A large number of sparks continued to emit from the protective armor on General Deathblade's body. The armor continued to crack on General Deathblade's body, exposing the dense energy pipelines underneath. Some fragile pipelines had been burned by high temperatures, and large areas of high-temperature and high-pressure energy liquid were carrying them. The eye-catching fluorescent light quickly sprayed out.

The Dead Blade General turned over and jumped down from the sky, and the unlucky two-headed flying dragon vaporized directly when it came into contact with the white light.

On the Temple spaceship, after the faceless men's war beast army was completely destroyed, the spacecraft became silent, and the mouths of the dark bishops seemed to be sewn shut.

The strange thing is that except for the Deathblade General who is on Titan, the other Black Glory Generals are not in the Temple spacecraft.

"One more wave!"

Faced with the defeat of the Faceless Man Beast troops, Thanos's face showed little emotion. He raised his eyelids and said in a deep voice.

Following Thanos's words, densely packed space fighters flew toward Titan like dark clouds from hundreds of alien spacecraft approaching Titan.

On the branches of the World Tree, there are a large number of spider-like creatures with six legs and sharp teeth, which are as tall as two people. Green creatures similar to the Zerg are also rapidly approaching Titan.

Looking down from a high altitude, the number of these bugs is a hundred times that of the faceless men, and in addition to these spider-like bugs, there are also some abnormally large bug swarms.

"Master! What should we do if the faceless civilization loses the battle?" A dark bishop leaned over and asked.

"As usual, destroy half of the population and deal with it after this war is over!" Thanos waved his hand nonchalantly! The whole person still looked drowsy.

"Yes! Master!" The Dark Bishop silently recorded Thanos's order.

Obliquely above Titan, on a leaf of the World Tree that is as big as several football fields, Kane, Frank, Wade, Old Devil, Beelzebub, and Johnny, who had failed in fishing, were sitting together around the fire. While overlooking the battlefield below, I cooked mutton hot pot.

"Something's not right!" Kane picked up a chopstick of cooked lamb in the red copper hot pot, dipped it in the dipping sauce in the bowl, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed all the delicious lamb. In his belly, he looked at the planet below. Thousands of miles away, he seemed to be able to see the details of the battlefield.

"Boss Kane, something is wrong!"

Frank put the mutton into the red copper hot pot one by one. The charcoal was blazing and the boiling water was pouring into the pot. The mutton was cooked in seven or eight seconds.

A few pairs of chopsticks were used to scoop out the food in the copper pot, and a few kilograms of mutton was only enough for two or three mouthfuls.

"Something is not right on both sides! With Thanos' power, if we really take this war seriously, the ambush circle just now will be a joke!"

"And something is not right here on Earth. I remember that we supported the weapons of two battalions of the Avengers. Now not only do we not see the shadow of weapons on the battlefield, but those Avengers and superheroes, from the beginning of the war to now, We didn't see anyone!" Kane took out a stewed mutton chop from the copper pot and started to chew on it.

Kane chewed up the mutton chops in his hand, including the skin and meat, in a few bites, then threw the remaining bones down.

A fat insect that was climbing along the branches of the world towards Titan suddenly felt that something hit its head. It looked up and saw that among the lush branches of the world, except for the leaves that were as big as the island and the land, it had nothing. did not see.

The fat insect shook his head and continued to move towards Titan amid the insect sounds urging the warlord... (End of this chapter)

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