Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 446 War Prelude

Boom boom boom——

The war beast troops commanded by the Faceless Man had just been completely wiped out. They did not wait for the Earth Alliance Forces to be happy for too long. They did not even wait for the Earth Alliance Forces to clean up the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

Densely packed space fighters have already roared over Titan, and large swaths of fighter planes are coming like dark clouds.

In just the blink of an eye, they rushed to various positions of the human coalition forces. For a while, fire was blazing in the sky, and countless high-power concentrated missiles and energy pulse bombs hit the exposed artillery positions of the Earth coalition forces.

This time, Thanos's coalition fleets of various civilizations dispatched at least 30,000 space fighters, each carrying about 30 missiles and energy pulse bombs.

The spectacular scene of hundreds of thousands of missiles flying past at the same time, even Kane and others who were used to seeing grand scenes couldn't help but stop their chopsticks and look at this grand scene.

Huge flames exploded on the surface of Titan, and even heavy tanks and chariots were swayed left and right by the shock wave of the explosion.

The so-called defenses built by the Earth Alliance with reinforced concrete were like toys in front of these cluster bombs. The shock wave of the explosion was so high that the soil under the reinforced concrete was blown away dozens of meters high.

Those reinforced concrete were mixed with large pieces of broken limbs, and even the soil was dyed dark red by the blood of these human soldiers.

The space fighter planes launched just one round of attacks and nearly destroyed all the heavy artillery positions exposed by the Earth Alliance. Nearly 30,000 soldiers died in the bombing.

This is the cruelty of war!

It seems that human beings are as weak as a newborn baby when facing a real alien civilization with force, which they are proud of.

"Boss Kane! Do we need to take action now?"

Frank's eyes, stimulated by the aura of war below, glowed with a golden-red light, and he held a black-gold stick as thick as a bowl tightly in his hand.

"The Book of Mountains and Seas·Xishan Jing" records: "Four hundred miles to the west, there is a mountain called Xiaoci. It has a lot of white jade on it and a lot of red copper below it. There is a beast, which looks like an ape with a white head and bare feet. It is called Zhu. If you are disgusted, you will be attacked by soldiers!

Zhu Yan is a ferocious beast that dominates war. Although he is not as famous as the Soldier Master, the war below is exciting and Frank Zhu Yan's bloodline is ready to start.

Besides, regardless of whether it was a universe or not, those being beaten below were all humans. He could see fellow earthlings being bullied by aliens, and saw that the Earth's coalition forces were clearly unable to hold on.

Frank scratched his head and looked at Kane.

"They are not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Kane looked at the silent communicator on the table: "I gave the opportunity to the senior leaders of the World Security Council. If they really can't hold on, they will naturally take the initiative to contact us. ! Don’t worry, the Earth Alliance is not as weak as you think!”

"Put away your stick. If you're really free, order a few more plates of mutton." Kane's chopsticks brought out afterimages, and he put the last chopsticks of mutton on his plate in the hot pot.

The old demon dragon picked up the empty space with his chopsticks, and angrily fished out a piece of mutton stick bone from the bottom of the pot. He took it directly with the soup and water in his hand, and bit it off with his sharp teeth. He even swallowed the bone together. .

"Is there still no movement at Mephisto?" Kane picked up the mutton, stirred it in the dipping bowl, and stuffed the mutton directly into his mouth with chopsticks. As he chewed the delicious mutton, Kane glanced at the old devil. dragon.

The old demon dragon shook his head: "Beelzebub and I have been squatting for two days. That old fox Mephisto must have noticed something was wrong. He stayed in his lair and refused to come out. It doesn't make much sense to kill several of his clones. !”

"But why did I hear that you two have recently been collecting some ancient magic books that can break the seal from all over the earth!" Kane picked up a bottle of dark beer in front of him, drank half of it, and glanced at it fiercely. The old demon dragon was happily gnawing on the mutton bones, and Beelzebub was slowly handling the meat on his plate.

As soon as Kane's words came out, Frank's hand that was putting the mutton rolls paused, and then he continued to put the mutton rolls into the boiling hot pot as if nothing had happened, but his hair had a faint glow of fire.

Deadpool Wade put down the chopsticks in his hands and quietly touched the two knives behind his back.

Johnny turned to look at Beelzebub beside him, and in his eyes was a scene of blazing hell.

Facing Kane's question, Beelzebub took out a white handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, then gently stretched out his fingers, which were twice as long as an ordinary person's knuckles, and tapped the table.

He complained softly to Kane: "Look, Mr. Kane, you are really not a friend enough!

Since we have chosen to serve Boss Tang, we naturally have no second thoughts. We collected these magic books just because we heard that Boss Tang is interested in ancient magic spells.

We want to prepare a meeting gift for Boss Tang. Do you suspect that we are doing this to get rid of Boss Tang’s control?

How could we think like this? Look, if you doubt us so much, how can you be worthy of the deep friendship between us? "

Kane's figure flashed, floating behind Beelzebub like a ghost, and his cold fingers gently scratched Beelzebub's neck.

Beelzebub stiffened, and with his strength, he didn't even see clearly how Kane came behind him.

Kane's hand passed over his neck and grabbed his neck with its claws like an ancient monster! He is a king of hell, one of the seven kings of hell, but he actually feels a fatal threat in a mere human being.

"It seems that I misunderstood you. It's my fault. From now on, we will all be colleagues. I'd like to toast you two!"

Kane stretched out his hand, and Frank promptly picked up a wine jar filled with mud seals, poured out three glasses of wine, and gave one to Kane.

The other two cups were placed in front of Beelzebub and the old devil dragon.

"Try it, this is Moutai wine that has been stored for 70 years! It was a gift from a **** when I went to negotiate!" Kane picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank the wine in one gulp, holding the empty wine glass. Look at the old demon dragon and Beelzebub.

The old demon dragon who was sitting in front of the round table put the last bit of lamb bone in his hand into his mouth, chewed it, swallowed all the bones and marrow, and stood up slowly.

Frank's golden-red eyes flashed strangely, and he looked at this guy warily. As if facing a powerful enemy, his Zhu Yan was activated to the extreme, and his hair suddenly turned fiery red.

The thick black-gold club had been held by Frank again at some point. It seemed that as long as the old demon dragon made the slightest move, his hundred-ten-ton stick would definitely hit his head firmly.

However, the old demon dragon directly picked up the wine glass in front of him, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. After finishing the drink, he smashed his mouth and commented: "The wine is good!"

Beelzebub glanced at the old demon dragon, then reluctantly raised his glass and drank the toast.

Seeing that the two "people" were so knowledgeable, everyone present, except Kane, felt relieved. After all, this was not their own universe.

Without the support of his boss and facing two hell lords, even Frank felt faintly unsure of himself.

However, as Old Demon Dragon and Beelzebub finished their glasses of wine, everyone sat together and began to eat hot pot in a lively manner.

Frank left the job of getting dirty to Wade and showed off on his own.

Deadpool Wade was chewing dried meat with a bulging mouth! While using chopsticks to poke the freshly cut mutton into the hot pot!

In the open space next to it, plates of mutton were arranged like a hill, weighing not more than a thousand, but several hundred kilograms. Of course, for the few people present, it was just a small sacrifice.

Everyone thought that the incident would be over, but unexpectedly, Kane used chopsticks to pick up a piece of stewed mutton chop in the hot pot and put it in front of the old demon dragon.

"How's it going? Have you found a way to remove the restrictions on your body?"

Blinking their eyes, the people who were talking closed their mouths at the same time and looked at the old demon dragon.

The old demon dragon tilted his head and looked at Kane, then turned his head, picked up the mutton chops in front of him with his hands and gnawed on it: "It's useless, your boss's seal is not any kind of magic that is already known, I thought Your boss is from the East and uses the so-called magic from the East. I went to the East and still haven’t found a way to lift this restriction!”

Deadpool Wade looked at the old devil dragon, then at Beelzebub, blinked, and asked in confusion:

"It's strange. Since you don't want to take refuge with Tang, why do you have to come to him? Since you have chosen to take refuge with Tang, why are you thinking about betrayal now!?"

Beelzebub rolled his eyes at Wade: "You don't know how ferocious the blood Taoists are in the abyss world. At least a dozen abyss lords fell under that weird blood knife. That thing will kill you if you touch it." Die, don't surrender unless you are willing to give up the territory in your hands and hide in the depths of the endless abyss. The territory of the old devil dragon and I is closest to the expanding sea of ​​blood!

What kind of netherworld did the Blood Taoist build in hell? It happened to include the abyss of our two dominions! "

Nodding slightly, the old demon dragon said in a very enlightened tone:

"We have never thought about betrayal, but as hell demons who can compete with the King of Gods, we just ask for treatment that matches our status! Instead of wearing a collar and being treated like a hunting dog!"    Kane He listened to the complaints of the two people very seriously, and then said: "I understand what you two are thinking, but you two should also know your own identities. There are no restrictions. Even you will not trust two enemies who have surrendered for the first time. Not to mention our boss!"

"Believe me, after some time, you will truly realize the power of our boss, and you will feel honored for your choice!"

pleasure? The old demon dragon and Beelzebub looked at each other, obviously not taking Kane's words to heart, but compared to those whose souls were devoured by blood knives and whose bodies were refined into so-called magic weapons, they were undoubtedly lucky.

On the ground of Titan, as Kane said, after three months of preparation, the Earth Alliance is not really that vulnerable.

Just when those space fighters thought they had destroyed the earth's heavy firepower in one fell swoop, some real heavy firepower quietly emerged from some highland bunkers.

The Red Skull during World War II was able to develop energy weapons based on the Cosmic Cube. The human world has developed science and technology for nearly a hundred years, but weapons are still stuck in the gunpowder research stage. This is obviously abnormal.

You must know that after World War II, the Cosmic Cube has been kept within SHIELD.

When faced with a desperate situation, the federation and the government came up with their back-up tactics.

The long-range electromagnetic gun developed by ** and codenamed "Hou Yi" took the lead in firing. Nearly a thousand electromagnetic cannons sprayed hot alloy projectiles from various highlands...

These fist-sized alloy projectiles, boosted by the electromagnetic gun, shoot towards the aiming space fighter at hundreds of times the speed of sound.

Although the energy shields of the space fighters were raised one after another, huge flames still exploded in the group of space fighters.

At the same time, in the bunkers in all directions, more energy beams hit the space fighters from all corners.

If Captain America Steve Rogers were here, he would find that these energy beams are very similar to the weapons that the Red Skull was originally researching.

In the blink of an eye, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically. It seemed as if billions of beams of light were hitting these space fighters from the ground, like meteors in the daytime.

The ignited space fighters burst into flames and exploded, and thousands of them were completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Although they were stunned by the sudden attack, most of the intact space fighters quickly locked onto the Earth Alliance bunker and fired energy beams.

More than 20,000 space fighters, like a flock of birds at dusk, divided into hundreds of waves and rushed towards the human bunker on the ground. The energy-emitting weapons carried by those fighter planes shot towards the bunker like raindrops.


"Set off fireworks!"


Just as these space fighters were making low-altitude dives, densely packed small fighter planes suddenly rose up near these bunkers.

Strictly speaking, these small fighters, no more than three meters long, are more like propellers welded to the outside of iron pipes, or even simple versions of man-made rockets, with extended gas tanks equipped with high-explosive TNT explosives and gunpowder. Boost.

Boosted by the tail flames, the rockets of these fighter planes, each costing no more than 10,000 yuan, soared into the sky one after another, like a swarm of killer bees sending death kisses to those space fighters.

The only function of these extremely simple unmanned combat aircraft and simple rockets is to rush into the middle of the space fighters and detonate the bombs they carry.

Originally, at the speed of space fighters, these simple drones could not catch up with them, but they could not hold up. The Earth Alliance launched these simple rockets at once. There were too many drones, tens of millions of simple drones. Planes and rockets all launch and self-destruct,

A violent explosion occurred. These extremely simple weapons were surprisingly powerful, forming explosive shock waves hundreds of kilometers in the air.

After the shock wave of the explosion disappeared, at least 10,000 space fighters and warships disappeared without a trace.

"Such a simple weapon actually killed an advanced space fighter!" On the World Tree, Frank was stunned.

Kane thoughtfully said: "It's a bit like what they do in the Middle East! Don't underestimate these earthly methods. Quantity leads to qualitative change. Judging from the power of the explosion of these earthen rockets, they should be filled with potent TNT, tens of millions of earthen rockets. The combined power is not small, but this kind of rocket has neither accuracy nor enough speed, so it can only hit fixed targets and prey that come to your door!"

The two commented with gusto. As for the others, Old Demon Dragon and Beelzebub were not very interested in this little fight and concentrated on dealing with the meat slices in the hot pot.

Deadpool Wade left the job of adding meat to Johnny. He took out a fishing rod from nowhere, sat on the edge of the world's leaves, and pretended to hang up the fish.

The exquisitely carved bird seal patterns could be faintly seen on the shimmering purple fishing rod, and even the fishing line was almost completely invisible, hanging down for thousands of meters!

"Huh? This seems to be the boss's fishing rod?"

Kane turned back inadvertently, looked at the fishing rod in Wade's hand, and was suddenly startled.

Thanos's combined fleet's aerial attack was beaten to pieces by a wave of cheap bastard punches from the Earth Alliance.

On the front channel leading to Titan, the offensive edge of the Zerg army was also suppressed.

In front of those world branches extending to Titan, more than 3,000 tanks, more than 5,000 chariots, and nearly 200,000 fully armed soldiers blocked these bugs from Titan.


The harsh screech of insects continued to echo on the branches of the world, and countless insects the size of small cars attacked the human positions like a tide.

What greeted these bugs were rounds of bombardment from large-caliber heavy artillery.

Russian-made 240-caliber Tulip heavy artillery, Katyusha rocket launcher, federal Hellfire multiple rocket launcher, and Japan's PLZ-05 self-propelled artillery

The roar of tens of thousands of heavy cannons of dozens of calibers echoed in the World Tree——

The roar of the explosion lasted for three hours. During these three hours, the tide of insects was blocked at the first line of defense.

At this time, the governor of the Faceless Man civilization who was watching this scene realized that it was not that the people on earth were too weak to resist their biological war beasts, but that these people on earth had set a death trap for them!

"If the Mad Titan hadn't allowed the use of powerful Star Destroyer weapons, how could we have failed?!"

Under the faceless face of the Archon, the mouthparts full of sharp teeth let out an unwilling roar. He knew that in the Mad Titan, failure was failure, and he could not imagine what the outcome was waiting for his own civilization.

How did the Faceless Man know that this planet as a battlefield was Thanos's hometown? Although he destroyed his home planet with his own hands, no one knew whether he saw the planet and missed its people.

Just like no one knows whether Master Gu Yi set the battlefield on this planet because of this.

Tide-like insects rushed down the World Tree, staring at the intensive artillery bombardment, but as soon as their sharp insect feet stepped on the ground, countless high-explosive landmines exploded under their feet,

When the remaining bugs continued to rush forward despite the bombardment of heavy artillery and the bombardment of mines under their feet,

Three thousand heavy tanks of various types formed a defensive zone ten kilometers wide and twenty kilometers deep in the front. On this defensive zone, the density of tanks reached the limit!

There are more than 5,000 tanks scattered in the gaps between these tanks. These armored tanks are lined up in a row and are ready to fire heavy machine guns at these insects!

Before the bugs could get close, the tank's muzzle, along with the tank's machine gun fire, instantly dismembered the bugs into pieces.

And behind these tanks, there are 200,000 Earth Alliance soldiers using the rolling hills as a barrier to build positions and bunkers!

The front lines of the position are filled with thermal weapons that can be called anti-human, and honeycomb-like metal storm weapon launchers are densely distributed throughout the position.

The Vulcan cannons originally used on Humvees and tanks can be seen here almost every few dozen meters, and many human soldiers are even holding new energy weapons in their hands.

On the second battlefield in charge of the **, the huge four-legged support robot "Chaos" has a firepower output comparable to that of Metal Storm. Hundreds of "Chaos" are matched with two thousand bipedal support robots "White" that fire cloud bombs. "", and even once controlled the branches and trunk passages of the world, preventing those insects from taking a step beyond their reach.

However, as time passed and the long-range firepower of these bugs arrived, the balance of the war, where humans had the upper hand, began to slowly tilt towards the bugs' side.

(It’s freezing to death. It’s more than ten degrees below zero. If it wasn’t so cold, I would have to pay 6000. I can’t hold on any longer.) (End of this chapter)

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