Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 447 Prelude to the War

Facing the tidal wave of Zerg armies, the battlefield commanders of the Earth Alliance directly used all the defensive artillery and tanks and chariots on the frontier battlefield to form a dense death net in front of the World Tree.

The massive swarm of insects was forced to stop outside Titan, and the crazy attack momentum of those insects was contained for four hours.

But this insect swarm that looks similar to the Zerg race is raised by the civilization of Erdos. The only groups they graze are not only those spider worms and springtails that are not afraid of death -

In a civilizational structure similar to a human ant nest, these spider bugs and springtails, which are as big as cars in the human world, often act only as sentinels and worker ants.

After hundreds of thousands of sentinel ants were killed by the heavy artillery fire of the Earth Alliance, the real soldier ants in the insect tide grazed by the Erdos civilization began to appear in the sight of the Earth Alliance.

These soldier ants, which look similar to beetles, have a pair of sharp pincer-like mouthparts. Under the two split carapace is a bulging and fat body. When you really see the size of these guys, you will understand why they came so late. .

Their split carapace seems to be able to serve as wings, but those small wings drag their bloated bodies that are big enough to fly with the trunk of a heavy truck. Although the small wings vibrate extremely fast, their flying speed is not even as fast as the speed limit on the earth. Two-wheel electric vehicle.

The scene where these beetles appear is, well, how can I put it, extremely funny!

But when these beetles were densely lined up on the branches of the World Tree, raising their bloated buttocks like water bags and aiming at the position of the Earth Alliance, these funny-looking bugs directly transformed into long-range killers.

Balls of viscous sulfuric acid solution emitting blue light were ejected from their upturned and bloated buttocks like machine cannons.

The liquid acid balls ejected from the buttocks of these beetles can hit more than ten kilometers away. The highly corrosive nature of these liquid biological acids can even melt steel!

Compared with those spider bugs and springtails, the number of these beetles is not large, only twenty to thirty thousand. However, it is precisely because of the appearance of these beetles that the heavy artillery of the Earth Alliance cannot be used as much as possible. The insect swarms of the Erdos civilization are Change the situation of offensive frustration.

A large number of insect swarms began to tear apart the battlefield defense lines of the Earth Alliance.

On the first battlefield defense line, those tanks and combat vehicles have been working continuously for several hours. The muzzles of the tanks and the heavy machine guns have already turned red. Even without the attack of those beetles, these heavy tanks have to take turns to cool down the tank muzzles. .

In the sky, clusters of sulfuric acid balls with a diameter of one or two meters fell from the sky. Under the influence of the internal blue light, they exploded in the center of the Earth Alliance's position. Those soldiers hiding in the tanks could say that although these strong acid liquids can corrode steel, But in a short period of time, there was nothing they could do about these heavy tanks with thick armor.

However, the sulfuric acid balls that fell on the coalition positions, once a soldier was unfortunately exposed to the strong acid liquid after being exploded, the flesh and blood would be corroded and the bones would be exposed.

The area exploded by these sulfuric acid balls is very large, and one can cover a radius of more than ten meters.

These sulfuric acid balls caused great harm to the Earth Alliance forces, not only physically, but also psychologically. Think about those soldiers who watched their comrades around them being corroded into a pile of bones.

There were even small-scale soldiers fleeing on some battlefields. In order to prevent a chain reaction, these fleeing Nanhan soldiers were shot on the spot by the federal inspection team as soon as possible! This prevented large-scale desertions.

But even so, the battlefield situation is still extremely pessimistic. In order to prevent the heavy artillery groups from being hit by long-range attacks, some heavy artillery positions and rocket launchers had to retreat. As soon as possible, the frontline commander ordered the frontline soldiers to use mortars and rocket launchers to fill in the missing positions. Heavy artillery blank fire.

But the firepower gap between these rocket launchers and mortars distributed to the team and those heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 200 mm is naturally very obvious.

This definitely gives those bugs a chance!

"Those damn bugs are coming again! Company A! Block the gap!"

"Sir! At coordinates 346, 234, a large number of bugs were found. I need artillery support!"


Without the support of heavy firepower, and more than half of those landmines had been leveled by these insects with their flesh and blood in more than four hours, a large number of insect swarms began to pass over the heavy firepower of tanks and armored combat vehicles and break into the Earth Alliance position. Line of defense.

"Da da da da da da-"

"Bang bang bang bang - boom boom boom boom"

Facing these roaring giant insects, the human soldiers at the frontier suppressed their fear and began a defensive counterattack.

The sound of air-piercing explosions from mortars and rocket launchers roared and roared on the battlefield.

Rows of beehive-like tubes formed a torrent of metal that was blasted out by the metal storm at a speed of 30,000 points per minute. Even those powerful bugs were instantly beaten into a puddle in front of these metal torrents. Beach minced meat.

At the same time, these metal storm tube boxes are equipped with four launch tubes, which can launch 0.01 rounds of 16 grenade in less than 40 seconds.

It is worth mentioning that these grenades are the same as those fired from the 40mm semi-automatic grenade launchers hung by Earth Alliance soldiers under their rifles, and are filled with thermite grenades.

This thermite grenade, which absolutely violates the U.S. Convention, was originally developed to target heavy defense weapons such as tanks.

When blasted against those huge bugs, a thermite grenade can often burn through their thick carapace until their flesh and blood are reduced to ashes.

When hundreds of thousands of ferocious bugs faced these top thermal weapons of humans, they were blocked from their positions. Another two hours passed without taking a single step forward.

But as the Earth Alliance side, each Metal Storm was used up, the Vulcan cannon's reserve ammunition chain was used up, the barrel was heated, various light and heavy machine gun barrels were replaced, and the barrels of mortars and light artillery were also entered. At the limit.

The Earth Alliance's positional advantage is also gradually decreasing, especially as the sky gradually sinks. Although under the light emitted by the World Tree, Titan does not completely lose its light like the earth's night.

However, the dim environment is undoubtedly an excellent offensive environment for the swarms of insects grazed by the Ers civilization.

"Sir! Position 270 is lost! The insect swarm is attacking position 275. We have lost two battalions!"

"Contact the heavy firepower from the rear and tell the artillery that I need artillery support!"

"Sir! Position 364 guarded by the Japanese has been lost!"

"Sir, we have lost ten kilometers of our position!"

On the first battlefield, in the forward command headquarters, a federal army lieutenant general in charge of forward command listened to the bad news coming from the walkie-talkies of the combat staff.

The news of the lost positions one by one made him frown. He walked straight to a red phone and picked it up:

"Sir, I need heavy fire support, whether it's artillery, missiles, or anything else, hit me on the lost position, otherwise I won't be able to hold on for two days!"

"Lieutenant General House, this is just the enemy's forward force. According to the original plan, we will persist here for at least fifteen days. You have to know that in the face of these alien bichi, once they are too big, they will use them in the future. Be on guard, once our cards are used up, we won’t be able to hold on for long!”

"Sir, I know this, but the current situation is that without enough fire support, my troops will not be able to survive tonight, and the first line of defense is being lost! Listen, those damn bugs are killing my soldiers! "

The lieutenant general picked up the red phone and pointed it at the outside of the headquarters. The clear sounds of artillery fire and machine gun fire mixed with screams echoing in the night sky were received into the phone receiver.

"I will order the second line of defense to launch a batch of Jericho missiles to provide fire support for you!" the voice on the other end of the phone said after being silent for a moment.

"Send the coordinates of our lost position to that bastard Bart, notify the retreating troops, and take the position back as soon as the fire support is over!"

After Lieutenant General House hung up the phone, he immediately gave orders to the adjutant and the combat staff.

"Yes, sir!"

In the front trench of the first battlefield, a spider insect was using its sharp forelimbs that were several meters long to pick up the body of a human soldier and feed it to its mouth. Suddenly, there was a whine in the sky.

The spider put down the food in his hand and looked up with his compound eyes. In the dark green sky, he could vaguely see a thick cylinder disintegrating in mid-air, turning into hundreds of missiles and covering the entire position.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

"Boom boom boom——"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom -"

Before the spider worm could react, a missile hit it above its head, and the power of the explosion of a Jericho missile directly covered an area of ​​dozens of meters.

Several surrounding spider bugs were instantly engulfed in the explosion of fire.

More than a thousand Jericho missiles flying at supersonic speed decomposed into hundreds of thousands of sub-missiles in mid-air, instantly covering the entire lost forward position on the first battlefield.

Amid the roar of the explosion, accompanied by the wails of tens of thousands of insects that had been killed by the ferocious firepower, the forward positions of the first battlefield were set off by the flames like burning clouds.

The coalition soldiers on the first battlefield launched a counterattack towards the lost position almost as soon as the Jericho missile was dropped. The soldiers carrying rocket launchers were in front. Against the backdrop of the red fire, any moving creature could be seen from a distance. It was a rocket blast.

Then came various light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers to complement them, and flamethrowers to keep up.

"Jericho missiles, we are not as arrogant as the federal people. What is the current situation of our forward positions?"

"Captain, there are warriors, Chaos, and Baiqi support robots, and the position is still in our hands. However, due to the weather, the battlefield conditions are very unfavorable to us! The frontline soldiers suffered heavy casualties!"

In the second battlefield headquarters, General Wang, who was in charge of the command, looked at a few good guys after communicating with the federal headquarters.

"Fighting in the dark is really disadvantageous for us, especially since we are not sure whether these bugs have night vision capabilities!"

"Since the battlefield environment is not good for us, then change the battlefield environment! Send me an order to send out a aviation brigade from here to here," General Wang pointed at the virtual three-dimensional projection sand table in front of him and said: "Drop two bombs in batches. Thousands of tons of napalm!"       "Since the night is not good for me, then let's turn this night into day and let the corpses of these bugs illuminate us!"

"If napalm is used, I suggest abandoning the first trench in the forward position to form a 20-kilometer ring fire network, which can also reduce some pressure on the front line!"

"Do we have enough gasoline?"

"Don't worry, there are enough supplies, and the earth is still sending supplies to us!"

"Then do it! In addition, inform several other war zones about this plan. Whether they use it or not is their business!"

Facts have proven that even alien bugs have little resistance to fire, let alone a killer weapon like napalm.

In the dark green night sky, hundreds of bombers took off from airstrips hundreds of miles away from the frontline battlefield. After these planes arrived at the battlefield, they dropped tens of thousands of tons of napalm bombs directly onto the battlefield.

Napalm is the most terrifying weapon of destruction in the human world, even a thousand times more terrifying than white phosphorus bombs.

The famous "Li Mei* Barbecue" was the federal government's dropping of tens of thousands of tons of napalm bombs on Japan for several months, killing and burning nearly half a million people in Japan, and burning down millions of houses.

The really scary thing about napalm is that its principle is simple, its cost is extremely low, and it doesn't require high quality raw materials.

The development cost is less than 0.02% of that of a nuclear weapon, which means it can be widely manufactured on a large scale,

Around 1983, the World Security Council even held a special meeting and agreed to limit and ban the use of napalm, and formulated a convention to strictly control it.

However, the convention is limited to safeguarding the rights and interests of various countries on Earth and the entire human race. Presumably no one will fight for alien bugs.

Napalm is composed of a trinity of gasoline, polymer glue, and white phosphorus.

When these napalm bombs come into contact with bugs, they will quickly penetrate the bugs' carapace, flesh, and bones,

At the same time, due to the different factories that produce these napalm bombs, some other materials are also added to these napalm bombs.

Calcium powder is added to these alkaline napalm bombs, which will cause a chemical reaction when it comes into contact with skin or liquid, directly burning a hole in the insect's carapace soaked in gasoline.

Even jumping into the water will only intensify the corrosion of the calcium component;

Adding lead salt will produce toxic gas during the reaction, which will quickly poison these bugs and make them comatose;

Adding thermite will increase the combustion temperature and consume oxygen quickly. Before these swarms can attack, they will suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

Along with the roar of batches of planes, thousands or tens of thousands of tons of napalm bombs were dropped on the battlefield.

Flames of more than a thousand degrees burned blazingly on the battlefield. Countless insects struggled and screamed in the sea of ​​​​fire. The battlefield was like a flaming hell for a moment. As General Wang said, the entire battlefield was illuminated like daylight.

The fire ignited by the napalm bomb burned for a full night on the land with a radius of dozens of kilometers, until the corpses of the insects were completely reduced to fly ash and there was nothing left to burn.

Facing the flames ignited by these napalm bombs, even those as ferocious as a swarm of insects did not dare to step off the World Tree when the flames extinguished.

The sharp chirping of insects echoed throughout the night on the branches of the world.

Under the dark green night, several transparent fishing lines hung from the World Tree. Some sheep bones and mutton were tied to one end of the fishing lines. These fishing lines hung directly to the mouths of the irritable and hissing insects. These insects had just become impatient. Biting the sheep bones, the next moment they experienced the joy of riding a roller coaster.

"What's the use of catching so many bugs? You can't let me eat them all!"

"Old Demon Dragon, please do me a favor. Didn't you say that this kind of bug tastes good? You can just use it to give your teeth a beating!"

"Then don't just catch these spider bugs, try some of those fat beetles. It feels good to bite them in your mouth and burst into juice!"

"Another flying insect is here! Old Demon Dragon, wait a minute and I'll catch it for you to try!"

Earth, Federal New York, World Security Council Building

Just as the Earth Alliance and the insect army of the Erdos civilization were locked in a positional war, all the news media and online broadcasts on the Earth were publishing live broadcasts of the World Security Council's announcement.

The Chairman of the World Security Council stands under a huge flag that symbolizes the olive branch of the World Security Council surrounding the globe. Behind the translucent background is a huge assembly line that is producing various ordnance at full power.

Accompanied by the sonorous sound of the robotic arm, the chairman of the World Security Council waved his arms and roared in an almost crazy voice:

"Victory belongs to the earth after all, and we will fight to the end!"

"Our soldiers have wiped out the enemy's vanguard on Titan. Our soldiers are fighting to protect the earth on Titan. Victory, victory is our only pursuit! No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as we work together, as long as all the The people of the earth fight bravely, and we will finally win the final victory!

Victory is our only pursuit and our only goal, because only by winning can we survive and our civilization can continue! "

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter what outsiders impose on us, whether it is death or ultimate destruction, we will defeat them, and Earth's civilization will definitely win the final victory!"

Accompanied by the high-pitched and exciting music, the figure of the Chairman of the World Security Council gradually blurred, and a large number of soldiers marching forward bravely in a neat square appeared on the screen.

Heavy tanks drove out of the military factory, and heavy fighter planes roared into the sky.

On the ground, brand-new anti-aircraft turrets are being constructed rapidly; they will be towed directly by the Rainbow Bridge along with the neat heavy artillery pieces, and put into the Titan frontline battlefield.

The high-pitched and exciting music accompanied the chairman's extremely motivating speech, and the camera on the light screen kept changing.

The scenes of the Earth Alliance annihilating the faceless human war beast troops were played, as well as the scene of the grand fireworks released by tens of millions of disposable rockets exploding among the space fighter groups.

For a time, the entire earth fell into a fanatical atmosphere, as if the earth's coalition forces would be able to defeat the alien coalition forces in the next moment.

In the small conference hall of the World Security Council, a remote meeting was being held. Unlike ordinary people outside, several council representatives participating in the meeting were not optimistic about this war.

In fact, the truly smart people on earth can see the outcome of this war. With the power of one planet, the earth will be completely crushed against the coalition forces of many interstellar civilizations. From the level of technology to weapons and equipment, the earth will be completely crushed.

It's just that the earth's civilization has no way out except losing a life-and-death battle.

A light curtain was displayed in the center of the conference room. In the light curtain was the scene of the confrontation between the earth's coalition forces on Titan and the faceless people and the insect swarm of the Erdos civilization.

"So far, only one day and night has passed on Titan, and we have already encountered attacks from two different civilizations. The good news is that these interstellar civilizations have indeed abided by their agreement and did not use the lethal weapons on the alien warships!

However, judging from the increasingly stronger attack intensity of the two civilizations, it is difficult for us to sustain the planned fifteen days! "

As the only person participating in the meeting, the Federal Minister of Defense began to explain the current battlefield situation on Titan without hesitation.

An old white lady over fifty with a white pearl necklace hanging around her neck looked at the picture on the light screen and frowned: "Why do you have to fight for fifteen days in your plan!"

"Now that SHIELD has recruited enough superheroes, we can go straight to Huanglong now!"

"Ms. Elizabeth, it takes time to integrate these forces, and we also need to contain Thanos' attention on the frontal battlefield!" Nick Fury was also among these participants.

His virtual projection stood up and explained to everyone.

"We only have one chance. If we fail this time, Thanos' fleet will definitely tear up the treaty and directly attack the entire solar system, so we have to be cautious!"

"However, judging from the current battlefield situation! Even if our soldiers are fighting bravely, the enemy we can contain is still insignificant compared to that huge fleet!" A representative of the World Security Council frowned and shook his head.

"The key to the problem lies in these civilizations that failed to attack!" Nick Fury said: "Thanos is a very crazy guy. Even the civilizations loyal to him will be wiped out by him equally as long as they are losers. Civilized half of the population!”

“Faced with the powerful Thanos, these vassals and his civilizations often dare not speak out in anger. As long as we let these civilizations see Thanos’ failure, these vassal civilizations will definitely turn against him!

Especially these civilizations that were defeated by us on the battlefield. Even if Thanos wins this war, they will be liquidated afterwards. They will be an extremely important part of this plan! "

"Everyone, the key to this plan is victory on the frontal battlefield and the time we gain. The longer the frontal battlefield gives us, the greater our chance of winning this victory!"

Nick Fury looked around at the representatives present and said solemnly.

Of course, Nick Fury has another purpose that he hasn't said yet. He is waiting for someone, waiting for the powerful goddess in his mind to come and save the earth on the colorful clouds. (End of chapter)

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