Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 448 War Interlude Beheading Operation

Earth, a tropical island covering several hundred square kilometers near the southern western Pacific Ocean.

The island is a lush tropical jungle.

In the dense jungle, not only more than a dozen species of tropical birds live and breed here, but also animals such as wild boars and wild goats live, making it look like a paradise.

The island is surrounded by steep cliffs on three sides.

The waves crashed against the razor-sharp rocky cliffs, producing countless pearl-like white foam.

To the east of the island is a large white wild beach.

From time to time, flocks of seagulls can be seen rushing into the sparkling shallow sea to hunt underwater fish.

These seagulls are obviously not disturbed by the human world. They are still wild and do not know how to go to the pier to get some French fries to try.

Catching small fish and shrimp from time to time is enough to make these seagulls cry for a long time.

Strictly speaking, there is no dock on this island.

From the map, this beautiful island is not on any commercial route.

And because the nearest land is also very remote, there is not much development value.

This secluded and independent island was not bought by a wealthy federal man until thirty years ago, and he spent a huge sum of money to build his own private resort estate and a small airport on it.

The federal tycoon used to take his own private jet when he came here for vacation.

At this time, several S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet fighters were parked in the much wider airport on the island, and planes would take off and land from time to time, bringing large amounts of supplies and personnel.

"How is the training of the base personnel?"

A Quinjet fighter jet broke through the clouds and headed towards the tropical island from a distance. Director Nick Fury, who was sitting in the co-pilot position of the fighter jet, looked down through the window of the fighter jet.

At this time, the island, looking down from the sky, looked like a huge barracks. Heavily armed federal soldiers and black men dressed as natives and holding spears were spread all over the island.

The island is full of passionate training slogans and sharp instructor training whistles. Outside the military camp, there are many soldiers wearing high-tech exoskeleton armor and training the agility of the armor in the jungle.

As for the black warriors from Wakanda, they chanted the slogan "You are whiter than me" and used the most advanced vibranium spears in their hands to practice shooting accuracy and stabbing on wooden targets.

"Very good, these soldiers are already proficient in mastering those alien equipment! At least there is no problem with high-intensity combat training!"

Agent Natasha, who was wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform, flew a Quinjet and landed at the airport on the island. Judging from her appearance and skin texture, this agent Natasha should be the original Black Widow of this universe.

"After all, they are the best of the best, selected from the twenty million soldiers on the entire planet."

"What is the quality of these Wakanda soldiers?" Director Nick Fury, who had just finished the World Security Council meeting from the aerospace carrier, looked out the window.

As the Quinjet landed, the faces of the Wakandans on the ground wearing animal skins and holding spears came into view more and more clearly.

For these black brothers with the same skin color as himself, Nick Fury didn't feel like old friends at first sight. Even after getting the detailed information about Wakanda, his first reaction was that there were no people in this world who were monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D. countries within the scope.

If it weren't for the fact that he was facing Thanos' army pressing down on the country at this time, this scheming agent would definitely have sent capable agents to infiltrate Wakanda immediately to find out the details of Wakanda.

In the eyes of this suspicious spy king, Wakanda has been independent from the civilized world for hundreds of years, and there must be some big conspiracy hidden there.

"These Wakandan soldiers are in good physical condition, and the vibranium weapons in their hands are very advanced!" Natasha looked a little strange: "It's just that their daily eating habits are somewhat retro!"

Nick Fury looked out through the passenger window and saw two Wakandans wearing animal skins who seemed to have hunted some prey. They were shouting something in Wakandan. The Wakandans who were quickly trained Several people from the Kanda soldiers ran out and followed them into the surrounding jungle. Not long after, a few people carried out a wild boar weighing two to three hundred kilograms in the jungle.

Looking at these Wakandans who were covered in white totems and looked like indigenous people, Nick Fury even had some doubts about the authenticity of the intelligence about Wakanda.

Is Wakanda definitely a modern country whose technological development far exceeds that of the Federation? Instead of a bunch of primitive people!

"These Wakandan soldiers claim to be from the ape tribe, and their leader is called M'Baku. It is said that he once obtained the power of an orangutan by killing a rare white orangutan, and he has the power of a white orangutan.

This time Wakanda's reinforcements were also led by him and Wakanda Prince T'Challa, with a total of two thousand people coming! But it can be seen that the relationship between the two is not harmonious! "

After the Quinjet parked, Nick Fury, accompanied by Natasha, got into an open military Humvee.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent driving a military Humvee stepped on the accelerator and drove the car toward a villa area in the distance.

In the car, Natasha reported to Nick Fury the intelligence she had discovered in the past few days. Natasha was indeed a professional in intelligence. In just ten days, she had figured out the details of these Wakandans.

"According to the prince, the people of the ape tribe respect nature, so they look somewhat barbaric!"

"How many of them came?"

"They sent two thousand soldiers!"

"Only two thousand of them came!"

"That's right, the king of Wakanda said that Wakanda suffered from severe famine and a serious underpopulation, and could only send two thousand soldiers!" Natasha curled her lips and said helplessly.

"Not long ago, East Africa did encounter a severe drought, and the Council even specially provided food aid!"

Nick Fury's face became a little ugly. He had a detailed information about Wakanda in his hand, which was compiled by Hawkeye from the parallel universe.

With Wakanda's advanced vibranium technology, how could there be a shortage of food?

This is obviously an excuse, but others have sent their own sons.

Even if Nick Fury wanted to use the name of the World Security Council to exert pressure, he couldn't find a good excuse for a while.

"How is the other recruitment going?

These soldiers can only perform routine tasks.

We need some strong hands for this mission! "

"According to the internal list, we have currently recruited a total of twenty-seven people, all of whom are people with real supernatural powers!"

The Humvee lurched on the island's rugged roads.

The bumpy roads made our agent Natasha's body hurt.

But soon the Hummer arrived at its destination.

On the central plain of this tropical island, a large group of villas was built.

There is even a private swimming pool built in the villa area. From the scale of the villa complex, it can be seen that the federal tycoon who originally bought the island is quite wealthy.


"So you told me that the federal tycoon who bought this island is actually an alien, and he donated this island to you before he left!?"

By the private pool of the vacation villa, Tony Stark was holding a coconut in his hand, lying on a beach chair, looking up at Nick Fury standing next to him with a look of astonishment on his face.

"To be precise, they are Skrulls!" Nick Fury carefully stroked the orange cat lying on him. With his cautious expression, those who didn't know thought he was holding a nuclear bomb in his hand.

Of course, in the eyes of those who truly know the goods, the deterrent power of the element-devouring beast far exceeds that of the earth's nuclear weapons.

This thing is known as one of the most terrifying creatures in the universe.

Although it looks like an ordinary orange cat, it can extend countless tentacles from its mouth to swallow any object.

It is said that its stomach is connected to another parallel universe, so no matter how many objects it swallows, it will not affect the main body.

Nick Fury hid the Cosmic Cube in its belly.

And if you get scratched by this thing, the wound will never heal.

The reason why Nick Fury became a one-eyed dragon is because his eye was blinded by this element-devouring beast!

This is why Nick Fury is wary of an orange cat.

"I later used this island as one of my safe houses!" Nick Fury explained to Tony Stark.

"I didn't expect you to have alien friends. If that's the case, why didn't you call them over to help?" Tony Stark asked curiously.

Facing Thanos' coalition, any strength is valuable at this time. From Nick Fury's tone, these Skrulls have a close relationship with him.

To say that Nick Fury was worried about involving them, Tony Stark didn't believe that Nick Fury, a veteran agent, would have so many concerns.

Based on his understanding of Nick Fury, in the face of this crisis, Nick Fury will definitely try his best to use all the resources at hand. If not, he will use these Skrulls to transfer a group of immigrants from the earth to help the earth. It’s also good to keep a kindling.

Nothing was done. This was not the Nick Fury style he knew.

"The Skrulls and the Kree had a protracted interstellar war. They were defeated. The once glorious Skrull Empire has now become a refugee civilization in exile in the stars! They cannot protect themselves!"

Nick Fury stroked the orange cat in his arms and looked at Tony Stark as he said in a faint tone: "After the Skrulls were occupied by their home planet, they could still blend into other civilizations with their unique ability to imitate. Leave the fire for your own civilization! If we fail, the civilization of the earth will disappear completely!"

Tony Stark picked up the champagne glass on the side, took out the garnished red cherry and put it into his mouth, and confidently looked around the swimming pool: "We will not fail, we must have confidence in ourselves!"

Nick Fury followed Tony Stark's gaze and saw dozens of people standing or sitting around the pool, making it look like a grand pool party.

It's just that no one at this party was wearing swimsuits, and most of them looked unhappy.

After all, a large number of them were semi-forced to be invited!

Most of these people are not unfamiliar to Nick Fury. Except for a few Avengers hand-picked by him, there are many names that Nick Fury is familiar with. Most of them are recorded in his database.

There are even many people who he personally designated as dangerous people.

Nick Fury watched from a distance as a strong man with a bullseye painted on his forehead struggled with a blind man wearing sunglasses and holding a blind stick in his hand. Next to him, a middle-aged fat man licked his face to promote the reliability of his experiment to a stern-faced old man. If there were not eight metal tentacles with claws on his back, this scene might be much more harmonious.

In the corner by the swimming pool, a human mage wearing a yellow robe kept drawing circles in his hands, practicing the space gate spell.

Next to him, a mage who looked like Hannibal was holding a black-covered book in his hand and reading it with gusto.

A young man who looked exactly like the captain frivolously approached Agent Natasha and used flames to create roses. However, he was soon pulled aside by a blonde girl wearing a black hip-hugging skirt.

Looking past the siblings, the Human Torch and the Invisible Woman, Nick Fury noticed another unkempt middle-aged man wearing a green military vest.

Nick Fury remembers this guy's name, Emil Blonsky, an agent from the former Yugoslavia. Of course, he also has a name that is familiar to everyone, Abomination.

The product of the failed military super serum project, it was later defeated by Dr. Banner and has been imprisoned and studied by the military.

Nick Fury also coordinated with the military to release him after receiving authorization from the World Security Council.

For safety reasons, Nick Fury asked Tony to design a set of high-current stun devices. Its power has been personally verified by Dr. Banner. Tens of millions of high-intensity currents instantly attack the brain, enough to stun the Hulk for more than ten years. minute.

In the villa, like Abomination, there were at least a dozen people who were shackled. Most of them had either committed crimes and were detained by SHIELD, or they were super villains like Bullseye, or at worst, anti-heroes. Role.

But if these people alone want to save the earth, Nick Fury doesn't have any hope.

In the real plan, these people are just smoke bombs used to attract enemy fire.

The real trump card still depends on those in Asgard!

Nick Fury is not a person who places his hopes on others, but facing an enemy who is unable to resist, he can only take dangerous measures.

No matter how powerful the alien named Thanos is, can he still withstand two teams of Avengers and half of the Justice League?

What's more, there is Captain Marvel as a backup.

"Director Nick Fury, where is Bruce Banner? Where has he gone?"

When Bronski came to this island, he had been looking for Hulk, but Hulk seemed not to be on the island.

Not only the Hulk, but also several other members of the Avengers are absent, leaving only one Tony Stark here to run the show.

After searching to no avail, Blonsky saw Nick Fury coming to the island, so he went directly to him.

As for why he was looking for Hulk, Nick Fury could see the eagerness in this guy's eyes at a glance, and he obviously wanted to fight Hulk again.

"Hulk is now on Titan, fighting those aliens for the Earth!"

"Titan! I want to go there too!" Bronsky clenched his fists: "Send me there, I also want to fight for the earth!"

Do you want to fight for the earth? You are greedy for the Hulk. I am embarrassed to point you out!

"No, you have a more important mission! This mission is related to the safety of the entire earth!"

Of course Nick Fury would not send Blonsky to Titan, not because he was afraid of a fight between him and Hulk.

But Dr. Banner was not on Titan at all.

Blonsky's face was very ugly after being rejected, but after touching the collar around his neck, he forced himself to calm down, groaned, walked aside, kicked the corner with his feet, and lost his temper alone.

In the spacious living room of the villa, more than thirty people were standing or sitting, watching Tony Stark in front of them describing the battle plan.

A huge light beam hung from the machine on the ceiling of the villa, displaying a real-life picture of Thanos' fleet outside the solar system in front of everyone.

I have seen it many times as soon as possible, but when I saw the vast steel jungle composed of alien battleships again, everyone couldn't help but frown.

The greatest advantage of a high-level civilization is that it is extremely convenient to assemble and mobilize armies.

The effect of Titan's frontal decoy plan was remarkable. In three months, more than a thousand combined fleets of civilizations swarmed near Titan.

Each civilization dispatched an average of more than 50 warships and a large number of auxiliary ships and transport ships, with the total number of ships exceeding 200,000.

In addition, when Thanos' huge fleet approached the solar system, about half of the battleships spread out to block all space lanes and jump channels in the solar system.

"So the number of enemies we have to face has been greatly reduced, which is about a combined fleet of less than two million battleships!" Tony Stark, who was responsible for explaining the action plan, shrugged pretending to be relaxed.

"Then how many of us are there?" A fat black man with a fat face and at least several hundred pounds was sitting on the sofa, holding a cane in both hands and looking at the light screen. Bullseye was standing behind him, with at least three or four pairs of people around him. Staring at the two of them with unkind eyes.

Apparently the two made many enemies.

Tony Stark glanced at the man and said, "Twenty thousand people. Of course, including everyone here, there are twenty thousand and twenty-seven people!"

"You want us to fight with more than 20,000 people against two million space battleships! Mr. Tony Stark, do you think that all of us here are Supermans in comics?" The man spread his hands, his face filled with tears. Grinning.

His arms only moved slightly, and there were obvious muscle outlines under the suit.

His seemingly fat body was filled with tight muscles.

"Is the famous Japanese Emperor Kingpin also afraid?!" Nick Fury looked at the middle-aged man with one eye.

That's right, this fat black man with muscles all over his body is Kingpin.

In the entire earth, when the power of all countries is twisted into a rope, the so-called underworld emperor is nothing more than a urinal.

The call to arms Nick Fury issued to Kingpin in the name of the World Security Council was also clear, either come to fight or be reduced to ashes with your gang!

Whether this was a threat, no one knew better than Kingpin. After he refused SHIELD's request, he, a decent man, was directly arrested more than a dozen times in one day by federal police and special forces.

He himself was directly detained and sent to jail. As for the congressmen who supported him behind the scenes, no one even answered his phone calls.

These bastards even deprived him of his right to see his own lawyer.

If he hadn't realized what was going on and agreed to cooperate with SHIELD, he would have died in prison for no apparent reason.

"I'm not afraid! There's nothing worth being afraid of in this world!" Facing Nick Fury's threatening eyes, Kingpin grinned, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, like a great white shark that chooses people to eat.

"It's just that I don't want to die in a daze. Did you prepare an alien battleship for us and let us rush to this alien fleet in the battleship?"

"Based on my experience, we will be beaten directly into a sieve! We won't even be cremated! I don't want to be used as cannon fodder!"

Kingpin's words instantly plunged the room into noisy discussions. Even among superheroes, no one wanted to die, and their death was meaningless.

"Of course I won't let you make such a worthless sacrifice! We have a plan!"

Nick Fury walked up to the light screen, pointed at one of the thousands of battleships that was several kilometers long, and said:

"This is the Sanctuary, the flagship of these alien combined fleets. We have received reliable information that Thanos is on this battleship. Your mission is to go to this battleship, find Thanos, and then kill him!"

"It sounds easy, but how can we board this battleship? There are millions of alien battleships escorting us! Just us?"

Prince T'Challa of Wakanda looked at Nick Fury and questioned.

"It's simple. With the help of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, we can accurately send you to the Sanctuary!" Nick Fury glanced at everyone:

"Everyone here is the true elite on earth. There are some things that I don't need to say. Everyone should understand why we are planning this beheading operation!"

“With the current military level of human civilization, no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to defeat an alien civilization whose technological level is centuries ahead of ours on a frontal battlefield!

So the war on Titan is just a cover, millions of soldiers are using their lives to buy you time! "

"What you have to do is board that damn alien spacecraft, find the guy who started this war, and then twist off his head and end it all! You will be the savior of the earth, just like Moses. , was recorded in history.”

Nick Fury's impassioned speech made the superheroes present excited.

But there are also many people who don't like this, such as Jin Bing, a gangster who has been dealing with politicians and congressmen all year round.

He knows very well how dark the heart is when playing politics.

He didn't believe what Nick Fury said, at least not completely.

Give them the responsibility of saving the earth. It’s a joke. There is no one on the earth.

It’s up to them supervillains to save it.

Kingpin looked around. Among the unlucky ones chosen, there were many of his old acquaintances.

Kingpin sneered, "The savior who saves the earth is more like cannon fodder in my opinion."

"From now on, keep an eye on Tony Stark and those guys!"

Kingpin waved, Bullseye lowered his head and came over,

Bullseye followed Kingpin's eyes and looked at the Fantastic Four.

"Once they try to escape, we have to follow them quickly! Hmm, I don't believe that SHIELD would be willing to use Tony Stark's smart head as cannon fodder!"

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