Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 450 Destiny Fall

On Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, a dazzling lightning fell from the sky and transformed into the fully armed God King Odin.

Two golden lights flew out from the Asgard Golden Palace and landed on his shoulders.

"Boss! There is a thief in the house! Two hellish creatures broke in!"

The golden-feathered raven that landed on Odin's shoulder screamed:

"They were brought by outsiders, and their aura is very powerful."

God King Odin frowned and looked at the Golden Palace. He also felt several extremely powerful breaths in the Golden Palace, two of which clearly carried the unique stench of the Hell Abyss.

Just as Odin was striding towards the Golden Palace with the golden spear of eternity in his hand, his footsteps suddenly stopped and he stood blankly on the Rainbow Bridge. His face seemed to have grown older in an instant.

"Boss, what's wrong with you!" The two ravens were keenly aware of Odin's abnormality.

"My seal has been broken, and I feel Hela's breath disappearing!"

"Someone is hurting Hela! Boss, let's save her quickly!" After hearing Odin's words, the two ravens instantly fluttered their wings and flew up, turning into two golden lights and constantly hovering around Odin.

Unlike Thor and Loki, when these two people were born, Hela had long been sealed in Hades by Odin, so they had never met her titular sister, not even from beginning to end. I know that this sister exists.

But as the ravens who have followed Odin since childhood, the two ravens have truly watched Hela grow up.

Although the father and daughter had broken up, after so many years of love, when the two ravens heard that Hela's breath was disappearing, they anxiously urged Odin to go to Hades.

"This is not Hela's fate. It shouldn't be like this. Someone interfered with it. But this is not a good thing for Asgard!"

"What do you mean? Boss?" Raven Mullin landed on Odin's shoulder and asked doubtfully:

A trace of sadness flashed in Odin's one eye, and he whispered:

"Mu Lin, you and Fujin have followed me for so many years, and you should know the prophecy I saw in this fountain of wisdom! Asgard will eventually enter Ragnarok because of Hela! This is also the reason why I will bring Hela to flow. The reason for being put into Hades!"

"This prophecy is coming true step by step. I am old and will soon enter eternal sleep. Once my seal fails, Hela will drag Asgard into the abyss of destruction just like the prophecy!

I can't kill my daughter with my own hands, but I can't just watch Asgard fall into destruction either! "

The two ravens who had been chattering incessantly in the past closed their mouths for a rare moment.

"After Hela was born, Frigga and I have been worried about the prophecy. It made me feel panic. I didn't want to lose Hela.

So, I exiled her to Hades forever. "

"But even I couldn't escape that sad fate."

"Now someone is interfering with it."

Odin clenched his fists and said to Mullin: "Hela's breath is dying, and I have lost my daughter!"

"Uh, boss, with all due respect."

Raven Fujin hesitated for a moment, and then said to Odin:

“Boss, do you want us to go to Hades and have a look, maybe we can save Hela——”

Odin looked at the glorious Golden Palace in the distance, looked around the fairyland-like Asgard, and finally sighed:

"Forget it, I'm afraid I can't help but save her! Mullin, Fujin, in the face of the survival of the entire Asa clan and my daughter, I have no choice. This is my responsibility!"

"Let's go and see if any hell creature dares to break into Asgard!"

As if to divert his inner sorrow, God King Odin waved the golden war spear in his hand, and dazzling lightning turned into his weapon, tearing apart the sky of Asgard.

Those dancing thunder and lightning followed Odin's golden war spear and struck directly towards the direction where the hell demon's breath came from in the Golden Palace with Odin's full anger.



The Engineer Corps directly under the Japanese government opened a hidden cave entrance on a mountain cliff, and a long corridor followed an inclination of 30 degrees straight into the heart of the mountain.

A three-story space with a length and width of 500 meters was opened in the heart of the mountain. Many military vehicles were parked on the first floor. A large amount of daily necessities, weapons and ammunition and other items were piled up on the side to form hills.

The second floor is a row of barracks, where more than 5,000 soldiers are stationed.

There are several underground tunnels surrounding it leading to the outside world, and each tunnel is heavily guarded.

The third floor is the headquarters of the Earth Alliance, with a large number of electronic instruments densely packed inside. Dozens of white incandescent lamps hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything here.

In the center is a huge square table fifty meters long and wide. A soft light curtain flickers on the square table. A three-dimensional map continuously displays the topography within a radius of thousands of kilometers with the mountain peak where the command headquarters is located as the core.

At this time, a meeting regarding the future trend of the Titan battlefield was being held in this command headquarters.

The general of the second theater stood at the square table and pointed at the three-dimensional map with a laser pointer. He said seriously:

"I suggest that all heavy firepower must be hidden. With our current wealth, once it is exposed, it will not be enough for those aliens to swallow it up!

Unless necessary, our heavy firepower units must not be exposed, especially the material bases must be hidden! "

"Wang is right, our goal is not to fight these aliens head-on.

Our goal is: to entangle these aliens and delay them as long as possible!

If they want to move forward, just let them. We can trade space for time and go around from the tunnel to their rear to fight a protracted battle with them! "

Standing opposite the general was a middle-aged white man wearing a federal lieutenant general's uniform. He had a grenade on his chest and a laser pointer. After hearing the general's words, he nodded approvingly.

The general glanced at the blond and blue-eyed foreigner opposite him, and he always felt weird!

Before coming to Titan, he had learned about the commanders of various theaters and knew that this foreigner named Hank graduated from West Point Military Academy.

He has participated in two Middle East wars and has achieved outstanding results.

The general coughed lightly, picked up the teacup given by the orderly and said in agreement: "General Walker is right, our goal is not to win this battlefield, and we don't have the strength!

Even if we kill a wave of alien devils, they will soon be able to organize another wave of manpower. Now we have to focus on a wave of enemies and stalk them, entangle them, and try to gain fifteen days! "

The top executives of the Earth Alliance around the square table nodded in agreement. As senior officers of the Alliance, they knew the purpose of this war before setting off.

But they didn't expect that these aliens would be so difficult to deal with. In just three days, the forward positions in each theater were almost destroyed.

More than 200,000 soldiers were swallowed up by this flesh and blood mill in just three days.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to fight these aliens head-on on the frontal battlefield, you will definitely not be able to defeat them. You can only fight in roundabout battles with them. Youji battle,

After finalizing the guiding ideology for the war against aliens, everyone began to discuss the situation of material reserves.

With the loss of battlefield initiative and air supremacy, the earth's material support for Titan is also greatly limited. After all, the rainbow bridge for transporting materials is too obvious.

Often, the enemy's air strikes arrive first before the Earth Alliance forces can send these materials into the secret tunnel bunker.

A large amount of supplies were blown up by these shuttles as soon as they were delivered, which made people feel so distressed that they wanted to bleed. Fortunately, within three months of preparation time, the Earth Alliance had already stocked up a large amount of military supplies in bunkers across Titan.

"What is the current situation of material reserves in various theaters, especially the reserves of high explosives and heavy firepower!"

"Although we don't fight these alien devils head-on, we can't make it easy for them!"

"We still have about 1.3 million tons of high explosives and 531 nuclear warheads in the war zone!" said a Mao general:

"In addition, we have also stockpiled 5,000 tons of cloud bombs and more than 2 million tons of gasoline."

"So are we!"

"Don't use the nuclear bomb for now, it's the last bullet we have left for ourselves!"

"Our defense line in the second theater is laid out as minefields from here to here, with a depth of 150 kilometers!"

The general clicked on a dozen places on the three-dimensional map with the laser pointer in his hand: "Especially in these valley areas, not only our defense areas, I suggest that an average of one thousand tons of high explosives should be buried in this terrain! Not only can it effectively kill enemy, and it can also effectively delay the enemy’s attack speed!”

"But once these places are destroyed, our tanks and tanks in the rear will no longer be able to support the front lines of defense!?" A German general who came to the meeting in the fourth theater raised an objection!

"General Donald! Your style is now outdated. This is no longer the era of the flood of steel during World War II! In the eyes of the aliens who have occupied air supremacy, these tanks are just iron coffins!" from the first line of defense General Hank scoffed.

General Donald's face was very ugly when he was ridiculed, but he did not refute. After all, the Fourth Theater was supported by federal reinforcements.

Even Deguo currently relies on the Federation, which is not much better than Nanhan and Japan. Even the federal garrison in Deguo is far greater than that of Nanhan and Japan.

After all, as the country that initiated two world wars, even the Federation had to treat the country with caution. Even in the face of the invasion of alien coalition forces this time, the Federation did not give up its military control over the country.

On the one hand, it prohibits the expansion of the country's army, and on the other hand, it recruits a large number of young and middle-aged people from the country to supply the federal army's own combat system.

"Okay, General Donald also has good intentions! But don't feel bad if you break some bottles and cans. This is not the earth. On the contrary, this is the home of the invaders!" The general saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff and smoothed things over: "The people in front of us are Don’t worry about the firepower of the defensive line. The current wave of enemies has strong air superiority, and tanks and chariots really can’t be used! We can only fight guerrillas with them!”

"In the later stage, if we take away the enemy's air superiority and the heavy firepower from the front, we can use the rainbow bridge to teleport directly from the earth!"

"Sir! The defense line on the fourth battlefield has been breached, all six airports have been blown up, and all three missiles have been wiped out!"

In the headquarters of the Earth Alliance Forces, when everyone was discussing how to launch harassment tactics against these alien troops, a federal major suddenly walked in in a hurry, saluted everyone, and reported bad news.


"How is it possible? Haven't we ordered the heavy firepower units in each theater to enter a state of silence? How could the enemy find the airport in the fourth theater so easily!"

Everyone looked at the representative of the Fourth Theater, and General Donald was also confused: "General Andre is in charge of the command of the Fourth Theater, but before I came, he had clearly informed all the troops to enter a state of silence!"

"It's only been two and a half hours since we ambush those black-armored men! So fast? It seems that the detection technology of these alien civilizations exceeds our knowledge!" The general raised his wrist and looked at his watch. , sighing.

"Sir! According to what we detected, it was the air force and missile force of the Fourth Theater Zone that launched the first attack on the enemy an hour ago!" the federal major who came to report reported.

"What? Actively attack!" The general looked at the three-dimensional projection on the square table and looked at each other like many generals in the theater.

"Not good! There is a problem with the headquarters of the fourth theater!"

"Send the order and immediately blow up the secret passage to the Fourth Theater Command Headquarters!"

"Quick! Notify all command posts in the fourth theater, and the command of the theater will be taken over by the Earth Alliance Forces Headquarters."

The generals present were all veterans of real military command. They quickly realized what was wrong, and their expressions changed drastically.

An hour ago, the black-armored warriors who were ambushed quickly regrouped and continued to attack the Earth Alliance positions.

Only this time, their offense was much more cautious.

The heavy tank rolled over several lines of defense with the unique low roar of the maglev engine.

The muzzle of the tank's heavy cannon continuously shoots streams of high-energy particles, continuously destroying all fire points and bunkers in front.

The black-armored warriors at the rear slowed down and cooperated with these heavy tanks in coordinated operations. The dense laser beams poured down on the defense line of the advancing base like a heavy rain, making the ground pitted and filled with smoke.

"General Andre, the enemy has broken through our forward command post and is less than thirty kilometers away from our defense line!"

The Fourth Battlefield Headquarters is also located in the middle of a mountain. There are several secret passages under the headquarters that can accommodate the passage of cars.

This place is also heavily guarded, but at this time, the fourth battlefield headquarters is littered with corpses.

There were corpses everywhere, and some heavily armed aliens were massacring the remaining resistance forces in the battlefield headquarters.

The Dead Blade General, who had been missing for a long time, stood in front of the three-dimensional projection of the headquarters, looking thoughtfully at the dense underground network in the projection.

Behind him, a huge octopus-like translucent monster occupied a small half of the command post.

Its tentacle suckers were inserted into the backs of the heads of the humans in the headquarters, controlling them to connect to the phone remotely and issue combat orders.

"Deploy all fighter planes to intercept them! Pour all the heavy firepower on the enemies and annihilate them!"

Under the control of the octopus tentacles, a general who was over fifty years old, somewhat stout and gray-haired issued attack orders to various hidden artillery positions, missile units, and air force units.

Hundreds of fighter planes roared and took off from various hidden bases in the fourth theater.

They quickly climbed to a high altitude, waiting to launch air-to-ground missiles and rockets at the black-armored troops.

Above their heads, densely packed space shuttles quietly appeared.

Launched a surprise attack on these fighter planes!

In just ten minutes, hundreds of fighter planes in the fourth theater, which were extremely lethal to ground targets, finally turned into faint flames in the sky.

The missile force that received the attack order immediately launched a strike against the attacking black-armored warriors.

Although there is no high-altitude satellite guidance, some military experts, think tank members, and coalition staff have considered this issue as early as preparing for this event.

Therefore, when building the entire Titan fortification, they planned to use the defense line as the dividing point and buried a large number of guidance equipment underground.

It is enough to ensure that the missile unit's attack error is less than ten meters, plus there are bunkers everywhere to observe the enemy's position coordinates at any time.

Perhaps it was because the air force of the fourth theater attracted most of the attention of those space shuttles, and several missile units achieved significant results as soon as they took action!

One after another, the black-armored warriors fell to the ground in pieces under the fire of missiles. Heavy tanks continued to explode. In just a few minutes, more than two hundred alien tanks were shattered by missile forces. , the black-armored warriors suffered hundreds of casualties!

But the price for achieving this modest result was that the heavy firepower hidden in the fourth theater was exposed to those space shuttles.

Large numbers of space shuttles roared towards the exposed firepower point of the fourth theater, and dense energy beams and powerful crystal bombs crashed down.

Although these missile units and artillery units were surrounded by sufficiently hard bunkers and anti-aircraft firepower, those reinforced concrete fortifications only lasted for less than half an hour under the concentrated fire attacks of those space shuttles.

Also hit were the exposed airport in the fourth theater and the hundreds of fighter planes and armed helicopters staying at the airport - (End of Chapter)

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