Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 456: Stop the war and save face

Looking at Hela being held in Tang Song's arms, Frigga couldn't believe her eyes. In her memory, she had never seen Hela showing such a little daughter attitude.

You must know that because of the death godhead, Hela has been much more interested in the dead than the living since she was a child.

When she was a child, Hela was different from other Asgardian girls.

While other little girls were keen on rag dolls and beautiful dolls, Hela had already begun to try to use the power of death in her body to make some small animals into her death army.

In order to change the fate of Ragnarok, Odin and she also selected a partner for Hela in the nine realms when she came of age, trying to change her personality with a partner.

But whether they were the bold and straightforward berserkers of the Asa Protoss or the handsome gods of the Warner Protoss, when Hela saw them for the first time, her eyes were thinking about how to turn them into members of her death army.

Facing these eyes that looked at her like a dead person, not to mention getting along with Hela, there were not many men who could even sit with her and chat for a few more minutes.

"Does Hela like this kind of pretty boy? But the Elf Prince of Alfheim is not bad in appearance either!"

Frigga looked at Tang and Song up and down, pondering in her mind, and did not notice that Odin was almost beaten to death by the old dragon.

After seeing Boss Tang appear, Wade and Johnny, who were resisting those Asgardian berserkers, stopped what they were doing.

Wade blew a kiss to Sif, who was facing her, and sheathed the swords in his hands directly in front of her.

Johnny also released the Ghost Rider form, shook his somewhat stiff neck, and took out a box of cigars from his windbreaker pocket.

"Hey! Johnny! Give me one!"

Wade walked up to Johnny, and the two of them hooked up and ran behind Tang Song, got together and started puffing away!

This scene actually made the attacking Asgardian soldiers a little confused. They looked at each other hesitantly, thinking that this was some conspiracy of the enemy, and invariably stopped what they were doing...

For a moment, the atmosphere became a little weird.


"I think today's matter is a misunderstanding, so that's the end of it!"

Tang Song held Hela's waist with one hand and glanced at everyone present calmly.

Odin shouted three times to stop, and Thor shouted half a sentence, but it seemed to be of no use.

Only after Tang Song said this, everyone who came into contact with his gaze, whether they were Asgardian Berserkers or Avengers, stopped what they were doing.

Even Beelzebub, the king of hell, felt frightened after being glanced at by Tang Song. He laughed dryly and put away the weapon in his hand.

Silently breaking free from the encirclement of Captain America, Diana and others, they retreated a few hundred meters and came to Wade and Johnny. Johnny casually handed over a cigar, and the street sluts were puffing away. Add one more person.

At this time, the Avengers and Diana breathed a sigh of relief. Their hands and feet felt weak, facing Beelzebub, the king of hell.

Even with the cover of the Avengers wearing Ant-Man suits, Diana was still sweating profusely after being killed. You must know that Beelzebub, whether he is Baal or the Seven Lords of Hell, his status is equivalent to that of the God King Zeus.

Although Diana is one of the three giants of the Justice League, considering the long lifespan of the Olympus Protoss, she is still a minor and is no match for Beelzebub.

Diana leaned her sword on the ground, breathing heavily. When she raised her head, she saw the figure in white.

But not everyone is so proud of Boss Tang. Take Lao Molong, for example, he has fallen into madness and beats his own boss, his father-in-law!

"I'll let you strike me with lightning, let you stab me with a gun! Let you look down on me, let you scold me! Let you enslave me!"

The old demon dragon's eyes flashed with a crazy, violent, and almost hysterical evil light, and sparks almost came out of the Wutu mountain whip in his hand.

Odin tried his best to parry, but he was exhausted, and soon he was whipped several more times on his body, back, and head.

At this time, the armor on Odin's body had become completely pitted, and the deflated golden helmet did not know where it had gone.

With his white hair hanging loose and his face covered in blood, Odin looked as embarrassed as he could at this moment, but he still had the grace of the King of Gods.


Seeing the miserable condition of their loyal monarch, the Asgardian soldiers who originally lowered their weapons could no longer bear it. Amidst the sound of the dragon's horn, they raised their swords and battle axes together and attacked Tang Song and others. Charged.

When the crazy old demon dragon saw the Asgardian soldiers swarming towards him, his eyes suddenly turned red. He looked up to the sky and let out a strange howl:

"War, killing, blood, corpses, how much I miss it all! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!!"

Several pairs of huge dark wings spread out behind the old demon dragon. The old demon dragon roared angrily, and its body expanded rapidly, ready to reveal its true form and swallow the entire Asgardian population.

Looking at the battlefield that was once again in chaos, the muscles on Tang Song's face tensed up and his face stiffened for a moment. Looking at the old demon dragon who was not betraying his face, he couldn't help but touch his nose a little helplessly. When he heard the old demon dragon's curse, He smiled bitterly.

"It seems like he has a big problem with me!"

"Pfft!" Hela, who was held in Tang Song's arms, couldn't help laughing when she saw Tang Song's expression.

"Pah!" Tang Song raised his hand around Hela's waist and slapped it hard!

"Ah!" Hela covered Tang Song's hand. When she raised her head, she met Queen Frigga's wide, almond-shaped eyes. For the first time, Hela's face felt hot and she wanted to get into it. The feeling of entering the crypt of Asgard.

Diana, who had been staring at Tang Song, also noticed the actions of the two of them. Diana rolled her eyes. He was another man who couldn't control his lower body!

Tang Song was keenly aware of Diana's gaze, but ignored it. After all, there were more than one gaze directed at him. Diana's non-hostile gaze was not as intense as the strange gaze of Queen Frigga in front of him. "Ouch!" A tiger roar shook the earth. Seeing the Asgardian soldiers rushing towards the boss, the black clouds rolled behind Kane, and a tiger with a striking white forehead suddenly jumped out, stepping on the black smoke and looking up to the sky. Let out a tiger roar.

The body of this white tiger is abnormally tall. Its head and tail are stretched out for a hundred feet. It is surrounded by black energy. Numerous ferocious ghosts can be seen vaguely with teeth and claws, crying and howling. Two fangs stick out of the lips. The animal pattern on the forehead is like fire. The scarlet king character is as big as a washbasin, and there is a single horn about ten feet long in the middle, stirring up the smoke and black air.

Just as he was about to jump out, the whole sky and fields of Asgard were filled with howling winds.

Kane's white tiger appearance appeared, his fur exploded, he bent down, and the roar of the tiger came out. It was like thousands of thunderstorms exploding in the ears of those Asgard soldiers. The scene was just like those in Asgard. Thousands of stun bombs were thrown among the Gard soldiers.

Even though the physical fitness of these Asgardian soldiers is far superior to that of Earthlings, a tiger's roar in Kane is not simple.

Tigers and dragons in the wind, roaring tigers create wind, fierce tigers pounce on food in the world, and tigers roar in the mountains and forests, accompanied by evil winds.

What's more, the dharma shown by Kane is based on his bloodline body. The origin of the bloodline can be traced back to the White Tiger of Xijin, one of the four ancient spirits in the Jambu world.

He was born with the magical power to control the wind. When he let out a tiger's roar, the sky in Asgard suddenly became dark, with sand and rocks flying. Several people hugged each other, and as soon as the thick black wind pillar left his mouth, it turned into a giant spinning tornado in the blink of an eye.

The sinister wind howled, the ghosts roared, and the ghostly aura was mixed with the aura of Gengjin. Although it did not reach the level of the Gengjin divine wind, the evil wind swept through, but it also destroyed the ground of Asgard, which was as solid as fine steel. A layer of stone chips about an inch thick was scraped off.

Those Asgardian berserkers were blown away as if by this evil wind.

After Kane dispatched the Asgardian soldiers with a tiger roar, his eyes stayed on the old demon dragon. Opposite Kane, Clark's pupils suddenly shrank, and Kane suddenly disappeared in front of him.

With his super vision that can keep up with the speed of the Flash, he didn't even see how Kane disappeared.

An earth-shaking dragon roar came. The old demon dragon looked at the Asgard soldiers rushing up, and the fierce flames in his heart rose. Just when he couldn't help but show his huge dragon body hundreds of kilometers away, these Ah When the Sgardian swallowed it in one gulp.

A gust of wind blew silently behind the old demon dragon. The sound of the wind dispersed, revealing a figure. He raised his arm, gathered strength, and silently punched the old demon dragon in the back of the heart.

Like a flash flood, the huge force rushed into the old devil dragon's body through its tough dragon scales and exploded inside him!

The old demon dragon's scarlet eyes turned back and stared fiercely at Kane, who was making a sneak attack. A fiery red figure suddenly appeared above his head, and a big black gold stick hit his head solidly.


Even though the black-gold stick in Frank's hand was only measured in hundreds of tons, it was also a heavy weapon with infinitely compressed volume. Its power was even greater than that of the old devil dragon's golden whip, and it could really kill people. stuff!

Although Frank suffered a loss at the hands of Odin, it does not mean that his true form of Zhu Yan and the black gold stick in his hand are not good. You must know that Zhu Yan, a ferocious beast, even in the ancient barbaric period of the world of Jambu, was A ferocious beast that can be ranked in the top fifty.

Otherwise, his bloodline would not be imitated by the powerful human race and integrated into "The Transformation of Gods and Demons".

But compared to the nearly 5,000-year-old God King Odin, Frank has only been practicing for a few years. At this time, he has not even fully refined the black gold stick of the true magic weapon level in his hand.

But if Odin were to use his head to hit Frank with a stick, the head would have to be hit!

So even if the old devil dragon has a dragon body that has been tempered for hundreds of thousands of years! He was also bleeding from Frank's blow.

However, Frank's stick also knocked the old dragon awake. He glared at Kane and Frank angrily: "Why did you two boys hit me?"

At this moment, Tang Song's cold voice came over: "I asked them to fight, do you have any objections?"

"Frank, if your stick has no strength, then use my sword! I'll see if I can chop off his head! I think he's big enough, so I can peel off his skin and make a dragon scale armor for each of you. !”

The old demon dragon followed the sound and saw a pair of eyes of Tang and Song looking at him up and down, as if they were studying where to use the knife to peel off the skin.

What made the old devil dragon's scalp numb the most was that Tang Song really held a sheathed sword in his hand. The dark green scabbard had no other decorations.

At first glance, I felt that this sword was unpretentious, simple and elegant, and there was nothing surprising about it except that it was a little longer. But as soon as the old demon dragon's eyes rested on the sword, he felt an inexplicable sting in his eyes.

Thin and invisible sword energy burst out of his body directly through the outer scabbard, pricking his eyes red.

This sword put even more pressure on him than the blood-colored magic knife in the hands of the bloody Taoist.

The old demon dragon looked at Tang Song's expression and it didn't look like he was joking. Thinking of what he just said without hesitation, he secretly complained in his heart.

Just when Tang Song pretended to throw the sword in his hand to Frank, the old demon dragon couldn't bear it anymore and let out a horrified howl: "Boss! I was wrong!"

"I'm sorry, my subordinates are not well disciplined, but they have caused trouble for the God King!"

In the dilapidated Golden Palace, Tang Song leaned on his cane and apologized to Odin. Outside the hall, the screams of the old demon dragon were deafening, and the corners of Odin's mouth twitched.

He looked at Tang Song with an unkind look, and he suspected that the old demon dragon who was being beaten with a stick outside was the one who had given him the power to do so by the smiling tiger in front of him.

But when Odin looked around, his eyes stopped on Hela, Kane, Clark, Diana and others, and finally his eyes stopped on the fat Thor who was shrinking and secretly looking at Hela.

Odin sighed heavily in his heart. There was no successor to Asgard. Even if Thor grew up, he would be just like the Thor from the parallel universe, without any kingly bearing.

"This matter is indeed a misunderstanding. I was too worried about Asgard and thought Asgard was invaded by demons from hell, so I took action rashly and made a joke!"

After Odin said these words, he felt much older in an instant. Even though the God King of Asgard was about to enter eternal sleep, in the eyes of outsiders, he was still as ambitious as a tiger. appearance.

The aura of the King of Gods makes it impossible to tell that this is an old man who is about to die, but at this moment, Odin's face is full of fatigue, as if he is exhausted from a lifetime of hard work and torture. , an ordinary old man quietly waiting for death to come.

(Sorry, everyone, I may not be able to keep up with the updates in the past two days. My mother went for a check-up and it seemed like she had a tumor, but the county doctor said she couldn’t see it clearly. After I was busy with the company, I took her to Jinan to have a look. So I’m a little busy these two days, maybe only 4,000 words a day)

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