Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 457 Despicable Devil


In the main hall of the Golden Palace, due to the distance between this glorious main hall and the protection of the Rune Magic Array, the Golden Palace was not greatly affected by the battle.

It's just that the coating on the ceiling has peeled off, revealing some murals at the bottom of the coating. It is a goddess sitting astride a giant wolf, holding a black blade, and leading countless death warriors to fight among a group of orcs.

Hela was held in Tang Song's arms. She looked up at the familiar figure. Memories flashed across her mind and were erased from her mind. In the process, Hela was also constantly absorbing this memory. Everything, soul, power, and godhead of Hela, the goddess of death in the universe

Her strength also increased dramatically, and she gradually reached the level of the true immortal peak. Three bloody buds gradually took shape in her sea of ​​consciousness.

After washing up, God King Odin, who was sitting high on the throne, was dressed in white robes. He was completely free of the previous embarrassment. Sitting high on the throne, he lowered his eyes slightly and was keenly aware of the change in Hela's aura.

Odin glanced at it and saw Tang Song playing with Hela's fingers. At that moment, Odin felt as uncomfortable as eating a live fly.

Imagine that a will-o'-the-wisp boy comes to your house with his rebellious daughter and a bunch of people, beats you up, then puts his arms around your daughter and tells you that it's all a misunderstanding!

The thugs next to you are smiling and holding baseball bats at the TV, computers, home appliances, and furniture, waiting for your answer.

You had to hold your nose and admit that this was all a misunderstanding, and how you felt in your heart.

"You have also seen that Asgard has just encountered a change. I am afraid that I will break my promise to the five thousand reinforcements I promised you!"

Odin naturally couldn't swallow this breath. He was worthy of being the king of the gods in Asgard. After being decadent for a moment, he planned to cause some trouble for Tang and Song. He sighed and turned to look at the Avengers and others.

"Your Majesty Odin, but this is what we have agreed upon before!" Captain America looked at Odin in disbelief, stood up, took a step forward and said:

"Without Asgard's reinforcements, there will definitely be loopholes in our original plan. If the plan fails and Thanos collects the five Infinity Stones, Asgard will also suffer!"

Faced with Captain America's love and reason, Odin sighed, waved his hand and said: "Of course I know this, but you have also seen that all of my soldiers are injured now, even if they want to help you Can't do it either.

Unless you wait two more months to let them recover from their injuries! "

"But our soldiers are still fighting with the enemy on Titan. In two months, the earth will fall!" Tony Stark frowned and glared at Odin.

Odin slapped the armrest of the throne like a roaring lion: "That is a matter for you people on earth. Asgard has protected you for thousands of years. You must know that this is not our obligation!"

Looking at Odin, who was all hair and beard, everyone in the Avengers fell into silence. Everyone present did not have the kind of moral kidnapping of the Virgin. Odin was right, Asgard has no obligation to help the earth.

But without Asgard's reinforcements, what would happen to Thanos's beheading plan?

No obligation to? Just when everyone fell silent, Tang Song, who was holding Hela's little hand and caressing it on a chair next to the hall, raised his head and glanced at Odin, the old fox.

After numerous famous pantheons on the earth, heaven and hell were blocked outside the real dimension. The Olympus pantheon took many other pantheons to escape from the Milky Way and created the Pantheon. The entire earth and even the entire nine realms became The territory of the Asa Protoss.

Why? Is it because Odin has a big head and one eye? Of course not. In the early stage, he relied on Hela, his daughter who could fight and kill. In the later stage, he had the support of a certain mage in yellow. If the two of them join forces, it can be said that they can directly destroy the Nine Realms. Consider it your own taboo.

It's just that what the Ancient One wants is the stability of the earth's real dimension, and what Odin wants is the status of the co-lord of the nine realms. This is why when the frost giants of Jotunheim took advantage of the vision of nine stars to attack the earth, Odin led A One of the reasons why Sgard's soldiers came to help.

The earth can be regarded as his nominal vassal territory, and with the presence of the Ancient Master, the earth is also Asgard's ally.

"It's not that I don't want to help the earth! But you have also seen what happened to Asgard. Now Asgard really can't spare any manpower!" Odin sighed, and his eyes seemed to glance at Tang Song inadvertently.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Tang Song.

Tang Song raised his head and glanced at the Avengers: "What are you looking at me for? I already told you that this was a misunderstanding. Now the misunderstanding is solved! Do you want to settle a score with me! Huh?!"


The screams of the old demon dragon outside the door rang out at the right time. The screams were so pitiful that the entire palace shivered and shook dust.

Everyone was frightened by the screams. It was not like everyone had not seen the scene where the old demon dragon was showing off his power outside just now, but now he was just lying outside and being beaten with a stick.

Frightened by the lustful power of Tang and Song Dynasties, everyone remained silent for a while.

"Ahem! Mr. Tang, this matter was caused by your men after all..." Tony Stark looked around, took a step forward, faced Tang Song directly and said.

"So what?" Tang Song stood up from the chair, rubbed his cane, and looked at Tony Stark: "Let's not mention that the cause of the matter was that His Majesty Odin took action first and caused this misunderstanding. Even if It’s Old Demon Dragon’s fault, so what!”

"You can't offend Asgard, you can't offend Thanos, how can you offend me? I have power hundreds of times more powerful than the two of them combined. Do you want me to go crazy? ?"

Tang Song walked up to Tony Stark and patted him on the shoulder.

Tony Stark looked at Tang Song's clear and impurity-free eyes with anguish, as if he was once lying on a lounge chair in the sky garden on the roof of his villa and looking at the boundless starry sky above his head. Same.

Superman Clark has been staring at Tang Song. His eyes with super vision carefully observed Tang Song's expression. His super brain, which is comparable to a super computer, quickly analyzed the various factors contained in Tang Song's expression, movements, and tone. kind of information.

After complex calculation and analysis, Clark reluctantly discovered that what Tang Song said was probably true, and his words were at least 99% credible!

But how is that possible? !

As the son of Krypton and the god among men in the DC universe, Superman is very confident in his power.

But since following Bruce Wayne and leaving the DC universe, he has encountered strong men who can rival him one after another.

Whether it is the old demon dragon or Odin, the strength shown is not inferior to his own, surpassing their strength by hundreds or thousands of times!

Unknowingly, Superman's self-confidence was greatly frustrated. He looked at Bruce Wayne out of habit and found that the man who had killed him was calmly observing his surroundings, as quiet as the night, hanging upside down. Treetops, like bats searching for prey.

Clark remembered the guy staring at him like this the first time they met, and then the second time they met, he brought a kryptonite bomb.

"Mr. Tang! Now the earth and even the entire universe are facing the crisis of destruction!" Captain America hesitated for a moment and said, "We need help!"

Tang Song stretched out his hand contentedly, and a lit cigar appeared out of thin air between his fingers: "I remember I promised you before that I couldn't launch a divine war at will. You asked me to betray my promise, which makes it very difficult for me to handle!"

Tang Song smoked a cigar, exhaled a puff of smoke, raised his cane and pointed at Tony Stark in front of him. Captain America, the Avengers and the Justice League sneered:

"You guys came to my territory to make a big fuss. I gave Thor face and promised not to launch a divine war in your universe, but now you are going even further. What do you think of me, Mr. Tang?"

"But if your people hadn't caused this conflict, Asgard wouldn't have given us reinforcements!" Natasha couldn't help but sneered at Tang Song.

"Really!?" Tang Song smoked a cigar and looked at Odin: "Your Majesty Odin, was I the cause of this conflict?!"

Facing Tang Song's peaceful eyes, Odin suddenly felt something in his heart. Even if Asgard had the manpower in hand, there would still be no problem in sending five thousand reinforcements.

The reason why he made things difficult for these humans was that he saw that Tang Song knew them and wanted to provoke a relationship between them and Tang Song. Tang Song's look clearly showed his intention.

"Hiss! Frigga! My head hurts!" Odin suddenly reached out his hand to cover his forehead, and half fainted on the throne.

Queen Frigga was startled, and quickly called the maid, and a group of guards helped Odin to walk to the palace.

In the main hall of the Golden Palace, only the Avengers were left. Zheng Lian and others looked at Tang and Song Dynasty looking at each other.

"It seems Odin has no objection!" Tang Song looked at Natasha and said, "Madam! What's your name?"

"Natasha Romanoff!" Natasha looked at Tang Song with a trace of anger in her eyes.

When she was at Huxindao Manor, she clearly told Tang and Song her name. Could it be that such a beautiful woman was so unattractive that the man in front of her couldn't even remember her name?

However, when she thought that the handsome man opposite might not be a human being, but some evil god with strange tentacles, the annoyance in her eyes was quickly covered by her.

"Well, Miss Natasha, I am not an unreasonable person. My subordinate did make a mistake in this matter, and he is being punished for the mistakes he made!" Tang Song took a breath of his cigar and pointed Pointing to the old demon dragon who was being punished with eight hundred military sticks outside the palace, he said:

"Principles are principles and cannot be broken easily! Unless there are enough benefits, I might be able to find a way to make some changes!"

Natasha was stunned: "Benefits? Changes?"

Tang Song spread his hands and said: "Gods and Buddhas also need to receive incense. Oh, this is what you Westerners understand as belief. Didn't you see that the Buddha statue of Sakyamuni also needs to be decorated with gold?"

"Do you want us to build a temple for you?" Tony Stark said, "It's very simple. When I return to our universe, I will have people build a hundred churches and temples!"

"Mr. Stark!" Bruce Wayne shouted at Tony Stark and quietly shook his head at him.

Tang Song saw the wariness in Bruce Wayne's eyes and laughed: "What are Mr. Wayne worried about? Is he worried that I will invade their broken universe!"

Bruce Wayne didn't say anything. He was really worried that Tang Song would extend its tentacles into Tony Stark's universe. As far as he knew, many evil gods and demons needed coordinates to come to the real dimension. Who knew if those temples were in front of him? The signal tower where this god descended.

"I didn't say I want you to build any temples. This is what you are talking about! What I want is interests that can impress me!" Tang Song said with a smile: "And I'm not asking you to do anything for me. You want to Please understand, it is you who are begging me, not me who is begging you!"

"Don't you claim to be a god? Shouldn't gods save their own believers?!" Diana suddenly stood up and questioned Tang and Song.

Diana looked at Tang and Song and remembered the scene when she went to the Pantheon to ask for help. The gods of the Pantheon were immersed in singing, dancing, drinking and having fun, and did not care about the life and death of ordinary people, even Zeus in this universe.

"Of course I will protect my believers, but are there any of my believers in this universe?"

What Tang Song said made Diana stunned for a moment: "But, but, shouldn't God be merciful!"

Tang Song smiled and said: "Sorry, I never think that I am a just god." He said frankly:

"I am a selfish God. I will not bestow my mercy on anyone other than my believers. On the contrary, whoever provokes me, I will deal with him. It's that simple!"

Diana's bright eyes dimmed instantly. The man in front of her was no different from Zeus and the people in the Pantheon. They were all selfish guys. It was ridiculous. Can such a person be called a god? !

"However, since you are my agents, I can make an exception for you and help you once. But as a condition, how many tasks do you need to complete for me?" Tang Song looked at the many superheroes present, as if A hungry wolf wearing a knife and fork and an apron was looking at a group of little fat sheep.

"What mission?" Captain America spoke first.

"In many parallel universes, there are many evil gods and demons who are inhumane. They slaughter thousands of living beings and make many worlds unstable!" Tang Song said, picking up his cane and pointing it, and in the main hall of the Golden Palace, one after another tragic figures emerged. picture.

In these images, there is an apocalyptic world full of walking dead.

There are also scenes of huge alien monsters opening their huge fangs-filled mouths to swallow an entire planet.

There was also a huge alien spacecraft that smashed half of the entire earth into pieces.

In these fleeting clips, there are villains shouting and making everyone dance for their own selfish desires, hoping to make everyone in the world fall into an illusion.

There are also people who break virus test tubes and turn the whole world into a living hell.

In the vast star field, some objects shrouded in black mist descended on planets one after another, turning the lives on those planets into white bones.

In some worlds, humans are raised by vampires, aliens, or even artificial intelligence developed by themselves, and are completely reduced to slaves.

In some worlds that are suspected to be full of islands, aliens wearing space suits and oxygen masks take some tall and burly "human beings" as slaves, shoot civilians in the streets, and rob other people's wives and daughters. Look at those ugly faces with maniacal laughter. The American team members had their fists hardened.

"You have also seen that in many parallel universes, there are many villains like Thanos. It is said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. God has given you the ability to travel through parallel universes, perhaps just to allow you to save these poor ordinary people. !”

Tang Song sighed: "I originally wanted to launch a divine war to solve these worlds ruled by demons, but you misunderstood me as having bad intentions. Now let's make a business. As my agent, help me go there. Save twenty worlds,

In return, I can help you solve this trouble! "

When faced with Tang and Song's words, everyone looked at each other in shock! Reason tells them that one Thanos is enough to give them a headache. To save twenty worlds, they may have to face twenty enemies like Thanos.

But they can't do anything to let them watch ordinary people in the world fall into the rule of demons, watch them fall into dire straits, and stand idly by.

Tangled emotions spread in everyone's heart! And I heard that saying that with great power comes great responsibility! Their hearts were inexplicably aflame as to what was going on.

"Mr. Tang, each of us has limited energy. The sins in our own universe have not been eliminated. I'm afraid other universes can't help for the time being!" Bruce Wayne took the lead to put down the entanglement in his heart.

Although Barry, Arthur and others are helping him take care of Gotham City, he knows that it may take him a lifetime to clean up the evil in this city! He has no more energy to care about the affairs of other universes.

"Are Mr. Wayne worried about Gotham City? It's okay. The time flow rate in each universe is different! And I have some little skills to control time. If Mr. Wayne is worried that he doesn't have enough energy, I also have various pills here. The medicine is enough to extend your lifespan to be as long as the universe!"

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Dr. Banner couldn't help raising his hand and asked.

"As a god, since I promised you not to initiate a divine war, I must keep my word!" Tang Song looked at the big green man with a look of helplessness on his face.

"But in this case, how can you help us?" Dr. Banner continued to ask.

"It's true that I am a god, but I have also opened several companies. Kane and the others outside also know each other. They are all executives of the security company under my name. Although I cannot intervene directly, there is no rule that I cannot send out hired personnel. The army is here to help, isn’t it?”

Everyone looked at the smiling Tang Song, Captain America, Tony Stark and others and suddenly realized that the agreement they signed might just be a piece of waste paper.

This is no god, he is clearly a cunning devil.

Half an hour later, Tang Song smoked a cigar and walked out of the Asgard Golden Palace with Hela in his arms, leaving behind a group of sweating superheroes.

After fierce bargaining with Tang and Song to exchange parts, the task of saving twenty universes was reduced to five. However, accordingly, Tang and Song also refused to directly help them kill Thanos.

But in exchange for saving the five universes, he can help eliminate the enemies on Titan and give them a group of reinforcements to replace the Asgardian berserkers.

"I always feel that we have been fooled!" Tony Stark looked at the golden crown in the captain's hand: "Captain, why don't you try the strength of the golden warrior he mentioned!"

After hearing this, Captain America held up the golden crown with both hands and put it on his head. When the cold metal was close to his forehead, Captain America's consciousness was connected to a dark space. Rows of rows of golden giant swords, round golden The samurai stands like a sculpture in this space.

With a thought from Captain America, a golden warrior appeared directly in the main hall of the Golden Palace. The golden warrior made a sword-holding ceremony towards Captain America, then stood there and stopped moving.

"Can you command this golden warrior? Let it attack me!" Tony Stark clicked on the Ark reactor on his chest, and the nano-suit spread all over his body in an instant, covering him.

"Kang is busy!" Tony Stark raised his fingers towards the golden warrior, but the golden warrior was as motionless as a real sculpture.

Captain America tried to command the golden warrior. As he thought, the golden warrior directly raised the sword in his hand and rushed towards Tony Stark.


Tony Stark raised his arm and condensed a pulse energy beam in his palm, which instantly hit the golden warrior's body and knocked it away.

"Are you kidding me? Is this all you can do?" Tony Stark looked at the golden warrior who was blown away four to five meters away. He couldn't help but spread his arms and complained.

"Tony! Watch out!"

A golden giant sword flew out almost grazing Tony Stark's face. After throwing the weapon in his hand, the golden warrior stood up and rushed towards Tony Stark.

"You pissed me off, little one!"

Tony Stark's nanosuit separated several spider-like tentacles. The spikes at the end of the tentacles were aimed at the rushing golden warrior. Blazing white lasers burst out from the ends of these spider tentacles and headed towards him. The golden warriors gathered together and came out.

Eight blazing white lasers fired at the golden warrior's chest and blew him away again. This time, the round, seemingly headless golden warrior was directly exploded into a pile of gears and spring parts.

"I think we might have been tricked by that guy!" Seeing the Golden Warrior turned into a pile of parts, Tony Stark simply took off the nano-suit on his body and shrugged at everyone: "He seems to have taken a bunch of parts. We were dismissed with rags, and I could have built a bunch of these robots more than ten years ago."

Suddenly, Tony Stark's neck tightened, and he flew up. When he looked closely, Superman Clark appeared behind him for no apparent reason, holding him by the collar and dragging him flying in the air. .

"Friday, what just happened!"

"Sir! That weapon flew back from behind you. If Mr. Clark hadn't saved you, your body would have been pierced by that sword now!" The voice of artificial intelligence Friday rang in Tony Stark's ears.

And released a virtual image, projected in front of Tony Stark.

At this time, the pile of golden warrior parts on the ground seemed to be attracted by some kind of gravity. They quickly gathered together and reassembled into a golden warrior. He once again held the golden sword and killed Tony Stark.

Captain America quickly gave a stop command in his mind, and the golden warrior immediately stopped moving, holding his sword and turning into a sculpture again.

"Okay! I take back what I said, this thing is not without tatters! I said, thank you just now, can you put me down now!" Tony Stark turned to look at Clark, who was holding his collar behind him. .

As soon as Clark let go of his hand, Tony Stark fell down three to four meters away. However, in just a few tenths of a second, the nano-steel suit on his body covered his whole body.

However, this distance was not enough for him to start the engine on the suit. As a result, Iron Man wearing the steel suit hit the ground solidly.

"How many of these golden warriors did he give us?" Natasha asked, looking at the captain.

"There should be thousands of them!" Captain America briefly glanced at the golden warrior in the dark space, and tried to collect the golden warrior in the hall.

The golden warrior turned into a golden light and disappeared.

"It's a wonderful feeling, like there is a huge space inside this crown!" Captain America said, taking off the golden crown on his head and handing it to Natasha next to him, letting her experience it.

Everyone was taking turns passing the golden crown around, and Tony Stark, who fell to the ground, became a nobody for a moment.

"Sir, there is a communication projection, coming from the earth! Are you connected?" Tony Stark just got up when he received Friday's prompt.


A virtual projection is projected from the Ark reactor on Tony Stark's chest.

The virtual projection light screen flashed, and Nick Fury, wearing a black windbreaker and an eye patch with a serious face, appeared on the light screen.

"Everyone! There is a big problem on the earth. A god has come to the earth! He convinced the leaders and promised to help us fight against the aliens on Titan. As a condition, he took away the Cosmic Cube and the Lokkin Root. Scepter!”

Everyone in the Golden Palace hall fell silent.

Diana glanced strangely toward the door and vaguely guessed who the god was, but this guy was too damaged.

Eat both ends!

Tony Stark's mouth opened again and again in anger, but he couldn't speak for a long time.

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