Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 463 Metamorphosis

It took most of the day for Tang and Song to slaughter all the sacrifices. He threw the magic sword in his hand into the air. The magic sword, which had drank the blood of thousands of people and turned blood red, was instantly wiped out by countless green weapons. Devoured by the heavenly demons, it shattered into dust-like blood mist and was swallowed up by them.

He casually drew a golden talisman to seal these demons who were ready to move into this formation.

"No hurry! No hurry! Just wait!"

Tang Song took the white square towel handed by Hela behind him, wiped the blood stains on his hands, and shook his head.

At this time, in this formation space, seventy-two white bone flags were fluttering, black mist filled the air, and there was a sea of ​​ghosts crying and wolves howling, and the sound of weeping was like a tide.

The green figure of the pseudo-celestial demon refined with hell devils loomed in the formation space. Above Tang and Song's head, a golden rope sank into the void along the formation space.

But at this time, the golden rope was like a fishing line cast by a fisherman, as if the reel had been completely emptied.

"Boss! The call from the World Security Council!" Kane walked up to Tang Song, holding a high-tech communication device the size of a palm in his hand.

After Tang Song wiped his hands clean, he signaled Kane to access the communication channels of the members of the World Security Council on Earth.

"Everyone, your plan should have started?" Tang Song looked at the several virtual lights and shadows that appeared in front of him and said.

Several representatives of the World Security Council noticed the thick black fog behind the Tang and Song Dynasties. You looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, one representative carefully stated his intention:

"Your Majesty, our beheading team has already started taking action. We hope you can help us contain the enemies here on Titan as agreed!"

Tang Song shook his head noncommittally, and said calmly: "The troops are in danger, beheading plan! Once the Mad Titan Thanos dies, the entire alien coalition will immediately fall into disintegration!

It's a good idea, but if your beheading plan fails, the earth will not be able to withstand Thanos' wrath! "

Glancing at these anxious representatives of the World Security Council, Tang Song smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I won't break promises easily when I promise others things! But are you interested in making another deal with me?"

The following words from Tang and Song made the expressions of several World Security Council representatives extremely exciting, ranging from uneasiness at the beginning, to suspicion, and even a look of laughter on the face of one World Security Council representative.

What is the difference between asking billions of people on earth to worship and curse those alien invaders and the ancient Zha Xiaoren? Could it be that these magic techniques of gods and ghosts, which are unknown whether they are true or false, can really harm those millions of aliens? fleet.

If these gods and ghosts were really useful, wouldn't the earth still be ruled by those gods and religions?

When the representative surnamed Xu from the * country fell on the Tang and Song Dynasty's face that looked like a smile but not a smile, like the Buddha in the temple, his heart suddenly suddenly thought, and then he remembered that the person in front of him was not one of those witches and magic sticks, but A true god.

Then maybe this witchcraft is real!

At this time, several representatives of the World Security Council also reacted. The seemingly absurd behavior of the god in front of them may not be nonsense.

"Your Majesty! What do we need to pay?" A World Security Council asked cautiously.

"Don't be anxious! I will tell you the conditions slowly!"

Tang Song raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, there were more than a million alien giant ships densely packed outside Titan.

"In order to wish your beheading plan a success, I will set off some fireworks for you to add to the fun!"

Before the representatives of the World Security Council could speak, Hela, who was standing behind Tang Song, stepped forward, and a demonic wolf the size of a hill appeared under her feet.

Hela stood on the back of the demon wolf. The demon wolf raised its hooves and stepped on a blood cloud, turning into a bolt of lightning and flying towards the sky.

The speed of this blood cloud is getting faster and faster. In just a few blinks of an eye, it has accelerated to a high speed of three thousand kilometers per second, and the speed is still increasing.

Suspended on an observation ship tens of thousands of meters outside Titan, General Deathblade stood in front of the porthole, coldly watching hundreds of thousands of armed robots come to a standstill, and finally became a little impatient.

"These insect-like earthlings are like rats in the gutter. They can never be killed!" General Deathblade said, touching the wound on his shoulder. It was when he led a team to raid the headquarters of the earthlings. He was injured in a sneak attack by an Earthling holding two lightsabers.

Damn it, if it weren't for those earthlings with extraordinary powers who bullied the few, and the sudden appearance of the undead that disturbed him, he would have cut off the heads of those earthlings as collections.

The Deathblade General lost face in front of his wife and was furious.

"These undead creatures are really strange. I really can't understand why these dead creatures have the ability to move. The resurrection of the dead is undoubtedly a very terrifying war machine."

Proxima Centauri held a polymer medical device similar to a flashlight in his hand, treating the wounds on General Deathblade's body.

When the device emitted a soft yellow halo and shone on the Dead Blade General's wound, the wound on his body began to close at a speed visible to the naked eye, and granulation grew.

The Dead Blade General felt the itching on the wound and shook his head: "To us, these dead creatures do not pose any threat! But even I have to admit that these rat-like earthlings are quite capable!"

"Not only that, the danger of the earth has also exceeded our expectations," Proxima Centauri sighed: "Black dwarfs and supergiants have died on the earth! Who would have thought that an ordinary planet with life could actually give birth to... So many powerful beings!”

"Our master seems to have caused a big trouble?" Black-tongued counselor Wu Muhou walked up to the two of them, clasping his hands behind his back, looking at the planet under his feet with a playful look in his eyes.

"Our mission failed. We did not find a gem. Instead, we lost a supergiant star, a black dwarf star, and Proxima Centauri. What do you think our master will do with us!"

Proxima Centauri frowned and said, "Hasn't the great Thanos already forgiven us?"

"Forgiveness?!" Ebony Maw looked back at Proxima Centauri: "Do you mean he asked us to bring back Hela's head?" The Dead Blade General looked at Ebony Maw's eyes as he looked at Proxima Centauri, and groaned, She took a step forward and blocked his eyes.

Ebony Throat shook his head disapprovingly of General Deathblade's actions, then looked at the two of them meaningfully and said: "You are not people on the magic side, and you don't understand the horror of Hela. Hela is the death of Asgard." The goddess is also a strong person who can rival Odin. With our strength, it is impossible to kill her!

Besides, haven't you ever doubted that the one sitting on the throne is really our master? "

Ebony Maw's words immediately silenced General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri. Even Proxima Centauri, the most loyal to Thanos, had a trace of doubt in his heart.

After all, the cold purple corpse floating outside the spacecraft had a huge impact on her!

Ebony Throat laughed softly at the two people who fell into silence: "No matter who is sitting on the throne, he is someone we cannot afford to offend!

But our master is too arrogant. He wants to use himself as bait to trap the superheroes who hunted Thanos in the parallel universe and seize the equipment in their hands that can travel through the parallel universe!

Didn't he think that something would happen to him? Those people killed an Eternal Titan! "

General Deathblade frowned and looked at the black-tongued counselor who was good at playing tricks: "Ebony Maw, what exactly do you want to say?"

"If our master dies in the hands of those humans, are you interested in taking his place?"

As the name suggests, Ebony Maw seems to be able to arouse desires in people's hearts with just one mouth.

General Deathblade's heart moved, but he glanced at Proxima Centauri behind him, and said disdainfully to Ebony Maw: "You counselors just like to instigate these conspiracies! How could the great Thanos lose to these humans!"

"Don't forget that we clearly saw in Nebula's memory that the ax cut off his head!" After Ebony Throat said this, he didn't say anything more, but turned to look Titan outside the porthole window.

The look of Ebony Maw made General Deathblade feel itchy. If he hadn't been worried about Proxima Centauri, he would have had a good chat with Ebony Maw.

What a tempting idea to replace Thanos and become the master of the Dark Order.

For Ebony Maw, today's test was undoubtedly a success. The Dead Blade General had always had his own little plans, which he couldn't hide from him.

This time, he said such words, and with Proxima Centauri's loyalty to the Mad Titan, he did not directly scold him. The meaning of this is self-evident.

At this time, huge flames shot into the sky in Titan. They were armed robots whose central control system was destroyed by human electromagnetic pulse bombs. After losing contact with the main control system of the spacecraft, the backdoor self-destruction program of their energy core Start directly.

The energy cores that drive these robots, the energy blocks in their weapons, and the remaining ammunition explode at the same time, and the power is undoubtedly terrifying.

Tens of thousands of blazing fires appeared on the land of Titan. In the sky-reaching fire, millions of undead souls were swallowed up. At this moment, Titan seemed to be trembling.

"Tell the Celtic civilization! Send another 100,000 armed robots down to completely annihilate the earthlings on this planet!" As the Dead Blade General said, in front of the powerful fleet, those undead can only appear on the ground. prestige!

If it were not for the special characteristics of this planet, any civilization in this combined fleet would be able to come up with more than a dozen methods to eliminate this group of rats hiding in the ditch.

As soon as Ebony Maw gave the order, he saw the defense system composed of space fighters on the surface of Titan begin to attack, and countless beams of light rained down like an overwhelming rain of light.

Ebony Throat was stunned. He frowned and looked at the porthole: "What are the fighter planes of Doko Civilization attacking?"

Hundreds of thousands of space fighters shot out a dense rain of light, illuminating Titan like daylight. At this moment, Ebony Maw could clearly see the rising blood cloud and the giant black wolf standing on the blood cloud. of Hella.

"Hela, the goddess of death!" Ebony Throat looked solemn, and then ordered: "All battleships, aim at Hela and fire!"

It looked like it was being blessed by gods. All the high-energy beams passed close to Hela, and not a single beam hit.

In just a few minutes, Hela forcibly broke through the sniper attack of the space fighter defense system set up by the Doko civilization.

Ebony Throat Lock directly ordered the fleet to launch an attack. Under his command, each spaceship found its own naval gun, and its muzzle was aimed in the direction of Hela.

"Swish, swish, swish -"

Among the nearly a million battleships gathered around Titan, Hela faced less than one-thousandth of it head-on. But when there were thousands of battleships, each battleship turned hundreds of energy cannons and blasted dense missiles at her. During artillery fire.

The fierce gunfire seems to be able to tear Titan into pieces.

Facing the fierce artillery attack from above, Hela's figure suddenly turned into a blood mist and disappeared, and the energy artillery fire went straight towards Titan.

Just when the attack fire of these alien battleships was about to fall on Titan, a demon dragon suddenly appeared in the sky above Titan. It was a demon dragon that was hundreds of kilometers in size from head to tail. The demon dragon opened its thirteen The huge black wings look like a black hen protecting the eggs under its belly from a distance.

Under the shocked gazes of hundreds of civilizations and billions of people, the old demon dragon opened his mouth and suddenly swallowed, directly swallowing the naval gun beams fired by thousands of battleships into his mouth.

"Hiccup!" The old demon dragon blew out a stream of smoke from his mouth and nose, and smacked his huge mouth: "It doesn't taste very good! Forget it, I'll give it back to you!"

Then he opened his big mouth and spit out a breath containing powerful power towards the thousands of battleships above his head.

This energy shock wave with a thickness of more than ten kilometers rose into the sky. A warship blocking the breath beam was directly penetrated and exploded into countless fragments. The energy shield on the surface of the warship, which was dozens of meters thick, seemed to It's like foam and can be penetrated by one poke.

This breath of energy penetrated four battleships in a row before dissipating in the starry sky!

"What kind of monster is this!" Ebony Throat's small eyes widened, looking at the old demon dragon's huge body in disbelief, and exclaimed.

Ebony Maw prides himself on being well-informed, but he has never seen a pervert like the old demon dragon who can swallow the attacks of thousands of warships in one go.

(My mother’s surgery hasn’t been finished yet, and the commotion started again at home! In the past, my mother took care of the children at home, and I stayed with her in the hospital during my mother’s surgery. Now my wife takes care of the children, and she doesn’t know how to take care of the children. All kinds of things. The nose is not a nose, the eyes are not eyes! No patience at all!

Yesterday, I took my mother out of the hospital and was waiting for the pathology results at home. As a result, the two of them almost quarreled and both cried in their respective rooms. I almost exploded for the past two days! There are few updates, I hope you guys can forgive me! )

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