The old demon dragon exhaled in one breath and spread out the thirteen pairs of black dragon wings behind him. It appeared in the dense fleet almost as if teleporting. It arrogantly crushed more than a dozen warships with its huge body.

Under the huge body of the old demon dragon, which was hundreds of kilometers long, those thousand-meter-long warships were like toy boats in the basin, and they were instantly knocked to pieces by him.


The old demon dragon stretched out its two huge dragon claws and pinched the two battleships. With the strange sound of steel being bent and twisted, the two battleships were crushed into two twisted balls.

"Bah!" The old demon dragon opened his mouth and put the two balls of steel twists in his claws into his mouth. Between the opening and closing of the dragon's mouth, which was covered with sharp inverted triangle teeth, he chewed the two balls of battleship wreckage into a pile of iron filings. .

However, it seemed that the smell of rust did not satisfy the old devil dragon. He opened his mouth and spit out a high-temperature breath.

Under the hot dragon's breath, the iron slag and iron filings in the old demon dragon's mouth were melted into a puddle of red liquid. The crimson molten iron in the sky instantly covered an unfortunate battleship in front of the old demon dragon.

The battleship was suddenly ignited into a pile of fireballs under this high-temperature molten iron...

The Dead Blade General's eyes were a little straightened when he saw this scene.

As a subordinate of Thanos, he is one of the few leading generals in the Dark Order.

As his name suggests, General Deathblade is best at commanding fleets in battle, and once destroyed countless civilizations for Thanos.

Of course, the Deathblade General, who commands the most elite dark fleet, looks down upon this first-class warship produced by the Doko Civilization, but for a warship that can sail in space, resistance to high and low temperatures is a necessary standard for the metal used in making warships.

How high can the flames spit out by this monster be so high that it can instantly ignite the hull of a battleship that can withstand the surface temperature of a star? Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the area they were in had already left the world and was covered by branches. range.

Looking at the red flames burning up a battleship in the vacuum environment like tarsal maggots.

General Deathblade ordered in the fleet command channel: "Attack! Use Star Destroyer weapons to kill him!"

Countless giant steel ships in space were moving rapidly in the direction of the old demon dragon. These warships extended their thick muzzles and aimed at the direction of the old demon dragon. The cannons fired out dangerous energy beams!

The wings on the back of the old demon dragon flapped, and when he reappeared, he was already above a battleship thousands of kilometers away from him. His black sword-shaped tail had just been raised and smashed down.


The thousand-meter-long battleship was directly blocked from the waist and smashed into two pieces.

The next second, the fleets around the battleship turned their guns one after another, and thick streams of energy particles instantly overturned the damaged battleship, turning it into a dazzling fireworks in space.

But the figure of the old demon dragon disappeared under the fleet's fire control radar again. When he reappeared, his claws had tightly grasped a gray fusiform battleship and smashed it hard against another battleship. .

Boom boom——

Groups of red fireworks exploded in space. The high-speed moving Old Demon Dragon was like a ghost in space. Its huge body was hundreds of miles long, but it was so fast that even the most advanced warship radar could not catch it.

Every time a battleship locked onto the old demon dragon's position, the next second he disappeared from the sight of the battleship's radar.

In just a few minutes, nearly a hundred battleships turned into brilliant fireworks in space!

"All warships keep their distance. The black-sailed warships cast gravity nets to restrict his movements. The white-feathered warships prepare to output firepower!!"

In the command cabin of the flagship of the Dark Order, General Deathblade stood by the porthole, looking coldly at the old demon dragon who was killing wantonly in the fleet.

He was amazed that there could be such a powerful creature in this solar system, but he did not regard this monster as an opponent.

You must know that the fleet he commanded to besiege Titan was a combined fleet of more than a thousand civilizations, with a total number of ships exceeding one million. Even if this monster was allowed to kill, how many could it kill? Battleship.

Night Proxima came to General Deathblade, looked at his back and asked in a low voice: "Deathblade, were you tempted by Ebonmaw's proposal just now?"

Turning around fiercely, General Deathblade looked at Proxima Centauri and said:

"I don't want to fight for a madman who wants to destroy the universe anymore. That's too dangerous, isn't it?"

Swallowing with difficulty, Proxima Centauri said dryly: "But he is our master who has been loyal to us for hundreds of years!"

General Deathblade gently stroked Proxima Centauri's cheek with his hand and sighed softly:

"We have been loyal to him for hundreds of years and conquered countless civilizations on his behalf, but what he wants to do is to destroy the entire universe and Proxima Centauri. I'm not sure if we are also in his destruction plan!"

After a moment of silence, General Deathblade looked into Proxima Centauri's eyes and said sincerely:

"Proxima Centauri, you and I both know that the person sitting on the throne now is not the person we are loyal to! I am not betraying you!"

Dark Night Proxima Centauri looked at General Deathblade, his eyes flickering, and he didn't say anything else.

General Deathblade stepped forward and held Proxima Centauri in his arms:

"If Thanos is really killed by those humans this time, and we no longer have to bow before him, then we will be the masters of the Dark Order, and we will replace him as the overlord of this universe!"

General Deathblade raised his head and exchanged a look with Ebony Maw. Ebony Maw walked to the main console of the spacecraft and erased a request for help message received by the spacecraft.

That was the news that the flagship of the main fleet outside the solar system was attacked.

Outside the solar system, the huge fleet lingering here suddenly encountered an attack.

It's hard to imagine that anyone in the galaxy dares to actively challenge Thanos' fleet. After all, the millions of battleships just sitting there are enough to make people fearful!

Even the Shi'ar Empire could only retreat when faced with this huge fleet.

However, two figures attacked the fleet from both sides. The energy light waves caused by their rapid flight made the two of them look like two meteors, and they crashed into the huge fleet.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, crashed into the warships at a speed close to the speed of light. The exploding warships seemed like strings of firecrackers set off in the dark starry sky.

A large number of warships opened their defensive energy shields and mobilized the artillery fire on the warships. The cannon muzzles aimed at the figures of Superman Clark and Marvel Woman and launched a fierce bombardment.

The intensity of its firepower is not inferior to that of the battlefield on Titan.

But whether it is Superman or Wonder Woman, compared to the huge battleships, they are too small, and they are not even as thick as the cannons of those battleships.

But under the impact of the two men flying at full speed close to the speed of light, those battleships were like eggs wrapped in soap bubbles, easily smashed into pieces by the two ridiculously heavy monsters.

Both of them had clear goals. Flying at high speed, their targets were pointed at the command flagship of this huge fleet.

The densely packed warships were like a school of sardines gathered together. When encountering the enemy, a large number of warships blocked the two predators with a black pressure. Energy cannon fire was like rain, piercing the cold starry sky for a while——

Just after a large number of warships were mobilized, a colorful torrent fell from the sky on the flagship of the sanctuary. Thor raised Thor's hammer high, pulling the powerful thunder light, and hit the shield of the flagship heavily.

Although this shelter flagship activated its energy shield after detecting the enemy attack, the emergency energy shield was only charged less than 10%. It was hit by the Rainbow Bridge and Thor's Hammer. It broke apart, and there was even a huge gap in the hull.

The moment the shield shattered, another rainbow bridge descended, and a force of several thousand people descended directly on the sanctuary flagship. Nearly a hundred earth extraordinary people, two thousand Wakandan soldiers holding vibranium weapons, and three Thousands of heavily armed human soldiers, led by Captain America, launched a surprise attack on the flagship's control room.

The main fleet of the Dark Order, which was escorting the Sanctuary and near the flagship of the Temple, saw that the Sanctuary was under attack and quickly approached to provide support.

Although Thanos is not on the flagship of the Sanctuary, the Sanctuary is also one of the flagships of the Dark Order, and a large number of senior officials and priests of the order are on board this flagship.

These black-sailed battleships did not dare to attack their own flagship rashly. They could only dock with the Sanctuary. A large number of Dark Order soldiers landed with the intruders on the Sanctuary through the docking bridge.

Human soldiers equipped with weapons and equipment produced by the Tang Group and Wakandan soldiers armed with vibranium weapons blocked the bridge and engaged in a fierce boarding battle with the soldiers of the Dark Order.

The docking bridge is not too wide and can accommodate at most thirty people walking side by side. Some Wakandan soldiers stood side by side and unfolded their energy cloaks, trying to withstand the energy guns in the hands of those Dark Order soldiers.

However, the intensity and density of the opponent's firepower exceeded the expectations of these Wakandan soldiers. The dense energy beam penetrated their cloaks mixed with vibranium threads, and rows of Wakandan soldiers fell on the bridge.

A row of Wakandan soldiers fell, and the Wakandan people behind them shouted "Long live Wakanda" again!

The Wakandans fell, and human soldiers in exoskeleton suits took their place!

Wakandan soldiers with vibranium technology and human soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor also continued to fight back against the Dark Order soldiers, blocking these Dark Order soldiers with their lives.

They know they have no way out, behind them is the earth and home!

One is attacking like crazy, the other is trying to stop him!

The dense energy beams from both sides soon caused mountains of corpses to pile up in the bridge.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the US team led nearly a hundred people with the extraordinary power of the Earth to attack the control center of the Sanctuary.

The two wings, the center blossomed, and the sudden attack quickly spread throughout the coalition fleet combat network——

Several sharks were mixed into the huge sardine school, and the entire sardine school fell into chaos...

At this chaotic moment, on the Temple spacecraft, several space doors flashing with sparks suddenly opened——

After a heavily armed Dark Order soldier heard the noise, he alertly raised the energy rifle in his hand, and a sharp sword suddenly flew out of the space door and inserted into his head.

Wonder Woman Diana jumped out of the space door. When passing by the Dark Order soldiers, she reached out and pulled out the sword, and killed several Dark Order soldiers who were shouting and shooting in this direction.

"Ding ding ding ding——"

Diana raised her hand to block the beams of energy firearms fired by the Dark Order soldiers with her protective silver bracelet. The mantra lasso flew out from her hand, leading her to leap into the air. With one slash, a dozen Dark Order soldiers were shot. All heads were cut off by the sword energy.


A golden-red figure also flew out of the space gate at this time. The first thing Tony Stark did when he came to the Temple spacecraft was that the nano-suit was connected to the main control system of the spacecraft.

He didn't want to control the spacecraft. That would be too difficult. He chose to input a large number of junk viruses into the main control system of the spacecraft to interfere with the spacecraft's weapon system and power system——

These viruses were secretly obtained by Tony Stark from a world where humans were controlled by machines and used as batteries. Although the power of these viruses could not immediately paralyze the main system of this top alien technology spacecraft, it could still decapitate them. Take action to buy a certain amount of time!

"You better hurry up! We can't hold on for long! This distance is too far!"

Wang led a dozen mages to open the space door with trembling hands, and watched Hulk and others pass through the space door and arrive on the Temple spacecraft.


As soon as Hulk appeared on the Temple, he let out a cathartic roar. He was almost whipped into pulp by the old demon dragon. He wanted to vent his frustration completely.

Hulk strode towards the interior of the Temple spacecraft. His pace was even faster than Wonder Woman Diana. Facing the enemies blocking the way, he casually grabbed their ankles and used them as weapons to attack other enemies. A slap!

In Hulk's brutal collision, he killed hundreds of guards in the Temple spacecraft one after another. Just as Hulk rushed into a sealed hatch, a heavy punch suddenly appeared in front of him.


Hulk was like a green bowling ball, and was thrown dozens of meters away, hitting Diana behind him.

Diana pushed with her left hand, trying to catch Hulk. The next moment, she felt a surge of power coming from Hulk.

She and Hulk were knocked off the bridge with a huge force.

"Well! We're finally here for you, a bunch of little bugs!"

A big purple man slowly walked out of the cabin. On his right hand, the brilliance of three-color gems intertwined.

High above Titan, under the orders of General Deathblade, a large number of fleets quickly left the battlefield. Some black warships with a length of more than three thousand meters silently dropped diamond-shaped missiles with a diameter of tens of meters. Energy crystal.

The densely packed prismatic energy crystals simultaneously release strong blue light. These strong blue lights are connected together and instantly form a dozen large blue light energy networks spanning thousands of kilometers.

This energy network is like a strong magnetic black hole, instantly attracting all surrounding objects to it.

Under this strong gravitational pull, no matter the surrounding meteorites of different sizes or those tens of millions of tons of heavy battleships that were activated at full power, they were all captured by these large energy nets.

The old demon dragon flapped its wings, and its huge figure involuntarily paused for a moment under the suction force. Even his speed was affected by this huge suction force.

At this time, thousands of white warships that had been prepared locked onto the old demon dragon at the same time, and dense black beams of light shot towards the old demon dragon from all directions.

Wherever the black light passed, the void cracked open with thin traces clearly visible to the naked eye, and a large amount of subspace energy poured in along the cracks, adding a bit more power to the black light out of thin air.

The wings of the old demon dragon shook, and dozens of black lights passed over his body. He felt the terrifying power in the black light. Although the old demon dragon prided himself on his physical strength, he did not want to be beaten for no reason again. After all, he The scales on my butt have just grown out not long ago.

The old demon dragon spat out unspeakable dragon language, and in the next second his huge body turned into a ball of black smoke. The whistling black light shot onto the black smoke, as if penetrating into the air. Pass directly through.

Hundreds of miles of black smoke condensed into the size of a human, appearing and disappearing in space, rushing toward the surrounding fleets as if teleporting.

When the black smoke figure approached a battleship, it suddenly expanded to a size of hundreds of miles, swallowing it up instantly. The next second the black smoke dissipated, the third-level battleship disappeared.

"Everyone! How about this fireworks show? Thousands of flowers are blooming in the east wind at night, and even the stars are blown down like rain!

Although it is not the Lantern Festival now, according to the time on earth, it is almost the Chinese New Year, so I can set off fireworks for you to celebrate in advance! "

Under the fluorescent light emitted by the World Tree, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the night sky. From the time when the old demon dragon showed his true form to the time when the fireworks exploded in the sky, it only took ten minutes.

The fireworks exploding in the sky were like the Chinese New Year on earth. The intensity of the fireworks was even denser than the anti-aircraft artillery of the Berlin anti-aircraft tower during World War II. (End of chapter)

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