Chapter 46
Is it a lot to invest several hundred million yuan in a scientific research project?
There are really not many, especially in biotechnology. Any technological breakthrough is burned out with money.

Take pharmaceutical companies as an example. According to statistics from the Federal Pharmaceutical Company,

To successfully develop a drug, the actual cost of the pharmaceutical company is 13.95 billion US dollars,
Based on the nominal interest rate (capital cost) of 12-14%, the cost of developing a new drug is 25.58 billion US dollars to make up for capital time and opportunity costs.

Although the investment in the genetic recombination technology project led by Professor Connors is not so high, it has cost the Osborne Group nearly [-] million US dollars so far.

[-] million US dollars, compared to the hundreds of billions of market value of the Osborne Group, does not seem to be much.

But don't forget, this is one of the dozen or so biological experiment projects led by Norman Osborn.

Although the Osborne Group is a listed company with a market value of hundreds of billions, it has shareholders and a board of directors.

They won't watch Norman Osborn throw money away without seeing a return.

The shares held by Norman Osborn are not enough to compete with all the directors of the board of directors, and many things have to be compromised.

So when he heard that Tang Song planned to invest 5 million yuan to take over the genetic recombination experiment, he hesitated!
Based on Professor Conners' current experimental progress, at least another 4 million US dollars will be invested in order to complete this project.

And the premise of all this is that Connors can overcome the technical barriers of genetic recombination.

Now Tang Song is willing to spend 5 million US dollars to acquire this project. If Norman Osborn agrees, then Osborn will not only recover the cost of this project, but also have a slight surplus.

However, this project is related to the treatment of his own transgenic virus, which is why Norman Osborn hesitated.

As the evening approached, Norman Osborn asked the butler to prepare a sumptuous dinner.

On the long oak table, there are all kinds of delicacies,

Well-fried Australian veal steak, thinly sliced ​​Libyan ham on a silver plate, French baked snails...

Norman Osborn cut the veal steak in front of him with the silver knife and fork in his hand, as if he raised his head inadvertently and asked a question.

"Don, are you familiar with Mr. Moon of the Republican Party?"

Tang Song glanced at Norman Osborn, reached out and grabbed a lemon,
After tearing it apart casually, he squeezed a few drops of juice into the pure water in front of him.

"It was a chance meeting, but it was introduced by an acquaintance, and I made some efforts in this New York election."

Tang Song took a sip of the water with lemon, and complimented Norman Osborn:
"Speaking of which, in the real upper circle in New York, Mr. Norman is the one who really has a wide circle of friends."

With a wide range of friends, Norman Osborn smiled and sighed deeply from the bottom of his heart.


"Mr. Norman, my proposal is still under consideration!"

After the dinner, Norman Osborn sent Tang Song to the gate of the villa.

The two shook hands, and the driver beside him opened the car door. Tang Songlin did not forget to say something to Norman Osborn before getting into the car.

Norman Osborn smiled: "If this project is really transferred, I will give priority to Mr. Tang!"

The Rolls-Royce drove away slowly, and in front of Osborne's villa, Norman Osborn pulled out the red thread around his neck, and at the end of the red thread was wearing an emerald-carved Do Nothing card.This is a gift prepared by Tang Song.

The back seat of a Rolls Royce.

Skye snuggled into Tang Song's arms, a tablet in hand, watching a soap opera with headphones on.

Today she played golf and rode a horse for half a day in Osborne Manor, and now she is too lazy to move.

Tang Song lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll teach you something later!"

Skye huddled in Tang Song's arms, gave a soft "um", as lazy as a kitten.

"The Hehuan Sect's "Great Yin and Yang Acacia Fu" is more effective, but the Maiden Sect's "Su Nu Heart Sutra" is more suitable!..."

Tang Song hugged Skye, twirling a string of jade beads in his left hand, thinking about it.

At this moment, two mountain bikes passed by, and the riders were two white children who looked like high school students.

One of the high school students, Tang Song had seen a photo of him and Norman Osborn in Osborne Manor.

Harry Osborn, Tang Song looked at another boy who was a little baby fat.

"Peter Parker, Spider-Man?"

Tang Song's eyes suddenly lit up, the reason why he was confident to take over Professor Connors' project.

One of the most important factors is in this spider boy.

A boy becomes the superhero Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider.

A very federal fairy tale.

But no one told you that the boy's parents are the top biology Ph.D.

They also used to work for the Osborne Group, and they were close friends with Norman Osborn.

Norman Osborn paid huge sums of money for their experimental research.

But what Norman Osborn didn't know was that his two best friends had a hidden identity.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In order to protect the so-called world security, when the experiment was successful, the two destroyed all the experimental data and disappeared without a trace.

And their child, after being bitten by a mutant spider of the Osborne Group, possessed supernatural powers.

It was clear that the couple had rigged the boy's genes, just as Superman's parents had kept the tome of life inside him.

Tang Song looked at the boy who was passing by on a bicycle with a smile on his face, and the bracelet spun quickly.

Perhaps, in the future, they should donate a sum of money to the school committee of Zhongcheng High School to give these children a free medical examination.

Looking at Peter Parker's leaving figure in the car window, Tang turned his head.


When Tang Song returned to the manor, a business negotiation was gradually coming to an end in the conference room on the top floor of the Hanmer Building.

Justin Hammer, wearing carbon fiber glasses, a white shirt, and a black vest, got up and shook hands with Ryan.

"Then, happy cooperation!"

Ryan closed the signed contract, put it in a stationery bag, and handed it to the lawyer beside him.

"The deposit will be credited into your company's account after seven days. We believe in the speed of Hanmer Industries, and hope that we will not be disappointed!"

Ryan said to Justin sternly.

Seeing the secretary send a few people out of the meeting room, Justin Hammer's expression of smile suddenly fell down.

As the arms company of the Federation second only to Stark Industries, although Hammer Industries has a bit of hips in high-end weapons, its strength should not be underestimated.

Justin Hammer had already heard about the Italian army's outfit change. Now it seems that this big piece of fat has already been eaten in advance.

Justin Hammer slammed his fist heavily on the conference table in front of him, but after thinking about it, he suddenly laughed.

Although he couldn't get it, at least he did an OEM. If he remembered correctly, it was the arms bidding for Italy.

Obadiah once released the news that Stark Industries is bound to win this arms bidding.

Justin Hammer touched the contract that had just been signed on the table, and suddenly wanted to see Obadiah's face after the bid was dropped.

It's a pity that this guy Tony Stark has never cared about the company's operations, otherwise he would have had the opportunity to see the scene of this old classmate being furious.

Tony Stark's angry appearance appeared in Justin Hammer's mind, and he hummed a ditty happily.

His nervous performance caused the blond secretary to move back quietly.


In the bedroom of the manor, the big soft bed is big enough for three or four people to roll on it.

Skye snuggled into Tang Song's arms and stretched out his fingers to draw circles on his chest.

Tang Song smoked an afterthought cigar, and fumbled around Skye's body dishonestly.

"Remember the exercise route I taught you? According to what I taught you, run that warm air flow for 36 days a day, that is, 36 laps..."

Skye blushed, "Boss, I don't have a good memory, or we practice like this every day, you teach me in bed!"

Tang Song stretched out his fingers and scratched her nose, and was about to get on the horse.

On the bedside, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Tang Song picked it up and took a look. The caller ID showed that it was Kane's call, and he connected it easily.

"Boss, we have negotiated with Hammer Industries. After seven days, we need to prepare a deposit of 3 million yuan!"

Tang Song was blowing out smoke rings, holding a phone in one hand, and playing with green bamboo shoots in the other.

"Let the financial department prepare the money in advance, and prepare another 5000 million, transfer it to the account in Italy, and prepare some meeting gifts for our generals!"

"Okay boss, I'll arrange it now!"


"Go back and prepare. In a few days, accompany me to Italy!"

Skye put his arms around Tang Song, rubbed his face against his chest, and said lazily:

"Boss, do you really want to do arms business?!"

As Tang Song's half personal secretary, Skye kept many things from her.

She naturally knew what business her boss was in.

However, during the day, he was still discussing a $5 million business with the president of the Osborne Group, and at night he was engaged in such cross-border military purchases.

Even though Skye has been a super hacker for a long time and has seen a lot of big scenes.

But Tang Song's business still left her dumbfounded.

"Boss, Italy has its own arms company, why is it still bidding outside?"

Is Italy's military strength strong? You must know that although it is a defeated country in World War II, its annual military expenditure is as high as 320 billion U.S. dollars, ranking No. 11 in the world.

Italy's military industry is developing very well. The army has self-developed tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armed helicopters.

The Navy has self-developed aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.

The sophistication of the Italian army's weapons and equipment is already outstanding in Europe, which is constantly reducing armaments.

Why does Italy, which has such an industrial level, choose to ask foreign companies to bid for this year's arms change season.

The explanation given by the Ministry of Defense is to prevent domestic corruption from happening.

"Of course it's because there's so much room to maneuver! Otherwise, what would we eat!"

Tang Song patted Skye's upright with a smile, got up and went to the study.

In the extremely elegantly furnished study room, various books are displayed on the sandalwood bookshelves.

In front of the desk, there was an open notebook. Tang Song was writing a few names in the notebook with a pen.

Hammer Industries, Stark Industries...

Tang Song took a pen and drew a circle on the names of Hanmer Industries and Osborne Group.


In the early morning, after a night's breathing rest, Tang and Song got up energetically,
I moved my body a little bit, made a few postures, and made the bones and joints make a few crisp sounds.

"Boss, the man has brought it back!"

A large underground supermarket in New York.

The supermarket was transformed from an abandoned Cold War air-raid shelter. After the end of World War II, the Federation and Mao Xiong misfired many times and almost turned into a nuclear war.

To this end, both sides have built a large number of air-raid shelters and nuclear bunkers.

With the disintegration of Mao Xiong, many air-raid shelters in the Federation were also abandoned.

Some air-raid shelters were leased by the government to some businessmen, and they were successively transformed into supermarkets and bars.

This supermarket is leased in this way, the price is cheap, the area is large, and most importantly, there is a hidden space on the second basement floor of the supermarket.

In an underground space the size of several football fields, more than a dozen big men are undergoing physical training.

In a corner of the underground air-raid shelter, there are countless old contact lists and file bags, which are dozens of tons. The raw materials of these contact lists are acid-free paper.

Acid-free paper is the basic material for making U.S. banknotes, and it is also the most basic anti-counterfeiting mark.

Next to the address book is a barrel of color-changing ink. The number on the anti-counterfeiting code on the US bill can change color by changing the angle of the paper because of the use of color-changing ink.

Gravure printing presses, electroplates, acid-free paper, and color-changing inks are all essential to making Super Dollar Bills.

"Mr. Tang!"

Li Wen's demeanor was a little stiff, and his crumpled suit added a bit of desolation to him.

Under the eaves, even a well-known painter can't help but feel a little short of heart.

For talents, especially those who can create benefits for themselves, Tang and Song Dynasties have never been stingy with their generosity.

Kane next to him handed over a cigar. Tang Song trimmed it and handed it to Li Wen.

"Don't worry, you and Ms. Wu's new identities in the Federation will be settled when you land in New York. In addition, I have deposited 2000 million US dollars in your account. After these super dollar bills are printed, I will deposit them into your account. inside!"

Tang Song smoked a cigar and puffed out the clouds, "But now the wind outside is tight, you need to be wronged here for a few days!"

"No problem, I'll be printing these super greenbacks ASAP!"

Li Wen took the lighter that Kane handed over and lit the cigar.

"The acid-free paper here is enough to print 700 billion super-dollar bills. The money circulated in the market is enough to cause a financial shock in half of the Federation. The FBI and the Federal Bureau of Economic Investigation will definitely take action to trace the source of these super-dollar bills!"

Li Wen smoked a cigar and looked at Tang Song:
"I have some old customers in my hands, they are all wholesalers, and they are very strict!"

"I'll give you another 1000 million dollars!" Tang Song looked at Li Wen calmly, with a cold look in his eyes.

"3000 million US dollars is enough for you and Ms. Wu to achieve financial freedom anywhere in the world."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the depths of Li Wen's eyes. The 700 billion super dollar bills, even if they were wholesaled at a tenth of the price, would still be worth 70 billion U.S. dollars.

3000 million, is he a beggar? !

"This is the list. In the past, our goods were supplied to some warlords in the Middle East and some international organizations!"

Despite the resentment in his heart, Li Wen knew the truth that people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Without saying anything, he tore off a piece of lining from the inside of the crumpled suit.

Tang Song took a look and saw some messy numbers on it.

"This is the Morse code I set," Li Wen translated to Tang Song the meaning of these numbers.

Among the Ten Rings Gang, Tang Song saw a familiar name among a dozen buyers.

Tang Song didn't say anything, and handed the list to Kane on the side.

"Cooperate well with Mr. Li, hurry up and print these super dollar bills!"

"Yes! Boss!"

With a cold face, Kane nodded in understanding.

"In order to welcome you two, I have prepared a villa for you two in downtown New York. You can tell Kane directly if you need anything! Don't worry, it's like being at home here, you're welcome!"


(End of this chapter)

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