Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 47 Praying Mantis Oriole Hunter

Chapter 47 Praying Mantis Oriole Hunter
"Keep an eye on the two of them, if there is a small move, you know what to do?"

Coming out of Kane's security company training ground, Tang Song boarded a black Mercedes.

Kane sat in the driver's seat and became the driver.

Sitting in the back seat of the black Mercedes-Benz, Tang Song spoke softly.

"Understood, boss!"

Kane in the driver's seat concentrated on driving the car and nodded in response.

A painter is an ambitious and intelligent person, and a person with this personality will never be content to be inferior to others.

For Tang and Song, Li Wen with this personality was an unstable factor.

However, the production of super dollar bills in the early stage is inseparable from him, especially in the counterfeit banknote electric board.

But with Kane watching, Li Wen couldn't make too much trouble.

"This batch of counterfeit banknotes has a large face value and a large number. It is impossible to sell them according to the previous method. Wait until Li Wen prints this batch of US banknotes and distribute them wholesale!"

Tang Song rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes, and spoke to Kane.

Because of the small number of counterfeit banknotes before, Tang and Song Dynasties had their own channels, casinos, convenience stores, laundry rooms, and without anyone knowing, they could digest tens of millions of super dollars.

The artist's craftsmanship is undeniable. The super US dollars produced by him can fool most of the C-type banknote detectors on the market, and can be used as genuine banknotes.

However, the amount of this batch of goods is as high as 700 billion U.S. dollars. If it is really released in one go, the financial market of the entire Federation will tremble.

To be cautious, Tang and Song still intend to avoid risks.

"By the way, how is the textile factory I asked you to check?"

Kane observed Tang Song's expression through the rearview mirror in the car so that he could adjust the speed of the car at any time.

He has been driving very smoothly, the car is almost always at a constant speed.

Tang Song behind the car could hardly feel any bumps.

"Our stalkers responded that the security there is very strict, but unlike government agencies, according to the intelligence analysis sent back, it should be a stronghold of killers!"

"Let your people be careful, that's the headquarters of the Assassin Brotherhood!"

Tang Song closed his eyes, stroked the jade finger on his thumb, and said.

"People from the Assassin Brotherhood, Boss, I will deal with them!"

Hearing Tang Song's words, a trace of hostility flashed in Kane's eyes, and a fierce aura surged around him, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to say.

They only found out about the assassination of Tang Song by the assassins of the Brotherhood of Assassins.

Now hearing that the textile factory was the stronghold of the Assassin Brotherhood, Kane immediately wanted to set off to kill the group of killers.

"Wait a minute," Tang Song raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows. He had some plans for the assassins of the Brotherhood of Assassins, but he still needed to go there himself.

Tang and Song were also very curious, which Guisun hired an assassin from the Brotherhood of Assassins to assassinate him!
"How is Frank getting on with our Mr. Vigilante?"

During this period of time, under his signal, Frank put on the Punisher's vest and got mixed up with a few vigilantes in New York.

Tang Song provided information to help them fight against the biggest gang leader in New York-Jin Bin.


At night, in the outskirts of New York, the scrap car processing plant can be seen to be brightly lit inside.

"27 gunmen, six secret sentries, this should be Jin Bin's drug factory, that's right!"

Frank hid at the hub of an abandoned car, his eyes were as bright as a wolf in the night.

"You lurk in, I'll take care of them!"

Frank made a tactical move towards Mark Murdoch and motioned to him.

Mark Murdoch nodded and put his hands on the ground, nimbly like a ghost in the dark night, quickly passing through the abandoned vehicles.

The gunmen and secret whistle in the depot have no way of detecting it.

Often when their eyes came over, Mark Murdoch sensed it in advance and quickly hid.

"Good skill!"

Frank watched the figure of Mark Murdoch disappear at the door of the factory building, chewing gum, squatted up, and pulled the trigger of the MA416 assault rifle in his hand.

bang bang bang...

Finger pulled the trigger, and Frank seemed to feel that time stopped at this moment.

Zhu Yan's breathing method in Shenmobian not only made a breakthrough in his physical fitness and stamina.

When he entered the battlefield, his mental state was as if he had returned home, unusually relaxed, as if he had become the master of the battlefield.

Zhu Yan——Like an ape, with a white head and red feet, when it comes out, it will use swords and soldiers, and it is a war beast!
Every bullet fired by the MA416 automatic rifle accurately hit the shooter's forehead.

In a few seconds, all the gunmen in his sight fell down.

"Enemy attack!"

The remaining gunmen yelled and shrank behind the bunker

Leaning halfway, he shot back at Frank with the gun in his hand,

The people in the factory also heard the movement, and a group of gunmen rushed out from inside, firing shotguns and submachine guns crazily across tens of meters.

"Hey bastards, try this!"

Frank made a few tactical moves, went around to the compartment of an abandoned pickup truck, took out a grenade, bit off the needle ring, and threw it lightly.


In the factory building, dozens of workers in overalls seemed completely unable to hear the movement outside.
Concentrate on manipulating the white powder on the workbench.

More than a dozen gunmen patrolled the workshop non-stop!

Hearing the bang outside, their expressions all changed.

"Enemy attack! Hurry up and inform Boss Bullseye and call Mr. Jin Bing!"

"Pack up and move, this place is no longer safe!"

Mark Murdoch, dressed in black and red tights, hooked his legs to the beam and hung it halfway on the beam.
"No, you can't let them take people away! These are enough evidences to send Jin to prison!"

Mark Murdoch "looked" at the drugs piled up in the factory, as well as the workers who were making drugs, and made up his mind,
He let go of his legs and jumped off the crossbeam. The special retractable cane in his hand was directly drawn towards the gunman's face.

"Da da da"

Frank is well aware of the importance of strategic shifting, and he changes places after a few shots, making it impossible for those gunmen to focus on him.

The countless scrap cars in the scrap car factory are the best bunkers, basically as long as they are not unlucky enough to be shot by stray bullets.

Frank can easily eliminate dozens of gunmen with his own firepower.

"Not bad!"

In the living room of the manor, Tang Song was cutting the veal steak on the plate, watching the hanging projector, like watching a movie, watching Frank's wonderful performance.

After Frank's physical fitness improved, not to mention ordinary people, even some mutants and superheroes may not necessarily be opponents in the face of him who is fully armed.

There are more than [-] scrapped cars in the abandoned car factory, which were sent in by people sent by Tang and Song Dynasties, and special micro-camera devices were installed inside.

It can be said that Jin Bin's every move of the drug factory is under his nose.

Tang Song didn't know that Jin Bing spent money to buy a murderer to assassinate himself, but the New York site is so big,
There can only be one tiger in a forest.

If the Tang and Song Dynasties wanted to be in power, they naturally had to get rid of those in the way.

"How much of this batch of goods has Jin Bing recently stockpiled?"

Ryan was dealing with the red sausage on the dinner plate with a knife and fork. Hearing Tang Song's question, he made some calculations:
"According to their raw material entry time and the number of workers, there can be almost 1200 million US dollars in goods!"

Tang Song put down the knife and fork and wiped his hands with a tissue: "1200 million, this amount is enough to send our Mr. Wilson in for a while!"


Abandoned the garage, at this moment, Frank almost beat Jin and the group of gunmen with his own skills and guns.

Just as he leaned sideways and slid into the bottom of an abandoned car,
A black lacquered knife slashed at his neck with a sharp wind sound.

The angle is tricky, and the knife is extremely vicious. The key is that Frank didn't notice when the enemy was approaching.


Frank didn't have time to think about it, and put his MA16 across his hands to block it in front of him.

The sharp samurai sword directly cut in half, Frank held the samurai sword with his right hand, and quickly touched his waist with his left hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

With three shots in a row, the bullets from the powerful military pistol directly flew the ninja in black.

The whole chest was smashed!
Another black samurai sword pierced directly from the back of Frank's heart, stabbing him in the heart.


Frank reached his armpit with his left hand, and shot the ninja in black who suddenly appeared between the eyebrows.


Just when Frank succeeded in shooting, the ground suddenly came from bottom to top, and a knife stabbed over.

Frank leaned back in a hurry, and the knife brushed against his body armor, directly cutting a deep cut in the body armor.


Frank kept the pistol still on the ground, pulled out a dogleg knife from the side of his calf, and held it sideways in the palm of his hand.

From the shadows, eight ninjas dressed in black stepped out, holding katana swords with black paint in both hands.


The moment the eight black-clothed ninjas surrounded Frank and rushed forward, Frank turned sideways and rolled out from the gap surrounded by them.
A grenade with the safety pin pulled out was left in place!


As expected of being a soldier, Tang Song praised Frank after seeing a series of beautiful tactical moves.

"Kinpin also has ninjas from the Hand here,"

But after seeing these ninjas in black, Tang Song blinked and touched his chin.

These ninjas obviously ambushed here in advance.

So it's a trap?


"Mark, what are you doing?"

After finishing the gunmen and ninjas in the abandoned car factory, Frank entered the factory building and found Mark Murdoch, covered in blood, surrounded by a group of workers.

Seeing this, Frank immediately raised his pistol and was about to shoot.

"Punisher, don't! They're deaf-mute!"

Mark Murdoch held his blind cane, and some didn't know how to deal with these deaf-mute people in front of him.

Some of them were trafficked by hand and society, some owed usury, their ears were pierced by hands and society, their tongues were cut off, and they were used as tools for drug production.

After the Hand Association's factory was taken over, these skilled workers were paid and taken over.

Just when Mark Murdoch finished taking care of the gunmen guarding him and wanted to destroy the drugs, these people suddenly swarmed up and surrounded him.


Frank looked at the deaf-mute workers who were also surrounding him, and directly raised his hand to shoot.


The blind stick in Mark Murdoch's hand flew out and hit Frank's muzzle, and Frank hit the wall with one shot.

"Don't hurt them!"

Seeing this scene, the deaf-mute workers who retreated in fright from Frank's shot immediately became courageous.

"Women's kindness!"

Tang and Song watched the two men quarrel because of dozens of deaf-mute workers. Tang and Song looked at Mark Murdoch on the screen with deep disdain in his eyes!
"Kane, bring your men there! See what tricks Boss Jin Bing has prepared!"

"Yes, boss!"

Several trucks parked near the scrap yard long ago,
Kane put the laptop case he carried on the ground and opened it, took out the radio intercom headset and put it on, his fingers quickly pressed the keys on the computer like flying.

Several small drones flew up and flew towards the scrap yard.

Dozens of heavily armed soldiers came to the abandoned car factory,
The tiny camera on each soldier's helmet can transmit the picture to the computer screen, plus the camera/
Kane can easily see all the situations, and his responsibility is to make overall plans, provide technical support, and formulate tactics against the enemy.

"Group A stays behind, guarding the road leading to the waste car factory
Group B and Group C, advance alternately to ensure that they occupy a favorable position for fire cover, and Group D conducts long-range firepower sniping! "

Kane's voice was extremely calm, without any fluctuations.

The soldiers pulled down the eyepieces of the night vision goggles, and in the dark green vision, everything was completely visible and quite clear.

The FROG flame-retardant gloves were lightly pulled on the trigger, and the lightweight jet-black military boots produced by Stark Industries stepped on the gravel of the abandoned car city without making the slightest sound.


"someone is coming!"

When Mark Murdoch was a child, a chemical reagent was dropped into his eyes. While losing his eyesight, his five senses were multiplied.

His sense of smell and hearing are several times better than that of normal people, making him the Daredevil.

When the chaotic footsteps stopped at the door, Mark Murdoch noticed,

"Jin Bin's reinforcements?"

Frank glanced at Mark, Kaka, took out a shotgun, loaded the bullets,


As soon as he reached the door, Frank's years of battlefield experience made him jump to the left and hide behind the door.

Where he was originally standing, there was a fist-sized crater on the ground!


Frank looked at the shotgun in his hand, gritted his teeth, and shouted into the workshop:
"Stay out, Mark, there are snipers!"

While speaking, Frank pulled a smoke bomb from his waist and threw it out.

For a while, thick smoke rose up, covering the entire entrance of the factory area.

Frank clenched the shotgun in his hand. He could analyze the position of the sniper based on the sound of the gun and the point of impact, but the shotgun in his hand couldn't reach it at all!
"Wait until they approach melee!"

Frank made up his mind, pulled out the pistol, and put it at hand!

Grenade!When Frank heard the ding, his head shuddered, and he threw himself into the factory without thinking.

Frank felt dizzy for a while, it wasn't a grenade, it was a flash bomb and a stun bomb!
Frank lay on the ground, listening to the dense but orderly footsteps outside the door.

At the gate of the factory, a bald man in a leather jacket stood at the gate. Around him, hundreds of gunmen surrounded the factory.

"Ding" "Ding!".
"Damn it, it's a grenade, let's go!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Explosions continued, and the deaf-mute employees in the factory had no time to dodge, and were directly blasted into the sky by grenades.

On the other side, although the effect of the stun bomb has not yet passed, Frank, relying on his strong physical fitness, recalled the blueprint of the factory area and rolled it to the back wall of the factory building, took out a plastic bomb the size of a mobile phone, and pasted it.



"Before reaching a high position, there is a difference between personal bravery and institutional strength!"

Everything in the factory was transmitted to Tang Song in real time by the surveillance video.

Mark Murdoch is also a well-known superhero. Although his strength is not very strong, it is enough for ordinary people and gangsters.

Frank had practiced Zhu Yanbian for a while, but in the face of targeted and organized armed forces, he had no choice but to flee desperately.


Kane held a military sniper rifle in his hand, locked on the conspicuous target with the tattoo on the forehead of the bald man through the scope.

Kane turned his head and waited for Tang Song to give an order through the wireless communicator sewn on his collar.

"Kill them!"

Tang Song looked at the image of the fire in the projector, raised the glass of red wine in his hand, and drank it down in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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