Chapter 48
"Find these two bastards and kill them!"

Bullseye was wearing a leather jacket, standing outside the factory building with his arms folded, looking at the flames inside the factory building, his eyes were extremely fierce.

Although this drug manufacturing factory is a trap used to trap two vigilantes, the goods and workers inside are real.

If he let the two mice go, Jin Bing would have nothing to say to the boss.

Bullseye waved his right hand, and the heavily armed gunmen rushed towards the factory area.

At this time, Tang and Song looked down through the high-altitude drone released by Kane. This small flour factory was surrounded by at least hundreds of people.

It can be seen that Jin Bing really dealt a cruel blow to the two troublemakers.

However, from the perspective of Tang and Song Dynasties, what is more interesting is that Kane led people to surround them again outside Jin Bing's hundreds of thugs.


After a gunshot,
The huge impact force of the Magnum warhead directly cut off half of Bullseye's head.


Bullseye, who was still in high spirits just now, swayed and fell to the ground.

Before he died, his hand didn't even have time to touch the flying knife he was so proud of.


Kane pulled the bolt, issued an order through the command channel, and at the same time aimed the sniper rifle in his hand at the next target.


"Puff puff puff..."

"Da da da"

"Da da da……"

The dozen or so gunmen following Bullseye hadn't woken up from the shock of their boss being headshot.

A series of dense bullets directly knocked them down to the ground.

Equipped with a silenced assault rifle for precise bursts, triple bursts, accurate and efficient point kills.

Dozens of carefully selected special forces, one by one, bowed their waists slightly, and under the cover of the night, they launched an attack on an enemy ten times as powerful as their own.

The gunmen under Jin Bing were caught off guard by the sudden attack behind them.

By the time they reacted, dozens of people had already fallen on their side.

"Get rid of them, there are not many of them!"

In the dark of night, these gangster gunmen shot behind them indiscriminately.

But in the thick black, except for the flames from the gunfire, the surrounding area was pitch black, and they couldn't see anything except the gunshots from the opposite side and the screams of their own people being shot.

A fat white man wearing a big gold chain and a white hip-hop t-shirt brandished a pistol and hid behind a wall clamoring, trying to get back to the downturn.


A Magnum bullet directly pierced through the three-centimeter-thick hollow brick wall, leaving a bloody hole in his temple.

Fatty's body slid down the fence, click, Kane pulled the bolt and aimed at the next target.


Tang Song sat on the sofa in the hall of the manor, leaning his head on Skye's arms, admiring the real-time picture of the flour factory projected in front of him.

The bird's-eye view of nearly [-] military drones allowed Tang and Song to see everything about the flour mill clearly.

Including the fighting situation of the two sides.

Jin Bing sent close to 300 gunmen. It can be said that in order to deal with the two troublesome vigilantes, he really spent all his money.

However, gangster gunmen without military training can also fight against the wind.

In the absence of night vision goggles, fighting in the dark, they are no better than the black uncles who carry guns and fight.

They just huddled behind the cover and fired chaotically towards the outside.

On the other hand, these soldiers under Kane have a full set of bulletproof equipment, with two layers of bulletproof steel plates inserted. Ordinary rifle bullets can't penetrate their bulletproof vests at all.

This allowed them to face each other's bullets without any scruples, kneel down on one knee and perform spot kills.

And under the night vision goggles, they can easily see those gangster gunmen, but the enemy can't see them.

The standard M4A1 carbine is even stronger in firepower than the various fire sticks in the hands of those gangster gunmen.

Dozens of soldiers, in groups of three, acted in a three-three system, like hounds wandering in the dark, dragging each enemy into the abyss of death with gunfire.

"Kane's selection criteria are not bad!"

The sound of gunfire gradually stopped. Tang Song looked at the time and clapped his hands in satisfaction.

At this time, less than 15 minutes had passed since he issued the attack order.

And through the footage sent back by the drone, in the entire factory area, except for a few sporadic leaks, most of the gunmen have been eliminated by Kane's people.

"They are all elites selected from retired soldiers from various countries, and they are definitely worthy of the salary offered by the boss!"

Ryan echoed from the sidelines.

Tang Song touched his chin and said, "Lian, I naturally believe that you and Kane are at the same level, after all, they are the instructors of the famous Black Demon.

However, since the security company has been established, after the matter in New York is resolved, you can make some arrangements later, take a few jobs for Kane and the others, and let them go outside for activities!

There have been frequent disturbances in New York recently. If our new governor hadn't suppressed us, that Chief Thomas would have come to our door! "

"Boss, what do you mean?" Ryan sat up on the sofa slightly and leaned forward.

"Tomorrow, make an appointment with our Director Thomas for me, and tell him that I have a big gift for him!"


"It's a trap!"

Listening to the noisy gunshots outside, Mark Murdoch clenched the blind stick in his hand.

"I see!" Frank snorted angrily.

"If it weren't for your damn sympathy, we would have escaped by now!"

The warm air flow on his body was running, and the impact of the flash bomb on him had been minimized at this time.

Frank crouched against the wall, catching his breath as he loaded his pistol.

His cardiopulmonary fluctuations speed up a little bit along with his breathing rate.

Under his skin, there was faint vermilion light flowing.

"Another group of people came outside!"

Listening to the chaotic gunshots outside, Mark Murdoch moved his ears.

"Take this, you go first, with these evidences, you can take Jin and send him to prison!"

Frank heard the gunshots gradually subsiding outside, and knew that the boss's people were coming.

He casually took out a black USB flash drive from the inside of his pocket and handed it to Mark Murdoch.


Mark Murdoch took the USB flash drive from Frank, not knowing what to say.

In the past few days, he and Frank have cooperated to destroy three of Jinbin's drug factories and ruined more than a dozen of his transactions.

The purpose is to find evidence to destroy Jin and expand the underworld empire.

"Believe me, Mark, the law can't judge Kim Bin, only it can!"

Frank pointed to the gun in his hand, patted Mark Murdoch on the shoulder, got up and walked out.

"Frank, the law is made to regulate everyone, and no one can violate it! Even Jin can't, I will definitely take him to court!"

Mark Murdoch looked at Frank's back and shouted loudly.

"Then good luck to you!" Frank raised the gun in his hand and waved it.


Early the next morning, a man who was more than half bald on the top of his head and had a kind smile on his face, who looked like a dad next door, drove a dilapidated Chevrolet sedan into Tang Song's manor.

Tang Song and Ryan greeted him quickly.

The old man got out of the car door and came towards Tang Song with a smile.

"China Tang, long time no see. I didn't expect that it's only been more than a year, and you're about to become the boss of a gangster in New York. Is it really unimaginable?"

The old man was wearing a neat gray suit and black leather shoes,
The style is a bit old, but it is well maintained.
The overall appearance gives people the impression that it is traditional and old-fashioned but trying to maintain its own radiance.

Tang Song said to this "old friend" with a smile:
"It's all thanks to you. Otherwise, I don't know where to make a living for the past two years. Haha, Mr. Director, come, let's go into the room and talk."

Thomas stood cautiously, glanced at Tang and Song for a while, and said softly:

"You Dongfang often say that there is nothing to do, hey, Tang, if there is anything, you'd better make it clear in advance, I'm not sure I can help you!"

Tang Song bowed proudly and said, "No, no, you misunderstood, Commissioner Thomas, I just came here as a good citizen to provide some criminal evidence to Commissioner Thomas of the New York Police Department!"

Thomas glanced at Tang Song and frowned slightly: "Tang, what do you mean?"

Tang Song simply shrugged and said:

"It's very simple. Recently, someone will provide the New York Police Department with a piece of criminal evidence. I hope you can do me a little favor."

Thomas snorted coldly:
"Are you kidding me? I'm a cop in New York, and you're a mogul in the New York gang, we're making a deal?

Could it be that I am deepening the friendly relationship with the gangsters, or are you bribing and threatening a federal police officer like me? "

"Don, the scavenger is because the city of New York needs him. This job can be done by you or anyone!"

Tang Song glanced at Thomas: "You are right, but I heard that you have recently been active as a state congressman?"

Tang Song said softly: "You should have heard of it recently,...isn't it? You are a big shot, especially because your authority determines that you must know something about me?"

Thomas was silent for a moment. He heard that Tang Song, the underworld leader, turned into the governor's guest.

But two years ago, Tang Song, who was down and out, was just an inconspicuous gang leader in front of him.

Tang Song said unceremoniously: "Director Thomas, I am a legal citizen, and all I want to do is to eradicate a gang leader for the Federation?
Think about it, if Jin Bing's underworld empire falls into your hands, what kind of prestige will you gain? At that time, let alone state congressmen, even congressmen, with your prestige, what is impossible? "

Thomas raised his eyes and looked at Tang Song: "Tang, you have taken a fancy to Jin Bing's position, you want to pull him off the throne and wear the crown yourself! Your ambition is really not like an oriental, the oriental in my impression , are very humble and polite.”

"I'm afraid I can't help you, Don. Everything is determined by federal law. If Kim is not guilty, a federal judge will try him."

Listening to Thomas' official voice,

Humble and polite, Tang Song cursed inwardly.

In the federation where fists are naked, humility and politeness represent weakness and hope. In many cases, showing a gun is more convincing than a humble and polite face.

Tang Song closed his palms together, and his tone became a little cold:

"Mr. Thomas, you could have had a friend like me, a strong friend, and you gave it up. . . What good would it do you? Why don't you think about it, eh?"

"You know, we need some strong companions in whatever we do."

Thomas Lun blinked his eyes and looked at Tang Song.

Tang Song said simply: "For 500 million US dollars, I donate 500 million US dollars to renovate the office building of the New York Police Department? How is it? Are you satisfied? 500 million US dollars can make the whole building look brand new."

Ryan walked away wisely, and stepped back a dozen steps to the side to see the flowers and plants.

Thomas looked around and said softly, "Five million dollars? It's not a small amount, but it's not enough to renovate our office building, understand?

The funds for the office building are allocated directly from above, huh? 500 million dollars. . .snort. "

Tang Song laughed and said affectionately: "Look, I'm a frank person, let's leave that damn office building alone, let it go to hell...

500 million US dollars, open a small account in a Swiss bank, the money is enough to buy a comfortable and spacious villa on the shore of a Swiss lake. . .A little trifle, huh? "

Thomas pondered for a long time: "You swear?"

Tang Song nodded, and said seriously: "I swear in the name of the Holy Father, I will not leak any information, I will not do anything to endanger you, and I still need you to take care of me in the future."

The corners of Thomas' lips curled up slightly: "Then, I will designate the account."

Tang Song nodded and said, "The money will definitely arrive within two days."

Thomas let out a long sigh of relief and said: "You understand, in such a sensitive position as me, I sometimes need to violate a little principle, I need some strong friends, that's what you said...

Maybe, we still need your help with some things in the future.Um?I also have to, I can't dismiss your face, can I? "

Tang Song laughed and kept laughing: "I understand, I can understand your mood, and at the same time, I am very grateful to you for giving me this honor."

Thomas took a few steps back: "What do you need me to do? Help you move Jin Bin, he is not so easy to deal with, there are big people protecting him!"

Tang Song laughed: "In a few days, someone will submit criminal evidence to the police station. Your police station will hand over the prosecution to Jin Bin according to the procedure. I want to know the location of Jin Bin!"

Thomas blinked, and seemed to understand Tang Song's thoughts.

Quickly whispered: "Remember that account number, the number is ×××××××..."

Tang Song quickly took out a small notebook to write down, and then said: "Don't worry, I will destroy this piece of paper."


"Boss, what should Jin Bing do if he keeps shrinking and not showing his face?"

Tang Song and Ryan stood together and watched the old Chevrolet leave.

Ryan asked a little puzzled.

Tang Song took out a cigar, lit it, and said, "No, our Mr. Jin Bing has been working hard to clear his name for the past two years. If he wants to become a real upper-class figure in the Federation, he will definitely not allow himself to be stained. Although everyone knows that he is the largest gang leader in the Federation."

"But before the law, he's still innocent! He's as innocent as a man who hasn't left the cabinet!"

"By the way, spend money to find the best lawyers and media to build momentum," Tang Song said with a smile, smoking a cigar, "Let the entire Federation know about this gangster boss and force him to stand up and clear himself up." !
(End of this chapter)

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