Chapter 49 Layout
A stack of hundred-dollar bills was put into the banknote detector, and the sound of brushing sounded.

"One hundred"


Hearing the prompt sound from the money printing machine, a big man rubbed his hands excitedly. With his excitement, the flesh on his face seemed to tremble slightly.

He brought the banknote detector. Although it is only a common C-type banknote printing machine on the market, these super US dollar bills can fool these C-type banknote detectors, which means that they can be completely circulated in the market.

What does this mean, he is very clear, if this technology can be mastered in their own hands, it is equivalent to their continuous printing of money.

Thinking of this, his eyes glanced at the seller and the people they brought with some malicious intent.

When he glanced over Kane, Kane's cold eyes were also watching him.

Kane put his hand on the gun handle at his waist, and a group of heavily armed soldiers behind him also showed bright guys.

"not to be trifled!"

The buyer looked at Kane's cold eyes under the mask. He was too familiar with that kind of eyes, the eyes that only the top mercenaries had.

The Bullseye who used to follow his boss had this kind of look. Looking at him was like looking at a dead person, which always made him very uncomfortable.

But the nasty fellow is dead,
Thinking of this, the big man's pupils and eyelids blinked a few times as quickly as a reptile.

"It's a good product. According to what we said before, we want all the 20 billion super dollar bills, [-] million!"

Unable to eat, the buyer weighed the strength of both parties and felt that the manpower he brought could not eat the other party, so he decisively started a normal business model.

"[-] million!"

After listening to the big man's quotation, Kane shook his head, stretched out his fingers, and compared a one and a five.

"Our goods are not worrying about sales, [-] million, you have enough channels to digest these super dollar bills as normal money, ten times the profit!"

The big man blinked his eyes. As the leader of Jin Bin's subordinates, his mind is naturally not simple.

He knew that what Kane said was right. In Jinbin's underground kingdom, hundreds of millions of super dollar bills could be wiped out in just a few turns.

However, there are no people who dislike themselves for making less money in business.

"[-] million, money laundering also requires costs, and too many counterfeit banknotes are easy to be targeted by the FBI, you save yourself the trouble, we need to bear this part of the risk, up to [-] million!"

Kane glanced at him and nodded.

"This is a Swiss bank account. [-] million has been put into this account. You can take the money away!"

Kane handed the big man a slip of paper with a list of bank accounts.

And as Kane clapped his hands, the two soldiers pulled away the tarpaulin covering the truck and opened the rear door.

Common freight trucks in the Federation are somewhat similar to the transformed version of Optimus Prime, pulling container-like carriages.

After the two soldiers opened the car door, the big man and the gunmen he led gasped together.

Two billion U.S. dollars filled the truck compartment to the brim, and the dark green banknotes lay quietly in the compartment, even the big man couldn't help swallowing.

Even if his boss is the famous underworld emperor, he doesn't lack women, houses, and banknotes.

But he had never seen so much cash piled up together, and the visual impact was too shocking.

He even doubted whether his boss had ever seen so much cash piled up like a mountain, even if it was super dollar bills.

"Hold on!"

The big man gestured to Kane, walked aside, and dialed Jin Bing's phone.

"Hey, Boss, I saw the goods. Yes, the C-level currency detector can't recognize it, 1.2 million, okay! I understand!"

Dahan sent the account through his mobile phone.

Five minutes later, Kane's phone rang. Kane answered the phone and hung up quickly.

"Then happy cooperation, this car is presented to you!"

On the phone call from the financial side, Kane confirmed that the money had arrived, did not stay any longer, and directly led the people to evacuate in an orderly manner.

It wasn't until the car of Kane and others drove away that the feeling of being stared at by the big man disappeared.

The sniper, the big man looked at the high ground outside the farm, with a hint of anger in his eyes.


A martial arts gym in Chinatown, New York.

The small courtyard is covered with bluestone slabs. Tang and Song are wearing a full set of protective clothing, wearing a mask, holding a bamboo knife, and moving lightly.

His opponent was wearing a fully enclosed helmet, his face could not be seen under the helmet, and he was holding a bamboo knife in his hand.

However, it can be seen that as Boss Tang's opponent, even if he is fully armed, he does not perform easily.

Tang Song clenched the bamboo knife with both hands, and slashed diagonally, the knife whizzed, and cut Frank's neck straight.

The shot is fierce, and there is no intention of competing.

The man in the helmet dodges, and the bamboo knife in his hand is turned on his body, blocking the sharp bamboo knife of Tang and Song Dynasties.

The huge strength caused the two expensive bamboo knives to almost fall apart.

The helmet man's hands trembled, and he drew his knife. The bamboo knife was like a poisonous snake, and it went straight to Tang Song's chest.

With this kind of strength and speed, even an ordinary bamboo knife can break stones and wood, and penetrate gold and iron.

The waist and horse of the Tang and Song Dynasties are united, the backhand draws the knife, cuts horizontally, and cuts downwards.

With a click, the bamboo knife in the helmeted man's hand broke in two.

The bamboo knife was placed horizontally on the neck of the masked man, Tang Song shook slightly, and slapped his mask.

Putting the bamboo knife aside casually, took off the protective mask, picked up a towel from the shelf next to it, and wiped his hands.

"Boss, eat the gold and eat it!"

Kane, dressed in a black suit, walked into the martial arts arena, leaned over to Tang Song, and reported the situation.

"Keep an eye on them, see when they ship, and spread our goods in their channels!"

A gleam flashed in Tang Song's eyes, as long as the fish is willing to bite the bait, it will be fine.

20 billion super US dollar bills, Tang and Song shipped them by themselves, and they could make a profit of 4 million. The reason why they were sold to Jinbin at a price of 1.2 was that Tang and Song wanted gold in bulk.

He wants to give gold and prepare a big gift.

"Remember, our 30 billion will be scattered in Jin Bin's place!" Tang Song pondered for a moment:
"Tomorrow, Ryan and I will go to Italy, and you and Frank will be responsible for the affairs in New York!"

"Understood, boss!" Kane took a deep look at the helmeted man standing aside, and after Tang Song briefly explained some things in New York, he turned and left the martial arts hall.

"It can be seen that Mr. Tang is a person who must take revenge!"

The masked man didn't speak slowly until Kane walked out of the martial arts hall.

Tang Song laughed, "I have such a personality, I just don't like to suffer!"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Song waved his hand back, and a white light flashed across his fingertips.

A click.

The helmeted man's helmet split into two on the spot and fell to the ground.

Behind the mask was an old face, with dark skin, a mottled beard, and wise eyes, looking like an elderly scholar.

"Jin didn't want to kill me, so he will die. Now, give me a reason not to kill you, Sloan!"

There was an undisguised murderous intent in Tang Song's eyes, and the surrounding air seemed to condense, and a cut like a knife extended from the soles of Tang Song's feet to the soles of Sloan's.

Looking at the scratches left by the blue bricks on the ground under his feet, Sloan's hands trembled slightly, and he calmed down: "If Mr. Tang wants to kill me, I won't show up here!"

Tang Song raised his eyes and signaled Sloan to continue.

"Mr. Tang, we were wrong about the assassination last time, and we are willing to show our sincerity!"

"Sincerity?" Tang Song looked at Sloan and shook his finger: "I don't need any sincerity. I will give you a chance to kill Jin Bin in one month. Otherwise, the Brotherhood of Assassins will change their surname to Tang!"

The expression on Sloan's face froze, and his hands were subconsciously gathered in his sleeves, where an old-fashioned Colt pistol was hidden.


50 billion super dollar bills flowed into the market, will it cause much damage?

As the superpower of the Marvel world, the amount of money printed by the Federation every year is calculated in trillions.

The amount of 50 billion super-dollar bills flowing into the market is insignificant for the entire Federation, but these super-dollar bills can't stand up to the point where they are fake.

Not to mention the money printing machines in ordinary convenience stores, supermarkets, and car washes cannot identify the authenticity, and even the money printing machines of small banks sometimes cannot recognize the authenticity.

The impact of this matter is great.

As we all know, the issuance of federal dollar bills is issued by the Federal Reserve Board.

It was printed by the Federal Mint, and the cumbersome process and anti-counterfeiting marks made it destined to be difficult to imitate.

But once someone succeeds in imitating it, it is robbing the Federation of money.

As a superpower, U.S. dollar bills are not only the legal tender of the Federation, but also used internationally. If the counterfeit super U.S. dollar bills are not stopped, the consequence will be chronic bloodletting of the Federation.
The FBI is one of the most important federal intelligence agencies in the world, and it belongs to the Federal Department of Justice.

The mission of the FBI is to investigate criminals against federal law, to support the law, to protect the Commonwealth, to investigate foreign intelligence and terrorist activities, and to enforce leadership and law.

To put it simply, the FBI is internal, and the corresponding CIA is to conduct intelligence operations in other countries.

But now, whether it is the FBI police or the CIA agents, they are like donkeys being whipped, busy all the time.

The reason for this is simple. The Federal Reserve has successively received many counterfeit and superb dollar bills.

As the federal central bank, it is independent of the federal government, which shows how powerful the hidden power behind the Federal Reserve is.

Now someone is grabbing meat from their bowl, and the call from the chairman of the Federal Reserve went directly to the office of the president.

Needless to say, the matter was pressured layer by layer, and the matter was quickly brought to the FBI. Originally, there was no such thing as the CIA, but the FBI agents discovered during the investigation that traces of super dollar bills appeared in overseas, Europe, and the Middle East.

The boss of the FBI misfortune, a phone report, directly involved the CIA.

The CIA is responsible for the source of super-dollar bills abroad, while the FBI is responsible for the federal territory.

As the largest intelligence agency of the Federation, they locked the source of the super dollar bills within a few days.

Jin Bin, the underground emperor of New York, or the federal underworld emperor, many super dollar bills flowed out of his property.

For a while, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation was a little numb. As long as it wasn't the Lengtouqing who had just joined, no one wanted to provoke Jin Bing.

Wilson Grant Fisk's files are kept in a special room at FBI headquarters.

It lists all his viciousness, kidnapping and extortion, smuggling, selling drugs...

A room full of criminal materials, but the FBI has nothing to do with it. The underworld emperor doesn't mind being charged with making counterfeit money.

The underworld can now be done like a buy and sell...the chairman and board will be - Kim Bin!
This is Jin Bin's classic quote.

The two directors of the FBI once wanted to take action against this arrogant guy, but every time they made a targeted arrangement, they only captured a bunch of little ones.

As for Jin Bing, the FBI has nothing to do with him because of his character, huge legal team, and intricate network of relationships behind him.

FBI Headquarters, Quantico, Virginia
"Golden Bian!"

Alman Tours, who is over half a century old, is the No.15 director of the FBI.

The bureau chief sat in the office, listening to the reports of his agents, his brows almost frowning.

As the head of the FBI, he naturally knew how difficult it was to deal with Kim.

But the pressure exerted by the president made him uncomfortable.

Alman Tours sighed, and was planning to order FBI agents in New York to target King and investigate.

He rolled his eyes and noticed a document in front of him, a document from the New York Police Department.


New York, Chrysler Building.

On the top floor of the building, Jin Bing, in a white suit, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a cane in his hand. He was as bulky as a mountain of meat, and his fat body gave off an unusually lean feeling.

His business spans the globe.

In terms of force, Jin Bing himself is a top fighting master. He has been injected with some kind of secondary serum developed by the military, and he has several times the strength of ordinary people.

At this time, the mafia emperor, who was powerful in both force and influence, had a gloomy and uncertain expression. On his desk, there was a court summons.

What is the ultimate destination of a gangster boss.

This is not a philosophical question.

A lot of people will say go to prison for further training, sounds like a hell joke,

But in the prisons of the federal government, there are indeed many powerful gangsters.

Among them are many Jin Bin's predecessors.

The earliest of them can even be traced back to the Prohibition period, and their influence once spanned half of the Federation.

But after losing their value, they were imprisoned, and they were worse than a dog.

Whitewashing is Jin Bing's long-cherished wish.

No matter how good a gang leader is, in the eyes of the real upper class, he will always be a urinal.

Take it out when you use it, and stuff it under the bed when you don't use it.

Jin doesn't want to be a urinal all the time. He has been committed to whitewashing and charity these years.

He is now a member of the New York City Council,

To put it bluntly, his prestige in the eyes of ordinary citizens is even higher than that of some government officials.

But now, an arrest warrant and a court summons will destroy his image.

Jin Bin grinned, his thick white teeth were like a bloodthirsty shark.

"Contact me the top law firm in the Federation and invite all the top lawyers!"

"Yes, Boss!" The subordinate next to him lowered his head. In front of this moody boss, Ning Shao should not talk too much.

Maybe the boss was unhappy with one sentence, and he was sent away with a cane.

A few bedbugs can't help jumping out, so just crush them to death.

Jin Bing overlooked the tall buildings outside the building with an extremely gloomy expression.


Of course, these things happened in Tang and Song's plans.

To deal with a deep-rooted gangster, all you have to do is to cut off the branches and vines of this big tree first.

He made his enemies a lot, and finally Tang Song gave him another push.

Boom, the big tree collapsed.

The news of New York is gathered here in Tang Song. Tang Song is wearing beach pants and lying leisurely under the umbrella, his eyes half-closed under the sunglasses looking at the blue sea in front of him.

Poor Jin Bing, I don't know if he is being forced to burn out at the moment.

Tang Song picked up a glass of champagne on the small table next to him and took a sip.

Around him, four big white men in black suits and sunglasses blocked all kinds of beauties who wanted to strike up a conversation.

The super cruise ship named Costa Concordia departed from New York and was destined for Italy.

(End of this chapter)

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