Many command warships of alien civilizations tried to send communication requests to the Deathblade General, but were blocked and rejected one by one.

Things in this army are about to collapse. Commanders from various civilizations are constantly asking the Dead Blade General on the public communication channel, asking him what is going on.

The communication channel only echoed the cold voice of General Deathblade commanding the artificial intelligence in the flagship, making all warships prepare to engage the enemy.

While countless people were stunned, the huge battleship didn't even pause for a moment, bypassing the main fleet and fleeing madly towards the outer reaches of the solar system.

At the tail end of this huge battleship, the broken battleship was trying its best to resist the attack of the unknown creature.

Tens of thousands of warships responsible for breaking out the rear launched densely packed armed robots that were more than three meters tall and looked like eight-armed octopuses.

These armed robots are covered with dense missile launch ports and high-energy ray nozzles.

There are millions of armed robots floating densely in space. They are suspended in mid-air, forming a defense belt that is dozens of miles long!

At the same time, the 20,000 warships responsible for cutting off the rear launched a tidal wave of attacks against the dark space behind them.

The weapons of these alien battleships responsible for destroying the rear are extremely powerful. The power of the high-energy beams fired from their battleships can shatter a meteorite dozens of kilometers away with every blow.

The total firepower of 20,000 second-level civilization-standard main battleships alone is enough to easily destroy all the defense forces of the living planet Earth and easily occupy the blue planet.

However, this fleet that was fighting and retreating seemed to have completely lost the courage to fight.

Storm-like high-energy beams shot into the dark space with no accuracy, and the same was true for those armed robots. Each armed robot blasted thousands of high-energy beams and hundreds of super-high-speed missiles every second. ——

Even if the energy sources contained in these armed robots are quickly exhausted, even the muzzles of high-energy laser cannons have become red and softened due to overload and ultra-high frequency bombardment——

These armed robots didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, pouring all their firepower into the darkness.

"What are the Turin warships attacking?"

"The detection radar did not detect any enemy shadow!"

"No fleet has been found within 100,000 kilometers -"

"It's pitch black, what are they bombarding?"

There were noisy discussions in the command channels of the battleships surrounding the Temple and Sanctuary.

"There's something!"

Superman Clark clasped his hands on his chest, his eyes flashing with red light. With his super vision, he could clearly see the black fog that was spreading towards this side.


Captain America listened to Clark's whisper in the communication channel and asked with some confusion.

"There's something coming over there!" Clark looked at the black fog tens of thousands of miles away with a solemn expression.

Captain America followed Clark's gaze, and he clicked on the remote viewing mode on the helmet of Ant-Man's suit. In front of his eyes, the nano-robots on Ant-Man's suit instantly formed a pair of robots with high magnification in front of him. glasses.

Through this special pair of telescopes, Captain America finally saw clearly what those armed robots were attacking.

It was a black fog tens of thousands of miles away, and the black fog like wind and sand quickly swept towards those armed robots——

Numerous black shadows can be vaguely seen flashing in the black fog——

Facing the sweeping black mist, high-energy guns sprayed flames in the hands of millions of armed robots. Countless high-energy rays erupted from their muzzles, and the light blue high-energy rays disappeared into the black mist.

Behind the armed robots, on the 20,000 warships that were retreating, the large-caliber energy cannons also shot out blue high-energy beams, and at the same time, missiles one after another blasted towards the black mist.

Flames with light blue tail flames spurted out from these ultra-high-speed missiles, and hundreds of thousands of ultra-high-speed missiles fell into the black mist.

A large fire suddenly exploded in the black fog. With this fire, Captain America could clearly see the appearance of the black shadow in the black fog.

It was a strange-looking black-scaled megalodon beast with dragon wings on its back. Their figures moved quickly through the black mist. Using the cover of the black mist, they kept rushing toward the defense line composed of armed robots.

Hundreds of thousands of ultra-high-speed missiles exploded in the black fog. The shock wave caused by the missile explosion, which was comparable to a nuclear explosion, directly tore apart large tracts of black fog.

The supersonic shock wave swept across the black mist, and there were explosions of fire several miles in diameter.

Countless balls of extremely hot flames, like melting glass, rose up, and the dragon beasts shrouded in these explosions were instantly burned to ashes.

However, the scope covered by these black mist was too wide, and the black mist seemed to be alive. The firelight of the explosion was covered again by the diffuse black mist in an instant, and the black mist quickly swept towards the armed robots.

Densely dense light blue high-energy rays kept shooting into the black mist,

Many black-scaled dragon beasts rushed towards the armed robots from the black mist, but were instantly turned into honeycombs by the concentrated fire, and holes were shot out of the strong scale armor——

In the black mist, groups of black fireballs with a diameter of more than two meters spewed out, constantly shooting at the armed robots. The density of the fireballs was not inferior to the energy firearms in the hands of the armed robots.

Fireballs exploded among the armed robots like heavy cloud bombs, and a large number of armed robots were directly violently destroyed.

Among everyone present, only Superman Clark, who had super vision, could see it most clearly. In the black fog, countless wizards with lizard heads appeared out of thin air, waving wands in their hands, and those fireballs were emitted by them.


Clark looked at the black fog, a trace of thought flashing in his eyes.

In his world, there are many wizards who are proficient in magic, but he doesn't know much about these magic tricks.

After the dense rain of fireballs, a large black fog instantly swallowed up millions of armed robots like a storm——

The 20,000 warships behind them aimed and fired at the diffuse black fog with their cannons. At the same time, radio waves were sent out from those warships in an attempt to reconnect with the out-of-control armed robots.

In the black fog, millions of armed robots were constantly being eroded by the black fog. The black fog was submerged into their main control chips. In the next moment, the black fog was smoothly connected to the radio waves of these armed robots.

The fusion of these souls from hell with the alien armed robots immediately produced the magical effect of one plus one being greater than one or two.

The mechanical bodies of these armed robots quickly transformed into mechanical dragon beasts, opening their mouths and firing light blue beams out of the black mist.

Before the battleships behind them could understand what was going on, millions of light blue energy beams shot out from the black mist. Together with the magical attacks of the dragon wizards, they bombarded the battleships overwhelmingly. superior.

The hundreds of warships at the back were instantly blown to pieces in space by this concentrated fire attack.

"What is that?" Marvel Woman Carol soared into the sky, looking at the black fog that spread tens of thousands of kilometers. It looked like a huge evil dragon.

Carol even clearly saw the evil dragon formed by the black mist looking at her with malice and greed in its eyes...

"A strong woman with big butts! It looks like she can give birth to strong offspring!"

The black mist shook, and in the low roar that no one heard, a black mist of hundreds of miles suddenly expanded vertically for thousands of miles.

Carol landed next to Clark, looked sideways at him, and asked.

"I don't know. Judging from the situation, they shouldn't be enemies!"

Clark watched as the black mist engulfed the warships that had fallen behind one by one. The warships shrouded in black mist seemed to have entered another space and soon disappeared.

"What should I do over there? I've tried, but there's no way to break through that barrier!" Carol frowned and looked at the dark red dome that had shrunk to less than a hundred meters.

"Mr. Rogers said that it takes the power of infinite raw stones to break down this wall!"

"The power of infinite rough stones?" Carol thought thoughtfully. She clenched her fists. Under Clark's surprised gaze, the red energy flame surrounding her changed and turned into a blue light.

"My power comes from the light speed engine and the space gem! But I have always been accustomed to using the power of the light speed engine!" Carol, surrounded by blue light, glanced at Clark provocatively, and then she raised her arms flatly, surrounded by There was a flash of blue light, and the next second, her figure appeared in front of the dark red dome.

Under Clark's surprised gaze, Carol inserted her hands into the dark red dome, and her arms were surrounded by blue light.

There seemed to be some kind of chemical reaction between the power of the Space Stone and the power of the Reality Stone, and Carol tore a crack more than ten meters long in the dark red dome with his hands.



Carol looked into the dark red dome through the gap she tore open.

In the dark red space condensed by the Reality Stone, Thanos is holding his hands around his calf, which has grown to several tens of meters in height.

An absurdly strong force came from Thanos's hands. He hugged Thor, who was unable to freely scale his size due to the loss of Ant-Man's suit, and slammed him into the ground.

Loud noises spread throughout the dark red space. The interior of this dark red space shook for a while, as if it had been bombarded by hundreds of heavy cannons. Thor felt like everything was burning inside, and all the bones in his body seemed to be broken every inch.

In a daze, he seemed to see his dead brother.

After hearing the noise, Thanos dropped Thor in his hand, turned to look behind him, and happened to look at each other with Carol.

Carol came back to her senses, and with a flash of blue light, she suddenly appeared in front of Thanos before he could react, and punched him in the head.

Thanos arrived first, raised his hand to block Carol's sudden punch, and then hit Carol with a backhand punch.

Carol opened her left hand, trying to catch Thanos' fist, but a huge force came from her palm, knocking her away——

"I know you! In my universe, you ruined my plans several times, nosy woman!"

Thanos touched his chin, and he recognized Carol, a woman who was notoriously nosy in the galaxy. She had sabotaged the Dark Order's genocide plans several times.

I just didn't expect that in this parallel universe, this troublesome guy actually existed.

Just crush the little bugs that get in your way! Thanos, whose power had almost doubled several times, did not take Carol seriously.

Although she found it strange, Carol did not delve into the meaning of Thanos' words. She flew forward quickly and punched Thanos again.

With the dual blessing of the beam engine and the power of the space gem, her speed is close to the speed of light. At this speed, each of her punches can easily penetrate the protective light shields of those battleships.

Thanos also showed extraordinary strength. He didn't even use the power of the Infinity Stones. Every punch and kick seemed to have the power of breaking stars.

Under this huge force, Carroll could only hold on for less than a dozen rounds before he became unable to hold on.


After another punch, Thanos punched Carol hard in the face, causing Wonder Woman's nose to bleed——

Thanos caught Carol's fainting moment, pinched her neck with one hand, raised his hand, and clenched his fist. Looking at the posture, it seemed that he wanted to blow the head of Marvel Woman.

When his fist was raised high, a hand suddenly pinched his arm!


Feeling the force from the hand holding his wrist, Thanos frowned and looked up at the man wearing a blue suit and a red cape who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Taking action against a lady is not a gentlemanly thing to do!"

He threw Carol to the side with his left hand, raised his left fist and hit the man's head.

Clark tilted his head slightly and avoided Thanos' punch. At the same time, he quickly raised his knee and pushed his knee hard into Thanos' abdomen.


Clark's knee bump made Thanos experience the feeling of being hit by a battleship traveling at full speed, and his whole stomach was churning.

Thanos used his right hand to break free from Clark's hand, made a fist with his right hand, and hit Clark with another heavy punch.

Clark also punched, and their fists collided hard. A shock wave comparable to the explosion of a multi-million-ton nuclear bomb spread from their fists to the surroundings.

The powerful shock wave with nowhere to vent poured out along the crack that Carol tore, forming a huge storm visible to the naked eye in space.

Carol, who had just held the Hulk and Dr. Banner in her hands with the help of Diana, and was about to rescue a few people first, just walked to the crack and was knocked away by a huge force. It flew thousands of kilometers into the deep space of the universe before stopping.

Clark and Thanos' fists intertwined, but they were equally matched. One was the god on earth in the DC universe, and the other was the cosmic overlord of the Marvel universe.

Very powerful, not even inferior to myself!

After Thanos noticed Superman Clark's strength, the Power Stone in his right hand's Infinity Gauntlet emitted a purple light.

He clenched his fist again and struck out without any surprise. This time, Clark was directly blasted away from the dark red space where real space condensed.

Thanos raised his right hand, and as the reality gem inlaid on the Infinity Gauntlet emitted a red light, the surrounding red walls instantly gathered under him and turned into a dark red throne.

Thanos sat down on the throne, looking down at the messy battlefield indifferently, with Thor's big face under his feet.

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