The black throne embodied by the real gem seems to be carved from a piece of pure black crystal.

Countless gems of different sizes were inlaid on the back of the chair, forming a complex star map; Thanos, wearing golden armor, sat on the throne, looking at the fleeing warships around him, his eyes flashing with cold light.

The fingers of his right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet tapped lightly on the armrest of the throne.

Thanos' appearance seemed to give the fleeing alien coalition a backbone. A large number of fleeing warships turned around and came to defend their cosmic overlord.

Soon one battleship after another arrived behind Thanos, and it didn't take long for a large number of battleships to gather behind the overlord of the universe.

A large number of Dark Order soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor walked out of the spacecraft cabin and came to Thanos' feet. Under the throne was a wide stone staircase paved with black energy plates.

There are hundreds of stone steps up and down. At the end of the stone steps is Thanos's huge black throne.

This eternal Titan sits on the throne, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

General Deathblade, Dark Night Proxima, and Ebony Maw led a group of Dark Order soldiers to the throne anxiously and knelt down on one knee.

On the stone steps under Thanos' feet lay the bodies of Tony Stark, Barton, Bruce Wayne and others, and under his feet was the big face of Asgard's heir, Thor, giving people a sense of heaven and earth. , the domineering and domineering attitude of oneself.

(Sorry, a chapter has been blocked. The content is about the senior leaders of the World Security Council seeing that the beheading plan failed.

In panic, he turned to Boss Tang for help, and was forced to sign a lot of unequal contracts, including the belief in the sovereignty of the earth.

The Tang Group can station troops in several countries in the Federation.

Priority can be given to acquiring the earth’s mineral resources and giving priority to other civilizations’ post-war resources.

Because of the harsh "jungle law" in the universe, in order to protect the safety of believers, the Tang Group will build ten large-scale space bases in the solar system. Earth civilization will be responsible for providing human, material and financial support.

Countries on Earth are not allowed to interfere with the Tang Group's recruitment on Earth. As long as the recruits agree, countries around the world have no right to stop it.

In the event of a conflict between the Tang Group and an alien civilization, all countries on Earth will unconditionally assist the Tang Group in fighting. During wartime, all armed forces will be under the unified command of the Tang Group, and vice versa.

When there is a conflict between earth civilization and alien civilization, the Tang Group will assist the earth civilization in fighting.

I was so happy to write that it was a covert reference to the big boss, and I couldn’t even modify it, so I just banned a chapter. If I do it again, the book will be gone! )

"Your Majesty, we have also signed! Then look at these alien fleets!"

The head of the federal government looked at the huge fleet in the circular light mirror worriedly, as if he was worried that these fleets would destroy the solar system in the next moment.

"I like a saying very much, you have to rely on yourself!" Tang Song clapped his hands, the clouds dispersed, and a bone altar appeared in everyone's sight.

On top of the bone altar was a scarecrow more than two meters high, but when everyone turned their attention to the scarecrow, they vaguely seemed to see a writhing object that looked like flesh and blood squirming in the middle of the altar.

The weird red thing was twisting and twitching wildly on the altar,

The general appearance is like the blood vessels, nerves and bone marrow that are left after all the bones, muscles and internal organs of a person have been extracted.

Hundreds of faces flickered on the fleshy mass, and it was vaguely possible to see that these fleshy masses were all humanoid alien creatures.

Just by looking at it, everyone felt in a trance, with countless murmurs ringing in their ears, as if there were countless green devils surrounding the bone altar.

When everyone in the World Security Council was at a loss, the angels with golden haloes on their heads came again carrying trays. This time, their trays were no longer drinks or documents.

Instead, they were wooden bows. The bows were more than two feet long. The bows were faintly reddish, and there were no decorations, revealing the texture of the wood.

There were several lines of blood-colored text engraved on it. The bow strings seemed to be made of twisted bark and were very rough. Each bow was equipped with three wooden arrows engraved with blood-colored runes.

"Damn thing!"

Among the branches of the World Tree, more than a dozen of the Dark Order's main third-level black-winged warships, which had fallen behind the large army, fled rapidly towards the outer reaches of the solar system.

Behind these battleships, a bloody shadow was chasing after them.

Suddenly, this hazy bloody light stopped her figure, revealing Hela's tall figure. She looked out of the solar system with a gloomy expression. With a curse, she raised her hand and pointed, and a bloody shadow the size of a hundred feet was revealed. Thunder appeared at her fingertips, roaring and firing towards a warship that was lagging behind.

The third-level battleship seemed to feel the huge energy gathering behind it, and the captain in the command module roared orders.

The energy system in the spacecraft instantly began to operate overload, and huge energy began to gather. The energy system of the spacecraft was almost drained, and turned into an energy shield tens of meters thick to protect the entire battleship.

The next second, the hundred-foot-sized thunderball landed on the battleship's shield. A bloody bright light instantly exploded on the battleship. The battleship's shield was completely shattered in the bloody lightning. ,

The bloody thunder instantly turned into large rolling waves of blood.

The solid shell of the battleship flashed with blood-colored waves, flashing with a dazzling bloody light, and accompanied by a frightening sound of shattering, the entire battleship disintegrated into countless fragments in space.

The soldiers of the Dark Order in the battleship screamed in terror, but were instantly swept up in waves of blood. A hazy blood light flashed through, and all these soldiers turned into ashes.

"You're lucky!" Hela glanced at the dozens of warships that had fled hundreds of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and had no intention of catching up.

She sneered and pointed in the air, and a space door flashing with sparks appeared in front of her. She stepped into the space door, and when she came out again, she was already outside the solar system.

At this time, in the star field outside the solar system, with the appearance of Thanos, the battleships under his command seemed to have found a backbone. The overwhelming battleships lined up and launched towards the Sanctuary battleship and Clark, Carol and others. A devastating attack.

Carol entered the light speed engine mode and pushed the Sanctuary battleship behind to accelerate away from the star field, while Superman Clark surrounded the Sanctuary battleship, resisting the battleship fire attacks from all directions.

They want to lure Thanos' fleet away from Earth.

Thanos does not care about the safety of the prisoners on the Sanctuary battleship, which also allows his fleet to completely let go.

Energy beams tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters thick blasted towards the Sanctuary battleship from all directions, and huge explosion light waves exploded in the dark space——

Those smaller asteroids, which are tens or hundreds of miles away, cannot even withstand a single shot, so they disintegrate into countless rubbles in these energy beams.

When Carroll and others were avoiding the gunfire of these battleships, some unlucky planets were hit by these energy beams. Under these Star Destroyer-level naval guns, the continents on the planet instantly collapsed, and the entire planet instantly turned into a planet. A magma planet covered in smoke and flames.

A planet was hit by several Star Destroyer cannons one after another. A huge explosion instantly exploded on the planet with no signs of life, blowing one tenth of the planet to pieces on the spot.

The unknown asteroid that maintained its autobiography suddenly lost such a large piece of its body.

Its dynamic balance is immediately disrupted.

Accompanied by a dull roar, large clusters of bright red light continued to erupt from the depths of the planet, and the entire planet directly split into seven or eight stars of varying sizes, gradually spreading to the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying big explosion broke out.

The entire asteroid completely exploded. The shock wave generated by the explosion swept through the void tens of millions of kilometers in radius, and even thousands of warships had no time to escape and were caught up in the wave.

The destruction of this planet immediately affected the gravitational changes in the surrounding planetary systems. Several nearby planets trembled obviously, and their distances from each other changed a lot. There were also large-scale, high-voltage sudden changes on these planets. Density of earthquakes.

This terrifying scene made Clark's expression suddenly change. Unlike Carol, who had been wandering around the galaxy and was used to seeing the destruction of planets, this god on earth did not often walk among the stars. He was more home-loving and liked to stay on earth. .

Even though he has experienced many evil forces claiming to destroy the earth, this is the first time he has actually seen a planet destroyed before his eyes.

"No! I have to go back and stop him!"

Clark glanced behind him. There were many battleships chasing them, but not all of them. With his super vision, he could clearly see hundreds of thousands of battleships behind Thanos heading towards the solar system through millions of miles of space. Drive in the direction.

Clark said hello to Carol, flew up, and wanted to stop those battleships. The next moment, he was attacked by a storm.

The battleships that were chasing the Sanctuary saw that Clark was not escaping, but wanted to go upstream and unchain the battleships. Suddenly, all kinds of powerful weapons were thrown at Clark.

Star destroyer cannons, gravity cannons, even black hole bombs——

Clark rushed several times, but failed to break out of the encirclement. Facing hundreds of thousands of top alien warships with full firepower, even Superman Clark, the god on earth, could not break out of the attack from such a star-level weapon. I can only retreat.

On the floating throne where the reality gems are condensed, Thanos' big purple hand is holding a gray tight-fitting suit and studying there intently.

This Ant-Man suit was ripped off by Thanos from Hawkeye Barton. As for Hawkeye, the famous superhero on earth, at this moment, his body is floating among a pile of rubble.

In that pile of meteorites, there were not only Barton's bodies, but also the bodies of Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff, floating naked in the cold space.

"A genius invention!"

Thanos already has several Ant-Man suits on hand that he has dismantled into a pile of parts. Thanos is not a reckless man who only knows killing as the world knows. As one of the most powerful people in the Marvel universe.

Not only does he know all the superhuman philosophies of the Eternal Titans, but he is almost mentally invincible. While he is immune to most mental attacks, he also possesses knowledge that far exceeds Earth's technology.

After studying the Ant-Man suit for more than ten minutes, Thanos immediately understood the operating mode of the suit and also knew that the core of the suit was the seemingly inconspicuous tube of Pym particles.

With his ability to know everything unknown, and with ready-made tools, it is not difficult to recreate the Ant-Man suit and even Pym particles!

"Death! I will bring equal killing to every universe! That is the best gift I bring to you!"

Thanos looked at the suit in his hand affectionately, seeming to see the appearance of the goddess of death——

Behind him, hundreds of thousands of warships were overwhelmingly heading towards the solar system——

For Thanos, his goal has been achieved, and the earth is naturally useless. Just now, he coldly ordered the fleet to directly destroy the star and turn the entire solar system into ruins.

Hundreds of thousands of warships were traveling at full speed, and in an instant they arrived at the edge of the solar system, around the strange black fog.

The old demon dragon, who transformed into black mist with his own magic power, was cracking iron melon seeds, knocking out the melon seeds inside the battleships, and eating them one by one. There were at least hundreds of operators in a battleship.

For the old devil dragon, the lord of the abyss, these spaceship operators are naturally just snacks to satisfy their cravings. While eating snacks, the black mist still vividly condensed a dragon head, and they watched as if they were watching the fun, trampling Thor under their feet. Thanos.

"How dare you mess with that crazy woman!"

Black Mist Dragon shook his head, the expression on his face was extremely rich.

Just when the old demon dragon was cracking melon seeds and preparing to watch Thanos' excitement in a joking manner, hundreds of thousands of warships had already arrived in space tens of thousands of miles away from him.

Hundreds of obviously huge, streamlined warships full of technology approached the black fog area over there, just when they were thousands of kilometers away from the black fog area where the old demon dragon had transformed.

These warships simultaneously launched black bombs the size of houses into the black mist area!

ka ka ka-

Before the old devil dragon could react, hundreds of black hole bombs exploded in an instant a hundred miles away from the old devil dragon. All surrounding matter was attracted by the huge gravity of the black hole.

The black mist area transformed by the magic power of the old demon dragon was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

He was not careful, and the magic power condensed into an atomized body, which was instantly swallowed up by hundreds of formed black holes.

The scene was like hundreds of range hoods aiming at a black smoke with full firepower. Transformed by the magic power of the old demon dragon, more than half of the tens of thousands of miles of black mist was instantly reduced.

"hold head high!"

Accompanied by a sad and tearful dragon roar, the old demon dragon directly transformed into a dragon body. Feeling that most of the magic power in his body was missing, he angrily rushed towards the group of battleships in front of him.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of warships that had been prepared were aiming in the direction of the old demon dragon and firing in unison——

On the black stairs leading to the Void Throne, three figures were walking swaggering in the middle. On both sides of the stairs, they were looking in all directions and listening in all directions. The thousands of Dark Order soldiers who were on full alert seemed not to have seen the three figures at all. people!

Even Deadpool, who was carrying two All-Soul-Slaying Immortal Swords on his back, walked up to a Dark Order soldier and waved his hand in front of him. The Dark Order soldier seemed to be blind and did not see him at all.

"The invisibility charm this time works well!"

Deadpool whistled at a Dark Order soldier, and seeing that he had no reaction at all, he turned back and said to Frank.

"Of course, the jade talisman weapon created by Tianbing Valley combines the advantages of the breathing talisman, the silent talisman, and the invisibility talisman, and it also combines the space magic of Kama Taj!

We are now walking in a parallel dimension with them! There's no way they can spot us! "

Frank's eyes fell on Thanos, who was sitting high on the Void Throne, and golden light burst out in his eyes: "Hurry up and kill this guy as soon as the boss orders it!"

The white skull pattern on Frank's black T-shirt seemed to come alive, and a strange green light rose from his eye sockets.

After hearing Frank's words, Wade withdrew his hand that was intended to measure the figure of a female soldier of the Dark Order, and angrily walked towards the high Void Throne with Frank and Johnny.

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