Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 475 Planetary Siege

An asteroid with a mass of a trillion tons is used as a weapon!

Just thinking about the scene makes you realize what a spectacular scene it was.

Driven by the joint efforts of Superman Clark and Carol,

This asteroid once reached supersonic speed in the vacuum environment of space.

Given the size of this asteroid, if Clark hadn't used his own biological force field to support it,

This asteroid was crushed by its own potential energy the moment it was moved.

Not to mention being pushed across tens of millions of kilometers by this ultra-high-speed kinetic energy.

The space-based weapon "God's Rod" developed by the Tang Group dropped a tungsten rod weighing more than ten tons in low-Earth orbit.

With the gravitational acceleration of more than ten tons of black rod, the impact caused is comparable to the power of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

What's more, it's an asteroid with a mass comparable to the moon.

Faced with the rampage of this asteroid with a diameter of several thousand kilometers,

Especially when he saw it crashing towards him quickly,

Even though he was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and holding three Infinity Stones in his hand, Thanos couldn't help but change his face.

Feeling threatened, he turned around and opened his palms in the direction of the asteroid.

The power gem on the Infinity Gauntlet emits a purple halo. The next second, this purple halo spreads into a purple light beam hundreds of kilometers in size.

He headed towards the asteroid.

At the same time, on the Infinity Gauntlet on Thanos' right hand, the red light of the Reality Stone flashed, turning into a dark red light shield hundreds of kilometers in size, protecting himself within it.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

The purple beam of light soaring into the sky hit the asteroid that was rushing toward me hard——

Needless to say, the original specifications of the power gems are high.

That represents the original rules of the power of the entire universe.

Ronan the Accuser once used the power of the Power Stone to easily destroy a planet dozens of times larger than this asteroid.

If you attack one side with a powerful point, the outcome will be self-evident.

Driven by Clark and Carroll, the asteroid's huge potential and kinetic energy are almost unstoppable.

It can even easily destroy a star and disrupt a solar system or a planetary system.

But the specifications of the power gems are too high...

It's like hitting an indestructible sharp iron stick with a piece of tofu accelerated to supersonic speed.

The results can be imagined!

Although the speed of this asteroid is fast enough, it does not meet the prerequisite for speed to change matter.

If the speed of this asteroid can reach the speed of light, it may be able to use this potential energy to impact a group of power gems head-on.

If you want to accelerate an asteroid with a diameter of thousands of kilometers to the speed of light, the energy consumed and the strength it represents.

Perhaps Boss Tang, whose cultivation has reached the level of Golden Immortal, can do it.

If Clark can be promoted to a golden superman, or a further thinking superman.

It can definitely be done.

But when his strength reaches that point, he is fully capable of mastering the complete form of Thanos with six Infinity Stones, but he no longer needs to use planets as weapons.

Under the purple shock wave of the Power Stone, the asteroid with a diameter of several thousand kilometers was directly blasted out of a huge hole hundreds of kilometers in diameter!

From a distance, the entire asteroid looks like it has turned into a candied haws on a purple toothpick.

However, the candied haws did not slow down because it was penetrated by this toothpick, even if the magma in the core of the planet sprayed out, it instantly solidified into large pieces of obsidian and scattered into space.


Clark spurted a mouthful of blood. It was he who relied on his own life force field to wrap the planet, which allowed the asteroid to withstand such high-speed potential energy and kinetic energy.

But when the light wave of the power stone penetrated the asteroid, it also penetrated his life force field in an instant. It felt like a stick was piercing his body.

Clark forcibly wrapped his life force field around the asteroid that almost disintegrated under the purple beam of light. He gritted his bleeding teeth and pushed it hard towards Thanos.

Carol glanced at Clark worriedly, but she also knew that now was not the time to be coy.

She gritted her teeth and pushed the asteroid with all her strength. With the light speed engine in her body running at full speed, every cell in her body seemed to be burning with flames, doubling the speed of the entire asteroid.


Asteroids with a diameter of several thousand kilometers hit the dark red light shield heavily!

God knows how much power erupted when the two collided.

All I saw was that a mushroom cloud stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles exploded in this star field.

Countless dust and gravel were directly blown away by the shock wave that swept tens of millions of miles.

Under this shock wave that swept tens of millions of miles away,

Those battleships that lost their masters at some point and turned into ghost ships,

It was even thrown away directly.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and in the invisible environment, the shadow of a golden three-headed dragon flashed past in the smoke and dust.

Wherever the dragon shadow passed, the ownerless alien warships disappeared directly into the smoke.


Under this huge and incredible power, even the light shield condensed by the Reality Stone was torn into thousands of red light streams flying randomly in an instant.


The smoke dispersed, and under the solemn gazes of Clark and Carol, a purple figure walked out of the smoke with a wild smile.

Thanos reached out and touched the wound on his face caused by the explosion of the streamer.

With a terrifying smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and raised his fingers provocatively towards Clark and Carol.

Clark accelerated and appeared in front of Thanos at a speed that was almost teleporting. He swung his fist towards Thanos' head.

"Have you forgotten the lesson before?" Thanos let out a strange laugh, clenched his right hand into a fist, and smashed Clark's fist with the right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

A purple sun shines in front of Thanos' fist,

Two equally huge forces collided with each other, a hard-on-hard collision, without any buffering room.

Clark groaned, and his right hand collapsed. He could even clearly hear the sound of his finger bones being broken. His whole body was blown away by the huge force. His internal organs were trembling, and he opened his mouth. Blood spurts out.

"What an interesting thing, your power is greater than mine! But before the absolute power of the Power Stone, what does your little power mean?" Thanos proudly looked down at Clark and Carol who was supporting him!

Facing Carol who rushed forward unconvinced, Thanos opened his big hand, and a double-edged sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

With a distant wave, the next moment, the sword with the orange light of the Soul Gem was whistling and slashing towards Carol.


Carol waved her fists, trying to block the double-edged sword, but when her fist collided with the blade of the sword, the sharp blade directly left a bone-deep wound on her indestructible fist.

The orange light attached to the sword made her feel like her soul was being devoured. The severe pain made Carol couldn't help but squat down while holding her head.


Thanos' eyes flashed with cold light, and he commanded the sword to strike at Carol's neck without hesitation.

chi chi-

At the critical moment, two red heat rays accurately landed on the double-edged sword, blasting the double-edged sword away.

Thanos raised his hand to take the double-edged sword back into his palm, and his eyes fell on Clark. Clark pinched his broken hand bones with his left hand, his eyes filled with two flashes of red light——


Thanos looked at Clark unwilling to be outdone. The next second, two powerful cosmic energy burst out from his eyes, the white rays and the red heat rays intertwined -

The red light and the white light collided across hundreds of kilometers, and the two clashed and exploded into large swaths of gorgeous fireworks——


A high-energy light beam hundreds of meters thick suddenly struck from a distance and blasted towards Thanos!

Thanos quickly flashed, and the beam of light flew past him, landed in the dark space, and instantly exploded into a ball of fireworks dozens of miles away.

Thanos looked up and saw a nearly 10,000-meter spaceship and warship parked hundreds of kilometers away. It was one of his vehicles, the Sanctuary.

"A bunch of bugs!" Thanos roared, raised his right hand, and the Reality Stone condensed a ball of red light.

The red light fell at his feet and instantly turned into the Void Throne. The light curtain on the Void Throne rose up, directly blocking the two incoming heat rays.

He took a step forward and sat on the Void Throne. The Void Throne flashed across hundreds of kilometers in an instant and appeared in front of the Sanctuary spacecraft.

In the command module of the Sanctuary spacecraft, the US team used the artificial intelligence Friday on the Ant-Man suit, and they took control of the top leaders of the Dark Order on the Sanctuary in advance, so they were able to control the spacecraft.

Seeing Clark and Carol at a disadvantage, Thanos is about to launch an attack on the entire solar system.

He could only use the Sanctuary ship to launch a strike against Thanos.

But I didn't expect that with just one blast, Thanos had already crossed hundreds of kilometers and arrived in front of him.

Through the porthole, Captain America clearly saw Thanos' cold face. The moment he saw the vertical stripes on his chin, Captain America thought of a certain type of sneakers on Earth.

"It's really ugly!"

Thanos raised his right hand, and the Reality Stone on the Infinity Gauntlet condensed a purple halo.

In an explosion of purple light, Captain America let out the last sigh of his life!

Watching the Sanctuary spacecraft turn into ashes in a burst of purple light——

Superman let out a silent roar and flew forward to fight Thanos. The next moment, he was blasted tens of thousands of miles away in a burst of purple light.

In a dimensional space that is different from the real world, Hela looked at Thanos who was showing off his power with the power of the infinite stones, with a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in his eyes!

She slaughtered dozens of planets and absorbed the blood of countless creatures to refine the "Blood Nerve".

Her strength can be said to have grown by leaps and bounds, coupled with the fact that she had just swallowed the sibling in this universe not long ago.

Hela's own strength is almost the same as the strength of the Great Asura recorded in "Blood Nerve", but she was beaten by Thanos using the Power Stone and lost a river of blood.

Being arrogant, she was naturally dissatisfied. She watched Frank put Johnny's body in ice and put it away.

Suddenly a burst of blood flowed from Hela's body, and her long black hair floated up. She raised her arm, and moved a palm towards Thanos' back heart mark from a distance away.

Seeing Hela take action, Frank also felt fierce in his heart. He had never suffered such a big loss after following his boss for so long.

With a roar, he transformed into Zhu Yan's true form, a vicious ape that was a thousand meters tall and burning with blood flames from head to tail.

He picked up the black-gold stick that also got bigger and thicker, stepped out in one step, and left the dimensional space in a flash. When he reappeared, he had already reached Thanos' head, and hit Thanos with a stick.

Behind Frank, the old demon dragon held up the mountain whip with a strange smile——

Beelzebub, who was holding the neck bone of a white skeleton in his hand, rolled his eyes, and a large green cloud separated from his body and rushed towards Thanos.

The smug Thanos was looking at Clark with a superior attitude, seeming to laugh at his overestimation.

The next second, in the void behind him, a silent bloody palm print suddenly appeared on his back.


When the bloody handprint touched the back of his heart, Thanos noticed a huge force pouring out of the void behind him.


The barrier of the Void Throne shattered directly under the bloody handprint. Thanos groaned and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He felt that the strange force behind him wanted to erode into his body.

Thanos quickly used the power of the Reality Stone to pull up a red barrier around him!


The bloody handprint hit the barrier and immediately shattered, turning into hundreds of misty Blood God Sons.

The bodies of these Blood God Sons were uncertain. They tested around Thanos more than a dozen times, but they could not break through the barrier of the Reality Stone.

They simply swarmed up and swallowed up the mouthful of blood balls sprayed out by Thanos.

Thanos looked at these changing human-shaped blood mist with an ugly expression, and the power gem in his hand overflowed with purple light.

Just when he was planning to use the power of the Reality Stone to completely eliminate these bloody weird monsters.

Suddenly there was a violent sound of wind above my head,

Thanos raised his head and saw a heavy black-gold club smashing down on his head.

Frank's body transformed into a thousand-meter height, his eyes widened viciously, with bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

He swung the black-gold stick, which had also expanded in size an unknown number of times, and smashed it down on Thanos' head.

Thanos clenched his right hand, and purple light bloomed on the Infinity Gauntlet.


Frank slammed the stick into the purple barrier.


The strong shock wave spread to the surroundings, directly setting off a huge hurricane thousands of miles around.

Frank swung the stick heavily on the purple light cast by the power stone,

He only felt a huge counter-shock force sweeping through his body along the black gold stick.

Although this counterattack force was resolved by his tyrannical Zhu Yan's true form.

It didn't cause much fatal damage to him.

But under the coercion of this huge force, his whole body was like duckweed floating in the wind.

He was immediately blown away hundreds of miles.

In the end, Clark caught him and helped him stabilize his body.



Just when Thanos punched Frank away,

Behind him, a big hand covered with black dragon scales holding a golden whip reached out unexpectedly.

He hit Thanos on the back of the head like a hammer.

Even though the whole body is covered with a layer of energy barrier embodied by the reality gem.

But this Wutu Mountain Whip was an artifact that almost hit the God King Odin in the head.

The old demon dragon whipped hundreds of times in succession.

Even with the Reality Gem protecting his body, he was caught off guard.

The back of Thanos' head was still numb from being whipped hundreds of times, and he fell to the ground.

As soon as he struggled to get up, a green cloud enveloped him.

(End of this chapter)

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