Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 476: Thanos’ Death Stone Battle

The six Infinity Stones symbolize the six most fundamental powers of the Marvel Universe. Because of this, these six Infinity Stones have strict conditions for their use.

Just like if you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice what you love!

Several other Infinity Stones also have strict restrictions and backlash. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

Ordinary people, let alone using it, will be counterattacked by the power of the original stone even if they touch it.

Among them, the most intuitive one is the Power Stone. When this stone first appeared, it directly blew up most of collector Tiwan's treasure house, causing his hundreds of millions of years of hard work to be wasted, and this was just because Tiwan The maid wants to touch this rough stone and use its power to get rid of the pervert Tiwan.

But she underestimated the power stone and overestimated herself.

After all, even with Star-Lord's half-human, half-god physique, other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy need to share the burden to withstand the energy spilled from the Power Stone.

As a member of the Supreme Accuser of the Kree Empire, Ronan also needs his warhammer (a universal weapon created by the Kree Empire with the help of all civilizations) to barely be able to control the violent energy of the Power Stone. .

Thanos is strong enough, and his Eternal Titan body gives him unsurpassed strength, endurance, recovery and agility.

His skin is nearly indestructible, especially against cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease, and he can survive without eating or drinking anything.

His spirit is also nearly invincible, which makes him immune to most mental attacks. It can be said that Thanos is one of the most powerful people in the Marvel Universe.

This is also the reason why he can control infinite rough stones!

In the future timeline of another parallel universe, Dr. Hulk Banner snapped his fingers, and with his physical strength, he lost an arm due to the energy of the six Infinity Stones.

And another guy who used the Infinity Stones directly ended his own life and the Marvel Universe of Heroes!

As for Thanos, in the parallel universe, the one who fell under Thor's Storm Ax directly used the power of the six Infinity Stones to confront each other and destroy the six original stones.

And in this case, he actually withstood the power of six Infinity Stones and survived. This shows how powerful the Eternal Titans are physically.

In other words, the strength of Thanos, the overlord of the universe, is evident.

But this does not mean that he can use the power of the infinite raw stones at will without any backlash.

The reason why he can control the infinite stones in his hands unscrupulously is because of the infinity glove in his hand. This glove is specially designed for him to control the infinite stones.

By wearing this glove, he can fully utilize the power of the infinite raw stones while minimizing the damage caused to him by the raw stones.

This means that after wearing a fireproof insulated glove, you can attack the enemy with electrified fire pliers unscrupulously.

It's just that no matter how strong the gloves are, they will wear out at some point, and this insulated glove only slows down the energy impact of the infinite rough stone, but does not achieve 100% isolation.

Even Thanos felt a little too much pressure after using the power of the Infinity Stones one after another. Even with Thanos's strength, using the power of three Infinity Stones at the same time was a big burden on his body.

Therefore, while using the Power Stone, Thanos will also reduce his control over the Reality Stone accordingly.

Of course, snapping your fingers is another matter. It's like lifting weights in a competition or fighting with a large knife weighing a hundred pounds every day. Just think about it and you will know which one is more strenuous.

When Thanos used the power gem to bombard the attacking Zhu Yan monkey, he didn't notice that there was a black hand behind him quietly approaching the back of his head.

When the Hell Abyss was competing for the title of Satan, which symbolizes the Lord of Hell, the old demon dragon led a group of descendants to fish in troubled waters, beat sap, and rob while masked——

During that time, the wealth in his dragon's lair increased more than ten times. If this guy hadn't been so powerful, he would have been stripped and cramped by the gangsters.

You must know that the old demon dragon's victims are many such as the Seven Lords of Hell. According to rumors, even Lucifer has suffered from the old demon dragon's sap.

When it comes to beating sap, Old Demon Dragon can be said to be a professional——

The golden whip floated in the space gap between reality and the dimensional world, and appeared silently on the back of Thanos' head. Even when the old demon dragon swung the golden whip, the heavy golden whip did not even make any noise. , until the moment it landed on Thanos' head.

When Thanos noticed, the golden dragon transformed from the golden whip in the old demon dragon's hand, with its four shining claws, whizzed down and immediately enveloped the void of several acres of space.

The claws were ferocious, as fast as lightning, and the barrier held up by the Void Throne instantly turned into a large cloud of sparks scattered in all directions.

"Bang!" The old demon dragon struck down with his whip. After the heavy golden whip smashed the barrier supported by the Void Throne, it hit Thanos on the back of his head, knocking him staggering and falling forward. past.

Compared to Odin, Thanos is not that good!

But the Wutu Mountain Whip in the old demon dragon's hand is really powerful. This golden whip is condensed with more than a dozen earth vein essences. It is truly refined from Wutu.

The weight of the whip in his hand is equivalent to the combined weight of more than a dozen mountains. With one blow, even ordinary immortal magic weapons cannot compete with it in power.

You must know that in the world of Jambu, the general flying sword magic weapon is of slightly better quality. After being blessed and restricted by the user, and then refined through sacrifice, it can kill enemies and protect the body!

However, things like the Five-Ding Mountain Axe in Kane's hand, the Black Gold Stick in Frank's hand, and the All Souls-Slaying Immortal Sword in Deadpool Wade's hand are all purely physical attack magic weapons——

Except for Ryan, none of them have the temperament to use that kind of defensive magic weapon. They have no regard for the flags, streamers, beads, bowls, alms bowls, golden lamps, relics and other protective magic weapons that the Tang and Song Dynasties refined for them. Too interested.

On the other hand, Skye, the little naughty ones, and the others all have flying swords in their hands, and they are wearing all kinds of hairpins. They have body-protecting lotus flowers of various colors under their feet. They have at least a dozen pieces of magic weapons in total. pieces.

Their criteria for choosing magic weapons are simpler and more beautiful!

Kane and the others relied on their powerful bodies of gods and demons and their immortal bodies to run rampant. Until this time, Johnny hit the iron plate of Thanos, and his proud spirit of revenge met his soul. The nemesis of Gemstone wasted his life!

Singleness also means specialization to a certain extent! Although a pure physical attack is simple, if the power of this attack reaches a certain level, the power it can produce is earth-shattering and indestructible!

As the saying goes, one force can conquer ten societies. In the face of absolute power, all obstacles are useless. Just like the Fan Tian Seal in the ancient world of Jamfu, which can be called the acquired treasure, it was smelted by the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun from half of the Tianzhu Mountain Buzhou Mountain. With one blow, no additional means are needed, and it only relies on its own gravity. , it can subvert the earth, water, wind and fire, collapse the sky and crack the earth, and even the void can be shattered and restored to the most primitive chaos.

The golden whip in the hands of the old demon dragon is the copycat version of Yun Zhongzi from the Tang and Song Dynasties, the imitation version of Pin Xixi. Naturally, its weight and aggressiveness are incomparable with the treasure refined by the leader himself.

But in the Marvel universe, except for those multi-level perverts and a few people, no one can resist a few whips!

When other people encounter an offensive weapon of this weight, other than ducking and dodging on the spot, they can only protect their bodies with artifacts such as infinite raw stones, and use force to fight against force or force against force.

But Thanos used the Reality Stone to materialize the Throne of the Void and raised a barrier, but it was unable to withstand the whip of the old demon dragon.

But in terms of damage, the golden whip of the old devil dragon is even better than Clark's planet bomb.

After all, the power of the planet bomb is indeed great, but although its damage range is wide, its power cannot be condensed. If the power of the entire asteroid is condensed into one point, the old devil dragon's Wutu Mountain Whip will naturally not be able to compare with it.

But this force was dispersed and exploded for tens of millions of kilometers. On average, the damage to Thanos who held up the barrier of the Reality Stone's divine power was limited.

The old demon dragon took a cold blow and knocked Thanos to the ground with a sap. Under the golden whip, Thanos's helmet, which was a golden Ant-Man suit simulated by his own armor, was directly dented by the whip.

Blood continued to flow down the back of Thanos' neck——

The smell of blood caused hundreds of blood-colored mist-like figures to wander around, as if they were about to pounce on him and bite him at any moment.

Thanos, who was holding on to the severe pain in the back of his head, knelt on one knee in the void. He felt the threats around him and looked at the approaching blood. He raised his palms and was about to mobilize the power of the infinite stone to counterattack. But the green cloud appeared out of nowhere and wrapped him up.

Billions of mosquitoes formed a green cloud, following Thanos' wounds and seven orifices, and swarmed into Thanos' body. Thanos, the eternal titan's body, is not afraid of most of the toxins in the world, but it cannot withstand these billions of mosquitoes. The mosquitoes come from Beelzebub, the prince of flies and the prince of hell.

If any one of these pests enters the human world, it can destroy a human town.

These pests, which are enough to kill seven billion people on the earth, poured into Thanos' body along the wounds on his body.

Thanos only felt a chill rush down his body along his wound, and then his whole body could not stop trembling and shaking, and cold sweat broke out on his bare forehead.

"Cough cough!"

Thanos' throat felt itchy and he couldn't help but cough repeatedly. The Eternal Titan, who had never experienced pain before, just felt uncomfortable all over his body.

He could even feel the rapid and unlimited proliferation of countless cells in his body!

He tried to stand up with difficulty, but at this moment, the billions of plague bugs were raging in his body. Nearly a thousand diseases, large and small, have appeared in human history, ranging from colds and fevers to cholera and smallpox. The plague, as well as all kinds of messy bone cancers, blood cancers, and leukemias, all broke out in his body.

Even though his powerful physical body originated from the Eternal Titans, he was not taken away by the attacks of these pests. Even the powerful immune system in his body has begun to fight against those pests, trying to expel various lesions and viruses from him. body of.

But the consequence of the immune system's battle with these viruses and cancer cells is that Thanos is unable to exert any strength at this moment and has completely turned into a fish on the chopping board.


The old dragon stepped on Thanos's back and whipped him on the head again. This time, half of Thanos' head was smashed directly.

Thanos opened his mouth and roared, and the power gem in his right hand glowed with purple light. When he was about to turn around and punch the old demon dragon, his muscles suddenly trembled, and his body seemed to have lost control. He fell to the ground hard and fell directly. If you drop a dog, it will eat shit.

Thanos's mouth was stimulated by the powerlessness of his body, and he let out a crazy howl!

Adhering to the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the old demon dragon had no intention of stopping, and then added hundreds of whips. The whips were aimed at the back of Thanos's head, hitting Thanos's head straight. Like a watermelon smashed to the ground.

Purple, red, and white exploded in the cold space. The overlord who once threatened the two universes now turned into a cold, headless corpse in space.

Frank, who saw this scene from a distance, felt great regret. He regretted that he should not have given up the golden whip in the first place. If he had known that the whip was so powerful, he would have had to find the boss to get it no matter what.

What's wrong with the weight and emphasis? The worst he can do is find his boss and think of a way to teach him a powerful spell.

Just when Frank wanted to take a bottle of regret medicine,

A sudden change occurred near Thanos' corpse——

Countless mosquitoes rushed out from Thanos's body and gathered into a green cloud. The green cloud the size of acres shrank and turned into a tall and thin human form.

Beelzebub looked at the Infinity Gauntlet on the right hand of Thanos's headless corpse. A glint flashed in his eyes. He leaned over and reached for the glove to take it off.


Beelzebub suddenly felt wind blowing from the back of his head. The next second, his body was hit hard and turned into green fireflies floating in the sky.

The scattered green mosquitoes and flies flew to the side, rolled towards the center, and condensed into a human form again. Beelzebub stared at the old demon dragon with cold eyes: "Old demon dragon, you want to eat alone!?"

"Cough cough!"

The old demon dragon held the Wu Tu Mountain Whip in his right hand, and gently slapped the four-edged golden whip on the palm of his left hand. After two whips, the old demon dragon changed his posture, holding the golden whip low in his hand, and held the golden whip in his hand. His left hand was quietly placed behind his back.

"You can't take this thing! These infinite rough stones are what the big boss personally requested!"

"Huh?" Beelzebub looked at this well-known money-grubbing and lustful guy in the abyss of hell, as if he was meeting the old demon dragon for the first time today.

"Old Demon Dragon, are you crazy, or have you discovered that you like to be a dog for others! Why didn't I see it before? Do you, the Demon Dragon clan, have anything to do with Cerberus?" Beelzebub mocked the old man. After the Demon Dragon said a few words, his eyes fell on the three shining gems on the Infinity Gauntlet in Thanos' right hand at the feet of the old Demon Dragon. Naked greedy eyes flashed in the countless eyes deep in his eyes:

"Old Demon Dragon, you have to think clearly, this is the Infinity Stone. If we get it, we can get rid of the restrictions set by Tang!

With the power of infinite rough stones and the technology to travel through the universe, we can become the real king of hell, no, the real king of the universe! Lord of the Multiverse! "

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