Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 477: People die for wealth and birds die for food

Hearing Beelzebub's seductive words, the old demonic dragon glanced at the three shining rough stones on Thanos' corpse, and swallowed a mouthful of ambergris saliva with a gurgling sound in his mouth.

It would be a lie to say that you are not attracted by it. Which dragon in the world can refuse such a shiny treasure!

The moment he saw the three shining infinity stones, the old demon dragon's pupils shrank hundreds of times in an instant.

But the old demon dragon forcibly suppressed his inner desire. His instinct told him that once he dared to take advantage of these three infinite stones, the end would definitely be extremely miserable.

Over the years, he has led his descendants and some hell creatures to fish in troubled waters in several Satanic battles! It can be called the most notorious mercenary in the abyss of hell.

As long as he gave it enough benefits, he would even immediately bite back his employer at the time, and he didn't know how many abyss lords died because of its betrayal.

The reason why it has been causing trouble for so long and has not been beaten into dragon meat pie by those Hell Lords and Abyss Lords is that the old demon dragon is too powerful and has a powerful strength that is not weaker than the god kings of the gods and the Hell Lords.

Few people know that this guy, Old Demon Dragon, is a tiger at heart and a master who smells roses carefully.

This old demon dragon has an almost instinctive sense of danger, which is why he surrendered decisively when the Blood Taoist was about to invade the Dragon Abyss!

He could feel as if there were a pair of eyes around him staring at him, and that feeling of thorns on his back made the old devil clearly understand that if he really dared to pursue these three infinite rough stones, the dragon skin on his body would I'm afraid they will really be ripped off alive and made into dragon scale armor.

Even his soul will be sealed in those "fabao" and become a part of it,

In the gap between dimension and reality, Tang Song, Kane, Hela, and Deadpool were gathered around a table, playing mahjong.

On the space barrier next to them, the figures of Old Demon Dragon, Beelzebub and others were clearly reflected in front of everyone's eyes.

The crisp clashing sound of mahjong tiles echoed in this space, and this situation seemed so strange.

"Thirty thousand!" Kane played a card with his backhand. Looking at the tit-for-tat Old Demon Dragon and Beelzebub, he asked strangely: "Boss! Aren't you going to teach them a lesson?"

"Four loaves!"

Tang Song touched a card and played it out as well, with a disdainful sneer in his mouth: "Ha! The old demon dragon is a wise man. As for Beelzebub, Wade, didn't you say that your All Souls Killing Immortal Sword will break Are you ready? I’ll give you two better ones! I’ll use Beelzebub’s soul as a weapon spirit!”

After Wade touched a card, he was looking at his own card and hesitating which card to play. After hearing Tang Song's words, he knocked out the eight tubes in his hand with his backhand.

"Touch!" Hela reached out and was about to touch the mahjong card played by Wade, but Tang Song grabbed the card first.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm crazy!" Tang Song glanced at Hela, touched an empty Hela and angrily pushed down the cards in front of her.

"No, boss, what game are you in? I don't have so much money to lose to you!" Wade, who fired several times in succession, looked at Tang Song with a bitter look on his face.

"If you do a few more tasks, you will have money!" Tang Song skillfully arranged the mahjong on the table.

"By the way, boss, you said you just bought me two more Myriad Spirits-Slaying Immortal Swords, is that true?

Let me tell you first, I have no money! You know I was scrimping just for these two knives. Unexpectedly, they left me just after I paid off the loan! "

"Don't worry, I won't charge for the two knives this time. You just need to help me settle your mistress-"

"Boss, what did you say?" Wade, who was thinking slowly, didn't hear Tang Song's last words clearly. He looked up at Tang Song in confusion.

"Nothing? Come and play mahjong! Kane, put away Johnny's body. Didn't he get another spirit of vengeance? Well, I'll see if I can fuse the two spirits of vengeance together later!"

The old demon dragon glanced at Beelzebub jokingly, who had no idea of ​​the seriousness of the matter. He raised his foot and kicked the body of Thanos at his feet towards Frank, who was flying to the side. He spread his hands towards him, expressing that he had unlimited respect for these three pieces. There is no coveting in the rough stone.

Beelzebub was very anxious when he saw this scene. He roared loudly: "Old Demon Dragon, this cowardly loser!"

Seeing that the Infinity Stones that were close at hand were about to leave him, Beelzebub's body suddenly dispersed into countless green fireflies again, rushing towards Thanos' body floating in space.

The old demon dragon raised his hand and let out a weird grin. The Wutu mountain whip in his hand turned into a golden dragon, carrying countless yellow Wutu essence, and smashed towards the green cloud.


The space in front of Beelzebub suddenly shattered because it could not withstand the force of the old demon dragon's golden whip!

The green cloud was blocked by the broken space.

"Old Demon Dragon, don't think I'm afraid of you!" Beelzebub's cunning and sinister face suddenly appeared in the green cloud composed of plague insects. The next second, the space around the Old Demon Dragon suddenly and silently changed. Squirming, the transparent invisible mouth opened and closed, biting fiercely towards the old demon dragon,

At the same time, countless bat-winged demons were thrown out of these opening and closing void mouths, waving various weapons, roaring and charging towards the old demon dragon.

Millions of demons instantly filled the space around the old demon dragon. Seeing himself surrounded, the old demon dragon raised the golden whip in his hand, Wutu drove the mountain whip and waved it forward,

A Wutu golden dragon that was more than a thousand feet long flew directly out of the golden whip. The immeasurable Wutu essence spread out quickly, filling the space around him, and the entire space suddenly became extremely heavy.

The gluttonous mouths and demonic legions released by Beelzebub seemed to have entered a slow-motion world one by one.

In the blink of an eye, golden light flashed all over the sky, and the Wutu Golden Dragon swept its tail, and the demon was smashed to pieces and exploded by the countless gluttonous mouths!


The old demon dragon stretched his head, and his head turned into a dragon head several thousand meters in size, swallowing the broken limbs of the demons floating in space in one mouthful.

Beelzebub didn't really want to compete with the old demon dragon when he released these gluttonous mouths. He didn't expect these gluttonous mouths and fish-like demons to be able to hold them back for long.

Taking advantage of the old demon dragon's distraction, a group of plague bugs separated from the green cloud and rushed towards Thanos' body.

I want to get three infinite rough stones!

When this green cloud threw itself in front of Thanos' body, it turned into a human form again,

Just when Beelzebub's palm was about to touch Thanos' headless body, Frank swung the thick black gold stick and hit Beelzebub's head with the stick.

"Get away!" Beelzebub was covered in thick green smoke. He opened his mouth and roared at Frank. Countless mosquitoes and flies swarmed out of his mouth and rushed towards Frank.

"Frank, stay out of the way! I will spare your life!"

When Beelzebub faced Frank's attack, he directly sent out a part of the plague bugs to block Frank!

Frank looked at this reckless guy with a trace of pity in his eyes, but he knew the power of the boss's golden hoop.

Do you really think that after escaping to this universe, the forbidden magic will lose its effect? ​​Or does this guy think that with the infinite gems, he can break the boss's forbidden magic?

Frank's body glowed with a thick red light, and the space seemed to tremble under the black gold stick. When the stick went down, half of Beelzebub's body was smashed to pieces.

Tens of millions of plague insects were reduced to ashes under his blow.

However, Beelzebub completely ignored the big stick that Frank was throwing at him. Knowing that Hela was hiding somewhere and could give him a blow at any time, he understood that time was precious at this moment, and he had to risk serious injuries. Get these three infinite rough stones.

As long as he gets these three rough stones, he no longer has to be afraid of those mere humans!

Just when Beelzebub's palm really touched the Infinity Gauntlet, a purple stream of light suddenly condensed from the Infinity Gauntlet and turned into a war spear, directly penetrating his body.

Beelzebub looked at the transparent hole on his chest, and then at the suddenly clenched purple fist, his eyes filled with disbelief.

After the purple streamer pierced Beelzebub's body, its momentum continued unabated and directly penetrated a meteorite thousands of kilometers behind Beelzebub.

The meteorite, which was a thousand meters in size, was torn from its shell and exploded into a pile of dust.

Frank's body suddenly turned into a golden light and escaped hundreds of kilometers away, staring at the headless corpse that suddenly stood up from a distance.

Red, orange, purple, and three-color rays of light surrounded Thanos' body, and then an indescribable huge force appeared from the underworld. Under this power, Thanos' shattered head recovered as before!

"No! Death! You can't do this to me!"

Thanos, who was kicked out of the world of death, was suspended in the void. He raised his hands, looked at the starry sky above his head, and let out a wail of a defeated dog.

Frank looked at Thanos who had resurrected from the dead, and with a wave of the black gold stick in his hand, the meteorites formed by the collapse of the asteroid around him were given an explosive push, streaking across the cold space and bombarding Thanos from all directions.

Facing these meteorites brought by Frank, Thanos frowned, and the purple light from the gems in his hand spread, and the meteorites instantly turned into powder and disappeared.


Holding the resurrected Thanos, a flash of anger flashed in Clark's eyes, and his figure was like jumping lightning.

With a roar, he came to Thanos and punched Thanos in the face.


Thanos raised his hand and blocked it in front of him with his right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

The confrontation between the two instantly caused a strong shock wave to surge around, and countless meteorites around them seemed to be swept thousands of miles away like gravel in the wind.

(I was infected. I stayed in the hospital for two weeks. Everyone in the ward was coughing. I was fine. As soon as I left the hospital, I collapsed with nosebleeds, dry cough, and general discomfort.)

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