Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 495 Underworld

There is great terror between life and death. People in the world are afraid of death and have many terrifying perceptions about the world after death.

In the minds of many people, at least in the minds of foreigners, there should be a formidable gate of hell in the netherworld, with a bull's head and a horse's face standing guard in front of the gate of hell.

The bottomless Yellow Spring River flows in front of the gate of hell. The water in the river is completely black. There are countless ghosts in the river wailing and rising and falling, as if they will pull people off the shore at the next moment.

There must be a Naihe Bridge across the underworld, with a bull's head and a horse's face, black and white, leading countless ghost soldiers to pass through this Naihe Bridge while suppressing the innocent souls.

There is an old woman with a kind face on the bridge, who cooks the endless pot of Meng Po soup on the bridge every day.

Those wronged souls who drank Meng Po Soup were those who had just escaped from the eighteenth level of hell, and their sins were eliminated. After drinking Meng Po Soup, they washed away their karma and past events, and then they could be cast into reincarnation.

Those ghost soldiers hooked up the innocent souls who drank the soup and sent them into reincarnation to see whether they would change into humans, vegetation, or animals.

In various myths and legends, whether it is the underworld in the East or the hell in the West, there are actually great similarities. One is punishment, punishing good and punishing evil. Good people are reincarnated and become rich and powerful, and they can even become angels and immortals! The wicked go to hell to receive punishment after death. This seems to be the vision and expectation of every ordinary person!

And all the religions that have flourished have taken advantage of this. Buddhism has fabricated the theory of eighteen levels of hell, and invented all kinds of outrageous punishments to lead people to good deeds, but also to take advantage of this kind of gap between life and death. Great terror, vigorously promoting Buddhist teachings.

It is precisely because of the eighteen levels of hell and the concept of putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately that Buddhism can become popular in many worlds.

The Western world also has various descriptions of hell, and Dante's "Divine Comedy" depicts hell vividly.

In order to avoid falling into hell as described in the Bible, Christianity has become popular.

Of course, in the ordinary material world, those religions used to compile these hells and the theories of reincarnation are just to fool ordinary people and intimidate them into believing in the Buddha and God.

But in extraordinary worlds such as the world of Jambudvipa, where the true power belongs to oneself, mastering reincarnation truly controls the prosperity of one religion and one religion.

But in this world, the underworld here is very interesting.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of a 999-story building, Tang and Song looked down at the brightly lit and prosperous city below, the bustling streets filled with traffic and people.
Here there are neither countless bull-headed horses shouting on the Naihe Bridge, nor the wailing and screaming of the innocent souls, nor the black and white impermanent sinister laughter, nor the clattering sound of the iron chains shaking!

It’s hard to imagine that this is the legendary underworld! It's like a bustling metropolis.
"Boss! This underworld is well built and everything is put to good use. The ghosts here are all talented people. The Apple mobile phone was released several generations faster than in our world! How about we go back and look for it and see if we can The soul of Steve Jobs cannot be found in our world!”

Frank was sitting lazily on the sofa, sliding his fingers nimbly on the high-tech mobile phone to bring up virtual screens. The brand of the mobile phone could be known from the missing LOGO on the mobile phone.

Looking at the beautiful "female ghosts" posing in the virtual light screen, Frank was amazed.

Opposite him, Kane was sitting upright with his back straight, holding an unknown piece of leather to wipe the cold bronze ax in his hand!

"Instead of looking for Jobs, it is better to look for general souls who are suitable for marching and fighting. I think Bai Qi from the Qin Dynasty is good. I like his fighting style-" Kane stopped what he was doing after hearing Frank's words. He looked up at Tang Song and said extremely seriously.

"Forget Bai Qi, he has been dead for more than two thousand years, and his soul has been reincarnated hundreds of times.

Well, go back and let the company's reincarnation soldiers look for it. If it involves the world of the Qin Dynasty, ask them to bring this Lord Wu'an back to you! "

Tang Song turned around and nodded towards Kane, "As for Steve Jobs, if you like Frank, then take his soul back!"

He walked to the chair next to the coffee table, picked up the teapot, poured two cups of cloud tea, and flicked his fingers, and the two cups of tea fell lightly in front of Frank and Kane.

"Come! Try the tea I brought in the autumn breeze!!"

Tang Song also poured himself a cup of tea, savoring the fragrance between his lips and teeth. For ordinary people, one cup of this cloud tea can be worth decades of meditation practice for ordinary people.

Of course, for the Tang and Song Dynasties, this was just a cup of tea.

He has only been practicing for a few decades, but he has already reached the limit that an ordinary world can carry. According to the classification of the Marvel world, it is the single universe level, and according to the classification of the Jamfu world, it is the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit!

Of course, being able to achieve such a level of cultivation is all due to his personal hard work and a little help from the root imprint deep in the sea of ​​consciousness!
Even in the world of Jambu, in ancient times, those innate gods and demons who were born as gods and demons were not so blessed.

The essence of this world is not strong. Even the ancient Kunlun God who is suspected to be a homogeneous body of the Golden Mother is only half a step above the level of a Golden Immortal.

This is also the reason why he dares to seal the world.

Although Kunlun's "ancient god" Queen Mother Xi is not as powerful as Boss Tang, she is an innate deity that has existed in this world since ancient times. Her status is so high that she is roughly equivalent to the five gods of the universe in the Marvel multiverse.

However, limited by the size of this world, the Queen Mother of the West was born with insufficient development and limited strength, so she fell into a disadvantage in the hands of the Tang and Song Dynasties. .

However, as an innate god who has existed since the beginning of the world, the Kunlun Ancient God has accumulated a large number of good things in his hands.

Just like it takes a thousand years for a tree to grow to the right age, it takes five hundred years for a single tea bud to be harvested. Even if it is placed in the world of Jamfu, it can still be said to be a natural treasure.

Even though the Tang and Song Dynasties had an entire universe and their power radiated to multiple worlds, there were still only a few such good things.

This is the lack of time heritage.

Of course, in terms of strength, Boss Tang boasts that he is no weaker than anyone in this world. You must know that Jinxian is the limit that a world can accommodate to a certain extent.

After the Golden Immortal, there is the realm of Da Luo

Great Luo, all tribulations are not easy, all time and space are eternal and free, immortal, immortal and indestructible, transcending the limits of acquired souls, and the essence is no less than that of heaven and earth.

This step is extremely huge.

He who is as high as the sky and immortal is Daluo!

Daluo also has high and low levels. In the world of Jambudvipa, Daluo people are divided into scattered numbers, mysterious numbers, and golden numbers!

The lifespan of a few people is as long as that of heaven, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of years are just a snap of the fingers, sitting back and watching the vicissitudes of the world, and the changes of heaven and earth.

Mysterious figures are immortal and have endless lifespan. Even if the universe is born and dies, they can be immortal forever and their lifespan transcends heaven and earth. Those with golden numbers are immortal and unbreakable, and chaos is not easy to change. They open up the sea of ​​stars in the universe with their thoughts, and penetrate all the ways with their own way. Wherever they are, all the ways must give way.

In a moment of thought, he can change the laws of the great road in the place covered by his own great road, reverse the yin and yang of life and death, and even make any inborn being transcend life and death! You can set your own path!
Except for the same level and the Hunyuan realm above it, any existence below this level cannot resist.

As for the realm of Hunyuan above it.

It is equivalent to embarking on one's own way to change the path that envelopes the endless and infinite chaotic universe.

In the Jambudur world, there are six Hunyuan realms. The best among them are the Taoist Lord and the Buddha. It took hundreds of millions of years for these two to become enlightened. In a sense, they represent the will of God in the Jambudur world. .

Replace heaven’s heart with my heart! My will is God's will, how overbearing it is!
"Chaos transforms into yin and yang, and yin and yang spread across the sky, earth, and stars, forming the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Darkness and light coexist, encompassing all the ways."

In the world of Jambudvipa, there are people who have reached the end of various avenues and traversed the heavenly path in their own way. What those who come after are learning and understanding are all moving forward along their paths.

No one can surpass Emperor Wa in the art of mediating creation and creating life.

Daode Tianzun is in charge of the Tai Chi diagram that represents the five innate ways, and walks at the end of the Yin and Yang Avenue.

The Great Peacock King, his Five Elements Tao has gained 80% of the Taoist rhyme in the Jambu world.

It is difficult to seek the way. On the rugged road of seeking, it is even more difficult for latecomers to surpass the forerunners——

The world of Jamfu is too complicated. The identity of the stowaway is discovered by the heaven and kicked out of the world of Jamfu. For the Tang and Song Dynasties, it can be said that it is the second only opportunity to obtain the knowledge of the root of the world.

Otherwise, even if he obtains many heavenly books, secrets, and masters various magical powers in Jambu World, he may not be able to develop in a world with perfect rules of divine and immortal ways like Jambu World.

Just like in modern technological civilization where big data is extremely developed, even if ordinary people are given a ton of gold, it is not an easy task to rationally cash in this ton of gold into their own accounts.

It was precisely because he left (was kicked out of) the world of Yanfu in the Tang and Song Dynasties and came to the Marvel multiverse, a world where the rules are relatively loose and the supervision is not so strict, that he was able to cultivate the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit in just a few decades. .

It is precisely because in the Marvel world with imperfect rules that Tang and Song Dynasties first practiced the "Tianhe True Law", which is said to be the most powerful magic power, and then understood the Yin and Yang Taiji Dao, the Dao of Killing, and integrated the twelve rules of the Twelve Ancestral Witches way,

What he wants to do is to use ten thousand ways to achieve his own way and achieve the true Hunyuan Wuji Tao fruit.

In the world of Jambu, the last person to do this was Pangu.

The existence that truly supports itself with ten thousand ways, but unfortunately the great ways do not allow it, ends up with the result that everything is born and everything comes to life.

Let alone the ordinary heaven and earth, a statue of Hunyuan Wuji can be worshiped! It's like a soul ferrying across this world, not even a golden immortal can support it.

For the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Lord God and the Eternal Particles were his biggest opportunity after the imprint of the roots of the world in Jambu.

It is the basis for him to realize that he can support himself with thousands of worlds.

If he hadn't been worried that many places in this world were very similar to some "Da Luo" in Jambu World, and considering various possibilities such as homotypes, he didn't want to cause trouble. Otherwise, he would have escaped into this universe long ago when the remnant weapon of the Lord God escaped. , he directly used his great magic power to directly refine the universe!

Of course, if anyone dares to stop him, let alone similar flowers, even if the real Queen Mother of the West comes, it can only be done once! In a moral dispute, there is nothing to say.

Yunwu tea was nothing to the Tang and Song dynasties, but for people like Kane and Frank who had not become immortals, it was extremely effective. Even with their bodies, a pot of Yunwu tea seemed to have just been steamed. Like a sauna, every pore in the body is opening, absorbing the surrounding ideas.

"Boss! A total of 3,600 people have been selected from the gods that can be used by the Pantheon! However, their strengths vary. If you want to refine the Great Zhoutian Star Banner, I'm afraid they are insufficient!"

Kane handed a Wuyin bag tied with a golden rope to Tang and Song Dynasties. The Five Yin bags contained the many gods of the Pantheon who were captured by the dragnet formation.

Tang and Song took the Wuyin bag casually, opened the bag, glanced at it, and put the Wuyin bag into his sleeve.

He tapped his finger on the long table in front of him: "As long as the number of people is enough, it doesn't matter if the strength is lower. I have already ordered Ryan to take action in those universes at the same time!"

"One Pantheon is not enough, so find a few more. The entire multiverse can always put together a set of Great Star Flags!"

Hearing Tang Song's words, Kane immediately thought of the idea of ​​a peer. At the same time, he immediately understood Tang Song's plan. He nodded towards Tang Song clearly:
"Boss, do you want me to go back? In the past two years or so, the newly recruited 300,000 soldiers have been trained very effectively, and they are just perfect for training!"

"Hmm! You might as well go back! He really can't take care of Ryan himself there!" Tang Song pondered for a moment, thinking that leaving Ryan alone to manage such a large number of things in the company? As a hands-off shopkeeper, I was indeed a bit too much, so I clapped my hands and said with a kind heart.

"Boss, what should we do with Hera and the surrendered earth gods? Hera brought several goddesses here and wants to meet you?!"

"How many goddesses? Beauty trap? Am I such a superficial person, your boss? Let her wait for now and wait until the matter here is finished! By the way, what are the origins of those goddesses?"

"Ding ding ding——"

While Tang Song was chatting with Kane and Frank over tea, the doorbell suddenly rang outside.


Tang Song put down the tea cup in his hand, and the door in front of him was carefully opened. A bald "middle-aged man" wearing a black suit walked into the room tremblingly, came to stand in front of Tang Song, bent slightly, and showed great dignity. Don’t dare to breathe!
The bald man is one of the managers of the underworld, responsible for managing the soul ferrymen. According to the classification of the underworld before its restructuring, he belongs to the class of judges.

With a wave of the ink pen, one can decide whether a soul will be a human or an animal in the next life, or whether it will become a mosquito or a fly. This power is not insignificant.

But now this judge is trembling with fear, and the expression on his face is as ugly as if his biological father has just died.

"Sir, sir! We have sent out all the soul ferrymen. We will definitely find Pluto as soon as possible, no, find Chacha!"

The bald judge felt Tang Song's eyes falling on him. If he hadn't been a soul, he would have been sweating profusely at this moment. Even though he didn't have a physical body, he still felt that his legs were a little weak as he stood still.

After all, the man in front of him broke into the underworld, and slapped an old monk with a golden light into the six reincarnations with one palm. In the blink of an eye, Hades was seriously injured and was forced to flee to the human world. (End of chapter)

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