"How is it? What did that person say?"

The bald judge in a black suit bowed and exited the room, carefully closing the door!
Before he could straighten his waist, several "judges" surrounded him.

The leading female judge was wearing a mink coat, holding a black cat in her hand, and wearing a large gold chain around her neck, making her look like a rich woman in the world.

She impatiently pulled the bald man's clothes and asked directly.

"Go back and talk!"

The bald man winked at several colleagues, and everyone understood, and then entered the elevator nearby.

The elevator quickly slid down from the 999th floor and soon reached the bottom of the Pluto Building. Several judges left the Pluto Building one after another.

Underworld Huangquan Bar!

This Huangquan Bar was still a Huangquan Inn for hundreds of years. However, with the development of the underworld, the underworld continued to change, and this Huangquan Inn was also transformed into a bar.

When several judges walked into Huangquan Bar, the beautiful proprietress was sitting alone by the window, shaking a glass of cocktail in her hand, looking at the flowers everywhere outside the window with a dejected expression!
The landlady’s name is Sanqi. Of course, on this Huangquan Road, most ghosts know her by her other name, Po Meng!

The original Huangquan bar was very lively. Those who came here to get drunk were discussing the loud noise in the sky and the golden light that hit them not long ago.

Seeing the bald judge and his entourage enter the bar, the originally lively atmosphere in the bar suddenly became quiet, and many "people" got up and left directly.

The proprietress heard the silence in the bar and looked back at the door. When she noticed the person coming, she rolled her eyes and sat there without any intention of getting up.

A bartender dressed as a bunny girl glanced at his landlady and stepped forward with two forty-inch long legs: "Sir, what do you need?"

The judge dressed as a rich woman glared at the proprietress not far away in disgust: "Prepare a room for us and tell Sanqi to come over. We have some things we want to talk to her about!"

The bunny girl glanced at her landlady, and after getting her signal, she called several judges to the private room of the bar!
After a while, the landlady finished the wine in her glass, greeted several bartenders at the bar, and followed several judges to the private room.

On the second floor of Huangquan Bar, several judges sat on the sofa chairs, and the bunny girl bartender served Huangquan Bar’s signature drink——

When the landlady walked into the private room, she wisely walked out of the room and stood at the door, careful not to let anyone else get close.

Sanqi walked into the private room, walked across to several judges, pulled up a sofa chair and sat down directly. He poured himself a glass of Wangyou wine, raised his long legs that were not inferior to the bunny girl, and said nothing. He sipped his drink in small mouth.

Opposite Sanqi, several judges looked at each other but did not speak.

After drinking a cup of Sanqi Wangyou, she placed the cup on the table in front of her and tapped the table with her hand: "Okay, let's talk about business. I hope the judges have time to come to my little place after their busy schedules." I'm honored to be in this place, but I think some of you are not here to drink. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

The rich woman judge showed an unhappy look on her face: "Sanqi, we have watched you grow up, what is your attitude!"

Sanqi laughed, and the petals of Bianhua flower on her forehead were looming when she smiled, her smile was extremely charming.

"Yes, you guys watched me grow up, but you just stood by and watched my mother being killed and my soul being drained. I am really lucky to have elders like you!"

"Sanqi! It is against the rules for Meng Po's family to fall in love with mortals! We did not pursue Meng Qi's behavior too much at the beginning, but chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye. This is already our Show mercy outside the law!”

The bald judge shook his head and said: "As for you saying you were watching indifferently, you didn't blame Zhao Li yourself, but you blamed us!
When a large number of human monks broke into the underworld without permission, we did not expect that their target would be you. They all said that tigers are poisonous and do not eat their seeds. We can only say that your biological father is too useless. People said that ghosts are evil, but little did they know that the most vicious ones are People's hearts! "

When the bald judge mentioned what happened back then, the expression on Sanqi's face suddenly dimmed. She knew that what happened back then really had nothing to do with the judges in front of her.

All the things in the past were just fate's tricks. When she mentioned those years, she just didn't want to get involved in the affairs of several judges. She could clearly see the scene when the golden light appeared that day.

There was an old monk wrapped in the golden light. When the old monk appeared in the underworld, the Buddha's light surrounding him even made the entire underworld feel like it had turned into a pure glazed Buddha land.

The long-lasting dark clouds that shrouded the underworld dissipated in the golden light, and a big hole was opened.

This movement is even more terrifying than the damn Arahant’s real form, Zhao Li!
What kind of golden light is that? It is obviously a Bodhisattva blooming with Buddha light. Those beings have been thrown into the six paths of reincarnation.

Sanqi doesn’t want to take a trip into this muddy water!

"Sanqi! Pluto is missing!"

The bald judge said with a solemn expression!
"Missing, that old monster is going to harm some unlucky guy again!" Sanqi spread his hands, not showing much concern about Pluto's disappearance.

What Li Zhao said is right, what flows in this underworld is the bad water of Pluto. This guy has to find some fun for himself every once in a while.

Since the birth of the underworld and the two thousand four hundred and seventy-two eons since she succeeded the king of Hades, she has teased countless unlucky people and become her tool to pass the time.

Zhao Li was one of the many unlucky ones. Not only was his soul and body split in two by her, but his body was still left in the underworld to work for her.

Back then, if she hadn't snatched Zhao Li's piano, he would not have chased him to Huangquan and fought with his mother, resulting in the tragic death of her mother, the previous generation Po Meng.

However, it was Pluto who took action in the first place and saved her, who was left alone!
"Pluto was seriously injured and escaped from the underworld. Sanqi, the owner of the underworld has changed now!" The bald judge sighed and told Sanqi the seriousness of the matter.

Sanqi opened her mouth wide and looked at the judges with an expression like "You're joking." When she saw the solemn expressions on the faces of several judges, she realized that this was not a joke.

"How is it possible? How can someone in the underworld be Chacha's opponent!?" Sanqi muttered to himself, with shock on his face.

The bald judge gave a bitter smile: "We don't know, but it should have something to do with the fact that the heaven and earth were sealed not long ago, and the soul cannot enter the six realms of reincarnation!" "Then what do you mean by coming to me? I'm just a little Meng. Damn, even Pluto can't deal with the enemy, so I can't help him!" Sanqi spread his hands and said helplessly!

"Sanqi, Hades received a call from Officer Zhao before the accident, so she forced her way through the barrier that sealed the underworld, and ended up attracting that existence!"

The female judge said angrily: "In the entire underworld, you and Zhao Li have the best relationship. Now Pluto should be with Zhao Li. If we want to contact Pluto! We must find Zhao Li!"

"Li Zhao? That damn ghost hasn't been here for a while!" Sanqi shook his head!
"Then do you have any way to contact him? Or do you know what secret base he has?"

Sanqi looked at the judges suspiciously: "That's not right. Since Chacha escaped from the underworld, you guys said that the underworld has changed hands. You guys won't betray Pluto!"

The bald judge and several other judges looked at each other, and a wry smile appeared on everyone's face.

"Sanqi, we are old people who have followed Hades since the time of the primitive people, so naturally we will not betray her, but facing the existence that seriously injured Chacha with one blow, even if we mobilize the power of the entire underworld, we can only act like a mantis. , Don’t overestimate your capabilities! We can only stabilize him as much as possible now! We’ll wait until we find Chacha!”

"Sanqi! This time we plan to send a large number of ferrymen to the human world to find the whereabouts of Pluto, but they are just a cover. We need you to go to the human world, find Zhao Li, and contact Pluto!"

Sanqi looked at the judges and curled her lips instinctively: "You guys really think highly of me!"

"We really have no choice. We have been suppressing the news of the change of ownership in the underworld. Fortunately, that person does not seem to have any interest in power. Otherwise, once the news of Pluto's disappearance spreads, the entire underworld will immediately break out into chaos. Once it is angered, If I miss that person, I’m worried that the existence of the underworld is a problem!”

"Sanqi, the survival of the underworld depends on you!"

Sanqi was dumbfounded as she watched several judges consoling her ardently. She couldn't understand when she, a little Meng Po, would be related to such a big matter as the survival of the underworld!
Sanqi lowered his head and thought hard for a long time: "I can go to the human world, but I'm not sure whether I can find Li Zhao!"

Pluto Building, on the top floor, Tang and Song were sitting casually. In front of him was a beast-eared Bagua bronze furnace.

Under the copper stove, a fire elixir burned brightly, releasing blazing true fire.

This fire is not the real fire of Samadhi, but also the divine fire of Wuadhi, but it is a little elixir fire in the heart of Tang and Song Dynasties.

When this fire burns, even an ordinary golden immortal will be burned to death.

The corpses of gods wrapped in ice were casually thrown into the alchemy furnaces of the Tang and Song Dynasties. These corpses turned into runes one by one in the flames——

The runes are intertwined, and the infinite light and shadow are intertwined with each other, creating a beautiful and terrifying picture.

There are 3,600 gods from the Pantheon. They are either the product of regular energy, or they are gods such as the Asa Protoss and the Olympus Protoss who rely on blood inheritance.

Now that they are in Boss Tang's furnace, they have naturally returned to their original form, been refined into their true colors, extracted the ultimate bloodline power from their souls, fused with their souls, and been refined into some kind of weapon-spirit-like existence.

In the fire of the furnace, the thoughts of Tang and Song Dynasties were turning, the brilliance was flowing, and little bits of the gods were burned in the fire! Turn into colorful dazzling light!
A series of spiritual essences, a series of innate runes, bursts of precious light flickered in the fire, and the clouds were covered with clouds, illuminating most of the room.

The Bagua furnace is full of fire——

Several goddesses wearing white gauze on the side, against the background of firelight and precious light, their faces were uglier than the last. They were frightened by this horrific scene. Looking at the calm expressions of Tang and Song, their dull expressions seemed The next moment they will be stuffed into the fire——

And the furnace fire seemed to be catering to their heartbeats. In the alchemy furnace, the flames of the furnace fire transformed into a scene of the birth and death of the universe.

Hera looked at Tang Song who was calmly adding firewood to the alchemy furnace, but still gritted her teeth, took off the gauze-like white robe she was wearing, and walked towards Tang Song naked with her slender and well-proportioned body.

Venus, the goddess of love, saw Hera's actions and was not to be outdone. She also took off her white robe——

""The heaven and the earth are mixed together, and all things are born in the beginning. Although they have become alive, they have no form."

".In the void, there is no appearance of loneliness, no sky and no earth, no yin and no yang. Infinite and boundless, no height and no bottom."

Just when Boss Tang was meditating on refining treasures, cultivating Taoism, and comprehending the movement of Yin and Yang,
The human world, Shanghai, is more than a hundred kilometers away from convenience store No. 444, near an old-fashioned alley shrouded in thick fog at night!
Several luxury cars rushed out of the thick fog like ghost knights in the night. They rudely pushed through a puddle of water and stopped on the side of the road. Strong, powerful, and murderous men in suits poured out of the cars. out.

These big men, who seemed not to be trifled with, lined up respectfully by the door of a Mercedes-Benz, bowing in unison.

The car door slowly opened, and a thin figure stepped out of the car, wearing the iconic yellow windbreaker, with messy hair, a lined white shirt and a tie that had never been taken care of properly.
In the darkness, he still maintained the coquettish posture he once had. He even held a lit cigarette on his finger. Who else could it be if it wasn't Constantine?

He held the compass in his left hand that was said to be that of the legendary pirate Jack Sparrow. He looked at the constantly rotating pointer of the compass and glanced at the alley in front of him.

In the thick fog, the dark alley looked like a ferocious beast with its mouth open waiting for its prey to come to the door automatically. It looked extremely terrifying.

The passenger door of the Mercedes-Benz was kicked open, and Harley Quinn, who was carrying a baseball bat, jumped out of the passenger car, frowning and waving the baseball bat impatiently.

"How about, can you find those two little mice?"

"There is some trouble! There is a powerful force that interferes with the compass' direction!" Constantine looked back at Harley Quinn: "But they should be hiding nearby!"

Constantine turned his attention to the alley not far away——

"Then go in and take a look!"

Harley Quinn flicked her fingers, and a black arc shield suddenly appeared on her body. At the same time, a dozen white-bone skull monsters as tall as two people appeared in front of her out of thin air——

More than a dozen skeleton demons roared towards the thick fog not far away——(End of this chapter)

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