Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 497: Pluto the Blocker

Twenty or so sturdy men with bulging waists all had their eyebrows lowered obediently, as if they had not seen those terrifying skeleton monsters at all!
"You guys go too!"

Harley Quinn glanced at her and waved her hands fiercely. There were more than twenty burly men. Those burly men were swept by Harley Quinn's cat-like eyes that emitted a strange light, and they all came out of her arms. He took out the black pistol from his waist and rushed into the alley shrouded in thick fog.

Seeing Harley Quinn's casual and effortless way of casting spells, Constantine took a long drag on his cigarette.

As a wizard, Constantine mastered the knowledge of spells, curses, witchcraft, invisibility, illusion and other schools of thought.

He can also control the probability of things happening, have premonitions about the future, and use magic to resist external harm and protect his body.
He can not only find others with the help of induction, but also use magic from ancient Judaism to control golems.
Traditional European black magic was also used to summon demons;
He is good at using magic circles and sigils to hide his traces.
You can even use the sigil to hide yourself from the First Fallen;
He can control people's minds to make money, and he also knows how to use quantum magic to find information on the Internet;
Relying on magic to travel through hell,

But in order to obtain this magical knowledge, he paid a heavy price.

Once upon a time, he was obsessed with black magic and used all possible means to deceive and deceive the secrets of those mysterious schools.

Kidnapping for ransom and burglary are commonplace.

When he was young, he used a beauty trick to get close to the heirs of the black magic family who were ignorant of the world.

Seducing a medieval witch who was old enough to be his grandmother and exchanging her body for knowledge made him infamous in the magical world. He even made enemies with many demon hunters because of this——

After all, the relationship between demon hunters and witches is well known. Constantine has put green hats on the heads of demon hunting masters from several schools more than once.

Even if Constantine studied so hard, he would have mastered the black magic knowledge of various schools and countries in his forties, and became a well-known erudite (rogue) mage in the magic world!
The knowledge of occult science has always been priceless in the magic world. This is like a drug. Precious knowledge is passed down more through blood——

But Harley Quinn has only been exposed to these mysterious arts for how long, two years, three years——

I really can't envy such a thing as opportunity!
But fortunately, he also got this opportunity!

Constantine put out the cigarette that was about to burn out in his hand and touched the inner pocket of his windbreaker. The powerful "magic weapons" inside undoubtedly gave him a lot of confidence.

Compared to his previous "creditors"! Constantine has been quite comfortable working under the "Tang Emperor" and "Tang Boss" in the past few years. At least he is fair in his work!
And He is not like those old friends who have been coveting his soul!

In today's world, a good boss is rare. Constantine has no plans to change jobs for the time being. At least until he acquires enough "Taoist" knowledge, he is still happy to work under the man named Tang!
Constantine took out another Silka cigarette from the cigarette case. After smoking Cuban cigars for several months, he found that he still liked the taste of this cheap cigarette.

"Click!" The silver-plated lighter was rubbed with flint, and a flash of fire lit up, illuminating Constantine's unshaven face.

In the light of the cigarette, in the thick fog in the alley not far away, a black shadow flashed past!

Constantine blew out a smoke ring and looked at Harley Quinn, who was so bored that she hit the hood of the car with a baseball bat, and the two walked towards the thick fog one after the other.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Leather shoes and high heels stepped on the stone pavement in the old neighborhood. The sound of their footsteps was particularly clear in the silent night!
"There's something weird about this mist, and I've lost contact with those little pets!"

Harley Quinn paused, flicked her fingers, and a white bone glass bead flew out of the air. The white bone bead turned into a two-meter-tall skeleton monster in mid-air, and roared into the thick fog.

When the skeleton demon's figure disappeared into the thick fog, Harley Quinn felt that she had lost contact with the skeleton demon.

Harley Quinn raised the corners of her mouth, with a crazy clown-like smile on her face: "Little cutie, are you playing a hide-and-seek game with me?"

Hearing Harley Quinn's crazy laughter, Constantine quickly quickened his pace and left her side.

While laughing, Harley Quinn reached behind her and took out a rocket launcher from nowhere. She held it up and pointed it at the fog-shrouded area in front of her.


The rocket with added fuel whizzed into the thick fog that could not be seen, and exploded into a ball of fire with a bang!

In the scattered fireballs, countless firelights splashed, and the sparks in the sky turned into firebirds. The flying firebirds soared into the sky, and the scorching high temperature steamed large areas of dense fog.

As the thick fog gradually dissipated, a woman wearing a black dress and gauze hat appeared in front of Harley Quinn and Cons, standing there like a sculpture.

"who are you?"

Constantine looked at the strange woman in front of him in surprise. His eyes inadvertently glanced at the compass on his left hand.

The pointer on the compass rotated rapidly the moment the woman appeared. It was obvious that the woman in front of him was the powerful source of interference.

The woman's face was covered with a veil and her appearance could not be seen clearly, but in the darkness, Constantine could feel a powerful force gathering in her body. The powerful energy was just like when he faced the true form of the First Fallen.

who is she? Why does it appear here?
"Hey ma'am! We're looking for two little mice who stole something from us. Do you know them?"

In the palm of Constantine's hand holding the cigarette, he picked up a few clusters of black clouds that kept spreading. In the clouds, there were several miniature swords. However, Constantine did not immediately activate the Nine Sons Ghost Mother Sword in his hand. Instead of shooting out, he waved his hand towards Harley Quinn behind him, signaling the other party to calm down.

"Madam!" Constantine shouted: "If there is any misunderstanding, it is best for both of us to negotiate it?"

"Negotiation? Are you here to see Dongqing?"

In the darkness, the woman's slightly pale face under the veil showed a bit of curiosity and a hint of irrepressible sullenness!
"I know what you want. Do you want to steal my brother's soul? That's not okay. Before you, many people had ideas about my brother. Now their souls are still in the eighteen levels of hell in the underworld. , when I am free and bored, I like to watch them being tortured, and listening to their miserable screams makes me feel much better!"

The woman's calm words were colder than the night wind blowing late at night.

"Your brother's soul? I think we must have some misunderstanding!"

Constantine's eyes suddenly jumped. He was accustomed to walking among the blades all year round and was good at driving away wolves and devouring tigers. From this sentence alone, he knew that the woman in front of him must have had some misunderstandings about them.

Although he didn't know what the reincarnation warriors like Tang and Song were looking for in this world, it was definitely not his brother's soul. But the strange thing is that according to the compass guidance, what they are looking for is indeed the person named Xia Dongqing.

This woman is Chacha, the Pluto of this world, and she is also the biological sister of Chi You, the original leader!

Back then, Chi You led the tribe of primitive people to rebel against heaven and fight against the ancient gods!

After the failure, Chi You was quartered by five horses, his head was suppressed at the foot of Shouyang Mountain, his limbs were sealed all over the world, but his eyes were hidden by Cha Cha.

Chacha uses her identity as Pluto to secretly use the power of reincarnation in the underworld to continuously nurture Chi You's soul hidden in the two eyeballs, hoping to resurrect her brother!
In this life, she chose Xia Dongqing as a sacrifice for Chi You's resurrection. Unexpectedly, her plan was also noticed by Kunlun. The ancient gods sent the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl to the earth, and this is how the whole story of soul ferrying came about.

After the Tang and Song Dynasties sealed the world, Chacha, the king of Hades, decisively hid back in the underworld after seeing the magical power of the Tang and Song Dynasties to capture Yingzhao with one palm.

Anyway, even if the sky falls, the immortal Ancient God will be there to support her, so she won’t be the first person——

But what she didn't expect was that not long after she returned to the underworld, she received a call from Zhao Li, saying that he and Xia Dongqing were being hunted, and that the other party was probably coming for Chi You's soul in his body.

For the sake of his brother, Chacha had no choice but to break out of the underworld——

It's a pity that she didn't expect that Tang and Song Dynasties were so powerful!

The moment she broke through the barrier that blocked the underworld, she knew the price she had to pay for provoking Boss Tang.

The purpose of sealing the sky and locking the earth in the Tang and Song Dynasties was to prevent the extraordinary power of this world from interfering with his search for eternal particles, the remaining weapons of the Lord God, especially the power of the underworld.

If the eternal particles were allowed to roll back and forth several times in reincarnation, washing away the breath from his body, then it would be really difficult for him to find this thing.

It is precisely for this reason that the underworld is also the key target of Boss Tang's blockade. Pluto Chacha is like a fat-headed fish rushing into the blocked fishing net, hitting the muzzle of Tang and Song Dynasty's guns.

Although Tang and Song were discussing Taoism with the old monk at that time, the little power he spread was not something Chacha could resist!
With one blow, the Lord of the Underworld was seriously injured.

However, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse. Although Chacha was seriously injured by Tang Song's palm, it was not something Constantine and Harley Quinn could withstand.

"This guy"

Constantine looked at the woman in front of him. He wanted to explain the misunderstanding to this woman who had come out halfway.

But he was cunning and understood that there was an irreconcilable conflict of interests between them. However, the attitude of this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared made Constantine certain of one thing, the thing that Boss Tang was looking for. Just on that thin convenience worker Xia Dongqing.

And there are other secrets about this person, one body, two souls or what?
Constantine's mind was spinning rapidly, integrating existing clues while looking for an escape route. For him, the problem now was how to escape from the woman in front of him——

In Constantine's vision when he turned on his spiritual vision, the magic smoke visible to the naked eye was escaping from the body of the woman in front of him, wrapping her up like a cloud of mist——

This energy intensity is so high that it is even more powerful than the First Fallen!
This was the only thought that came to Constantine after seeing the power of Pluto Chacha!
Constantine's expression was expressionless, and he threw half of the cigarette in his hand on the ground without hesitation, and took out a cigarette inserted upside down from the cigarette case. The moment he took the cigarette out, the ring finger of his right hand holding the cigarette Hooked up, sending a signal to Harley Quinn that the two had agreed upon.

Harley Quinn, who originally had the corner of her mouth raised and a crazy clown smile on her face, after seeing Constantine's actions, she began to lower her head and silently rummage through her treasure bag.

"Who told you that Chi You's soul is in Dongqing's body? Where are you from, Kunlun?"

Chacha stared at Constantine and Harley Quinn with an expressionless expression! Even in the underworld, only a few people including her and Zhao Li knew that Chi You's eyes were inside Xia Dongqing's body.

In her opinion, Zhao Li would definitely not dare to betray her, and the only other person who knew about it was Kunlun!

Although Kunlun sent an old acquaintance named Tiannuya to follow Xia Dongqing as an informant, there was no guarantee that the old guy from Ancient God wanted to strike first.

"That's not right! You are not from Kunlun. You have very interesting power and a magical weapon refined with souls. In the underworld, you have to endure the pain of eighteen levels of hell. You are monks!?"

Chacha's eyes fell on the white bones at his feet. The skeleton demons were refined and raised with souls. For a Pluto like Chacha who controlled the entire underworld, it was just a matter of a look for his soul to collapse.

But among the white bones and skeletons, the power that was different from this world made Chacha aware of something! ,

"Chi You! The master of war in Eastern myths and legends, the great being who competed with the Yellow Emperor. According to you, his soul is actually in Xia Dongqing's body. What an unexpected surprise!"

Constantine looked at Chacha with a confused expression: "Thank you for the information! A human with such a special soul! I think my boss will be interested!"

Chacha stared at Constantine with cold eyes: "I don't care who your boss is, just based on what you just said, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out alive today! I will give you a place in the eighteen levels of hell, believe me Me, you will enjoy your life in the underworld!”

For Chacha, in the long years, in the cold and dark underworld, only her brother can give her a touch of warmth, and she does not allow anyone to hurt her brother!
Not even the Ancient God can do it. She has already lost it once, and she will never allow this to happen a second time!
"Feel sorry!"

Constantine shrugged, stared at Pluto in front of him, and said:

"Beauty, do you want to keep me here for the night? Unfortunately, it is obvious that I am not a casual man!"

What was faster than Constantine's verbal attack was the lit cigarette he popped out and the Nine Son Mother Ghost Sword that shot out from his palm!
Constantine's inconspicuous cigarette contains the dragon's breath that he has prepared. This kind of flame can burn all demons, demons, and evil spirits below the intermediate level, including their bodies and souls!
As the cigarette in his hand popped out towards Chacha, the moment the broken cigarette came into contact with the flames, it directly expanded into a huge flame ball with a diameter of more than ten meters, and suddenly covered Chacha.

Under the flames comparable to the breath of a giant dragon, nine black shadows hid beneath it, like assassins swimming in the darkness, or like fish swimming under the sea, quickly and covertly stabbing at Chacha,

Harley Quinn on the side also stretched out her hand from the treasure bag when Constantine took action. She didn't want to spend another word with the woman in front of her.

She flung out her palm, and a palm-sized black grenade hit Chacha directly. (End of chapter)

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