Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 520 Sea Monster and Sea King Class 8 Qixiangliu

Chapter 520: Sea Monster and Sea King Yamata Soryanagi
One Piece World

The Red Continent that divides the New World and the Four Seas

Mariejoia, once located at the top of the Red Continent, is now in dilapidated condition.

Due to the nuclear contamination remaining from the nuclear bomb launched by Harley Quinn.

The World Government had to relocate and moved Mary Joa to the other side of the New World where the Red Earth Continent was not bombed by nuclear bombs.

In New Marie Joan, the old man in a suit angrily smashed the goblet in front of him to pieces and cursed crazily:

"Where did those damn missionaries come from? Spreading the faith of the so-called Emperor of Heaven all over the world. Damn it, he actually dared to blaspheme that adult, a pirate. Isn't it good to just plunder?"

Another Five Old Star wearing a white robe gritted his teeth and roared:
"They distributed supplies to those untouchables, bought people's hearts, and distributed weapons to those mobs. Those armed mobs have now overthrown four coalition countries. They are more dangerous than those revolutionary armies!"

"In the name of the World Government, I have ordered the Navy to exterminate those so-called missionaries! The Navy sent news that those people fled into the windless zone, and the Warring States Period has sent Akainu to pursue them!"

"The impact of the attack on the Red Earth Continent was too bad. Even if we covered it up with natural disasters, the existence of the Creator is still questioned!

The four emperors, the revolutionary army, and many ambitious people with evil intentions are ready to take action.
The adult sent an order that the fire set off by those missionaries must be extinguished! "

"Second! I suggest informing the navy and issuing a demon-slaying order to cleanse all the participating countries that were overthrown by the mob. This incident will also serve as a good deterrent to those unscrupulous people!"

"How is CP9's investigation? Have you found out the identities of those missionaries? Have you figured out where these people came from! That gentleman is very interested in the gods they promote!"

"The navy is too slow. Let the Knights of God dispatch their men to capture the people!"

The Great Route, the Windless Zone. Not only does this sea area have no wind for sailing ships, but it also contains the nests of giant sea kings.

In the pirate world, which relies on wind-driven ocean currents to sail, the windless zone is also known as the most terrifying sea area.

At this time, a large black wooden Galen ship was traveling at an extremely fast speed in the windless zone. Obviously, this ship did not rely on wind power to sail.

A middle-aged man with an unkempt beard stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea monster left far behind, his expression still a little dazed.

"Captain, those navy ships have been held up by those sea monsters. Where should we go next? To collect devil fruits, or to spread faith for that god?"

The red-haired woman, who was only wearing a cool three-point style, walked next to the man and watched the sailors and crew below carrying artillery supplies back and forth.

"Those navies are chasing too closely. We can't stay on the Grand Line any longer. Let's go to the East China Sea, which is called the weakest sea. We first find an uninhabited desert island and arrange for those heavenly missionaries on board!"

The man turned around. That face full of determination was not that of Captain America Steve Rogers.

As for the red-haired woman, needless to say, it is naturally his old partner, the black widow Natasha.

The reason why the two of them appeared in this world was naturally because of a certain black-hearted boss named Tang. After the quantum channel failed, the Avengers have never found a way to return to the original world.

In this case, Ryan came forward and told several people that Boss Tang was trying to open the quantum channel, and all their manpower was used to repair the quantum channel.

There have been some disturbances in several places where faith is spread under the Heavenly Court. I hope that a few people who have nothing to do can help and protect those believers.

What can the Avengers who are eager to go home and ask for help do? After all, let’s not talk about the quantum channel, those few infinite stones that can save their universe are all in the hands of Tang and Song Dynasties.

So the Avengers came to this world where pirates were rampant.

"Captain! We have been here for a year, how long do we have to wait before we can return to our own universe!"

Natasha looked at the seemingly calm sea in the distance. When she thought of the sea monsters bigger than the mountains swimming under the sea, she felt like she was going crazy.

Over the past year, they had either been chased by the navy or fought against the pirates. After finally getting ashore, they had to protect the missionaries from the encirclement and suppression by the noble armies.

Especially after seeing the disgusting faces of the upper class nobles in this world, and knowing the existence of a deformed system like the Celestial Dragons, Natasha also gradually became extremely disgusted with this world from the novelty at the beginning.

Compared to the universe they live in, although it is terrible, at least it maintains a sense of fairness on the surface. Even if there are a lot of scum at the top, they must at least consider the impact of their actions.

But those Tianlong people, those nobles of the kingdom, they didn't care about any impact at all. Natasha saw with her own eyes a bastard wearing a bubble head and looking like a fat pig, beat a couple to death in the street, and took away their daughter.

What's ridiculous is that the navy men with the cloak of justice behind their backs just watched helplessly.
From that moment Natasha knew that the world was almost rotten from the ground up. The top level was exploited to excess, and the navy, which claimed to be just, was actually the lackey of the rulers to protect their own interests.

Those kings and nobles are like blood-sucking insects, constantly sucking the vitality of the people at the bottom. It is almost difficult for ordinary people to survive in this deformed society.

For people like them who come from modern society, the world is full of an extreme sense of distortion.

Perhaps this is why the Avengers are willing to cooperate with heavenly missionaries to spread their faith in this world.

Since this world is already rotten, how can it get worse if it gets rotten again?

"Captain, dinner is ready!" Hawkeye Barton, wearing beach shorts and shirtless, walked to the deck and greeted the two of them.

At this time, Hawkeye's muscle lines were much more obvious than when he first came to this world, and Natasha's eyes couldn't help but take a look at his six well-defined abdominal muscles.

When the three of them entered the cabin, several sailors were busy placing rich food on the long wooden dining table.

Although it has been a long time since we went to sea, there are still fresh olives and lettuce leaves on the table, as well as some beautiful fruits with water droplets placed in baskets, which look particularly attractive on this vast sea.

Several middle-aged men in black robes were sitting at the dining table, discussing the upcoming missionary trip.

Steve Rogers walked to the dining table, sat down, picked up a bottle of rum, and drank it hard.

"Your sermon on the Grand Channel failed. Where are you going next?" Steve Rogers looked at several middle-aged men in black robes.

A middle-aged priest picked up an orange in front of him and began to peel it: "Find a place to wait for reinforcements. We underestimated the value of force in this world. The strength of the middle and high-level navy is not weak, and the modern weapons we brought are not weak." Take advantage!"

"We have sent out a signal for help, and someone will come to support us next!"

"I don't understand. Why are you doing all this? Do you just want to save them? Save those ordinary people!" Steve Rogers put down the rum bottle in his hand and looked at the middle-aged man in confusion. Year Fr.

The middle-aged priest stuffed a piece of the peeled orange into his mouth. When he chewed it, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

He calmly distributed the oranges in his hand to the colleagues next to him. Seeing the other priests grimacing in pain, the expression on his face became distorted.

"Mr. Rogers, you don't have to think of us so noble. The purpose of our coming to this world is very simple. As you can see, we are promoting the faith of the Lord. Only by rescuing these ordinary people from hell can they feel the Emperor of Heaven. Only with the glory can we devoutly convert!”

"You paid so much just to get them to believe in Tang?" Steve Rogers said in surprise: "What can those people come up with? Their rations?"

Over the past year, he has witnessed with his own eyes the generous expenditures of these missionaries, not only providing massive amounts of food, cloth, and clothing, food, housing, and transportation for the believers, but also

Various guns and ammunition are also provided to arm the believers and help them seize land and power from the nobles.

In his opinion, their efforts were completely out of proportion to their gains. He could not see what rewards these priests could get from those poor people.

Although he didn't have much contact with the Tang and Song Dynasties, Steve Rogers could tell that he was not a god who was keen on charity, at least his kindness was not pure.

He didn't think that the Tang and Song Dynasties would do such a loss-making thing. In Steve Rogers' view, these missionaries and the Tang Dynasty behind them must have gained something in this world.

"The power of faith is also a resource, a very cherished resource!"

After the middle-aged priest said something enigmatic, he picked up a piece of bread in front of him, put a piece of steak on it, took a bite, chewed it and said to Steve Rogers:
"Mr. Rogers, what we are doing is just an early investment. This world has the resources we need. Those Devil Fruits, Sea Tower Stones, and these Neptune-like meats you are looking for! Even those believers, they are precious to us. resource!"

The middle-aged priest gestured to Steve Rogers with the steak sandwich he had taken a bite of.

"Once the corrupt government of this world is overthrown, we will trade with the new government of this world to get what we want!"

"You are behaving like this?" Steve Rogers blinked, inexplicably feeling that the operations of these priests seemed familiar.

The middle-aged priest smiled and said: "It sounds familiar, don't worry, we are different from the federal government. They can overthrow a country for oil, but we are really saving this rotten world!"

As soon as the middle-aged priest's words came out, Steve Rogers, Natasha, and Barton suddenly looked at each other.

In particular, the two super agents Natasha and Barton are very familiar with the CIA's operations in the Middle East, assassinating political figures, electing pro-federal politicians to power, supporting rebels to overthrow disobedient governments, and protecting federal interests in the region.

Not to mention, the way these missionaries behave in this world is really like the federal government.
"When you impose your ideas on ordinary people, haven't you considered the wishes of ordinary people? They also have the right to choose?"

Steve Rogers always felt that something was wrong. He held it in for a long time before he said something.

In exchange, several priests looked at him as if they were looking at a fool. Even Natasha and Barton next to him looked at him and hesitated to speak.

"Captain, the ordinary people here have no right to choose. Their lives are too miserable! In a world that has been dark for a long time, even just a candlelight represents hope for them!"

Barton shook his head. Over the past year, he traveled to various islands along the Grand Line, and the lives of ordinary people he saw were even more miserable than those of Middle Eastern refugees!

At least those Middle Eastern refugees can flee to other countries after the disaster, and at least there are people who are suffering for them.

Ordinary people living in this world have too many things that threaten their lives, such as the strict tax laws enacted by kings and nobles, natural disasters, shipwrecks, and pirates who come ashore to plunder from time to time.

Here, a village was massacred by pirates. This brutal behavior did not even leave a trace in the newspaper. The only thing that can prove that this massacre occurred is that the pirate leader added a bounty of two million. Bailey!
Barton still remembered that when he put the samurai sword on the neck of the drunken pirate, the guy didn't even have any remorse for massacring the villagers. Instead, he felt sorry for not being able to go to the new world.

What a sick world! Barton chopped off the pirate's head with a knife and threw his head into the sea. Maybe the sea water would take him to the new world he longed for.

Steve Rogers fell silent and stayed here for more than a year. He knew that Barton was right. In this world, it is not easy for ordinary people to survive.

The big black ship was sailing on the calm sea, and several large engines modified at the tail provided sufficient power for the wooden sailboat.

Several sailors stood on the deck and looked at the sea ahead with telescopes. Suddenly, the observer standing on the mast let out a sharp exclamation,

"Super giant Neptune type!"

At this time, several sailors on the deck also saw the thick meat pillars in front of them. Looking through the telescope, they were not meat pillars at all, but snake heads hundreds of meters high one by one.

Those snake heads towered into the sky like mountains of flesh, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"" A sailor counted the snake heads in a low voice, with a slight tremor in his voice.

A sailor quickly sounded the alarm.

The piercing alarm bell rang throughout the ship, and Steve Rogers, Natasha, and Barton hurried to the deck.

"Judging from the size, it's a giant sea king, but it's still some distance away." The captain in charge of driving the ship took out a telescope and looked at the huge black-scaled snake heads from a distance.

After clearly seeing the size of the snake heads, the captain whispered to Steve Rogers: "We have to get out of here right away!"

"Get around it!" Steve Rogers looked at the behemoth and had a headache. A monster of this size was simply beyond what they could handle.

Unfortunately, Dr. Banner, Thor and Superman Clark are not in this world. They were invited by the people in heaven to be the saviors of another universe that is on the verge of destruction!
However, a behemoth of this size, even if Dr. Banner transforms into the Hulk, may not be an opponent, especially in this deep sea environment.

Just when the captain was about to turn the helm, the whole ship suddenly shook as if it had hit a rock. Several sailors were unsteady on their feet and were thrown directly from the ship. On the windless and calm sea, the sea water suddenly rotated, forming a funnel shape, forming a huge whirlpool on the sea surface.
The wooden boat was first picked up by the waves.

Then he fell headlong into the abyss formed by the maelstrom!

"Everyone, hurry up! There's something under the boat!" Steve Rogers yelled! While pressing the necklace on his chest, a large amount of silver-white liquid immediately poured out of the necklace, and these nanorobots quickly enveloped his whole body.

After Steve Rogers put on the nano-suit, he flew up without hesitation and rushed towards the direction of the whirlpool of the sea water.

Sure enough, his guess was right!

Steve Rogers immediately saw the sharp teeth in the whirlpool of the sea water that were more than ten times larger than his entire body. Under the sea water, a sea monster that looked like a hippopotamus and was at least several hundred meters in size was swallowing. The sea water wants to swallow the whole ship into its belly.

Without any hesitation, Steve Rogers directly controlled the separation of the nanorobots, forming laser emitters suspended in mid-air.

These fist-sized laser emitters rotated rapidly, shooting out streaks of blazing white lasers at the undersea monsters——

But these lasers are too small compared to the huge Neptune species, and cannot even penetrate the outermost layer of oily skin of the hippo Neptune species.

Steve Rogers tried firing a few more missiles,
But most of the hippo and sea king's body was submerged under the sea surface, swinging its tail leisurely and still swallowing seawater at the bottom of the boat!

At this time, the modified large Galen ship had several modified engines running to maximum output power, but it still could not sail out of the giant whirlpool.

The sailors on the ship clung to the sailboat's cables and hull with all their strength, fearing they would be thrown off.

Seeing that the entire ship and the sailors on board were about to be buried in the belly of the hippopotamus.

A middle-aged priest staggered outside the cabin. Under Barton's horrified eyes, the priest was praying while carrying a rocket launcher, preparing to shoot down the ship.

Barton understood the rocket launcher. He knew that these priests carried many thermal weapons in their space storage equipment, but what did the nuclear umbrella-shaped logo on the rocket launcher mean.

"Father, stop, wait!"

Patton rushed over, snatched the rocket launcher from the priest's hand, and looked at the ridiculously large warhead at the front of the rocket launcher.

Barton grabbed the priest who was shaking from side to side on the deck and asked loudly: "Father, what is this?"

"A 10,000-ton individual nuclear rocket launcher!" the priest replied loudly!
Barton looked at the rocket launcher in his hand and was so frightened that he almost threw it out. If this thing was really thrown out, not to mention whether it could kill the Sea King at the bottom of the boat, their ship might not be saved!

When he thought of being in the vast sea, there were not even ships, and there were countless giant sea monsters on the bottom of the sea, even though Barton was used to seeing big scenes, his hair still went numb.

"Father! We won't need this for now! You go back to the cabin first! I have a way!"

As he spoke, Patton returned the rocket launcher to him, and watched with his own eyes as he put the rocket launcher back into the jade gun in his hand. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, holding the cable with one hand and him with the other, and staggered to the cabin. forward and pushed it in.

Anxiously, Barton also activated the nano-suit on his body and flew to Steve Rogers:
"Captain! Ordinary attacks can't cause much damage to this giant beast at all. Powerful weapons will destroy the hull. Don't resist it. Let's send the ship away first!"

After Barton said that, he controlled the separation structure of the nano-suit to separate several engines and attached them to the hull. Natasha, who was standing on the bow of the ship, saw this scene and hurriedly controlled the nano-suit to separate several engines.

As several engines sprayed blue flames, the Galen ship, which received strong power, rushed out of the whirlpool and sailed quickly towards the distance.

Wow, a dull sound caused by waves echoed around, and then a small mountain-like Neptune species with a hippopotamus head and a shark tail sprang out from the sea surface, and the waves it brought rumbled to the sea surface.
When the angry hippo saw that its prey was about to escape, it swung its tail and chased after the escaping Galen ship with its big mouth.

“Swish, swish, swish, swish—”

Steve Rogers leaned down and dropped a dozen powerful missiles against the body of the Neptune-like hippopotamus.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom -"

There were bursts of explosions and flames, and the smoke dispersed. As expected, the Neptune-like hippopotamus gave up chasing Galen's ship, turned around and stared at the small mosquito above his head with a pair of scarlet eyes.

Steve Rogers relied on the nano-suit on his body to keep flying around the hippopotamus, dropping several missiles and blasting out several laser beams from time to time to attract its attention.

The flightless hippopotamus was spun around and let out an angry roar.
"Captain! A ship is coming, it's the navy!"

Barton's voice suddenly rang in Steve Rogers' ears. After getting rid of the Neptune-like hippopotamus, he flew directly to a high place and looked at the sea. Sure enough, a fleet of several large ships was heading here.

"It's the guy named Akainu! Barton, let's lure this sea monster over!"

With the blessing of the viewing system in the nano-suit, even though he was more than ten kilometers away, Steve Rogers could still clearly see the bow of the fleet's main ship deck, which was sitting on a large chair with his legs crossed and wearing a righteous coat. The man in the big cloak!
Admiral Sakaski, Steve Rogers recognized this guy immediately.

It was this guy named Sakaski who led the navy and chased them from the North Sea to the great aircraft carrier to escape. Unexpectedly, this group of navy pursued them to the windless zone.

Steve Rogers fought this guy named Sakaski
This guy not only has the ability to control magma, but when faced with thermal weapon attacks, his body can also turn into magma, which is very difficult to deal with.

Moreover, these navy executives seemed to have the ability to fly short distances. If the flying speed was not as fast as the nano-suit, he would have been almost caught by these navy when he stayed behind.

Steve Rogers greeted Barton, and was about to lure the big hippopotamus underneath to those naval battleships, causing them both to lose.

"team leader!"

But there was a burst of Barton's exclamation in his ears.

Steve Rogers followed the sound and looked towards the sea. He saw that on the sea, the giant hippopotamus that was showing off its power just now was being tightly entangled by several black-scaled pythons.

Steve Rogers was startled and subconsciously looked at their Galen ship. Fortunately, their ship was fine and was heading east along the windless zone.


Huge waves were surging on the sea, and several giant black-scaled snakes were tightly entangled with the giant hippopotamus and were devouring its body. The water in this sea area was dyed red with blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fear of snakes is engraved in the DNA of almost every human being.
Seeing the scene of these giant snakes devouring the giant hippopotamus, Steve Rogers suppressed the discomfort in his heart, controlled the suit to open the weapon launch port, and was about to launch missiles to lure these giant snakes to attack the naval fleet.

Just when Steve Rogers aimed the weapon launcher at the giant snakes, the black-scaled giant snakes seemed to sense the danger. The python bodies wrapped around the giant hippopotamus loosened their bodies, and they all raised their heads and looked towards Half empty.

A pair of pale golden and cold snake eyes stared at Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers could even clearly see his own figure reflected in those snake eyes.

"Human! You want to sneak attack me!"

Steve Rogers felt a cold voice sounding like a cold wind from his ears.

"You can talk!?" Steve Rogers looked at the snake heads standing up in shock.

After coming to this world for more than a year, he also learned in detail about the origins of these giant Neptune beasts, but he never knew that these Neptune beasts were also intelligent and could even give birth to a group of people who could talk.

"What do you think I am? I am not these mindless beasts. I am Eight-Headed Xiangliu, Nine-Headed Xiangliu! Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

The cold voice continued to ring in Steve Rogers' ears, accompanied by the neighing sounds of snakes.

"These snake heads are all from a giant beast." After Steve Rogers realized this, he looked at the snake heads that were raised high and were like meat pillars. He couldn't help but count them. .

"Nine-headed Xiangliu, but you only have eight heads!" Steve Rogers said doubtfully

As soon as Steve Rogers finished speaking, the hissing snake sounds in his ears stopped. Steve Rogers looked at the snake heads and looked through the pairs of snake eyes.

He could see the embarrassment and anger. It was hard to imagine that the snake's eyes could express such complex emotions.

Before he could figure it out, the eight black-scaled snake heads suddenly sprang up and bit him!

These snake heads exploded very quickly, and Steve Rogers was surrounded by the snake heads before he could react at all.

"Human! Say it again, how many heads do I have?"

A black-scale snake head stretched out in front of Steve Rogers. Only at a close distance did Steve Rogers truly realize how big the giant python in front of him was.

Its snake pupil alone is as tall as two or three people in diameter, like a pale golden mirror. In the center of the mirror is a faint green vertical pupil, which looks extremely penetrating.

"Captain!" Steve Rogers could even clearly smell the fishy smell of the giant snake's breath as the giant snake approached him.

His body's instinctive reaction made him tremble uncontrollably. Fortunately, Barton's exclamation sounded from the nanosuit's communicator, and he reawakened his body consciousness, which was almost frozen.

"Barton, there's nothing wrong with me. Mr. Jiutou Xiangliu has no ill intentions!"

After Steve Rogers woke up, he immediately turned off the stress response system of the nanosuit and reminded Barton in a deep voice.

"If I guess correctly, this Mr. Xiang Liu should also come from heaven!"

The head of the giant snake in front of Steve Rogers opened its mouth. A bright red snake dozens of meters wide licked Steve Rogers' body, leaving his body covered in mucus.

"Human, you are smart!"

The moment they saw the giant snake open its mouth and spit out the snake's message towards Steve Rogers, if Steve Rogers hadn't stopped him in the communication channel, Barton and Natasha, who were flying high in the sky, would have almost faced the giant snake directly. The giant snake attacks.

What Patton was carrying on his shoulders was the individual nuclear rocket launcher.

"I am the Great Heavenly Lord's subordinate, the divine beast of the Heavenly Court's Water Department, and the future Water Department's main god, Nine-Headed Xiangliu! According to the Great Heavenly Lord's will, I am here to assist you!"

Steve Rogers sounded the gloomy snake hiss again. This time, Steve Rogers learned the lesson and didn't worry about why the Nine-Headed Xiangliu only had eight heads.

"You are reinforcements sent by Tang. That's great. We are now being hunted by government forces in this world!"

Steve Rogers said, reaching out and pointing towards the warship not far away.

Yamata no Orochi turned several snake heads and cast his cold eyes on the navy warships.

"You are Steve Rogers. The Great God wants to see you for something!" A snake head turned to look at Steve and hissed in his ears.

"Tang wants to see me for something? What's the matter!"

"The Great Heavenly Lord asked me to inform you that the quantum channel has been repaired and you can return to your own universe!"

"We can go back, how to go back?" After hearing the giant snake say that they could go home, Steve Rogers was so excited that he wanted to grab the giant snake and ask clearly.

But before he could speak, Yamata no Orochi, who had been staring at those naval warships, had violent light flashing in his eyes.
"I'll deal with those enemies, and let the green dragon tell you the rest."

Several snake heads suddenly retracted and dived under the sea. Steve Rogers looked down from a high altitude. Under the sea, a huge black shadow rushed towards the naval fleet.

Soon, bursts of gunfire roared near the fleet, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. A dozen figures jumped high from the ship, flew in the air, and struck the sea with slashing sword energy.

The giant snake broke through the water, and the huge waves hit the warships swaying left and right. Several ferocious snake heads broke out of the water, spitting fireballs, wind blades, and venom from their mouths and attacked the navy.

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