Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 521 Hachi VS Akainu

Chapter 521 Baqi VS Akainu
The great sea route, the windless zone.

The usually calm and calm windless zone now turned into endless rolling waves, and the violent explosions of artillery resounded throughout the entire sea area.

Many giant sea kings poked their heads out of their nests when they heard the sound, and swam towards the sea area where the incident occurred to watch the excitement.

As soon as these gossips came to this sea area, they saw an eight-headed giant snake fighting with the little people driving warships from a distance.

Some giant sea kings wanted to step forward to help, but when they swam closer to the battlefield, the instinct in their blood told them that the giant snake in front of them was not their kind.

Several greedy giant sea kings dived into the bottom of the sea, trying to devour the giant snake and the little people together.

Gulu! Gulu!
Bubbles the size of washbasins appeared on the sea surface, and none of the giant sea kings that had dived to the bottom of the sea surfaced again.

"Boom boom boom!"

On several naval battleships, naval soldiers were busy carrying cannonballs and calibrating the muzzles. Three artillery batteries roared, and a fired cannonball shot towards the giant snake with eight heads like raindrops.

On the bow of the naval fleet flagship, Admiral Akainu, wearing a navy hat, sat on a chair on the bow of the ship, with his feet on the side of the ship, tapping his thumbs with his crossed hands, and looking at the battlefield while lying down.

The navy soldiers on the ship suppressed their fear of the giant snake. When they saw the calm posture of the general on the bow of the ship, they all yelled at each other to cheer up and shouted slogans that justice must win.

The admiral has always been the face of the navy and even the world government. Since the position of admiral was established, the admirals have never failed.

This is also the confidence of these naval soldiers when facing such a huge Neptune-like snake in front of them.

What the navy soldiers did not see was that the eyes under the navy hat of the admiral they relied on, Sakaski, who had the title of Akainu, were not as calm as he appeared.

On the sea not far away, more than a dozen vice admirals and major admirals were performing moon steps, shaving, and leaping in the air, holding various famous swords in their hands and slashing at the eight-headed giant snake below with fierce air-piercing slashes. hit.

Sakaski is very familiar with the strength of these lieutenant generals, just like Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. In terms of strength, he is also a swordsman-level existence. He once killed a giant sea king with one blow.

His slashes can even part the sea!

But for such a powerful swordsman, his slashes could not break the scales of the giant snake.

The giant snake's eight heads retracted and retracted at an astonishing speed. Several less powerful major generals would have been almost eaten alive by it if their colleagues had not rescued them in time.

Some of the less powerful major generals had to step on the moon steps to distance themselves from the giant snake, and provide assistance to the elite lieutenant generals from a distance.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Lieutenant General Dauberman, plus Lieutenant General Stoloberg and Gumir, five elite lieutenant generals teamed up to deal with this sea king, plus seven major generals from the headquarters. The cover, as well as the artillery support of five battleships, were unable to take down this sea king.

Sakaski's vision enveloped the battlefield and he was always ready to take action.


Holding a famous sword in each hand, the man with long hair standing high on his back, like the eight tentacles of a spider, stepped quickly through the air with his feet, and in a flash, he took advantage of one of the giant snake's heads to swallow him. Colleagues, ducked to the snake's head and neck.

Ten swords style!
Lieutenant General Ghost Spider slashed hard at the back and neck of the snake's head with his two-handed sword and the eight-mouthed sword clenched in his hair. The ten-mouthed sword wrapped in armed colors was completely black.

Every attack of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider has the power to cut off a large warship.


In an instant, an unknown number of knives were slashed, followed by a sound of metal and iron clashing. Lieutenant General Ghost Spider could even see large sparks splashing out from where he struck.

It was as if what he was cutting was not flesh and blood, but steel,

No! With his swordsmanship, not to mention steel, not even sea floor stone can withstand so many of his slashes!
Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was horrified when he looked at the black scales that were as clean as new, and the snake scales that didn't even leave a trace of marks.

What kind of monster is this!

"Ghost Spider! Get out of the way!"

A sharp reminder suddenly rang in Ghost Spider's ears. Ghost Spider subconsciously turned around, only to see a snake head as big as a battleship staring at him coldly from behind, the snake's eyes full of teasing.

Seeing the giant snake open its mouth, the ghost spider clenched the katana in both hands and used the eight famous swords behind it to slash at the giant snake's open mouth with ten sharp air-piercing slashes.

Ten slashes cut through the void and struck firmly into the giant snake's open mouth.
What surprised the ghost spider was that his slashes failed to cause any damage to the giant snake. The giant snake just shook its head slightly, then opened its big mouth, and there was a faint green light gathering in the mouth!
Realizing that something was wrong, Ghost Spider manipulated his hair and curled the eight samurai swords in front of him. His whole body was covered in armed colors. Just when he had just done this, a blue wind pillar came from The giant snake spit out from its mouth.

In an instant, the ghost spider was swallowed up by the wind pillar
"Meteor volcano!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Yamata no Orochi's head. As he raised his hands, his hands suddenly turned into hot magma. With his hands raised high, the huge magma mass began to condense and take shape.

In the sky, a dozen magma balls as big as a house were packed with huge power, and they smashed towards the Yamata no Orochi like a meteor shower.


Facing an attack comparable to that of a meteorite falling from the sky, the Yamata no Orochi, which had shown great ease in fighting more than a dozen naval officers, did not dare to underestimate the enemy at all. The eight snake heads were raised high, and the snake's mouth spit out condensed particles. The energy beam shot towards the meteor volcano falling from the sky.


The energy beam collided with the meteor-like magma ball. In an instant, the sky was filled with fire and rain, and the hot magma fell into the sea, making a hissing sound.

While Yamata no Orochi was distracted, Stoloberg flew forward on moon steps, trying to rescue the ghost spider.

Although Stoloberg has not been famous among the elite Lieutenant Generals of the headquarters in the past ten years, this Lieutenant General who is good at the Two-Sword Style once severely wounded Tiger, the hero of the fish-men tribe and the first captain of the Sun Pirates. , which shows its strength.

Stoloberg stepped on the moon steps and quickly circled behind Yamata no Orochi, only to see an extremely horrifying scene.

On the back of the giant snake, the Navy's tough hawkish lieutenant general, known as the Ghost Spider, still had his hands in front of him in a defensive posture, but his proud long hair had been broken. , several broken knives fell beside him.

Shockingly, all that was left of this elite naval lieutenant was a bloody skeleton.

"Ghost Spider!"

Stoloberg looked down at the bodies of his colleagues, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

After a moment, Stoloberg calmed down, holding a samurai sword in each hand, wrapping the blade in a running armament, and in a flash, he took over from the ghost spider and slashed at the giant black-scaled snake in front of him.

There were many high-ranking officers in the navy who had the power of knowledge and domineering. They saw the tragic situation of Ghost Spider in their eyes, and an atmosphere of sadness spread among the navy.

Even their attacks had a bit more of a death-defying aura.

One after another, he slashed at the black-scaled giant snake in front of him from all directions——

After seeing the defense of the Yamata no Orochi's snake scales, these vice admirals worked together to chop one of its parts. After several people slashed at it, they quickly slashed several lines on the Yamata norochi's body. Knife marks.

However, the one who really restrained the Yamata-no Orochi was Sakaski, who was wearing the cloak of justice. The elementalization ability of the natural rock berries was enough to make him immune to most of the Yamata-no Orochi's attacks.

Sakaski's face was filled with anger. He did not expect that just one of his own negligence would lead to the death of Ghost Spider, a powerful elite lieutenant general.

He stepped on the air at high speed, constantly attacking the eight snake heads of the Yamata no Orochi, venting his anger on the sea king in front of him. Balls of hot magma continued to blast out from his hands, hitting the Yamata no Orochi's head. body.

His attack did not cause any damage to the Yamata no Orochi, which slept in the magma. Instead, the sparks from the magma polished the dark scales of the Yamata no Orochi.

Sakaski's series of attacks attracted the attention of Yamata no Orochi.

One of the snake heads of the Yamata no Orochi opened its mouth wide, and the wind pillar that brought the ghost spider to Lingchi spurted out from its mouth, covering Sakaski in an instant.

The cyan wind pillar with a diameter of dozens of meters was composed of densely packed palm-sized light cyan wind blades. The cyan wind pillar passed through Sakaski's body and instantly cut his body into countless pieces.

When the fine stumps and broken arms fell downwards, they turned into pools of hot magma in mid-air. The liquid magma condensed together and turned into Sakaski's body again.


This scene was reflected in the eyes of the Yamata no Orochi. The head of the ferocious snake spitting out the wind blade shook slightly, and there was even a trace of doubt on the face of the giant snake.

Sakaski took advantage of the moment when the giant snake was in a daze, kicked his foot, "shaving", and quickly flashed in front of the snake's head. His left hand turned into a giant magma dog, stretched out his claws and suddenly pounced towards the eyes of the Yamata no Orochi. .

When parts like the eyes were attacked, even a titan beast like Yamata no Orochi couldn't help but reflexively close its eyes, violently shook its head, and avoided the magma formed by Sakaski's magma.

Sakaski punched the Yamata no Orochi hard on the head, and the Yamata no Orochi's head, which weighed nearly a thousand tons, was thrown out by Sakaski's punch.

The wind-attributed snake head felt dizzy and kept shaking its head. The next second, a figure stepped on its head.

Sakaski clenched his right fist. Not only were his fists and exposed forearms all as dark as devils, with a metallic luster, but an indescribable aura like black lightning surrounded him. On the fist.

"Bang!" Sakaski's charged punch directly smashed the black-scaled snake head under his feet into the sea, and a large amount of blood instantly appeared on the sea.

Sakaski succeeded with one blow, and when he raised his fist to make up for it, suddenly there was a sound of wind and thunder in his ears. He raised his head and saw several huge black-scaled snake heads around him. At this time, they all gave up their respective The opponents all gathered around him.

Facing several ferocious snake heads as big as warships, Sakaski remained undaunted, with lava dripping from all over his body.

Seven snake heads surrounded Sakaski. At this time, under the sea, the snake head that was almost exploded by Sakaski also resurfaced.

"Human! You are strong, hisssssssssss."

Sakaski looked at the talking snake head, and for a moment he felt as if he was hallucinating.

Can Neptunes talk?

The snake heads of the Yamata no Orochi suddenly opened their mouths, took a sip, and then with a splashing sound, streams of fishy and pungent venom spurted towards Sakaski.

Sakaski just wanted to rely on his elemental body to resist, but before the venom could get close, he smelled an extremely fishy stench.
The smell was a hundred times more stinky than fermented Neptune feces, like a pot lid coming towards the cover.


Sakaski stepped on the air and quickly avoided the venom, but because of this, he escaped and saved his life.

Sakaski just dodged the venom, and in an instant he felt a burning and cold pain on his arm. He raised his arm and found that his forearm had been contaminated with a drop of venom at some point.

His magma-formed arm is being melted away by this drop of venom, and he is watching the area of ​​​​the venom continue to expand.
Sakaski made a prompt decision and shook off the layer of magma that was contaminated with venom. It was obvious that his body was in the elemental stage at this time, but when the magma that had been eroded into dark green was thrown away, Sakaski Ji still felt a sharp pain.

After Sakaski tried to remove the elementalization, he looked at the right arm that was missing a large piece of flesh and blood. His already serious face with the Chinese character instantly became more solemn.

Could this poison even hurt his elemental body? It was much more powerful than the toxin attack from Magellan's Poison Fruit.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, take them out of here and leave this place to me!"

Sakaski stepped on the moon steps, stood in the air, faced the eight snake heads that were spitting out messages, and said to the lieutenant generals behind him without looking back.

"General Akainu!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was about to say something, but Sakaski fluttered his cloak and said coldly: "This is an order!"

"Yes!" Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel took a deep look at Sakaski's injured arm. Having seen the power of this weird sea king's poison, he understood that General Akainu's order was correct.

They couldn't resist the venom of this giant snake.

"Everyone, listen to my order and evacuate this place!"

After speaking, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel stepped on the moon and led the lieutenant generals and rear admirals to fly back to the position of the navy warship.

The Yamata no Orochi's eight heads and sixteen eyes looked at Sakaski standing in front of him with great interest.

"Hiss, you want to be a hero? Hiss -"

Sakaski frowned and looked at the eight-headed snake that spoke: "What?"

"When I was sleeping in the water of the dark world, I was really bored for a while, so I used my spiritual consciousness to peek at the group of boys herding skeleton monsters. In the movies they watched, your behavior of staying behind to break up the family, You humans call them heroes!”

The eight snake heads of the Yamata no Orochi stretched forward one by one, sticking tightly in front of Sakaski, not afraid of his attack at all. The snake's eyes were full of curiosity, as if it were a little baby seeing a new toy.

"I am not a so-called hero. I don't care where you and those missionaries come from. The absolute justice I uphold does not allow anyone to destroy it! Not the pirates, not the revolutionary army, not you and the people behind you!"

Sakaski heard a lot of information from the voice of this giant snake that didn't look very smart, but faced the several abyss snake heads in front of him, Sakaski had no intention of flinching.

"I remember that boy Lucian told me that I must not hesitate when meeting a "hero" like you!"

Sakaski suddenly saw that the giant snake's eyes suddenly became extremely violent, and then a huge mouth suddenly bit it.

Sakaski punched out, and a giant lava fist the size of a snake's head hit Yamata no Orochi.

"Big fire-breathing!"

Boom! The huge black-scaled snake head directly shattered the lava fist swung by Sakaski and rushed out. The snake's kiss opened and closed and bit towards Sakaski.


After several attacks, after realizing that the magma attack he was proud of had no effect on the giant snake, Akainu had to regain his armed Haki.

In addition to covering his whole body with black armed-color Haki, he also wrapped the Overlord-colored Haki around his arms. When he noticed the giant snake breaking through the magma with his knowledge-colored Haki, he suddenly rushed forward and punched with a low body.

The black iron fist struck hard on the open jaw of the giant snake's head. The heavy force of Sakaski's punch directly closed the mouth of Yamata no Orochi's snake head, and the entire snake head was blasted high. tens of meters away.

The huge snake body trembled.

"It hurts so much when you hit me!" A painful scream was accompanied by a rain of venom.

Yamata no Orochi and Ghidorah are both Titans. Like the other twenty-five Titans, they were cursed by some unscrupulous guy and became the guardian beasts of heaven.

The twenty-seven titan beasts went to different places. Some guarded Daluotian, while others went to the outside world to plunder resources.
The Yamata no Orochi was originally left in the dark world. Apart from sleeping and practicing every day, the dwarves in Tianbing Valley and the people in the Honeycomb Laboratory came to extract the venom, which was used to temper weapons, create biological toxins, etc.

It turned out that Leviathan should be sent to this pirate world. After all, in this world where the sea area occupies more than 95%, Leviathan's ability to control the water flow is even more advantageous.

Unfortunately, at the critical moment when Leviathan was condensing the demon elixir, Yamata no Orochi was pulled into adulthood and thrown into this world.

Like other Titans, Yamata no Orochi was also given the cultivation technique by the Great Heavenly Lord of the Tang and Song Dynasties. What he practiced was the secret technique inherited by one of the ancient demon gods, Nine-Headed Xiangliu.

The cultivation of the ancient demon cultivators in the Jamfu world was different from that of later generations. In addition to cultivating a demon elixir that was refined over time, they did not pursue the so-called soul baby, and focused more on polishing their own souls. Physically.

The powerful physical body of an ancient demon god like Xiang Liu can be said to be almost immortal. The physical body is powerful enough to crush ordinary Daluo Immortals,

What's even more powerful about Xiangliu is its venom, which cannot be blocked by immortals or Buddhas. Even the ancient demons and gods dare not touch its front lightly.

No matter whether you are a Buddhist who has cultivated an immeasurable golden body or a Taoist who has cultivated jade bones and immortal skin, if you are even slightly contaminated with Xiang Liu's venom, your physical body will also be transformed. Even if you are even a little bit insignificant, your soul will rarely be spared.

Moreover, this poisonous water is specially designed to contaminate magic weapons. No matter whether they are immortal magic weapons or Buddhist treasures, they do not need to be contaminated. Once the poisonous gas is washed away, they will lose their magical effect. The same is true for the magic weapons of Asura in the demonic path. , it can be said to be more evil than the evil law.

Ever since Yamata no Orochi was taught the skills of this ancient demon god in the Tang and Song Dynasties, he has been obsessed with recreating the fierce power of Xiangliu, and even changed his name to Xiangliu.

Whenever someone calls him Baqi, he will lose his temper and make a scene. The entire Tang Group, the entire heaven, and only in front of several big bosses and the Great Heavenly Lord of Tang and Song Dynasty, this bad guy dare not act arrogantly. , others really can’t do anything about it.

Although the venom of the Yamata no Orochi is not as good as the real Agarashi's venom, compared to its venom before it was cultivated, the venom is more than ten times more powerful...
Sakaski, who had seen the power of the venom, did not dare to be careless at all. He clenched his fists and blasted giant magma fists at the poisonous water pouring down from the sky, evaporating to resist the poisonous water.
He didn't stop at all, almost sparks were produced under his feet. He combined the shaving and moon steps, and his body quickly avoided the poisonous rain in mid-air.

Sakaski had never been so grateful to his teacher as he is now. Only after the natural rock berries he was proud of lost their effect did he truly understand Teacher Zefa's good intentions.

While avoiding the rain of venom in the sky, Sakaski blasted meteors and fire showers into the sky. The sky in this sea area was illuminated like a burning cloud for a while.

The venom spewed out by the Yamata no Orochi fell on the hot magma, and was instantly evaporated by the high temperature emitted by the magma! Turned into pieces of colorful miasma.

Seeing that the venom was ineffective, Yamata-no-Orochi showed no sign of being discouraged. Instead, its sixteen eyes emitted blood-colored light. He turned around and swept his tail with a tail that was thicker than a warship, like a big broom sweeping the mother. A swarm of ants swept towards Sakaski.

Sakaski's attention has been focused on the heads of the Yamata no Orochi, but none of the snake's tails quietly poked out of the water. He waited until Sakaski noticed it.

The snake's tail had already swept in front of him. He had no time to avoid it, so he stretched his arms in front of him, trying to hold up the thick snake's tail!

Before the snake's tail could sweep over him, Sakaski felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen. His throat was itchy and sore, and a mouthful of poisonous blood spurted out.

The next second, the snake's tail hit Sakaski hard, and he was swept away like a cannonball for more than ten kilometers and plunged into the sea.

"General Sakaski!"

Not far away on the sea, a lone warship was moored on the sea. After ordering the fleet to retreat, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel on the bow deck stayed here alone, waiting to pick up Akainu.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel had been keeping a close eye on the battlefield situation. Seeing Sakaski being knocked away by the eight giant snakes with their tails, he kicked his feet on the deck, took moon steps, and headed towards the sea where Sakaski fell into the water. Rushed over.

General Sakaski is a user with natural fruit abilities. What he fears most is sea water. If he falls into the sea in his current physical condition, his life will be in danger if he is not saved.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel came to the area where Sakaski fell into the sea. He was so anxious that he did not hesitate at all. He did not even look to see if the eight-headed giant snake was chasing him, nor did he worry about whether there were any sea kings lurking in the water. Plunged into the water.

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