Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 6 The Scavenger

Chapter 6 The Scavenger

Tang Song took Kane and Ryan into a small door behind the bar.

The guard here is not a big black man like the gate, but a big white Germanic man with light blue eyes, golden hair, and a firm face.

Behind a narrow passage of about ten meters is a small room, in which there are several sofas and two billiard tables scattered around. More than a dozen big white men are playing billiards wholeheartedly. Seeing Tang Song come in, they hurriedly He stood at attention and bowed to Tang Song.

Tang Song nodded, touched a corner of the small room with his hand, and slipped into a secret door. After walking a few steps, there was a spacious secret room. The luxurious layout was a bit like the palaces of those kings in the Middle East.

A tall man who was comparable in height to Kane, wearing a skull shirt, and a frighteningly strong man was sitting on a sofa in a corner, fiddling with a pistol in his hand. Seeing Tang Song go in, he just nodded coldly , and immediately turned all his attention to the weapon in his hand.

Tang Song looked at Frank who was concentrating on cleaning his gun, but he was not surprised by his reaction.

Walking to the side sofa and sitting down, Ryan took out a box of cigars from the side cabinet, took out one, trimmed it with cigar tongs, and slowly roasted it with a match.

Tang Song leaned on the sofa, smoking a good Cohiba cigar that Ryan had baked.

Kane opened a crystal decanter of whiskey on the table and poured a glass.

"Boss, the recent cleaning work has stabilized, and the accounts for the first half of the year have been settled at the Continental Hotel.

Jin Bing's money has also arrived in the account, and the accounts of the Hand Association and the Black Belt have been urged, and the account will be received within three days. In the first half of the year, we received a total of 300 million US dollars in cleaning expenses. "

Ryan held an account book and reported the profitability to Tang Song.

"Combining the bar and several other businesses, we currently have $700 million on the books!"

"Where's the police station!" Tang Song asked, puffing out the smoke, "Is everything ready?"

"It's normal for the FBI. This month's share has been given to them." Ryan closed the account books and replied.

Forty-seven million US dollars is still a little less, forty-seven million US dollars in half a year, for ordinary people, this is an unimaginable figure, but for the really rich, this is not enough for a private jet a fraction of .

Tang Song put the cigar on the ashtray, picked up the wine glass on the table, and shook the liquid.

The light of the crystal chandelier shines on the wine glass, and the wine bubbles glow with colorful lights.

The cleaning fee is the profit generated by a small business run by Tang Song.

In New York, many people die every year, normal and abnormal.

Some of these people died of diseases, some of accidents, some of murders, some of gangsters, and some of them died of dark forces that could never be announced.

Needless to say, those who died of disease and accidents, but those who died of murder and gang fire, for the city government, police station, and gangs, the bodies of these people need to be properly disposed of.

Thus a profession was born - the scavenger!

Two years ago, there were many groups of people working as scavengers in New York, Kinmen in South Korea, the management department of the Continental Hotel, the Hand Association in Japan, and several gangsters.

Two years later, the only scavenger in New York is Tang from the East!

Professional and clean are the evaluations of people in the industry about Tang and Song.

All the businesses they took over have never had any troubles, which is a good thing for the FBI and gangs of all sizes in New York.

Homicides in the NYPD fell in two years to the lowest in a decade. (because no body was found)

The gangs are in conflict, and they can fight boldly with confidence. All they need to pay is some insignificant aftermath costs.

Of course, a former German special force of more than 20 people was the decisive factor for Tang and Song to gain a foothold in New York.

Even Jin didn't want to provoke Tang and Song's group, mainly because the gain and effort were completely out of proportion.

With an annual profit of less than 5000 million, Jin Bing, the underworld emperor, doesn't like it.

In this case, the scavengers of the underground forces in New York were tacitly identified as the Tang and Song gang.

"Kane, contact our Mr. Bishop to see if there are any new tasks, let Frank take those boys out for activities, or the famous punisher will be rusted!"

Punisher Frank Castor wiped the MI6 assault rifle in his hand, and when he heard Tang Song's words, he just nodded towards Tang Song.

"Yes, boss"

After explaining things, Tang Song walked to the elevator in the corner of the room.


Under the elevator, there is a huge void, a dim environment, an isolated platform, and the surroundings are pitch black.

Only the top of the head is dotted with scattered silver stars like starlight.

On Qingshitai, there are a lot of strange spells painted with cinnabar pictures everywhere.

Around the stone platform, there are vertical coffins with black lacquer and golden characters of blessing and longevity.

With the silver light falling, one can vaguely see strange corpses lined up inside the half-open vertical coffin.

There was a sound of a switch opening and closing, and several huge lights came on, and the huge void instantly became bright as day.

Coffin, spell, corpse, still!
However, there is no longer the weird atmosphere just now.

Coming out of the elevator, Tang Song came to the table in front of the altar, took off the black jade wrench, and took out a pair of sterile gloves to put on.

The bluestone altar, which is ten feet square in length and width, is in the shape of a huge gossip as a whole.

Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun, there are four Fushou golden coffins erected on the edge of each direction.

There are 36 coffins in total, and the body of each coffin is covered with spells with vermilion liquid.

The silver light from the silver crystals shone down from the hollow upper rock, reflecting on the 36 coffins, the vermilion charms glowed with a strange blood-red light, and something like blood flowed into the coffins faintly.


woo woo woo woo
The two-meter-tall gray-haired werewolf only had fear in its original bloodthirsty eyes.

He looked at the young Asian man holding a spike in front of him, trying to make a sound, trying to beg for mercy, but his vocal cords were completely out of control.

Tang Song stood in front of a vertical coffin with a calm expression, nailing each coffin into the body of the werewolf in front of him with precision.

The coffin nails from the East are of different ages and materials, but the shortest one buried in the soil has a history of 200 years.

These coffins buried in the soil have been contaminated with the evil spirit of the earth and corpses for hundreds of years.

Although it is not a magic weapon, it is also a good corpse raising tool.

The coffins were nailed into the werewolf's body one by one, but no blood flowed out, but the werewolf's body was hardening little by little, and the evil spirit of the corpse spread all over the werewolf's body along with the coffin nails.

Corpse refining, one of the 72 methods recorded in Heshan Jing.

Ordinary corpses find a yin point, bury it, and it will not rot for 20 years. It can absorb the evil spirit of the yin point and turn it into a zombie.

In Heshan Road, there is a method of raising corpses and refining corpses. Human blood is used to feed zombies, and sacrifices are made with the method of refining weapons to obtain armored corpses.

Body armor corpses are subdivided into gold, silver, copper, and iron according to their ferocity, among which gold armor corpses are the most powerful, even rivaling some low-grade overhauls.

(End of this chapter)

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