Chapter 7 Cultivation
The night in Brooklyn is extraordinarily quiet, unlike the bustling neighborhood next door.

In Hell's Kitchen, night represents danger to ordinary people.

The neon lights of the Guns N' Roses bar flashed, and the loud sound of heavy metal music could be heard faintly.

On the rooftop of the bar, six tabletop-sized optical focusing mirrors were aimed at the bright moon hanging in the air. The moonlight was gathered by these mirrors and turned into beams of silver light that were projected into the underground cavity.

36 black lacquered Fushou golden coffins are erected and distributed around the eight trigrams platform. On the upper floor of the hollow, silver crystals refract the moonlight from the outside world, gather them in, and project them on the coffins.

All over the coffin, blood-colored talismans were drawn with vampire blood mixed with cinnabar as ink, injecting a steady stream of yin energy into the Jia corpse in the coffin.

A group of armored corpses formed a pattern of celestial corpses worshiping the moon, absorbing the moonlight of the lunar moon and turning it into the evil spirit of the corpses in their bodies.


After tempering, the cyan moonlight flowed out from the 36 Jia corpses, which was the purest moonlight power extracted from the Qi of the Taiyin.

The gossip altar lit up with streaks of cyan light, and the essence of moonlight merged into the Tai Chi Yin fish inside the gossip altar.

Sitting cross-legged in the Tang and Song dynasties on the Taiji Yinyu, sitting on a sapphire futon carved from jade.

The essence of moonlight pierces through the acupuncture points of the whole body in Tang and Song Dynasties, tempering its limbs and bones.


Yanfu World divides practice into nine realms:
Qi training, foundation building, condensing evil, refining gang, alchemy, Yuanying, Yuanshen, pure yang

Practicing Qi is to lead the essence of heaven and earth into the acupuncture points of the whole body, penetrate the heaven and earth, and temper the whole body.

A steady stream of lunar essence gathers along the sapphire into the body of Tang and Song Dynasties,
Every breath in the Tang and Song Dynasties can drive the viscera of the whole body to run, and the [-] pores are opening and closing together, gushing out and exhaling, and connecting them into one breath.

Close your eyes, explore the inside of your body spiritually, feel the subtleties,
Tang and Song can now clearly see clusters of meridians, blood vessels, and visceral fascia in the body. With a slight movement, the whole body is like a big ball of lead and mercury. Every movement of the hand and foot is round and smooth, and the skin is full of heavy mercury. , a heavy texture.

Listening attentively, the sound of Qi and blood moving, the sound of essence flowing is like the ding-dong of spring water in the mountain, and the gurgling of a brook.

At the same time, the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve orthodox meridians are all reflected in his mind. On each meridian, there are one key acupoint, like a string of silver beads, which seem complicated, but have their own mysteries, arranged horizontally and vertically. The columns are densely packed, like stars in the sky, corresponding one by one.

After practicing the "True Method of Tianhe" obtained from the imprint of the origin of Yanfu's world,
The Tang and Song Dynasties have already opened up the second meridian of Ren and Du, and nine out of ten of the meridians in the whole body have been successfully cleared by his internal energy. The acupoints are like bright lights, which light up one after another.The large and small intestines, the squirming sounds of the internal organs are like the cry of frogs or the roar of a bull.

After reaching this point, you can mobilize the power of the five internal organs at will, and run biochemistry, which is countless times more flexible than before.

Afterwards, Tang Song felt his own lungs alone, and swallowed a breath of energy. For a moment, he seemed to only see a white light flickering in the left and right chests, wandering among the large and small alveoli, calming down The qi is connected to the dantian below, and a lavender qi gradually radiates out and is sent into the heart and lungs. The two white lights clang and rush into the middle of the mouth and nose, and immediately turn into two white qi as thick as little fingers. letter.

"The center of the five internal organs governs fire, and the lungs govern gold. Taoism emphasizes refining medicine and seeking alchemy. In fact, they all use heart fire to sacrifice and refine to achieve success. However, I have combined the art of Tianhe Sword Immortal, using fire to refine gold, removing the rubbish and preserving the essence, and obtaining These two lung qi are the real Taibai essence. It is stored in the body and grows stronger and stronger. When it is released, it is the legendary sword qi. It can cut off all strong things in the world, and it is stronger than any magic weapon. Much sharper."

Feeling the most subtle changes in the five internal organs in my body, just a slight movement of the body, the essence in the body follows the shape and moves on its own, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, all in one body, Tang and Song Dynasties At this moment, he immediately knew that his practice had finally entered a state of Qi training tonight.

Although there is only a thin line between "before practicing qi" and "practicing qi", there is nothing but heaven and earth between the two.
It was only in Tang and Song Dynasties that he really entered the realm of practice.

You must know that he has been struggling for several years in the world of Yan Fu, but he has only stepped into the door of Qi training.

In the era of the end of the Dharma, the aura of heaven and earth does not exist, but there are only fifty great avenues and fourty-nine evolutions in the sky, and humans escape one of them.

There are no absolutes in everything. After two years of testing in the Tang and Song Dynasties, although this world does not lack the aura of heaven and earth, it does not lack the energy of the sun, the moon, and the sky is full of stars. If you really want to use it, it is not inferior to ordinary Taoist fairy mountains and blessed land.

It's just that the sun's fine fire is not something ordinary people can bear.

Even if it is the essence of Taiyin, Tang and Song Dynasties dared to absorb and utilize it after filtering through layers.

After all, the world is different, the sun and the moon are different, but the essence of the sun and yin are quite different.

These 36 armored corpses were used by the Tang and Song Dynasties as filters to filter out the impurities in the essence of Taiyin.

The Tang and Song Dynasties used the most advanced spectrum capture device and 36 body armor corpses to form a feng shui bureau for celestial corpses to worship the moon. The concentration of lunar essence in this underground space is not inferior to that of some ordinary people in Yan Fu world. Mountains and mountains.

If there are no accidents, Tang and Song will continue to practice like this. In the next hundred years, he will be able to try to collect and condense the evil spirit and try to form alchemy.

At that time, the alchemy will be successful, the Taoists will be called immortals, the Buddhists will be called arhats, and the vajra will not break the body, and it will have no leaks. Eight hundred years old is very normal.

And the two Taibai essences that he just condensed between his two lungs are also extremely precious, and if things go on like this for a long time, these two essences will become stronger and stronger.

In the future, Tang and Song Dynasties would like to try to practice the Sword Immortal Flying Sword one day. With these two Taibai essences in his hands, it would be a hundred times easier than others. He only needed to find a good sword embryo and use it with Taibai essence When the qi is combined, after a hundred days of warming and nurturing, a real "sword weapon" can be practiced immediately.

In the world of Yanfu, throughout the ages, many Taoists and hermits, in order to sacrifice a flying sword, hid in the mountains, busy all day collecting medicines and refining medicines, dismantling hardware, seeking elites, practicing qi and meditating, and in the end, some people even used their own blood to do so every day. Watering the sword weapon and taking the evil path, just to refine a "flying sword"!
Like the Tang and Song Dynasties, those who did not practice swordsmanship, but refined the golden energy in their lungs and condensed the Taibai essence, did not even dare to think about it in casual cultivation.

And this is also the knowledge that the Tang and Song Dynasties obtained from the root brand of the Yanfu world, and it is the true method of the Tianhe Sword School in the Yanfu world, the secret that cannot be passed on.

The reason why the Tang and Song Dynasties can be easily obtained in the world brand is that one of the two great supernatural beings who fought at the beginning was a certain ancestor of the Tianhe Sword Sect.


During the two years since Tang and Song came to the Marvel world, there was never a single day of slack. They practiced every day. The guidance of the Taoist method mentioned in the true method, by analogy, with accumulated accumulation, has finally entered the realm of Qi training.

(End of this chapter)

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