Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 60 Stealth Fight

Chapter 60 Stealth Fight
Dozens of hollow iron pipes passed back and forth in the air at high speed, and the airflow generated by the high-speed movement reverberated in the hollow of the iron pipes, emitting bursts of humming sounds.

There were screams one after another, and figures pierced by iron pipes appeared one after another in the empty space.

Under the control of Magneto, these fast-flying iron pipes are no less lethal than some heavy guns.

Soon, the smell of blood permeated the cabin. In the open space next to Magneto, there were four or five people lying crookedly. They should be the security personnel of the auction.

It's just that they have an extra metal shoulder armor similar to a vest, and a small shoulder cannon is carried on their shoulders.

The firing port of the shoulder cannon is triangular in shape, with three red dots showing faintly, which looks exactly the same as the shoulder cannon that was auctioned just now.

However, compared to the shoulder cannons on their bodies, the one sold at the auction is obviously a bit old.

The blood spurting in the air made Tang Song stop, looking at the whistling iron pipes in mid-air, he was in a daze for a while, as if he had returned to the world of Yan Fu.

Magneto's means are too similar to those of some monks when they are wielding swords.

It has to be said that manipulating metal with magnetism is similar to manipulating magic weapon with true energy.

Tang and Song marveled at Magneto's ability to use magnetic fields to manipulate metals.

He also looks familiar with the equipment worn by these invisible security guards.

It seemed to be the equipment in a movie he had seen in his previous life.

"Predator vs. Alien", or "Alien vs. Predator" here.

The cosmic races inside, Predator, standard equipment are masks, stealth equipment, shoulder cannons, and wrist knives.

These predators have advanced technology, but they advocate hunting culture. They hunt the strong on various planets to obtain the genes of the strong, make up for and improve their own genes, and break through themselves.

Although the things worn by these security personnel are obviously imitations.

It can be seen that the senior of the Holy Shield Brotherhood who organized the auction did have some tricks,
I just don't know where he got the imitation equipment of these predators.

Tang Song thought,

Invisible security with a batch of powerful shoulder cannons
If it were ordinary robbers, these security forces alone would be enough to ensure the safety of the auction.

But I don't know if it's because inside the cabin, in order to ensure the safety of the participants in the auction, these security guards didn't choose to use the shoulder cannon immediately when facing Magneto.

Instead, they want to rely on stealth armor to approach and subdue Magneto.

In the end, I didn't expect to meet a saber-toothed tiger with beast instinct, and directly played GG
At this time, the rich people who were frightened by the sudden killing rushed to the door one after another.

The three of Tang and Song huddled in the crowd and walked towards the door, inconspicuous at all.

A security guard who was pierced by an iron pipe was lying on the ground, spitting blood, and the floor of the cabin could be seen through the blood hole on his back. This kind of wound was obviously dead.


The iron pipe passing through his chest seemed to have damaged his armor. Amidst the noise of electric current, the seriously injured and dying security guard flickered on the ground.

Coupled with a large pool of blood on the ground, it looks particularly gloomy.

"Boss, it seems to be an optical cloaking device!"

Skye pulled Tang Song's arm nervously, watching this somewhat terrifying scene, she couldn't help emboldening herself in a low voice.

Compared with her, Fox stared excitedly at the body of the security guard closest to her, and moved quietly, as if he wanted to pick up a set of invisibility armor and wear it on his body.

For a killer, a set of invisible equipment is an irresistible temptation.

What neither of them noticed was that Tang Song's expression on Skye's face seemed a little dull at this moment.


"An armor that can be invisible, the technological level of human society is really advanced now!"

Magneto simply commented, turned around and continued to study the genetic samples of those mutants.

At this time, a phantom appeared in a corner of the auction display stand, faintly like a wisp of green smoke, quietly appearing at the place where the auction items were placed.

A suitcase was opened, revealing a fist-sized vibration gold ore inside. A piece of yellow paper appeared in Xuying's hand, and he slapped the ore, and the ore in the suitcase disappeared immediately.

The lid of the wooden box containing the belly skin of the giant snake was lifted out of nowhere and fell to the side.

The snake skin in the wooden box disappeared quickly after being pasted with a yellow talisman.


Just when Xu Ying turned around and was about to go out, an iron pipe quickly stuck towards him.

hum!Two white lights flew out from Xuying's waist, twisted around the iron pipe, and an iron pipe suddenly turned into rustling iron filings in the air.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

More than a dozen iron pipes projected towards Xu Ying from all directions at the same time.

At the same time, the countless iron filings shattered by the white light gathered together as if they were alive, forming countless iron sand balls, which hit the phantom overwhelmingly at a speed comparable to bullets ejected from the barrel.

A ball of golden light enveloped Xu Ying's whole body, so bright that people couldn't see clearly, two three-foot white lights surrounded his body.

More than a dozen iron pipes struck, the white light split into shadows, and turned into more than a dozen sword shadows, twisting them at the same time!
Iron filings flew, and when Tang Song waved his hand, Zhenyuan set off a gust of wind, blowing these iron filings away.

The dense iron sand balls hit the golden light of Tang and Song Dynasty's body protection, and the thick golden light rippled like countless water waves.

The iron sand ball hits the golden light of Tang and Song Dynasty over and over again,
Within a dozen or so breaths, these densely packed iron sand balls, under the magnetic control of Magneto, hit the golden light of Tang and Song's body protection dozens of times.

This scale, quantity, and speed under magnetic control are comparable to the intensive fire of a powerful Vulcan cannon.

The golden light was rippling, and these iron sand balls, which were comparable to bullets, shattered the golden light of the three-layer body protection formed by the King Kong Talisman and the Golden Light Talisman used in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and finally stopped at the fourth layer.

As for such a thick golden light, if there are monks from the world of Yan Fu, they will definitely be able to see that this thick golden light layer, which is so thick that the silhouette is blurred to dazzling, is at least six layers of diamond talisman arrays superimposed.

As for a layer of Vajra Talisman Array, at least three Vajra Talismans must be superimposed.

In the world of Jambudvipa, well-known things,
The Vajra Talisman of the Great Vajra Zen Sect is notoriously expensive, and a piece of talisman paper placed outside can be sold for three taels of gold.

According to the Zhike monk in the temple, the Vajra Talismans in their temple are all drawn with gold powder mixed with the best cinnabar.

Whether it's true or not, no one can verify.
But you get what you pay for, the Vajra Talisman of the Great Vajra Zen Sect is indeed [-]% stronger in defense than the Vajra Talisman of the Consciousness-Only Sect next door.

However, for ordinary casual repairs, the price/performance ratio is more important.

Of course, as the saying goes, my Buddha does not overcome poverty*, and the talismans of the Great King Kong Temple are not sold to those casual practitioners.

Their customers are all direct and true descendants of other sects.

Even bulk purchases by other sects.

The Vajra Talisman of the Great King Kong Zen School has always been a secret in the temple, because the Vajra Talisman is one of the few talismans that can superimpose its power.

A layer of three Vajra Talismans can be superimposed to form a Talisman array, forming a protective golden light, which can resist the damage of ordinary magic weapons.

It is comparable to an ordinary magic weapon with three restrictions.

This talisman array can also be stacked upwards, with the first talisman array as the foundation, and then build a second layer of talisman arrays, six diamond talismans, the two talisman arrays can resist the attack of Qi training monks together.

The third talisman formation required twelve vajra talismans, and ordinary foundation-building cultivators would also have a headache when encountering this kind of tortoise shell.

The fourth layer of talismans requires 24 vajra talismans, and so on, theoretically speaking.

The Vajra Talisman Array of the Great Vajra Zen Sect can be stacked up to eighteen. According to the Zhike monk in the temple, only a million Vajra Talismans are needed to resist the attack of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Uh, whether this news is true or not, there is still no big injustice to prove it.

The sesame oil money in the temple is full of money from these Vajra Talismans.

If in the world of Yan Fu, Tang and Song bought a few vajra charms, wishing to keep them close and carefully, how could they dare to spend so much.

But this is the world of Marvel, Tang and Song draw their own talismans, what is the secret that is not passed on, the Vajra Arhat of the Great Vajra Zen can kill across borders.

"You can see me!"

Tang Song stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the opposite Magneto, a little puzzled, his blinding talisman is another secret from overseas fairy sect.

Take the meaning of blinding Mount Tai, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary monks can't detect it with spiritual sense, but Magneto can see him!
(End of this chapter)

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