Chapter 61

Magneto looked cautiously at the figure shrouded in golden light in front of him, and waved his hand. In the auction room, countless metal objects were suspended in mid-air, aiming at Tang and Song from afar.

"Guy who hides his head and shows his tail, who are you?"

"Mr. Eric, do you believe me when I said I was just passing by?"

Tang and Song spread their hands, golden light shone, and Magneto squinted his eyes at the dazzling golden light.

"I'm curious, did you just see me?"

Under the shadow of the golden light, Tang and Song were talking, and a string of bone beads on their wrists fell off silently, scattered into skulls the size of grape grains.

Sticking to the ground, it flew in the direction of Magneto.

Magneto didn't speak, but turned his eyes to the back of Tang Song.

Tang Song was startled, and beckoned, a fist-sized metal ore suspended behind him appeared in his hand.

Tang and Song tore off the blinding talisman attached to the Zhenjin ore, and held the Zhenjin ore in his hand.

Metal, Magneto, Tang Song suddenly understood why his traces were exposed.

Magneto can't see him, but can see the magnetic field of the vibrating gold ore pulled behind him.

A strange piece of flying metal with a strange perspective, which is probably why Magneto noticed him.

Wanting to understand the cause and effect, Tang Song glanced at the safe behind Magneto.

Through his spiritual sense, he saw the contents inside the safe, some paper experiment materials, and a wooden box covered in parasitic barnacles and mud.

Although it wasn't a bomb, Tang Song could still feel a strong sense of danger on the wooden box.

"Mr. Eric, I have no ill intentions towards mutants!
Friendly reminder, if I were you, I would never open the safe in the back! "

After getting what he wanted, the Tang and Song Dynasties under the golden light pinched seals with both hands, and one after another spirit patterns formed a seal rune on the vibration gold ore.

The golden light shone for a while, and Magneto subconsciously covered his eyes with his hand. When he put down his hand, the golden figure just now was no longer in front of him.

"Huh?" Magneto searched for the magnetic field fluctuations of the vibrating gold ore just now, but found nothing!

"Can you find him?"

Magneto looked at the saber-toothed tiger behind him. The saber-toothed tiger took a step forward, his nose twitched, and after a while, he shook his head at Magneto!
"Forget it, take out the things as soon as possible, and get out of here!"

Magneto looked stern. Although he didn't believe what Tang Song said, he did suspect that this place was a trap arranged by his enemies.

Black King Sebastian Shaw can be described as Magneto's nightmare,
Killed his mother in front of his face when he was a child.

Later, he tried to control him and made him a lackey.

Although Sebastian Xiao was killed by him and his old friend Professor X in the end, Sebastian Xiao's influence on him was subtle.

This is also the reason why Magneto came here knowing that the news might be false.


The heavy steel plate of the box was torn apart by Magneto, revealing the inside of the safe.

Rows of folders were placed in the safe by category. At the bottom of the safe was a black wooden box.

"What is this?"

Magneto looked at this old undersea box that was obviously just fished out of the sea not long ago, and was a little puzzled.

What he didn't notice was that at the same time he opened the sealed safe, a special smell emanated from the wooden box, it was a special pheromone.


On a large ship docked next to the super cruise ship, Ulysses Crow, who ran out of the auction venue while taking advantage of the chaotic crowd, was venting his anger with a blond dancer in his arms.

A gunshot woke him up from his sleep. He subconsciously stretched his hand to the pillow and touched the gun in his hand.


The woman was sleepy, rubbing her eyes, and entangled him like an octopus.

Ulysses Klaue kicked the woman off the bed directly, naked, with a gun in both hands, leaning cautiously towards the door.

"Hey, go out and see what's going on!"

Crowe stopped two steps away from the door, and instead of leaning towards the cat's eye, he pointed a gun at the woman.

The woman rubbed her waist and stood up cursing, pulled the sheet around her body and walked directly to the door.

Open the door, probe, all in one go.

She leaned out, there were four or five rooms in the corridor, and someone was looking out at the same time.

With a gunshot, the woman was startled and fell down in the corridor with a thud.

The bed sheet was spread out, and her white and greasy body was spread out on the floor, coquettish and sexy.

Before she could feel the pain, a pair of high-heeled shoes stepped on her back.


The severe pain caused the woman to open her mouth to curse, and just when she raised her head to see who it was, a woman in a long red dress with a pistol smiled at her and raised her finger in a booing gesture.

The woman looked at the black pistol in the hand of the woman in the red dress, and she closed her mouth resolutely, showing a flattering smile.


"what happened?"

Asked Ulysses Crowe, gun in hand, staring at the woman who had scrambled back into the room.

"Come on, something big happened!" The woman panted heavily, "A rich man killed a waiter!"

Ulysses Klaue let go of his worries when he heard the woman's words.

Thinking of what he saw and heard on the super cruise ship just now, Ulysses Crowe always felt a little palpitating.

"Here's your tip!"

Ulysses Crowe took out a wad of dollar bills from the bedside bag, pulled out half of them, and threw it to the woman.

The woman picked up the money, kissed it, put on her clothes, and opened the door without hesitation to leave.

Ulysses Crowe put on a towel, walked to the window, and looked at the super cruise ship with flashing lights not far away
Pull a cigarette out of the pack and light it.

No, I can't stay here anymore!
Thinking that there was a powerful existence next to him that could easily kill him, Ulysses Klaue finished smoking a cigarette, turned around, put on his clothes, and packed his luggage.

Just as Ulysses Crowe turned to put on his clothes, a black thread sprang up from his camouflage trousers and bit his butt hard.

Ulysses Klaue only felt his eyes go dark, and he fell to the ground with a plop.


Ulysses Claw woke up again, already bound in the engine room of the ship.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

In the dim engine room, Ulysses Crow looked at the two burly men standing in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"You don't care who we are!" The Germanic man played with a sharp scalpel in his hand:

"My boss wants a road map to Wakanda and wants you to draw it!"

"I draw it, can you let me go?"

Ulysses Claw looked at the big man, grinned and said, "Why don't you let me go first, and I'll give you the road map!"

The big man looked at the scalpel in his hand and didn't speak, a cold light flashed.

Ulysses Claw uttered a terrified scream,

A little finger fell to the ground.

"Here, you have no bargaining power!"

The Germanic man raised his foot and stepped on Ulysses' broken little finger, which was bloody.


Ulysses Crow cursed in agony...

The big Germanic man raised his hand expressionlessly, and another cold light flashed across his face.



A large room with exquisite and rich decoration.

The extremely orthodox Pompadour-style luxury decoration, obviously authentic antique furniture, and the rich aroma of hot coffee.

The ceiling of this room is transparent single-sided crystal glass, and the moonlight shines in the room.

Tang Song was dressed in a nightgown, holding coffee in one hand, sitting in the super VIP room of this large cruise ship.

Holding a latitude and longitude coordinate map in one hand, studying the marked points on it.

This is the road map to Wakanda drawn by Ulysses Crow. Several marked points are the loopholes in the Wakanda shield.

The country of Wakanda, on the surface, is a poor and backward small country in Africa. In fact, it relies on the technology developed by Zhenjin to completely defeat the Federation.

A layer of energy shrouds its country all the year round, and outsiders have no way to approach it.

When Ulysses Crow was working as a mercenary in Africa, he accidentally broke into Wakanda and knew the true face of this country.

What Tang and Song wanted was the secret passage he passed through the protective shield when he broke into Wakanda.

(End of this chapter)

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