Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 62 Sea Monster Sea Monster?

Chapter 62 Sea Monster Sea Monster?
At night, a brightly lit super cruise ship sailed on the high seas.

Under the night, the waves beat against the hull, and under the moonlight, waves were stirred up.

The singing and dancing on the ship was peaceful. In the banquet hall of the super cruise ship, after the orchestra ended its performance, a group of night owls moved to the bar of the super cruise ship.

The most explosive music, the DJ on the cruise ship is also an electronic music fanatic on the list of the top [-] DJs.

Amidst the hustle, bustle, and crazy heavy metal music, a huge shadow floated up towards the super cruise ship from the bottom of the sea.

In the corner of the deck of the super cruise ship, under the dim lights of the ship, a pair of horny man and woman are embracing and chewing each other.

He looked up and found that the woman was looking behind him in horror.

The man turned his head, and an octopus tentacles as thick as a truck slapped straight at him. The huge suction cup squirmed, and slapped the pair of wild mandarin ducks on the deck in one fell swoop. .

The super cruise ship shook for a while. In the captain's room, the captain of the cruise ship, who was holding a red wine glass and flirting with a lady with a better face, staggered under his feet. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

"what happened?"

The captain, who was over half a century old, comforted the lady while looking outside the captain's room. When he saw this, his eyes straightened.

"My God, what the hell is this!"

From the perspective of the captain's cabin, one can see a huge octopus that is half the size of a cruise ship protruding its tentacles from the sea. The huge suction cup firmly sucks the hull of the ship, waving two huge tentacles and reaching into the cruise ship. Room, looking for prey.

The huge tentacles smashed through the walls of the cruise ship's room, and rolled up the people in the room, just like grabbing melon seeds and stuffing them into the huge mouthparts on the bottom of the sea.

The captain pushed away the lady in his arms in a panic, reached out and patted the alarm bell next to him. At the same time, he grabbed the radio communicator beside him and sent a distress signal to the surrounding ships.


At this time, tens of nautical miles away from the luxury cruise ship, a federal warship was cruising at a speed of 16 knots.

On the warship, two people who obviously did not belong to the navy were sitting in the captain's room, staring intently at the red dot in the radar signal.

"Are you sure? That's Magneto. Although I hate these mutants, it's undeniable that they are still very powerful!"

An old white man wearing a federal army colonel's uniform looked at the red dot on the radar bitterly.

William Stryker, a very traditional American soldier,
Always with a straight face, cold eyes, solemn and reticent, he abides by military discipline and dogma, and his figure that has become out of shape with age does not detract from his tough guy temperament in the slightest.

This old man with graying temples is the person in charge of the X weapon project.

"Colonel Stryker, have you heard of the Argonaut?"

Standing next to the white officer was a black man. Judging by his rank, he was a major general.

Faced with the doubts of his colleagues, he asked back.

"Argo, you mean the super cruise ship that mysteriously disappeared two years ago?" William Stryker looked puzzled, "What does this have to do with your mission?"

The black major general approached William Stryker mysteriously, "The Argonaut did not disappear, but encountered a sea monster!"

"A bunch of good guys from our Marine Corps killed the sea monster and found the wooden box in its belly!"

"According to the research of that group of scientists, the smell of that wooden box can attract sea monsters!"

"What's in the box?" William Stryker asked curiously.

The black major general shrugged. "It's empty. There's nothing there. It's the wooden box that emits the smell. When the sea monster smells this smell, it will pounce on it like a male dog in heat."

"This time the Ministry of National Defense wants to test whether this wooden box can be used as a secret weapon!"

"Secret weapon?!" William Stryker looked skeptical: "Even if it can really attract sea monsters, what method does the navy use to transport this wooden box to the enemy warship, using cannons?"

The black major general looked at William Stryker with a strange expression: "Colonel, you don't know why you can participate in this top-secret experiment, do you?"

William Stryker was startled for a moment, and then realized: "You want to use the abilities of mutants!"

Although William Stryker's military rank is only a colonel, he is in charge of the military's experimental project against mutants.

Naturally, this kind of human experimentation cannot be put on the bright side, otherwise the public opinion will not be able to pass the hurdle, so the military has specially set up a secret department to take charge of this matter.

William Stryker is the person in charge of this project.

For the design of Magneto this time, the so-called black king Sebastian Shaw's research materials actually came from his laboratory.

Those genetic samples in the safe are real, and so are the genetic research materials.

The experiment can indeed use special instruments to transform a part of the genes in ordinary people into X genes.

However, this project failed in the end, and all the subjects died due to genetic collapse.

The black major general clapped his hands: "According to the vision of the Ministry of National Defense's combat staff, if the experiment is successful, the mutant's ability can be used to send the wooden box directly to the enemy warship!
Colonel, you have been studying mutants for so long, you should have experimental subjects with this ability! "

William Stryker's eyes flickered, thinking about the stakes this matter brought to him.

This kind of mutant who can send objects from one place to another silently, William Stryker does have, and there is more than one.

But what William Stryker is concerned about is, as a bargaining chip, what kind of benefits he can get from the superiors in the Ministry of Defense by relying on this matter.


The sky was already bright at this time, the sea was calm, there was no wind, waves or sunshine, and it was a little foggy.

At this time, the large passenger ship was at least a hundred nautical miles away from the super cruise ship Costa.

Under the devastation of that ridiculously large octopus, the super cruise ship Costa was already on the verge of collapse, barely leaning on the huge hull to sway left and right on the sea.

The octopus is entrenched on the deck and top of the cruise ship, stretching out tens of meters long tentacles, grabbing ropes in the cruise ship, and poking into a room from time to time, as if opening a can, grabbing a few people and stuffing them into its huge mouthparts.

In the corner of this super cruise ship, a decorative skull hangs on the railing of the cruise ship. In the eye socket of the skull, a miniature camera records what happened on the cruise ship.

Whenever the huge tentacles of the octopus swept across, the skull seemed to be a living thing, moving flexibly to avoid the tentacles of the octopus.

"What a big octopus!"

In the dining room of a large passenger ship, Tang Song is sitting by the window, on the dining table in front of him,

Filled with sumptuous Chinese breakfast, Xiaolongbao, pumpkin porridge, crab dumplings.

Xiaolongbao is made of the best Jinhua ham meat and crab paste, boiled and sealed.

The selection of pumpkin porridge is one in a thousand, and even the millet used to make the porridge is a premium golden rice that costs several hundred dollars a catty.

As for the crab meat in the crab dumplings, the king crab leg meat from Alaska and the Bering Strait is used.

I never tire of fine food, and I never tire of fine food.

Tang Song looked at the open laptop in front of him while having breakfast
On the computer, a real-time screen comparable to a federal monster movie was being shown in front of his eyes.

"What a big octopus!"

Tang Song tasted the steamed bun, looked at the huge octopus, and sighed.

This octopus is really big. Tang and Song III were human beings, and they have seen octopuses of this size in movies.

It is in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, the Flying Dutchman, the big guy named Paul kept by the captain Davy Jones.

The octopus can hug a wooden sailboat and drag it into the sea with brute force.

At this time, the octopus in the picture is obviously not much smaller than that octopus.

But it's not right either!
Looking at the screen on the computer, Tang Song put down the chopsticks in his hand, although it is indeed dangerous to encounter this kind of sea monster in the vast sea.

But Tang Song felt that this sea monster could not pose much threat to him.

An octopus without intelligence, as long as it is not dragged into the deep sea, Tang and Song are still sure to escape.

This octopus and sea monster is not worthy of the sense of crisis that Tang and Song Qiuchan sensed.

Also, what about Magneto?
Why didn't he see any movement? Could it be that his reminder played a role. If Magneto was on board with a [-]-ton steel cruise ship, this octopus might not necessarily be his opponent.

If Tang Song remembers correctly, Magneto's strength shown in the movie can lift an entire steel bridge from the ground.


"Have you considered a problem, there is only one wooden box? What if it is swallowed by that sea monster?"

On the bridge of the Navy warship, William Stryker and the black Rear Admiral stood beside the ship overlooking the sea.

The sun is rising, the sea fog dissipates, and the sea surface looks sparkling under the sunshine.

The black major general clenched the railing of the bridge with both hands, and turned his head: "The people in the science department want to investigate the experimental data of sea monsters and the group situation. We also need these data. Device, as long as we want to recycle, this box cannot be thrown away!"

"If you ask me, sea monsters and the like can only be used as envoys. If you really have to make sufficient preparations in advance, a thermobaric bomb is enough to destroy any silicon-based organisms!"

The black major general looked at the blue sea vigorously, while William Stryker's eyes flickered beside him.

Suddenly, the eyes of both of them froze.

On the calm sea surface not far from them, a huge black shadow swam forward from the bottom of the sea.

The black shadow is so huge, from the perspective of the two of them, it is even bigger than the warship they are standing on.

"That direction is the target cruise ship?"

There were beads of sweat on William Stryker's forehead, and he asked uncertainly?

The black major general swallowed and nodded affirmatively.

"How many sea monsters can that black box of yours summon?"

"Theoretically, it is one, and according to the analysis of those in the science department, there are not many such sea monsters. The current oxygen concentration simply cannot support such a large creature!"

(End of this chapter)

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