Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 604: The God of Food vs. the Old Demon Dragon

Chapter 604: The God of Food vs. the Old Demon Dragon

Seeing the old dragon fleeing, the middle-aged man was obviously stunned. As the second God of Food in this universe, the entire food universe was a pasture and orchard that he could take at will in his eyes.

Admittedly, they, the Gods of Food, attach great importance to these visitors from outside their domain, but respect does not mean fear.

The middle-aged man watched the old demon dragon's fleeing back, intending to use this opportunity to test the strength of these outsiders in order to determine how to treat them.

"Want to escape? Now that you're on my plate, how can I let you escape so easily!" The middle-aged man sneered.

At this time, the old demon dragon, who had fled hundreds of thousands of miles, only felt an inexplicable force coming from the sky. The old demon dragon looked up at the void and suddenly felt a huge force projected from the void.

The pressure was so powerful that it was enough to make ordinary cultivators tremble with fear. It was like a mountain, hitting the old dragon's heart hard, causing stars to appear in front of his eyes.

The old dragon's face turned cold. He didn't expect that even though he showed weakness to the other party who was suspected to be the boss's guest, the other party still pursued him relentlessly. This was really too much bullying.
Shaking his head and roaring in frustration, the old dragon, who had always been domineering in the abyss world, unleashed his powerful dragon might without hesitation.
Buzz buzz buzz——

Where the old demon dragon stood, the starry sky within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles seemed to have become a giant disc, and the old demon dragon standing in the middle seemed to have turned into the fish on the plate.

The middle-aged man who had tied a white scarf around his body looked like a guest at a banquet in a western restaurant, holding a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, sitting on a planet, with the knife and fork in his hands pointed at the old dragon on the plate in front of him.
"Huh? Still want to resist!" The middle-aged man looked at the dinner plate shaking in the might of the old dragon and shook his head. The fork in his hand turned into a faint stream of light. The four sharp fork tips flashed a dim golden-red blood light and fiercely stabbed into the central nervous system of the old dragon's back. The dinner knife in his right hand was raised high, as if he would reach into the dinner plate and cut off the old dragon's head in the next second.

The old demon dragon, which maintained a huge body of thousands of miles, raised its head and looked at the fork that seemed to be stretched out from another dimension. The old demon dragon's body flashed, and even the middle-aged man only saw a residual shadow swaying, and the hand holding the fork shook slightly.

The tableware in his hand made a sharp friction sound, and countless sparks flashed. It turned out that the old dragon stretched out his claws and grabbed the steel fork fiercely.

The old dragon and the middle-aged man were both very surprised. The middle-aged man was surprised at the inhuman speed of the old dragon, while the old dragon looked stupidly at the nail on his hand that had been worn off a little bit, and roared loudly:
"What is your fork made of? Why is it so strong?"

The middle-aged man looked at the five faint white marks on his tableware and couldn't help but frowned in surprise, "What did you outsiders eat to grow up? Are your bodies so strong? You can actually leave marks on my tableware!"

The old dragon touched his polished nails, then looked at the rapidly disappearing scratches on the fork, and suddenly a grim smile appeared on his face.

"After so many years of training, my body is as strong as first-class immortal weapons. Even if that pervert Kane wanted to injure me with his bare hands before he became a golden immortal, he would have to use at least 50% of his strength. Very good, I want your fork!"

There was no expression on the middle-aged man's face. He stared at the old dragon coldly with deep eyes. He let the old dragon step on the Yu Step and pinch the seals with his hands. Countless black sparks were rubbed out between his claws. As he waved his hands,

A black tide spread out madly in all directions. Wherever it went, the space was distorted, torn apart, and shattered by this black tide.

Looking from the distant starry sky, it looked like a black dot appeared in the middle of a white disk, and this black dot spread out in all directions at the same time. In just a few breaths, one tenth of the entire central area of ​​the disk was occupied by these black tides.

Crackling, crackling, the white disc could no longer hold on under the burning of the old dragon's magic flame, and countless fine lines appeared on it. Then the whole disc shattered directly.

The middle-aged man who was high above and seemed to be in another dimension also appeared in front of the old dragon as the food plate broke.

"Okay, these little tricks can't interfere with us. Use your strongest power to fight Uncle Wade. If you beat me, I will compensate you for your stardust!"

The old dragon laughed strangely a few times, and looking at the middle-aged man's sturdy human body, his huge body began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into a human body of the same height as the middle-aged man.

The old dragon wiped his nose with his fingers excitedly. As soon as he finished speaking, he took a step forward and punched the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is the second generation gourmet god of this universe. His age is almost as long as this universe. During these long years, he has consumed countless good things.

Just like the meteorite garlic in the Earth's gourmet world, which can improve human fitness and increase nerve excitement, in front of him, it is not even worthy of being looked at by him.

When it comes to close combat, the middle-aged man is not afraid, even though he hasn't really fought for tens of millions of years. But when the old dragon attacked, he also clenched his fists and swung them out.

The two of them started moving at the same time, silently cutting through the starry sky, transforming into thousands and tens of thousands of phantoms that twisted and tangled in the starry sky.

Every second, the old dragon threw thousands and tens of thousands of punches;

But every second, the middle-aged man's punching speed is slightly higher than that of the old dragon.

Countless fists did not create any sound at all, and even when they collided violently with each other in the vacuum, there was no sound at all.

The energy in their fists has been concentrated to the extreme, and not a single bit of energy will leak out.

"Hmm", with a muffled groan, the huge body of the old demon dragon was hit by three consecutive punches. The terrible impact force made his body fly backwards for hundreds of thousands of miles and hit an asteroid heavily, directly smashing the asteroid into pieces.

With a 'crash' sound, the old dragon stood up suddenly, wiped off the dust on his body, and showed an excited smile on his face:
"You're very fast. Apart from that monkey Frank, I've never seen anyone as fast as you. But your fists are still a little weak."

In the middle-aged man's somewhat shocked eyes, the old demon dragon stretched out his hand and drew a few blessing magic circles on his body, and affixed a few talismans.
With a wild roar, the old dragon brought up a black storm, which turned into a sky full of black shadows and pounced towards the middle-aged man again.

The old demon dragon's momentum at this moment has increased by more than a hundred times compared to before?
His body flipped over a hundred times in the air, forcibly increasing his potential energy to a terrifying level. The old dragon laughed loudly and pressed the middle-aged man's head hard with his knee.

As the second God of Food in this universe, the middle-aged man earned his position as God by cooking countless dangerous ingredients. Although he has restrained himself a lot after becoming the God of Food.

But this doesn't mean that he has to cultivate his body and improve his character from now on, it's just that there are very few ingredients in this universe that are worth his full effort.

Seeing the old dragon's knee pressing down on his head, the middle-aged man exhaled and shouted, and threw a straight punch at the old dragon. In addition to the layer of golden light covering his fist, the intense friction between the fist and the air ignited a cooking flame in the vacuum environment, and the red meteor-like fist hit the old dragon's knee fiercely.

With a sizzling sound, as the fist touched the old dragon's body, the old dragon actually smelled a hint of barbecue aroma on himself.

The old demon dragon groaned, and its heavy body bounced high up, like a cannonball being blown away hundreds of thousands of meters.
The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned pale, and then returned to normal. With him as the center, all the matter within a thousand miles shook violently, and was shattered into palm-sized fragments by the huge force.

“No wonder the boss values ​​you.” The old demon dragon landed heavily in the air in front of the middle-aged man, shook his head, and roared in a low voice: “Terrible speed, terrifying power, your physical strength has broken through the barriers of the True Immortal. In the words of the boss, you have become a saint in the flesh!”

"What an interesting world, what an interesting way of evolution. You guys just eat and drink, and you can actually eat yourself into a golden immortal! What do you think, if I can eat you, can I also become a saint in the flesh?"

The old dragon tilted his head and looked at the middle-aged man strangely. The middle-aged man was very familiar with that fiery look, which was exactly the way he looked at the ingredients every day.

The middle-aged man laughed instead of getting angry: "With your strength, do you think you can beat me?"

The old dragon pondered for a moment and shook his head: "Your body is indeed stronger than mine, but in a life-and-death fight, you may not be my opponent!"

"Then let's give it a try!" The middle-aged man shook his shoulders, and his muscles contracted one by one. The tightest ones even stuck to his skin.

Then, those muscles suddenly popped out like an explosion, and his body was like a stone on a slingshot, tearing through the vacuum of the universe, and also rubbing out blazing flames in the vacuum.

Almost instantly, the middle-aged man's body seemed to dissipate like smoke, and then suddenly appeared behind the old demon dragon. He raised his right leg high and slammed it down fiercely, like a boning knife, and directly blasted the old demon dragon straight into the void.

"Chop the meat!"

The old demon dragon only felt a terrifying force acting on his body, and he was thrown thousands of miles away.

However, the middle-aged man had no intention of stopping this time. He followed the old demon dragon almost like a shadow, sticking close to him and throwing punch after punch, thousands of punches hitting the old demon dragon.

The middle-aged man punched the old dragon in the chin. Just when the old dragon was about to be beaten into a meat pie, the old dragon suddenly let out a low, sinister laugh. Its amber vertical pupils flashed a chilling, emotionless golden light.

As a sound rang out, the old demon dragon clenched his hands into sword fingers and swung them rapidly in the air several times.

"The stars in the eight directions are moving, Taihao is infinite, obeying the orders of the Supreme Lord Lao, the Mount Tai is pressing down on us!"

Before the middle-aged man could understand what was happening, circles of ochre-colored light suddenly flashed out of nowhere and gathered on him.

Suddenly, he felt his body sink. A huge weight that almost suffocated him appeared out of nowhere and pressed him so hard that stars flashed before his eyes. His breath was stuck in his chest and he couldn't breathe for a long time.

"How is this going?"

"Well, your strength is not bad, especially your physical strength, which is also better than mine. However, your attack methods are still too monotonous, tut tut." He licked the saliva at the corner of his mouth with his long tongue.

The old dragon's fear of Tang Song eventually overwhelmed his greed, and he said arrogantly: "Don't struggle. Since I have eaten your food, I will spare your life.
I didn't intend to rob you, but since you resisted, you will have to pay a heavier price. Hand over everything you have and you can get out of here!"

"What kind of attack method is this?" The middle-aged man felt as if his body was pressed down by hundreds of planets. Every time he took a breath, his chest felt a burning pain.

The old dragon shamelessly took a few steps forward, trying to kill him while he was weak, and said with a fierce smile: "Remember, this is called magic!"

Standing less than two meters away from the middle-aged man, the old dragon jumped lightly a few times imitating the sliding movements in boxing matches, and suddenly hit him in the chest with a straight punch.

With a "wow" sound, the middle-aged man was knocked back thousands of meters by the fist that was truly as heavy as a mountain, spurting out large mouthfuls of blood.

"This is just a lesson for you. Remember, don't mess with Uncle Wade in the future. What's wrong with eating your food? Why don't you go and ask when Uncle Wade paid the bill for going to the hotel!" The old dragon roared excitedly.

"Wade! Does this guy have a grudge against you?" The middle-aged man slowly stood up: "I have eaten the eggs of the identification spider. This kind of eggs gave me the ability to distinguish lies. It told me that the name you told me was a fake name!"

"Also, never say you have won until the very last moment! This is my experience of hunting for millions of years, encountering countless gourmet beasts and still being able to continue enjoying delicious food!"

The middle-aged man's voice sounded in the old dragon's ears.

"The magic you cast is magical, but I should have thought of a way to deal with it!" A bright silver knife light flashed from the middle-aged man.

The next second, the distorted and invisible ochre-colored lights that bound the middle-aged man were all cut off.

"How is it possible?" The old demon dragon was obviously stunned when he saw this scene: "Your sword can actually cut through the Taishan Pressure Talisman!"

"This kitchen knife is the product of my food skills. It has been with me for hundreds of millions of years. There is nothing in this world that it cannot cut!" The middle-aged man looked at the old dragon with a smile.

An extremely dangerous instinctive reaction caused the old dragon's body to twist.

A western-style kitchen knife lightly scraped across the body of the old dragon. The old dragon's skin, which was tough enough to withstand Kane's fist, was easily cut by the kitchen knife, and a trace of purple dragon blood spurted out high.

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