Chapter 605 (A relative passed away, and people were keeping vigil at the funeral hall, no title)
"Why hasn't this old demon dragon caught up yet?"

Frank, who was flying towards the earth using a beam of light, was also holding a black animal hide mustard bag in his hand. As he flew, he collected food from wherever he passed.

In this world where food is the rule, the saying is truly verified: everything can be eaten, even meteorites floating in the starry sky are excellent ingredients.

This is also the reason why Frank did not open the space gate and return to Earth directly. He flew all the way, and wherever he passed, it was like a swarm of locusts, leaving no grass behind.

The mustard bag in Frank's hand was refined by the Tiangong Temple and made from the shattered fragments of the reincarnation world. The mustard bag has a very large space. A mustard bag like the one in Frank's hand can even hold half of the solar system.

Frank had just put a cake as big as an asteroid into his mustard bag. He looked back but didn't see the old dragon. He was suspicious and randomly found a huge meteorite to land on.

This meteorite is pure white all over and looks like a huge white steamed bun. In the center of the steamed bun, there is a crack that is dozens of kilometers long and is filled with all kinds of meat fillings that look extremely delicious.

Under the sacrificial meat fillings, a black shadow slowly crawled. After feeling the vibration of the steamed bun meteorite, the black shadow quietly spit out an octopus tentacle-like tentacle from its mouth, and captured the smell of food.

The black shadow suddenly leaned forward and swam quietly towards Frank from the bottom of the Mantou meteorite.

Standing on the Mantou meteorite, Frank took out the quantum communicator and wanted to contact the old dragon to ask him what he was doing.

As soon as he took out the communicator, a light screen popped up on it, with countless pieces of information flashing rapidly on it.

Frank scanned a few important messages and just as he was about to contact the old dragon, the communicator in his hand directly projected a light screen.
In the light curtain, it was the First Continent, the Volcano Food Hall that had just been built. Tang Song picked up a grape and put it into his mouth. Seeing Frank connected the communicator, he raised his hand and greeted him.

"Boss! We've got it done!"

"Well, I'm naturally confident in your work!" Tang Song nodded towards Frank: "The old dragon is in some trouble, go help him!"

"The old dragon is in trouble!? With his strength, who can threaten him!" Frank looked at Tang Song, a little surprised.

"Frank, have you forgotten what I taught you? Never be arrogant. There are some misunderstandings between the old dragon and Mr. Rooney. You go and mediate. Don't let me down!"

Tang Song raised the wine glass in front of him and shook it towards the left. "My subordinates were a bit rash in their actions. I'm sorry to make Mr. Heaton laugh!"

A deep voice sounded in the light curtain: "Well, it doesn't matter. Although I am the fourth God of Food, Rooney is the second God of Food, but he has always been overbearing. If someone hadn't stopped him back then, he would have almost eaten up the entire universe. It's just that his temper has been restrained over the years.

He has a bad temper, if there is any misunderstanding, I would be better off going over to mediate."

"Bad temper?! That's okay. My subordinate has something that can cure bad temper!" Tang Song smiled and nodded towards Frank on the other side of the light curtain.

Frank nodded in understanding, paused, and the rising red fire cloud instantly turned the Taipan snake that came to his feet and wanted to launch a sneak attack into ashes.

The fire cloud rose, and Frank turned into a long flaming rainbow like a ghost. After a few flashes, he flew back in the direction he came from at a speed ten times faster than when he came.

Being cut by Rooney, the old dragon roared in surprise at the broken scales on his body: "Such a sharp knife, it can actually hurt me?"

While speaking, the old demon dragon waved his hand and summoned his Wu Earth Mountain-Driving Whip. At the same time, he grabbed out a set of black dragon scale heavy armor from the air, and hurriedly put on the armor made from his own shed scales.

That’s not all. Under Rooney’s shocked gaze, the old dragon took out dozens of magic weapons from the void.

There is a pagoda on his head and a protective golden lotus under his feet. Around his body are eight shields made of the back shell of a thousand-year-old turtle mixed with vibranium, and his body is covered with a 108-layer Vajra talisman array.

The old dragon, armed to the teeth, finally felt relieved: "I can cut anything down. You are so arrogant! Take my whip!"

The old evil dragon waved the Wu Earth Mountain Whip, and the Wu Earth energy condensed into a golden dragon with distinct whiskers and claws, and swung towards Rooney with a rumble.

The Old Demon Dragon's Wu Earth Mountain-Driving Whip was made by Tang Song himself. It was originally made by drawing veins from several planets. Its weight is astonishing, which is why the Old Demon Dragon is so used to using this heavy whip.

Later, the old demon dragon made great progress in his practice and refined the whip again, adding countless rare magic metals, spiritual materials and precious minerals, and nurturing it with his own magic power. Under his refining, the power of the Wu Earth Mountain-Driving Whip not only increased greatly, but also became easier to control.

The old evil dragon swung his whip, and wherever it passed, the sky was filled with flashing whip shadows. An asteroid was brushed by a whip shadow and was directly blown up by the whip!
Seeing this scene, Rooney showed a look of surprise on his face, but his hands moved quickly. He slashed with the kitchen knife in his hand, and a ray of knife light directly broke through the space and appeared beside the old dragon.


The sharp blade chopped the pagoda, breaking the golden lotus on it. With one slash, the lotus flowers fell.

A crack also appeared on the pagoda.



Seeing the whip approaching, Rooney did not panic. He flicked his finger and a giant silver fork flew across the sky, colliding with the Wu Earth Mountain Whip that the old dragon had cast.

The collision between the two was like two planets colliding with each other, and a powerful shock wave instantly swept across the starry sky.

Rooney slashed with the kitchen knife in his hand, and streaks of knife light appeared around the old dragon. The phantom god-level pagoda only lasted three times before it was chopped into several pieces with a crackling sound.

The golden bowl that was nurturing more than a dozen spiritual dragons transformed from the dragon veins of the earth was also broken into pieces after two slashes. The spiritual dragons of the earth veins transformed into golden dragons and flew out, rushing towards the starry sky of the universe.

The Phantom God level, the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, which was made from 9.99 million living souls, could only sustain twelve strikes.

Even the banner body and the souls that the old demon dragon had collected with great difficulty turned into green smoke.

The old demon dragon had no time to feel sad, because the kitchen knife had broken through the 108 Vajra Talisman Formations, leaving a series of knife marks on his dragon scale armor.

"You're serious!"

There was a hint of horror in the old dragon's eyes when he looked at the kitchen knife.

Looking at the broken magic weapons one by one, the old demon dragon began to believe what the man in front of him said. A sword that can cut through anything? !


Following the old dragon's footsteps all the way, Frank used his spatial teleportation skills to catch up with the two people who were chasing and fleeing in the starry sky.

The one who escaped was the old dragon. Frank clearly saw the thin, bleeding scar on the old dragon's naked upper body.
I almost dropped my chin to the ground.

There is actually someone in this universe or someone who has the ability to break through the layers of the old dragon's tortoise shell.

It's really an amazing method.

You should know that he was present when the old demon dragon asked Tiangong Temple to refine the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor.

This set of armor is made from the dragon scales that the old demon dragon has collected after shedding its skin over tens of millions of years.

In terms of material and toughness, each dragon scale is enough to be made into a magical weapon.

Even some of the reverse scales can be used as materials for making magical treasures.

The master craftsman of Tiangong Temple also had a unique way of making this set of armor, which was done by adopting the method of weapon array.

Each scale is refined individually and then assembled.

The forbidden magic array formed by ten thousand dragon scales is integrated into it, and its defense is extremely strong.

Let's put it this way, no one below the Golden Immortal level can break through the defense of the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor. This guy, a Golden Immortal! ?
Frank thought of his boss's meaningful instructions, and his eyes turned deep when he looked at Rooney.

Seeing that the two were about to run out of the range of his spiritual awareness, Frank quickly used his escape technique to chase after them.

At that moment he also disappeared out of thin air, using the escape technique to chase after the old demon dragon.

Rooney followed the old dragon slowly, like an old cat teasing a mouse.

A spell that can control thunder and fire, manipulate gravity, and summon wind and rain.

There were also some artifacts with strange abilities, which opened Rooney's eyes. At the same time, he was looking forward to what extra surprises the old dragon could bring him.

As Rooney raised his hand, a bolt of lightning as thick as a mountain appeared out of thin air above the old demon dragon's head and struck him hard on the forehead.

"hold head high"!
A puff of green smoke rose above the old demon dragon's head, and the angry old demon dragon let out an angry dragon roar.

However, out of fear of the kitchen knife in Rooney's hand, the old dragon could only flap its wings and fly forward at high speed.

"Damn it, why did he use the Nine Heavens Thunder Technique!"

As the old dragon fled, he was also somewhat puzzled.

Even he had just mastered the Nine Heavens Thunder Technique not long ago.

It has just been used once.

Could it be possible that the guy behind him learned his magic just by taking a look? How is that possible?

There wasn't even any fluctuation of mana from him.

The old dragon shook his head, thinking that he was daydreaming.

Behind him, the Cosmic Gourmet God Rooney sensed the consumption of food energy in his body after switching to a thunder technique.

Just summoning this one bolt of lightning consumed one hundred thousandth of his body's energy, which made Rooney even more interested in these outsiders.

When Rooney was young, he once ate a top-notch ingredient called replica mushroom.

The replica mushroom gave him a magical food-carrying ability.

As long as the enemy has used a food technique on him once, he can copy it.

The disadvantage is that there is no possibility of improving the food skills copied by the Copy Mushroom.

The copied food skills will look the same when they are used.

Rooney relied on the ability of the replicating mushroom to fight his way out of the group.

He passed the test of the God of Gourmet and won first place among all the geniuses with excellent food luck.

Eventually he became the second God of Food in the Universe.

What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. The ability of the Copy Mushroom is truly overbearing.

However, after becoming the God of Food, for Rooney, there are very few food skills in this universe that are worthy of his use of the Replica Mushroom.

As for those younger generations who are also gourmet gods, his eating skills had long been "stolen" by him using the replica mushroom.

Rooney looked at the old dragon's back as if he was looking at a delicious meal, and the desire in his eyes was as hot as a flame.

Controlled by his appetite, he did not notice the figure behind him.

Silently, Frank had sneaked behind Rooney with his superb escape skills.

The black gold stick, which he had also refined countless times, smashed towards Rooney's back of the head without making any sound.

In the Volcano Food Hall, Tang Song looked at the two invited guests in front of him.
Two gourmet gods from the universe.

These two food gods are not Westerners like Acacia.

The gap between Acacia and the other two is like the gap between the several Kai Kings in Dragon Ball and the gods on Earth.

The food god who calls himself Heaton is an old man over three meters tall, with wolf-like eagle eyes, a large hooked nose, and a sharp appearance. He wears a gray windbreaker and is dressed like an elderly gentleman.

The other food god was a fair-looking oriental boy with a white chef's hat on his head. He was concentrating on studying the peaches on the plate.

His name is Wentuo, and he is the third cosmic god of gourmet food.

The faces of the two people are naturally not their true appearance, and they are not even "human".

It's just that the two of them deliberately changed their body shape and appearance for convenience.

This is also the etiquette of being a guest.

"Swallowing the entire universe, it seems that Mr. Rooney does have a hot temper!"

Heaton shrugged his shoulders. "Rooney is a member of the extremely rare demon wolf clan in the universe. This kind of creature feeds on the moon after adulthood. His appetite is already huge. After becoming the god of gourmet food, his appetite is like a black hole that devours the universe!"

"But this universe doesn't belong to him alone. If he swallows up the entire universe, we won't have anything to eat! Mr. Tang, don't you agree? "

Tang Song tilted his head and looked at Xidon, with a somewhat amused expression on his face.

Are you ordering me? Eat more and take more. No, I want them all!
Tang Songxiao smiled and shook his head: "That's right, eating more and taking more is indeed immoral!"

"Come on, come on, both of you, try our homemade wine. Even though it's not as good as the wine from the gourmet world, it still tastes different!"

Tang Song raised his glass and gestured to the two of them.

Xidon picked up the bronze wine cup in front of him, drank the wine in the cup, put it down, showed a satisfied smile, and praised generously: "Good wine!"

Compared with him, Wen Tuo next to him seemed much more elegant. He first shook the wine cup, looked at the color of the wine, smelled the aroma of the wine, and then took a sip.

"Grains, fermented with fruits, have the fragrance of peaches. It's a pity that the winemaking technology is not good enough, otherwise the quality of this wine could be improved by two levels!"

Wen Tuo's face was full of regret.

Tang Song put down the wine cup, shook his head and said with a smile: "If Mr. Wentuo likes this wine, you can come to me anytime. If nothing else, there will be plenty of wine!"

Xiton and Wentuo exchanged glances, and Xiton asked tentatively:

"Mr. Tang is from the outside world. I wonder what the scenery outside this world is like?"

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