Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 606: Copying the Avatar

Tang Song was having a feast in the banquet hall, but the old demon dragon was in a state of chaos. He ran and chased, and his thirteen pairs of wings were almost smoking, but he could not get rid of the pervert behind him.

Before long, the old dragon had been chopped hundreds of times. Each of the cuts had deeply broken through his scales and cut into his skin, leaving bloodstains all over his body.

The old demon dragon, who was getting anxious from being chased, opened his mouth wide, turned around and spit out a black dragon breath into the air.

Wherever the dragon's breath passed, it left a three thousand mile long black flame area in the cold space. The black dragon flame not only did not go out in the cold vacuum environment filled with various radiations.

Moreover, there was a faint burning sensation spreading in all directions. From a distance, it looked like a black sea of ​​fire and galaxy stretching across the universe.

Rooney's pursuit was also blocked by the sea of ​​black fire and he paused. He felt the power of the old dragon's breath and his eyes lit up. He wanted to use the ability of the copy mushroom to copy this fire ability.

Just as a huge red mushroom shadow slowly emerged behind him, a figure stepped on the red umbrella and swung a black gold stick as thick as a bowl in his hand, hitting him on the head.

Anyone who gets hit hard on the head will always be a little dazed, let alone when Frank hit him with a stick, Rooney's entire head exploded like a broken watermelon.

As one of the four strongest people in this universe, Rooney is naturally not like ordinary humans who would die if their heads were shattered. As a member of the Moon-Eating Wolf clan, his body is inherently strong.

After becoming the God of Gourmet, every cell in his body has such strong vitality that every cell if separated can become some kind of magical substance.

Just like the gourmet cells that spread across the planets in the gourmet universe, it is said that they came from the first generation gourmet god "Ya". These gourmet cells all evolved from Ya's flesh.

Later, it was discovered by chance by the Netero clan. After they developed and studied this gourmet cell, they spread it to various planets.

Rooney has always been deeply wary of "Ya". He always feels that the other party is planning something in secret.

But Rooney was not afraid, Ya, he even thought that his strength was not inferior to "Ya". He stood there in a daze for a while after his head was smashed. After all, not everyone is Xing Tian. No matter who suddenly has his head smashed, he will always be shocked for a while.

The old demon dragon, who had escaped hundreds of thousands of miles away, laughed sharply. It was so ugly that circles of black sound waves shattered the nearby meteorites and even shook the sea of ​​fire he had spewed out.

"Hahahahaha—Frank, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Old Demon Dragon, didn't the boss tell us not to laugh like that outside? Otherwise, if people outside hear us, they will think that all of us in Heaven are villains!"

Hearing the sudden sound above his head, Rooney raised his left hand to the top of his head behind him, and the kitchen knife in his hand drew a crescent of cold light.
The sharp blade hit nothing.

A lot of mycelium-like things grew out of Rooney's shattered skull, gluing the broken pieces of his head together again.

However, the healed skull no longer looked like a middle-aged man, but had turned into a huge wolf's head.

The wolf let out an angry roar, and its eyes flashed with madness. Rooney turned around and glanced around.
But he found that there was a man wearing golden chain mail standing tens of thousands of miles away from him.

The man was holding a black gold stick in his hand. Looking at the obviously heavy black gold stick, Rooney subconsciously touched the back of his head.

"It's a very sharp knife!" Frank looked at the knife light that flew millions of miles away and split a planet in two, and tilted his head to look at Rooney:

"But, a sword light of this intensity shouldn't be able to break the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor on the old demon dragon, right?"

The old demon dragon flying from afar was a little puzzled. It took him several treasure houses and tens of thousands of years of accumulation to create this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor. The master craftsmen of the Tiangong Temple had promised him so with confidence.

Even for a powerful Golden Immortal, it would take some effort to break the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor. However, in front of the guy's kitchen knife, this Ten Thousand Dragon Armor that he had spent a lot of money to build only lasted for two and a half hours.

The old dragon couldn't help but wonder if the old dwarves from the Tiangong Temple had coveted his materials. You know, the magic ores stored in any of his treasure houses were enough to buy half of the abyss world.

In order to refine this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, he took out treasures equivalent to several abyss worlds.

The old demon dragon couldn't help but curse those guys in the Tiangong Palace in his heart. They even cheated an old man out of his coffin. Is there still law and justice in heaven?

If the people in Tiangong Palace knew what the Old Demon Dragon was thinking, they would definitely cry out for injustice. It is true that when they were refining this set of Outer Ten Thousand Dragon Armor for the Old Demon Dragon, they had a lot of luck and found the Old Demon Dragon, a wealthy man with plenty of money, and they did deduct a small portion of the handling fee from the work, but to be accused of cutting corners, that was really not the case.

In order to refine this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, the thirteen master craftsmen of the Tiangong Temple found a reincarnation world where time flows faster, and started the furnace there. It took hundreds of years to complete this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor.

Although these master craftsmen opened the furnace not only to refine this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, but also to refine three batches of more than a hundred fairy treasures.
However, in order to refine this set of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, these master craftsmen really put in a lot of effort.

When this Ten Thousand Dragon Armor was produced, it was even sent to the Bullfighting Palace and was examined by the Great Lord Tang, who gave it a very good evaluation.

With the discerning eyes of Tang and Song, this Ten Thousand Dragon Armor has its own unique features and can be evaluated as excellent.

Rooney looked at Frank and gently waved the kitchen knife in his hand, looking at the thin golden trace on the blade.

Feeling the vibrations released by the kitchen knife and the harmonious resonance of the food luck in his body, Rooney smiled with a hint of enlightenment:

"You asked this question, it's very simple, it's just a matter of practice. This kitchen knife is the product of my food skills. In my long years, I have used this kitchen knife to process countless ingredients, including those with hard scales.
After processing these ingredients more and more, I gradually discovered that no matter how strong the ingredients are, as long as I find their weaknesses, I can follow the gaps, break through the hard shell, and take out the best ingredients wrapped inside!"

Rooney stroked the blade of the kitchen knife in his hand. "After so many years of cooking hundreds of millions of ingredients, I can even tell where the prey's weaknesses are with just one look. Well, that armor looks good, but the connection point of each scale is its weakness. If I chop it a few more times, I'll be able to chop it into pieces!"

Frank understood everything, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face: "It seems that Mr. Rooney's cooking skills have reached a level that is almost natural and close to Taoism!"

Frank had a polite smile on his face, as if he was not the one who had just hit him with the stick.

"Close to the Tao!" Rooney chewed on this sentence repeatedly, and the blood in his eyes gradually dissipated: "I like this sentence, but I think there is still some gap between me and the Tao you mentioned!" "I can't reach the realm you mentioned for the time being. But it is enough to cook some crustacean ingredients. You are strange, you have few weaknesses. Um, what's your name?"

Frank laughed dryly a few times: "Mr. Rooney, I'm Frank. The boss asked me to pick you up for the banquet. The boss, Mr. Heaton, and Mr. Wentuo have been waiting in the banquet hall for a long time!"

After seeing the power of Rooney's kitchen knife, Frank gave up the idea of ​​a head-on confrontation with it, although he wanted to try whether his own fully developed Zhu Yan true body could withstand the attack on the kitchen knife's weak points.

After moving his wrist and the joints of his whole body, Rooney pointed at his head with a sneer in his eyes: "Then let them wait! Let's first settle the score for you hitting my head!"

Frank said without blinking, "Huh? That's not giving me face!"

Rooney stuck out his tongue, licked his protruding fangs, and said coldly: "Face, what qualifications do you have for me to give you face!" Rooney was still a little uncomfortable with the various slangs on Earth, and he hesitated for a while when he said the word "face".

The old dragon next to him roared loudly: "Frank can't just let it go like this. He has to compensate me for my pagoda and my dragon armor, otherwise this matter will not be over!"

A mouthful of thick phlegm spurted out far away, and the old demon dragon said arrogantly: "If you dare to fight with me, you are not giving me face. If you don't give me face, you are not giving face to the heaven behind me. Anyone who doesn't give face to the heaven will be killed by us!"

Frank looked at the old dragon strangely, wanting him to stop being a bad guy, but he didn't refute him. This matter had nothing to do with right or wrong. Even if the old dragon was wrong, the Heavenly Court would deal with it, and it was not the turn of an outsider to beat and kill him.

Besides, they didn't come to this world to do good deeds, to fight for territory, and naturally they would help their relatives instead of others!

What a joke. The boss has already set up a Hongmen Banquet and really thinks he is inviting you to come for a meal. Since the old devil dragon has done this in advance, he doesn't mind dealing with this trouble for the boss here in advance.

When Rooney heard what the old dragon said, he became so angry that his face turned from blue to white.

He said in a fierce voice: "Okay, okay, since the day I was born, I have never given anyone... face."

Frank blinked and chuckled: "Since you don't give me face, how about I hit you with a stick again?"

A figure exactly like Frank appeared quietly behind Rooney again, swung the black stick and smashed it at the back of Rooney's head.

"Ding! Ding ding——"

Rooney seemed to be well prepared. He used a kitchen knife to create thousands of afterimages and chopped the black gold stick behind him.

"The same method has no effect on me!"

As he spoke, Rooney swung the kitchen knife in his hand, and streaks of knife light slashed towards the hundreds of Franks surrounding him.

At this time, Rooney was surrounded by an army composed of Frank's incarnations. The black gold sticks were shining with golden light, just like the golden waves outside, rushing towards Rooney.
However, these golden waves seemed to hit the reefs and were shattered under the cold light of the kitchen knife in Rooney's hand.

"This is a good knife!"

Frank's real body floated there leisurely, his whole body covered in a fiery red flame. He watched his external incarnation rushing towards Rooney like a tide, but was completely shattered by the sword lights.

"What a sharp knife, but my knife skills are so poor. It's a pity that the weapon was used in secret!"

Frank was commenting here, but the old dragon was furious, "Frank, this guy has a strange ability to copy my spells. You have to be careful not to let him copy your avatar!"

"Copy my avatar, but I'm afraid he won't copy it," Frank said with a weird smile.

Seeing the sly smile on Frank's face, the old dragon swallowed mouthfuls of saliva with a gulp, and the turbid yellow-brown light flashed in his eyes again.

"Frank, what are you planning?"

"Just now when you were being chased and beaten by him, I arrived. I have seen his methods before. I just wanted to see if he could copy the 100,008 incarnations that I spent three thousand years to refine and contain 1% of my magic power!"

Frank coldly watched his avatars go to their deaths. They did not use their great magical powers of three heads and six arms, nor did they transform into Zhuyan bodies. They did not even use their exquisite stick techniques. They just rushed to "die" one by one and died tragically under Rooney's knife.

Broken streaks of light gathered from behind Frank and turned into long scarlet flames. The flames rose, still bright.

"Frank, you're crazy. If you let him copy your magical powers, aren't you afraid of causing big trouble?" The old dragon couldn't help but roar.

Although he didn't know the details of Frank's incarnations, he knew what it meant to have one percent of his magic power.
With Frank's Golden Immortal realm, it is no exaggeration to say that any one of Frank's incarnations can crush ordinary True Immortals. Even the old demon dragon may not be able to withstand the combined forces of his ten incarnations.

This is the difference in realm. Although the old demon dragon prides himself on being the number one person under the Golden Immortal, the difference of half a step is a world of difference. Otherwise, his Ten Thousand Dragon Armor would not have been chopped into pieces.

But the old dragon didn't understand why Frank would use his own incarnation when he knew that the guy in front of him had this kind of copying ability, and why he didn't just use all his strength to kill the other person, but instead created trouble here.

“You don’t understand!” Frank looked at the red umbrella-like shadow rising in the golden light, and said in a cautious tone: “Although the road is blocked, his life essence is also an evolved life form like the Golden Immortal. I am not sure that I can wipe this guy out in an instant. Once a tug-of-war breaks out, he will replicate my magical powers, which will be a real problem!
Instead of doing this, I might as well test the limits of this guy's ability! It's just right to scout out the way for the boss, otherwise if this guy copies the boss's magical power, that would be real trouble!"

Frank didn't say the last word.

"But what if he can really copy your incarnation?" The old dragon couldn't help but speak.

Frank's eyes flashed with two golden lights. "I have observed his moves. The power of the magical power he copied does not increase or decrease when it is used. If he can really copy these external incarnations that I have consumed half of the spiritual energy of the five reincarnation worlds to refine, then he will be dead soon!"

As he spoke, Frank subconsciously glanced in the direction of the Earth. (End of this chapter)

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