Chapter 75 600 million

In Rome, Hotel Baglioni, in the brightly lit hotel, a luxurious dinner is being held.

This is already the second dinner hosted by the Baglioni Hotel in the past few days. The last sponsor was Obadiah, the vice president of Stark Industries.

It's just that the guests at the dinner party hosted by Obadiah broke up with the host.

In front of the Baglioni Hotel, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati... luxury cars came one after another.

The lobby manager of the hotel had no choice but to call in a group of doormen from other hotels to take care of parking.

Ryan was dressed in a tuxedo, and stood at the door as a butler, playing the role of welcoming guests.

The initiator of this dinner was naturally Boss Tang.

In the past two days, the social world in Rome has been a little shaken,
Tang Song's identity is not a secret, if you say that it is nothing to say that a new gangster tycoon.

Then add this identity prefix to Father West's friend, the default winner of the tens of billions of arms tender.

Then the door of any circle in Rome will open to Boss Tang.

In two days, Tang Song received many invitations.

But Tang and Song were so busy that they could barely get away.
Accompanied by West, he visited some big figures who couldn't tell the truth, but could really make decisions and decide many things.

Many people may think that in a world with extraordinary power, the high-ranking bureaucrats in human society are either scumbags or useless background boards.

In the original world view, the top leaders of the federal government, the World Security Council, and the human officials and leaders who appear in the movie plots made decisions that many people seemed to be brain-dead.

When aliens invade New York, nuclear bombs bomb New York.

Launch the Superhero Real Name Registration Act.

Use mutants for human experiments, against Professor X and his X-Men.

The seemingly brainless and intelligent moves filled the viewers with righteous indignation, but the reason they did so was only because the ass decided the head.

In fact, none of these people who can climb to the top of the pyramid among hundreds of millions of people is easy to deal with. They may be greedy for money, power, and lust, but don't think they are stupid.


Even superheroes, after experiencing the brilliance of saving the world, face the trivialities of life.

What the Tang and Song Dynasties believed in was that power is in the hands of power, but this is not the world of Yan Fu in the cold weapon era. The high-level human beings here have powerful weapons that can rival high-level monks.

Therefore, Tang and Song never underestimated these high-ranking officials. Unless he has the power to truly overwhelm everyone, Tang and Song will not be transformed into ancestors for the time being.

Tang Song was walking in the venue with a red wine glass. Willie Gambino was half a step behind Tang Song and introduced the guests who came to the dinner for him.

From time to time, Tang and Song raised their wine glasses to clink glasses with these guests who came to join in the show, saying welcome and exchanging a few polite greetings.

Many guests who knew the inside story of the disappearance of the Gambino family looked at Willy with strange eyes.

But Willie seemed calm and composed. He is now the godfather of the Gambino family.

Boss Tang promised him that when he returned to New York, he would support him with a group of manpower and weapons to help him reorganize the Gambino family.

All he needs to pay is cheap loyalty.

The dinner ended in an atmosphere of joy for the guests and the host. Tang and Song declined the kind invitations of several Roman ladies and supermodels, and returned to the room where they stayed.


"Mr. West!"

In the room, someone has been waiting for a long time, none other than West.

Tang Song took off his suit jacket and handed it to Skye,

Ryan brings over two cups of coffee.

"Don, the trial mission of the Brotherhood has come down!"

West explained his intention to Tang Song.

The membership system of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, in addition to sponsors, also needs to complete a trial in the association, hunt harmful alien creatures or prevent an alien crisis.

After all, the original intention of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield was to deal with the alien crisis.

"Alien creatures!?" Tang Song rubbed his fingers, suddenly remembered a cold joke,

I don't know if he counts himself, but strictly speaking, he is not from this planet.

West looked at Tang Song lost in thought, thinking he was thinking about how to find alien creatures, he took the initiative to say:

"Don, do you remember Charles Wieland?"

"The behind-the-scenes host of the auction, the old man of the Sacred Shield Brotherhood!" Tang Song looked at West and nodded.

"Recently, he is looking for the origin power of an alien creature. It is said that it is related to the origin of human beings. He seconded me to help him!"

West smiled, and said with some complacency:

"Because of the status of the Inquisition, the extraordinary power I can use is not bad, so they will always talk to me when they encounter a shortage of manpower!"

"Charles Wieland discovered a lair of aliens in Antarctica. Wieland wanted to go to this lair to find out the origin of these aliens and find their creator.
I want you to go and complete the trial by the way! "

Tang Song looked at West, hesitated and said: "Sir, you said before that the relationship between Charles Wieland and us is not harmonious."

The "we" used by Tang and Song made West very satisfied.

He explained to Tang and Song:
"There is no conflict between us and Wieland, it's just because of different ideas,
As far as I know, Wieland has a small spaceship in his hand, which belongs to a very powerful alien race. If he can really crack the secret of the creator behind the alien, it will not be harmful to the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield! "

West paused for a moment: "If he fails, that spaceship is also very important to "us"!"

West emphasized his tone when he said "we".

Tang Song nodded clearly, stirring the coffee with a spoon:

"I see, when are we leaving?"

"Two months later, there will be an Antarctic scientific research ship, Wieland will contact you then!"


After sending West away, Tang Song finished washing and was about to adjust his breath and meditate.

A phone call came in.

"Boss, I got the things, a total of six tons!"

The call was from Kane.

Six tons, when Tang Song heard this number, his hands couldn't help shaking.

"Are you in trouble?"

Tang and Song circulated the real yuan, and quickly calmed down.

"No problem for the time being, but the Wakanda bites tight,
It will take a while to get back to New York,
I contacted Yuri through an intermediary. He has a plane transporting arms back to Russia from Somalia, and I will transfer in Russia when I arrive! "

"Be careful, I will let Frank pick you up in Russia!"

After dealing with Kane's matter, Tang Song walked to the wine rack and opened a bottle of red wine.

How much is six tons of vibration gold worth? !
One gram of vibration gold is 600 U.S. dollars, and six tons is [-] million grams, that is.

"600 billion!"

Tang and Song swayed the red wine glass, and the dark red wine seemed to be shining golden in the afterglow of the setting sun.

You must know that in Marvel's official data, Tony Stark's personal net worth is only 132 billion.

Tang, swollen, and Boss Song seemed to feel the golden light that belonged to local tyrants all over their bodies.

The only way to relieve worries is to get rich.

Although these Zhenjin Tang and Song Dynasties did not intend to sell, but sitting on 600 billion, whoever changed them would be ashamed.

Boss Tang took a sip of red wine and turned his gaze to the sky outside.

Soon after drinking a bottle of red wine, Tang Song put down the wine glass, lost interest in meditation, turned around and left the room, and knocked on Skye and Fox's room.

Uh, why is Fox in Skye's room, as a bodyguard, living with his employer, isn't it normal!

Silent all night.

(End of this chapter)

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