Chapter 76

Two days later, Italy's arms procurement bidding will be successfully completed.

The three companies that originally bid.

Stark Industries was out early, and only sent a middle-level manager to participate in the bidding symbolically.

And another interested arms company is even more bizarre. Several people from their company who came to participate in the bidding got lost two kilometers away from the bidding site.

You must know that most of them are native Romans.

By the time they arrived at the bidding meeting, the bidding meeting had ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

The results of the bidding meeting are self-evident.

The arms company under Boss Tang's name became the weapon supplier for the Italian military's re-equipment.

On the day the auction ended, Tang Song received dozens of private invitations.

However, after Tang Song signed the contract, he got on the plane back to New York directly.

On the Airbus plane flying from Rome to New York, Tang Song was reading a newspaper with gusto.

The Pole Awards ceremony will be held in Las Vegas seven days later.

This award is held every four years and is specially set up for those who have made outstanding contributions to the Federation.

The newspaper commented on several popular candidates, and one of the most concerned candidates took up almost half of the paper.

Tony Stark!
A young genius who was able to independently design circuit boards at the age of four.

Independently built a V8 engine in his teens.

A top student who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he was in charge of Osborne Industries at the age of 21 and developed Osborne Industries into the first industrial giant in the Federation.

A legend of the Federation and also the most famous playboy of the Federation.

Obviously, for the media, only when there is popularity can there be traffic.

The space occupied by several other pole award candidates combined is less than one-third of Tony Stark.

Extreme award, seven days left?
Tang Song looked thoughtfully at the half-length photo of Tony Stark, who occupied the headlines of the newspaper.

In the Marvel world, the birth of Iron Man is a turning point. Since his high-profile appearance, people with superpowers who had been hidden in ordinary people have emerged like a tide.

Tang Song saw Obadiah's name from Tony Stark's accompanying list in the newspaper.

It seems that his backstab did not have any effect on Obadiah.

"Hello, do you need a meal?"

A voice interrupted Tang Song's thoughts. He put down the newspaper and looked up at the flight attendant pushing the dining car.

"A Big Mac beef burger, a large Coke, with ice!"

After picking up the meal, the blond stewardess squatted down and delivered the meal to Tang Song.

I have to say that the first-class service is really considerate. Tang Song bowed his head slightly, and he could see ***************&**.


After delivering the meal, the blond stewardess returned to the service room of the plane with a disappointed expression on her face. Several stewardesses approached and whispered together.

The target of their discussion was Tang Song who was sitting in the first class.

Aesthetics does not distinguish between countries and races. Tang and Song's beauty did attract their attention, but what made them even more frightened was that on the entire plane, except for Tang and Song, the rest were his bodyguards.

People who charter a plane and bring so many elite bodyguards with them.

Looking at the burly men with an average height of two meters sitting around Tang Song, this group of well-informed stewardesses estimated that this Asian was at least a billionaire.

But it seems a pity that Tang Song is obviously not interested in them.

Four hours later, the plane landed at New York Airport.


The familiar extended version of the black Rolls-Royce, Frank wore his familiar black skull shirt, and drove the convoy into the airport with a few bodyguards.

"Mr. Tang!"

Tang Song got off the plane and saw the old black man standing beside Frank, and looked at Frank beside him with some surprise.

"Elder Sloan!" Pulling a red suitcase, Fox Fox, who was following Skye, looked at the black old man in surprise.

Sloan glanced at Fox, a strange look flashed in his eyes, he walked up to Tang Song flatteringly, and saluted slightly to him.

"what happened?"

Tang Song glanced over Sloan and landed on Frank.

"Boss, this group of assassins attempted to assassinate Jin Bing many times, but they all failed. He said that according to the agreement, the Brotherhood of Assassins will join us!"

Frank folded his arms and said lazily: "He didn't know where he heard that you were coming back, and he wanted to see you!"

"Mr. Tang, I..." Sloan was about to speak.

"The cross has come to you!" Tang Song looked at Sloan!

Sloan opened his mouth and subconsciously looked at Fox behind Skye.

Fox, on the other hand, had an indifferent expression on his face, staring at Sloan unabashedly.

That's right, she was the one who told Tang Song about the Assassin Brotherhood's information.

It is said that the closest passage to the depths of a woman's heart is **, the Tang and Song Dynasties are good, plus some Hehuanzong, the secretary of the maiden sect, let alone a western barbarian girl, it is a stone girl who came and was played by him a few times God, it has to bloom too.

Sloan's heart was blocked, and he felt like a meat bun beat a dog.

Tang and Song guessed right, the cross did come to the door, as the top assassin of the Brotherhood of Assassins, the strength of the cross surpassed the entire brotherhood.

I can't beat it,
Sloan had no choice but thought of a bad move. He found the son of the cross and tricked him into the Brotherhood.

He used a trick to turn a deer into a horse, and revealed the father of the unlucky child to a killer who was killed by a cross.

As a result, the unlucky boy worked hard and vowed to avenge his father.

Originally, if Sloan's plan had been followed, everything would have gone smoothly, but there was a slight deviation in the middle.

Originally, the executor of this plan was Firefox, but in the middle of the matter, Boss Tang approached the door.

When Tang Song showed his strength to easily overwhelm the entire Brotherhood in front of him, Sloan was discouraged.

He chose to send Fox as a hostage, and he led people to assassinate Jin to show his sincerity.

It's just that he didn't expect that the unlucky son of the cross, whose hormones were off the charts, sneaked out to find Fox, but was caught by the cross.

Now, the father and son teamed up, and the two top assassins, both trained by Sloan himself, defeated him and the entire Brotherhood of Assassins.

Sloan had no choice but to find Tang Song here.

In the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, Tang and Song, with the bone beads on their wrists coiled, listened to Sloan's account of the whole story.

"How many people are there in the Assassin Brotherhood? How many people are available? I mean the shooters who can shoot in an arc like Fox!"

Hearing Tang Song's words, Sloan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around quickly.

"Currently there are 160 seven members of the Brotherhood! But"

Sloan paused for a moment: "Even in the Brotherhood of Assassins, arc shooting is only mastered by a few of us!"

Kaka Kaka, the sound of bone beads rubbing against each other rang in Sloan's ears. Looking at the silent Tang Song, Sloan's heart sank continuously.

As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

If there is a choice, Sloan will not depend on others, but there is no way, the cross is a lunatic, he would rather believe in the loom than in his mentor.

And that damned loom, for which he had worked so hard all his life, that he ended up on the loom list himself.

Sloane didn't want to die, and he wasn't a fanatic, or rather, he gave up his belief in the loom of fate after he was on the loom list himself.

Destiny, Falk Squid!

Sloan wanted to give the Loom of Fate a middle finger, but he knew that the fanatic of the Cross would not let him go.

Tang Song is his only choice.

"First, I want all the hands of the Assassin Brotherhood!" Tang Song raised his index finger, followed by his middle finger:
"Second, I want the Assassin Brotherhood's systematic training methods for assassin gunmen."

"Third, I want that loom!"

Tang Song's words made Sloan feel his heart bleed, especially when Tang Song mentioned the loom.

You must know that even if Sloan's own name appeared on the loom, he did not destroy the loom that carried his beliefs for decades.

"Okay, I promise you!" Sloan nodded!
"Wait!" Tang Song raised his hand, "Don't rush to agree, if you want to join us, you need one more thing!"

Under Sloan's puzzled gaze, Tang Song took out a snakeskin that was as long as a tape measure from the pentagram.

Tang Song spread the snakeskin towards Sloan, and handed him a jade stick talisman pen.

"This is a contract, sign your name on it, I will help you solve the trouble of the cross!"

Looking at the Fangzheng characters on it, which he didn't recognize at all, Sloan's hand holding the jade stick talisman pen seemed to be carrying a heavy burden.

He swallowed, looking at the strange patterns on the snake skin, cold sweat kept oozing from the top of his head.

The Assassin Brotherhood has a long history, and Sloan naturally knows some real dark powers, like the demonic scrolls.

It is said that the soul of the person who signed the contract will be taken away by the devil after death.

To sign or not to sign!
Sloan raised his head and glanced at Tang Song.

At this time, Tang Song didn't care about Sloan's choice at all, and took out a bottle of champagne and four glasses from the car refrigerator.

Fox took the champagne from Tang Song, unsealed the wine, filled it for Tang Song, and then poured another glass for Skye and himself.

In the end, Sloan gritted his teeth and signed his name on this weird snakeskin scroll with trembling hands.

Under Sloan's trembling eyes, the jade stick talisman left a shining signature on the snakeskin scroll.

Before Sloan could see clearly, Tang Song had already put away the snakeskin roll.

Seeing Sloan's signature left on the Mantra of the Great Curse of the Heart Demon, Tang Song nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Sloan with a little more kindness.

It is said that the curse of the heart demon was passed down by the demon king Bo Xun, and some people said it was a Buddhist supernatural power, but this spell is strange.

Sloan wrote his name on the snakeskin scroll with the curse of the heart demon, and his spiritual consciousness would involuntarily and slowly change, and he gradually became a believer in Tang and Song Dynasties.

This is also the inspiration Tang and Song got from the holy power of the Holy See.

While Sloan believes in Tang and Song Dynasties, he will also be fed back by the curse of the inner demon.

Just like priests in the Holy See receive blessings from "God".


A farm on the outskirts of New York.

The place is not small, at least thousands of acres, with a valley bottom in the middle, low mountains on both sides, and a small national park connected to the mountains in the northwest.

Tang Song was dressed in a hunting suit, riding a white horse, and was hunting wild boars with a Winchester commemorative shotgun in his hand.

As Kane and Frank rode their horses and fired guns, they rushed into the jungle. , Groups of wild boars emerged from the bushes.

With a kick of Tang Song's feet, the white horse neighed, and with a leap of four hooves, it began to carry Tang Song, a newly minted rancher, to chase the pigs.

Hunting wild boars in other places is hard work. It takes a lot of drilling, and it is best to bring hunting dogs to chase them, just to earn a hard 2500 yuan.

The big head is someone else's.

Don't use it here, it's flooding.

"bang bang bang"

Kane and Frank fired first.

Disturbed by the gunshots, the wild boar ran diagonally towards Tang and Song like a madman.

Tang and Song held a gun in one hand and faced the pigs,

The shotgun modified by Kane fired.

The dense shotgun shells directly overturned four or five male wild boars rushing forward to the ground.

Through the lungs, through the bones and muscles, even the largest boar,
Being hit by a modified version of the 12-gauge shotgun at this distance, it is also a bullet with countless holes, and it is absolutely impossible to block it!
Considering the strength of Tang and Song Dynasties, when Kane modified the shotgun, he deliberately modified the rifling and increased the primer. Although the recoil has increased a lot, it is still a modified shotgun.

The warhead can easily penetrate a 6mm thick steel plate, or a 150mm solid brick wall, and if it is a pine board, it can penetrate 40cm!
It's just that the distance is still not as good as the rifle.

Kaka, Tang Song retreated and loaded the bullet, and at this time the other wild boars were running frantically to the north.

Boss Tang rode a horse and chased the group of wild boars, enjoying the fun of hunting crazily.


A few soldiers followed Tang Song in pickup trucks to collect the spoils.

There are about forty wild boars, big and small, and the small ones weigh more than 40 pounds. They all still have patterns.
There can be more than a dozen of them that weigh more than 100 pounds, and the largest one weighs [-] pounds.

The steel bristles on the back match those on the porcupine,
The two long tusks exposed look like sharp knives. The proportion of the head is slightly shorter than that of the oriental wild boar, and the body shape is also rounder.

A bullet hit its left eye, but looking at the traces on the ground, it rushed forward a few meters after being hit:
The bullet passed through the left eye, pierced the brain, and slipped past without stopping the car while running.

Well, this gun was fired by Sloan. Boss Tang looked at this huge monster on his horse and smacked his lips, feeling a little regretful.

Ryan next to him quietly moved two steps towards Sloan.


The former farmer left Boss Tang with a set of old equipment for slaughtering cattle.
It's not mechanized, it's more like a small semi-manual food processing workshop, which is only used once or twice a year.

Slaughter processing pigs.
Of course, Boss Tang didn't need to do it himself.

There were professional butchers in the former Assassin Brotherhood, and several of them worked together. The young wild boars with tender meat were disemboweled and depilated, and the larger ones were directly disembowelled and then skinned.

Some wild boars are cleaned and thrown into the farm's small icehouse, while the rest are processed.

A few of the smallest wild boars that have not yet moulted are cleaned and grilled or stewed later today. They are not ashamed anyway.

The big ones are used for sausages and bacon.

A group of people shave the meat with knives, very busy.

The meat grinder and mixer were turned on, minced meat and minced meat were mixed, and a lot of spices were mixed in to make sausages.

Once the sausage is stuffed, it is put into a wooden house and smoked with pine wood from the burning unit.

There are also a dozen wild boar flaps hanging in it, and these meat flaps will be smoked for a longer time.

As for Boss Tang, after washing his hands, he led a few people to the "construction site!" through a hut behind the farm.

That's right, under this farm, there is a construction site in full swing.

This is a new base planned by Tang and Song Dynasties.


In a rough wooden house, several people sat around the oak dining table, which was filled with sumptuous delicacies.

Top-quality white sturgeon caviar, top-quality Gallic snails, foie gras, Japanese Wagyu sashimi, grilled meat, seared king crab legs from the Bering Sea, and freshly smoked wild boar.

Serve with Romanée-Conti in a decanter.

This sumptuous gourmet banquet is a celebration banquet hosted by Boss Tang.

Tang and Song naturally sit at the top without a doubt,
On the lower left of him is Ryan wearing white gloves and a butler's uniform.

Lane next is Kane, Frank,
Facing the three sat Skye, Sloan, and Fox.

"How is the plan to divert disasters to the east!" Tang Song looked at Kane.

This is a celebration banquet, and it is also a welcome banquet, to welcome Kane who came back from Wakanda.

As a former special forces commander, Kane's combat thinking and command ability are absolutely no problem.

It was his handwriting to incite mercenaries to siege Wakanda in East Africa.

In addition, according to Tang Song's plan, he is also responsible for arranging an evacuation route that is not easy to detect, but under careful inspection, leads to the Hydra base.

Hearing the boss's question, Kane replied: "The clues are all arranged, from the UN aid convoy to the plane evacuated to Russia, these debris clues will lead them to the nine-headed Russian base you mentioned!"

"Boss, according to what you said, these clues are arranged extremely secretly, and those Wakanda people may not be able to find them!"

"Don't underestimate any enemy!" Tang Song glanced at Kane: "Wakanda's military and espionage capabilities are not weak!"

"Has the actual evacuation route been cleared?"

Tang Song reprimanded, and then asked casually.

"It's very clean!" Kane divided a piece of steak: "All the insiders, I left after watching everyone die clean with my own eyes!"

"Great job, 50% salary increase for everyone!"

Although the capitalist Tang announced a salary increase, the atmosphere was not heated up. Which one of the people sitting here was really working for the salary.


In Siberia, the extremely cold temperature makes this resource-rich land sparsely populated.

Because of the weather, many Russians living here are keen to have a few sips of wine and watch football games in the bar when they have nothing to do.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of big cities, life is very comfortable.

One day, a group of big Russian men were gathering in a bar drinking spirits, watching a football game, and cursing the conceited, incompetent coach by the way.

Just when a player was about to shoot a key shot on the TV, there was a loud noise that shook the whole bar.

earthquake? !

Hurrah, apart from drinking the wine Mengzi who fell to the ground, a group of people hurried out of the bar.

Then everyone was stunned, and in the sky in the distance, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose!
"The target has been destroyed, request to return!"

In the cockpit of the Zhenjin fighter jet, a black pilot looked at the half-disappeared mountain with satisfaction.

This is the base of the group of intruders detected by the Wakanda Intelligence Agency.

It is concealed and well-defended, and a lot of armed forces are stationed there. Considering the possible damage caused by the storm, the old black panther, who was completely angry, came directly to him once and for all.


Somewhere in the Federation, Daniel Whitehall who just got the news: "??? MMP"

Daniel, Whitehall, and the Hydra veterans of the same period as the Red Skull.

He is also one of the snake heads of Hydra nowadays, wearing glasses and gentle, he looks like an ordinary middle-aged professor, no one would have guessed that this person in front of him is a hundred-year-old old monster.

In London, an ancient castle dating back to the time of King Arthur, the quaint and solemn hall has a huge golden cross on the wall. The sunlight shines through the stained glass guns and reflects on the cross, showing a shadow of an inverted swastika.

In the main hall, there is a long antique meeting table with a long history, and "people" are already seated on the high-back chair.

It's just that these people are all virtual images, with mosaics on their faces.

This is Hydra's virtual roundtable.

Those who can sit here are the snake heads of Hydra.

"I need an explanation for the Russian base, Mr. Hall, this makes the organization very passive!"

Sitting in the main seat of the meeting was an old man in a suit whose face could not be seen clearly. He crossed his hands and questioned the middle-aged professor next to him.

Daniel Whitehall snorted: "I will investigate this matter! I will give you an explanation!"

As an old man of the same era as the Red Skull, Daniel Whitehall looks down on these rising stars from the bottom of his heart, but his purpose is immortality, and he is not interested in the power of Hydra.

Facing Alexander Pierce's pressing questions, he just replied lightly and kept silent.

"According to the investigation results of SHIELD, the explosives in the Russian base are not nuclear weapons, but a cleaner bomb! This technology is at least 20 years ahead of the Federation!"

Alexander Pierce couldn't hide his emotional fluctuations in his tone: "Everyone should know what this means!"

Everyone present did not speak, and each fell into a brief silence.

An unknown, powerful opponent is also an obstacle to Hydra's great plan.

"Find them and destroy them!"

The speaker had a thick German accent, like an old-school soldier from the Third Reich.

"No matter who the enemy is, they provoked the flames of war, and Hydera is not afraid of any challenge!"

"Baron, what you said is correct, but we must first find out who the enemy is?"

A charming female voice sounded, just listening to the voice seemed to have a feather teasing one's ear.

"This point, I think the snake head will find out, don't you think so, Mr. Secretary-General!"

"Russia's affairs have a great impact, and I can't interfere too much, or it will arouse Nick Fury's suspicion," Alexander Pierce glared at Mrs. Viper, expressing his concerns.

"But this matter has already been intervened by the federal government. The federal government is more interested in this new type of energy bomb than us. Our allies in the political circle will cover up our tracks for us!"

"I have never understood why you elected Nick Fury, he is a trouble for us!" The baron complained to Alexander Pierce.

Alexander Pierce sighed: "He is the most suitable candidate I have ever seen, a natural agent, if not for him, our power would not have grown to such a great extent!"

The baron was a little silent. What Pierce said was true. After Nick Fury took over SHIELD, the size and power of SHIELD rose rapidly like a rocket.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have two sides in one body. Compared with the end of World War II, the current Hydra has almost expanded its power by more than ten times.

Nick Fury is a double-edged sword, easy to use, but if you are not careful, you will hurt yourself.

"No matter what, the most important thing now is to find the enemy who destroyed the Russian base. Hydra's blood cannot be shed in vain. I hope everyone will do their best!"

Alexander Pierce stood up: "hail hydra!"

"hail hydra!"


The empty castle returned to calm at some point, leaving only the ravens outside the castle crowing in the treetops.

(End of this chapter)

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