Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 82 Experiment Kidnapping

Chapter 82 Experiment Kidnapping
"Boss, this vampire is called Amelia, one of the three elders on duty in the vampire clan!"

The vampire elder, just her, looked at the female vampire who was brought down by Ryan, Tang Song frowned, so weak.

Just now, Amelia, who had recovered some of her strength after sucking human blood, wanted to take the opportunity to attack Tang and Song.

It didn't take Tang Song to do anything, she was directly pierced through the shoulder blade by Ryan's stabbing sword.

Ryan's stabbing sword was forged by Tang and Song himself. It is fifty inches long and made of Adamantium alloy. Three prohibitions are engraved on the blade.

The extremely sharp stabbing sword is designed to break the human body. One of the three prohibitions is a sinister spell from the Heshan Classic in the Tang and Song Dynasties. .

Ryan poked a hole in the female vampire's body with a stabbing sword, and soon, in severe pain, she told her identity in detail.

"Boss, how to deal with her?"

The tip of the stabbing sword in Ryan's hand stopped on Amelia's forehead, and the cold touch made Amelia, a vampire with the title of Blood Queen, dare not move.

"Catch a few more people to experiment with, and if it works, raise them!"

Tang Song glanced at Amelia, with disgust in his eyes: "Although he is a little weak, he is a vampire elder after all, so he can be of some use!

weak?If it wasn't for the fact that I was about to fall into a deep self-sleep, and I haven't sucked blood for a long time, how could I have fallen to this point.

The self-esteem derived from the bloody queen made Amelia unable to help but want to defend herself,
But the severe pain made her unable to speak at all, she curled up her body hard, trying to relieve the pain with this posture.

But it's useless at all, one of the restraints on Ryan's rapier can amplify the pain tenfold.



Amelia bit a black burly man with dull eyes, and bit off a piece of flesh with a tattoo on his neck.

Is this already the No.20 seven or 28 people she bit?

Amelia couldn't remember clearly, she watched Tang Song pinch the wallet blankly, a chain of black mist bound the blood she had just transformed, and swallowed it into the small wallet.

Amelia's shock at seeing this scene at the beginning has turned into numbness.


Walking in front of an armored corpse, Tang Song patted the five-yin bag, and a drop of bright red blood essence flew out of the bag and fell into the mouth of an armored corpse.

After devouring the essence and blood of the armored corpse, the silver-white spots on its face increased by an area the size of a copper coin at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Tang Song turned his head and glanced at the sluggish-looking female vampire, flicked his fingers, and a small electric current sank into her body.

Amelia was awakened by the shock, squatted on the ground aggrieved, untied a wriggling sack, opened her mouth and bit down.

Da da da da da!

In the New York neighborhood, four burly armed soldiers with serious faces pulled the trigger.

The M416 assault rifles took alternate cover, combined with smoke bombs and flash bombs, and sealed the door.

This is a jewelry store, one of the most exclusive in New York.

Naturally, these armed men are not here to grab jewels, they are bodyguards,
The internal bodyguard of the security company of Tang Group.

In the jewelry store, more than a dozen employees and customers lay on the ground trembling with their heads in their hands

Skye pursed his lips and looked outside the store door. The boss closed his eyes, and Fox brought a few members of the Assassin Brotherhood to Las Vegas to deal with the casino dispute.

Skye came to visit the jewelry store when he had nothing to do, but he was blocked by people.

She wasn't much afraid.

My mind is full of shadows of Tang and Song Dynasties. I don't know why, but when I think of my boss, I feel an inexplicable sense of security.

Tang and Song were busy refining the armored corpse, and Ryan took care of the public affairs in New York for him.

As Boss Tang's agent, Ryan soon received a very high welcome everywhere in New York.

After joining several upper-class circles such as the Bridge Club, Dog Fighting Club, Hunting Club, Jockey Club, etc.,
After Ryan intentionally or unintentionally revealed that Boss Tang intends to run for the New York Congressman, the news quickly spread in various circles.

The gossip always travels fast, and the news was quickly confirmed by the wife of a certain big man,
Tang Song really intends to run for the position of the New York State Assemblyman.

Soon many people approached Ryan, vowing to win the votes of the New York Congressman for Boss Tang.

Just a tiny donation is required.

Ryan greeted a self-proclaimed head of a women's rights protection organization with a smile.

A white aunt who is over forty years old.

Donate 500 million US dollars to this organization, get the votes of their organization and the votes they can influence.

In the federation, feminist ideas are prevalent, and they are definitely a big ticket holder.

It's just that besides the votes, this aunt seems to be very interested in the handsome Ryan.

After finally sending away the three-hundred-pound aunt, Ryan almost collapsed at the desk from exhaustion, and he also practiced quietly like a boss.

Political activities are too tiring, mainly because of mental fatigue.

This is much more tiring than him fighting and killing!

The phone rang, and Ryan picked it up.

"Hey, what! Let them hold on, our men will be here soon!"

Ryan's face was serious, his fingers pressed hard, and with a click, the whole phone was crushed in his hands.

He opened a button under the desk, aimed at the red button and pressed it down.

Down's Group's five training bases in New York, piercing sirens sounded.

The fitness and training personnel gathered quickly, and all the weapon warehouses in the training base were opened!

Members of the armed squad quickly and orderly received their equipment, bulletproof vests, special combat uniforms, guns and ammunition.
Ryan thought for a while, took out another mobile phone, and called Tang Song.

"Boss, something went wrong"

In the underground cave, the naked Amelia is lying on the red sandalwood case, and the body structure is studied by Tang and Song Dynasties.

Holding a jade scalpel, Tang Song carefully cut open the cortex of Amelia's body, revealing the bright red flesh and tissue inside.

A dozen golden needles were placed in a side tray, and with Tang Song beckoning, each golden needle pierced into the major acupuncture points of Amelia's body.

"Peeling the skin, pricking blood with golden needles, but magic fire, what can be used instead?"

Holding a bloody jade scalpel, Tang Song looked at Amelia, who was pierced like a golden hedgehog, and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone he put aside lit up, Tang Song beckoned, and the mobile phone flew directly to his ear.

"Okay, I see, let Kane and the others rush over first!"

An evil spirit emanated from Tang Song's body, and the temperature of the entire underground cave seemed to drop a few degrees.

Amelia opened her eyes cautiously, looking at the back of Tang Song leaving, feeling an illusion of going from hell to heaven in her heart.

The moment she saw Tang Song stepping into the elevator, she had already thought of nine ways to escape.

A jade scalpel flew out of the elevator and hit Amelia's chest precisely.

On the blade of the scalpel, a little bit of inspiration emerged, and Amelia groaned, and passed out directly.

The people who attacked the jewelry store were not ordinary people. There were dozens of armed forces, which had a sufficient advantage in numbers.

However, the four bodyguards are all retired special forces, trained by Kane himself.

It was no problem at all to persist for ten minutes.
However, the four bodyguards only held on for five or six minutes before they were attacked from behind and shot dead.


Skye looked at the down-and-out middle-aged man wearing a leather jacket and holding a gun in both hands, and recognized the identity of the man in front of him.

She quietly put her hand into her pocket, and pinched a yellow talisman with her fingers.

Throw it at him!

The true energy activated the spirit pattern in the yellow talisman, and a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm struck directly at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was taken aback by the sudden lightning, but he was extremely agile and rolled on the spot.

Lightning hit a jewelry booth behind him, and with a bang, the bulletproof glass was directly shattered by the lightning, and the broken glass scattered all over the ground.

Watching the middle-aged man dodge the lightning talisman, Skye quickly put her hand into her pocket again, which she just took out.

A baseball bat turned from the side and slammed into her hand.

Under the pain of Skye, the talisman in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Hey beauty, if I were you I wouldn't move!"

With a slightly frivolous tone, a gun was aimed at the back of Skye's head.

Skye didn't panic, she turned around calmly and looked at the young man in the courier uniform in front of her.


"You know us!"

Wesley took a step back, but the gun in his hand was still aimed at Skye.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. If you put down your guns now, you may still have a chance to survive. Otherwise, you will definitely die in a disgraceful way!"

There was no panic expression on Skye's face, she condensed the few true qi in her body to her chest.

There, tightly hidden within the platinum case of a dazzling gemstone necklace, are three Vajra Talismans.

"Little girl, I have no grievances with you. As long as your boss hands over Sloan and the Assassin Brotherhood, I will let you go."

At this time, the cross came to Skye, took out a few yellow symbols from her pocket, and looked at it in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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