Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 83 Kidnapping Response

Chapter 83 Kidnapping Response
"Hurry up and get out of here, we don't have much time!"

A Dongying man with clogs and a wretched face, who looked exactly like the principal of a certain kindergarten, walked in from outside, followed by four or five gunmen.

"Little girl, come with us, as long as your boss agrees to our conditions, we will not hurt you!"

The Dongying people took the gun from his subordinates and pointed at Skye.

Waving his gun, motioned for Skye to go ahead.

Outside the jewelry store, a black commercial vehicle was parked in front of the store, and dozens of gunmen were seen from a distance blocking the police car.

"We need to get out of New York immediately!"

The Dongying people looked at the cross and said, "Our allies are cowards. They are willing to help us smuggle to New York, but they are unwilling to confront the enemy head-on!"

He was hired to come to New York from Japan, originally to assassinate Tang and Song, but after staying in New York for more than ten days, he never found a chance.

Although he had no contact with Tang and Song Dynasties, through these days of observation, he also vaguely noticed who the Hand members hired him to assassinate.

It can be seen from the performance of those timid gangsters, and he can also see what a huge force he is facing.

If it wasn't for the usury of 2000 million yen owed by the pachinko shop opened by the Hand, he would have slipped away long ago.

He thought of kidnapping the woman from Tang and Song Dynasties back to Dongying, which can be regarded as an explanation to the Hand.

Some local gangsters who don't like Boss Tang eating alone, two assassins who want revenge, and killers hired by the Hand all joined forces to plan the kidnapping.

"Wesley, you drive!"

Wesley made a gesture, sat in the cockpit of the commercial vehicle, stepped on the accelerator, and flew out in an instant.

Dozens of gangster gunmen who blocked the police also withdrew one after another.

Cross sits in the passenger seat, looking at the rearview mirror from time to time,,,
"Do you need to be so careful, even if they notice it, they won't be able to catch up with us so quickly!"

The Dongying man was sitting in the middle seat, holding a double-decker hamburger in his hand, eating with big mouthfuls, and said vaguely in his mouth.

Commercial vehicles shuttled among the traffic, like agile fish swimming, which attracted a lot of scolding.

Wesley's speed soared to 150 yards, and he quickly pulled away from the cars behind him.

"Slow down, wait for the people behind!"

Cross felt uneasy in his heart, and kept looking at the rearview mirror!
His gaze froze,
A lengthened and heavier red container truck suddenly turned sideways from the lane behind them, cutting off their connection with the people behind them.

The door of the container opened, and a dozen big men in black stretched out their guns from inside the car. The large-caliber shotgun in their hands roared wildly, facing
"Come on!"

The complexion of the cross changed suddenly, and Tang's people reacted too quickly.

Completely out of their plans.

The red truck ran across the avenue, causing people in the driveway to brake one after another, causing more than a dozen vehicles to rear-end.

Many bad-tempered drivers got off the car directly, swearing, and some even pulled out their guns.

On the other side, clang, the container door opens downwards,

More than a dozen big men in black half-kneeled in the car,

Assault rifles and military machine guns fired directly at the separated vehicles behind.

The bullets roared wildly. As long as it is not a special bulletproof car, basically no car can withstand so many bullets.

Most of the gunmen involved in the kidnapping in the car were directly killed by surprise and taken away in one wave.


Many car owners were frightened by the sudden shootout.
Some experienced car owners lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, while others hid in the car and dared not get out of the car.

Hill turned sideways and rolled into the bottom of an off-road vehicle.

With rich practical experience, she knows that only the position of the vehicle chassis can well defend against bullets. Of course, the premise is that the fuel tank will not be shot by unlucky ones.

Hill lay on the bottom of the car, cautiously did not poke her head out, stretched out her mobile phone, and turned on the camera function. She was not sure whether these armed gunmen were coming at her.

Hill was originally following the director's order to protect Pepper,

The worst plan Nick Fury has made is that if Tony really dies in Afghanistan, S.H.I.E.L.D. will take over Stark Industries directly by mastering Pepper.

As the largest shareholder other than Tony Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not want such a large amount of assets to fall into the hands of others.

In addition, Coulson was transferred to Afghanistan to cooperate with the military to find Tony Stark.

It fell to Hill to investigate Obadiah.

It's just that before she arrived at Stark Tower, she encountered this sudden gun battle.


Hill watched the behavior of these gunmen through the camera. Their shooting frequency and reloading sequence were all standard like textbooks.

Suppressing firepower, changing magazines with one hand,

Cold and calm, only soldiers who have really experienced wars on the battlefield have such qualities.

mercenary? !Who are they targeting?

Hill saw that his car was not shot.

Instead, several commercial vehicles were set on fire, and she couldn't help looking sideways at the target who was shot.


A commercial vehicle with holes in it was hit, the door was kicked out from the inside, a strong black man stepped down, shaking his head,

The moment his feet touched the ground, he turned into a three-meter-high clay giant!

Puff puff!
The bullet hit him, and the dust flew up, bringing out a series of dirt pits, but it didn't seem to hurt much.

The giant covered his face with his hands and rushed towards the truck.

The car blocking the road along the way was directly knocked away by him like a building block car.


Hill's face became serious, and he clicked twice on the phone to transmit the screen to the S.H.I.E.L.D. intranet in real time, which can be viewed by agents level 6 and above.

At the same time, the positioning system is turned on.

Generally, level 6 agents are considered high-level agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the existence of extraordinary people is no secret to agents of this level!

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Intranet

The video played in real time has attracted the attention of many high-level officials.

The agents who were not performing their tasks turned on the video one after another,

The three-meter-high clay giant rushed towards the truck like a hill, shaking the mountain as it ran.

Even in the video, many agents saw their expressions change.

"Where is the team closest to the anchor point, go to support, notify the New York Police Department, let them rush there!"

Hill issued an order through the communication channel, "Search the database for information on both sides!"

Da da da da da!

The big man in black on the box was not afraid of the size and strength of the clay giant. The gunshots continued and the ammunition was reloaded in an orderly manner.
Turn the mud giant's heart, genitals, and face to test weak points.


A big man in black made a tactical gesture, and a dozen guns were aimed at the face protected by the clay giant.

The intensive shooting forced the clay giant to raise Lingwai's arm to protect his face.


A dozen grenades were thrown at the earth giant's feet in the sound of gunfire.

The clay giant was blasted into the sky, and when it fell to the ground, it only had its upper body.

"Da da da da da da"——

After a burst of fire, the earth giant howling on the ground suddenly fell silent.

This team belongs to the elite directly under Kane, and they were originally carrying out Kane's suppression plan nearby.

Ryan's urgent mission order was issued, and they interspersed directly to intercept this group of kidnappers.

For these mutants who rely on their talents to make a living, to be honest, this elite combat team didn't pay attention, even though they didn't carry heavy weapons.

"Want to run!"

"Da da da!"

Many big men in black raised their guns and quickly pointed them in one direction before pulling the trigger.

Blood splashed everywhere, and in the air, a black-clothed ninja was beaten into a ripped pocket that was beaten into a bloody bag.


Here are the comments from all Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who watched the video!
A team of more than a dozen people ambushed dozens of gunmen, including mutants. Even their S.H.I.E.L.D. only a few special service teams could do it.

"Sir, the identity information is out. He is a lone wolf mercenary, code-named Earth Giant! A third-level mutant who has participated in many terrorist attacks!"

"This group of militants are the former German special forces of the Black Devils. They have retired and are currently working for Tang's security company!"

An agent relayed identifying information to Hill's phone.

The mutants, the security company, and Maria Hill watched the video, and couldn't figure out what was going on. How could these two kinds of people get together and fight.


The dense gunshots and explosions can be heard by anyone who is not deaf.

Wesley is not a fool, he didn't need to be urged by his cheap father, he just stepped on the gas pedal to the end!
One hundred and fifty, one hundred and seventeen, one hundred and nineteen, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, until there was no one on the road ahead.

The black commercial vehicle was almost speeding on the ground, shuttling through the traffic as if every stitch was needed.


At the intersection, the front seems to be a dividing line, and there is no car on the opposite side!
Yes, No. [-] Avenue in New York, Nuo Da, was silent, no cars, no people, and directly in front of them, six black Mercedes-Benz cars were parked side by side in the middle of the road!
"Turn around"!
Cross looked at the opposite scene and said to Wesley.

Wesley's palms were sweating, and he turned the steering wheel quickly, causing the tires to draw a black scorched mark on the ground.

"Ba ba ba—"

There was a burst of violent horn honking, and Wesley brazenly stepped on the accelerator to go upstream,

Amidst the angry curses, Wesley's pupils shrank.

With a sudden brake, the entire commercial vehicle drifted, and the entire vehicle turned sideways.

On the road when they came, there was no car to be seen on the street that was originally full of traffic, and discarded leaflets were flying in the wind.

“Da da da da da”

Two large trucks faced each other, blocking the road tightly. In the middle of the road, dozens of armed soldiers in black combat uniforms pointed at them with assault rifles.

On the four sides of the glass of the commercial vehicle, dense red dots aimed at the tall buildings on both sides.

"get off!"

Carrying an extended version of the grenade gun, Kane walked out of the crowd, click, the bullet was loaded,

Pull the trigger directly, and a grenade blew up a red Camry parked behind the commercial vehicle into scrap iron.

"Go, get out of the car!"

Looking at this scene, Cross gritted his teeth and turned around, raised a pistol in his hand, and pointed it at Skye's head.

The car door opened, Skye walked in front, followed by Cross and Wesley, and the guns in their hands were aimed at the back of Skye's head.

(End of this chapter)

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