Chapter 84
"I have no intention of being your enemy, as long as you hand over Sloan and the holy artifacts belonging to our Assassin Brotherhood!"

Cross pointed the gun at Skye and shouted at Kane.

"Who do you think you are, where do you think you are, this is New York, you messed with our boss, let's see if you can get out alive"

Kane was wearing a black combat uniform, holding a Nepalese army knife in his hand.

Sen Han's eyes were full of bloodthirsty intent.

He did not dispute the attribution of the so-called sacred vessel with the cross,

Waving directly, countless laser red dots almost covered the whole body of the cross.

Not only him, but Wesley, including the trembling Japanese man, had at least ten sniper rifles staring at his head.

Because of some earlier experiences, the Kane and Lane brothers' affection for Tang and Song has almost reached the level of personality worship.

In his eyes, Skye is definitely not the boss's wife, but at most the boss's pet, a little mascot, like a little hamster.

But no one can touch the boss's things, and whoever snatches them will die, there is no discussion.

The cross looked calm and composed. Beside him, although Wesley was holding a gun in his hand, beads of sweat were streaming down his forehead from his temples.

The roaring noises around and the reinforcements that had not been there for a long time made him feel a little flustered.

Just when Wesley was emotionally tense.


With the sound of a tiger howling, Kane's eyes turned blood red unknowingly, and his figure disappeared at some point, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

When Kane appears again,
He had already reached Skye, covered Skye with his broad shoulders, and punched hard with his right hand on the face of the cross that was trying to stop him.

The whole body of the cross was hit by a fist weighing more than ten tons, and the huge impact directly smashed half of his body.

Wesley, who just woke up from the shock of the roar of the tiger, was directly smeared by his old father.


Wesley touched the flesh and blood on his face, roared, raised the gun in his hand, aimed at Kane and pulled the trigger.

Half of the bullet hit Kane's chest, but it was blocked by the golden light on Kane's body in an instant.

Ding ding ding ding, the sound of bullets falling, sounded.

At this moment, more than a dozen snipers opened fire at the same time, and several blood mist exploded on Wesley's body.

The moment Wesley fell, he swung his wrist vigorously.

A bullet ejected from the chamber, drew a graceful arc, and shot into Kane's temple.

Kane backhanded, splitting the bullet in two.

Looking at the dying Wesley, Kane grinned: "Welcome to New York!"

"Da da da da da da da da—"

"Puff puff!"

The sound of the assault rifle, the sound of the silencer of the sniper rifle, just as Kane finished speaking, all the guns in all directions opened fire.

There was no hesitation.

The Dongying man who had been standing behind Wesley in a transparent dress was directly smashed into pieces.


Where is a hidden large base of the Tang Corporation,
Hundreds of computers, the main box occupies a space the size of half a football field.

A dozen or so slovenly hackers with glasses are providing remote support to various tactical teams based on the hidden monitoring everywhere.

These white, black, and Asian programmers are all world-class hackers that Skye found on the Internet.

Boss Tang used money, beauties and guns to bring them under his command.
"Plum Blossom Squad 623, 367 on your lower left!"

A fat white man wearing a wine bottle, tapped his fingers nimbly on the computer, an [-]-inch computer screen, with more than twenty monitoring screens distributed.

"Roger that!"

A rocket bombed directly at the direction he reported.

There was a violent explosion, and the reinforcements that Wesley was looking forward to so hard, a car of fully armed Mexican gunmen was scrapped immediately.

"Piece 812, one block ahead, armed police have entered the battle zone, it is recommended to blow up the pedestrian bridge on the right!"

"Roger that!"

Four cigar missiles hit the pedestrian bridge fiercely, and there was a rumbling sound of collapse.

There is no way to pass through this road in a short time!
"There is a suspected military helicopter heading to the battle zone, and it is expected to arrive in 5 minutes!"


Beep beep beep beep——

In the base, a piercing siren sounded, and the complexions of many hackers changed, and their originally idle attitude suddenly became tense.

The sound of keyboard tapping is endless!
"Someone has invaded the surveillance network and is vying for control with us!"

"Set broiler, don't expose our lines!"

"Use a virus, intrude in reverse, and drive him out of the monitoring network!"

"They have too much computing power, broilers don't work, set up multiple dongles!
"The multi-layer setting of the dongle starts, and the blocking time is 5.8 seconds. It is recommended to use physical disconnection!"

"5 minutes, enough time, pull all the corpses back!"

Just as the hackers in the base were fighting with the S.H.I.E.L.D. cyber agents, Kane escorted Skye to the side car, and turned back to order his men to clean up the scene.

The red truck that was originally used to block the road drove over, opened the side door, and several scavengers jumped out and began to clean up the corpses on the ground skillfully.

Just as the two scavengers were shoveling Wesley's body into the body bag, behind them, the Japanese man who was almost a pile of rotten meat suddenly stood up intact.

"It's such a long-lost pain!"

He shook his neck, and suddenly turned into a three or four meter tall black humanoid ghost.

"Hey!" Before the two scavengers could turn around, a black scythe slashed across their necks.

"Kill him!"

Kane turned his head, looked at the two beheaded scavengers, and directly ordered his subordinates to take Skye away, and rushed towards the black ghost with a Nepalese saber.

"Bang bang bang..."

The sound of gunfire exploded like firecrackers.

Countless bullets shot at the black ghost, but the black ghost seemed to be constantly transforming between the fog and the entity, and the bullets passing through the fog couldn't cause any harm to him at all.

"Rocket coverage!"

The moment Kane's order was issued, four rockets directly hit the black ghost.

In the flames of the explosion in the distance, the black ghost flickered like a candle in a strong wind.

But soon he gathered the mist from the explosion, and facing Kane who rushed over, he directly waved the sickle in his hand.

The sickle and the Nepalese saber in Kane's hand crossed,

The one-meter-long sickle blade of the black sickle was directly divided into two by the Nepalese army knife in Kane's hand.

"how is this possible?"

The black ghost looked at the half sickle in his hand, and let out a scream of disbelief.

Before he could react, Kane directly cut off his left calf with the saber glowing in his hand, with several afterimages.

Then on the right, Kane's speed was so fast that the black ghost couldn't react at all.

In less than a dozen breaths, the black ghost was cut into a human pig by Kane abruptly.

With Kane's last cut, the three-banned Nepalese saber transformed into a phantom of a white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes, and directly bit off the head of the black ghost.

The black ghost dissipated, and a body without limbs and head fell to the ground.

Kane took a look, just about to put away the Nepalese army knife.

The corpse in front of him suddenly trembled and turned into a black ghost again.

"I can't kill you!"

The black ghost raised the restored scythe, and the dull voice was full of pride.


A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

 Thank you for the reward from the weird quarter of an hour!

  Thank you for the reward from my blackest boss!

  Thank you sipid boss for your reward!
  Thank you 20220216122705359 for your reward!
  Thank you brave farmer for your reward!
  Thank you, little bookworm boss, for your reward!

  Thank you for being your eternal shoulder boss for your reward!
  Thank you Thumboy 123 for your reward!
  Thank you domineering Yan Luo Wang for your reward!

  Thank you Yun Wuchang Feng Wuding boss for your reward!
  Thank you supper brother for your reward!

  Thank you Taiyi Mote for your reward!
  Thank you, Jian Ji, you are so beautiful, for your reward!
  Thank you Ram 1 boss for your reward!
  Thank you 20221030130237050 for your reward!
  Thank you supper brother for your reward!

  Thank you guys for your monthly tickets.

  I know that you guys don't want to listen to my nonsense, and want me to add more!
  Everyone who reads the book should know my situation. The child is only 20 days old. I have recently let go of it. I am afraid that the child will get infected. I have been busy taking care of the child. I can’t guarantee it now. I can only thank you here. .

  Thank you all, thank you here!
(End of this chapter)

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