Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 86 Retaliation*

Chapter 86

"Boss, all the donations from the New York City government and the police department have been transferred!"

The 25-meter-long constant temperature indoor swimming pool in the manor is adjusted to the most suitable 27 degrees,
Tang Song swam a few times in the pool, and went ashore wearing a towel.

Two young and beautiful maids came forward with towels, one wiped his body and the other dried his hair.

Skye was wearing a white bikini swimsuit and orange sunglasses, holding up her white wrist to appreciate the luxury bracelet Tang Song gave her.

Judging from her smiling face, the kidnapping didn't seem to have much impact on her.

Ryan came to the pool and said to Tang Song with a document.

"Boss, here are some funds usage documents, I need you to look them over!"

"I told you, these things, you watch and deal with them yourself!"

Tang Song took the document casually and flipped through it a few times.

The first is a donation to the New York City government and the NYPD.

Donate 2000 million to the New York City Government, and 1000 million to the New York Police Department.

The effect of spending this money is that the entire New York City government, including the police department, chose to coldly deal with the large-scale gun battle that occurred on the day of the kidnapping.

The so-called cold treatment means that if no one reports the case and will not appear in the public eye, then the file of this case will always lie in the corner and eat ashes.

In the East, there is a saying that money can make ghosts turn mills, and in the Commonwealth, money can make mills turn ghosts!
Money can pass through the gods, this truth is common to both Chinese and foreign countries, and it has never changed.

As for the news media, 1000 million US dollars plus a strong identity is enough to block the news.

For the media who are good at catching rumors, public opinion is their weapon, and traffic is the money in their pockets.

They don't care about right and wrong, just like the New York Times later caught the little spider to pluck the wool, no matter how black it is.

As for the DC universe next door, the Daily Bugle even regarded Superman as a traffic code.

However, these newspaper reporters and editors may not be afraid of congressmen and the federal president who dare to use their lace news as jokes!

They are not afraid of those superheroes, justice is always weak, and the public opinion in their hands is enough to overwhelm any vigilante.

But they are well-informed and they dare not provoke a newly promoted underworld emperor in New York.

They know that members of Congress may talk to them about the law, and superheroes will talk about justice with them, but they know that Tang and Song will not.

No reporter is so hard-headed that he wants to reason with a gang boss and talk about the law!

It is also for this reason that even the shareholder of the Osborne Group, the famous Jewish banker's car accident news, because of fear of someone, many famous newspapers only wrote a few strokes in the corner of the newspaper.

The second capital expenditure is the initial cost of the construction of the wharf, which is about [-] million yuan.

The blood god that was destroyed at the beginning, and the abandoned pier that was blown up, have now been included in the planning of the New York City government after the governor came to power, and are planning to approve an ocean port.

The construction company under the Tang Group, which has just been established, is the construction party. At the same time, because it is the investor, the Tang Group owns 70% of the shares of the terminal.

As for the remaining 30%, it is natural that the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom!
After all, some necessary exchange of interests is still needed.

Otherwise, even with the support of the governor of New York State, Hades would be better off, but the kid would be hard to deal with.

There is still some cost for drinking coffee.

There are no less large and small government offices in New York, plus some messy protection organizations. If you want to build a project, you must feed them first.

The combined management expenses of these people will exceed [-] million US dollars.

The construction of an ocean-going terminal is expected to cost at least 30 billion U.S. dollars.

The group allocated 25 million US dollars to the construction company for initial procurement and recruitment costs, and the remaining [-] billion.

Ryan used part of the shares and future earnings of the terminal as collateral, and lent 40 billion US dollars to six banks including Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs.

Among them, 15 billion was allocated by Ryan to the group's stock market account on Wall Street, plus the 15 billion profit from shorting Stark Industries, a total of 30 billion US dollars.

According to Boss Tang's idea, this money is going to be used to buy Stark Industries at any time.

After Tony Stark disappeared, someone contacted Boss Tang through Wells Fargo and wanted to sell his shares in Stark Industries.

But later, because of Tony Stark's return, the stock of Stark Industries soared, and the man temporarily regretted it.

But Tang Song is not worried, the stock price of Stark Industries has not reached the bottom yet.

When Tony Stark officially announces his withdrawal from the arms market, it will be a good opportunity for him to enter.

Who would have thought that an arms company would become a giant in the energy industry after transformation.

It's like a cook who doesn't look at the recipes to look at the art of war. When everyone is not optimistic, he actually becomes a good general.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is simply outrageous.

However, taking advantage of the plot, Tang Song is planning to cut a piece of this big cake that no one knows.

After all, the energy industry can make more money than selling arms, otherwise the group of local tyrants with white cloths on their heads would not spread money all over the world.

However, Stark Industries' clean energy is bound to have a huge impact on the oil industry.

However, with Stark Industries' status in the federation, even without plot inertia, Tang Song has no doubt that Tony Stark can survive the suppression of these old energy interest groups.

All Boss Tang can do is count the banknotes.

After Ryan's operation, the pier has not yet been built. Not only has it completely paid off, but it has also made a fortune. This is the benefit of the correct team and connections.


The last big expenditure was the development of Raccoon Town,
This is the real big expense, and the group's appraiser estimates that the initial investment will cost about 30 billion.

The 6000-acre farm was planned as a cultural tourism town, and the purchase of these lands alone cost Boss Tang [-] million US dollars.

The design cost of this cultural tourism town is as high as [-] million.

Among them, the headache for the designer in charge of planning was the request made by Boss Tang.

The lakes and rivers around the town have been artificially intervened on the design drawings.

Not only that, Boss Tang, the father of Party A, gave the design company a draft, and all the house layouts in the town need to be completed on this draft.

The horizontal axis runs vertically, and the requirements are very fine. Of course, if those designers have been to Boss Tang’s burrow, they will find that the whole town is an enlarged version of a huge catacomb altar, a huge [-]-acre cave. Gathering magic circle.

And the center of the altar, which is breaking ground, is the underground building complex that Tang and Song personally named as the honeycomb.

The entire cultural tourism town will cost at least tens of billions of dollars to build.

However, because it involves earthwork, labor costs, and some opaque fees, this cultural tourism town project is also an excellent money laundering project.

More than 40.00% of the cash flow in the hands of Tang and Song can be laundered through the construction of this small town.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that although it is money laundering, there is a huge amount of tax in the project expenditure marked in the document.

Laundering money and paying taxes voluntarily looks like a joke in any country.

However, in the Federation, this is perfectly legal. The Federal Internal Revenue Service will not ask about the source of your money, as long as you can make up enough taxes.

Don't worry, they will never expose you to the FBI and CIA.

Of course, the premise is that you don't evade taxes.

The federal taxation agency and laws are the most ruthless in the world. It can be said that even if Tang and Song were targeted by them, it would be a headache for him.

The Federal Internal Revenue Service has even more power in the Federation than the FBI, and no one dares to offend easily.

As long as someone dares to evade taxes, they can investigate it,
As long as suspicion exists, arrests can be made, and suspicious assets can be frozen without going to court,

You must know that the Federation, as capitalism, declares that private property is sacred and inviolable!
In the 30s, Boss Tang’s predecessor, Capone, the boss of the federal Chicago underground gang, was famous at the time.

Not only does it control a large number of local enterprises, but it also has the ability to intervene in government management. Even some congressmen will deliberately seek Capone's support. His prestige in the underground world once looked down on the former black* emperor and the current Boss Tang.

Although Capone's annual income could reach hundreds of millions in the 30s,
But he still cared about his money very much.
After all, if you pay taxes honestly, half of your income will go to the federal treasury.

The federal Hoover government at that time also turned a blind eye to this,

After all, Capone is not a good stubble. As long as someone dares to obstruct him, he will kill him. Many people with the same high positions cannot escape assassination.

But as Capone became more lawless, he not only equipped his men with powerful firepower, but also made many bloody attacks,
This made all the high-level members of the Federation feel that Capone cannot continue to develop, otherwise the whole society will panic.
So Hoover immediately ordered the FBI to conduct a secret investigation to obtain Capone's criminal evidence and arrest him.
However, as the boss of a huge force, Capone also attaches great importance to dealing with the mess,

Therefore, after a lot of hard work, the FBI could not find any evidence of his crime at all, and the only clues were not enough to convict him.

In the end, the Chicago boss was imprisoned dramatically for tax evasion, and never came out until his death.

Unlike tax agencies in other countries, the Federal Internal Revenue Service can arm them to collect taxes.

The tax officers of the Federal Internal Revenue Service are armed with guns to enforce the law. If the affairs staff ask you to pay taxes, you will try every means to escape and not pay them.

Then maybe they won't tell you much, and just put the gun on your forehead.

The Federal Tax Service has more than 11 employees across the Federation.

Moreover, their weapon level is very high. In the federal agencies, if they are ranked according to the level of weaponry and equipment.

The highest is the Army, followed by the Navy, and the third is the weapons of the Federal Tax Service.

Their weapons and equipment are similar to those of the army, basically all kinds of weapons, including but not limited to aircraft, tanks, and armored vehicles.

Not only are they fully equipped with weapons and equipment, but they also have great law enforcement power in their hands.

The IRS has [-] dedicated tax inspectors.

These people have great rights, they can freeze anyone's account or property at any time, no matter if you are a civilian or a senior official with power!
This is why Tang and Song didn't want to provoke the Federal Internal Revenue Service.

"Boss, Willie Gambino has requested a video call with you!"

After Tang Song signed a Chinese "read" on the document with a pen, Ryan finished sorting it out and put it in the file bag.

He took out his notebook, and after receiving Tang Song's nod, he connected to Willie Gambino's video.

The video camera is next to the outdoor swimming pool of a European-style villa,
The scene was a mess, a group of people were busy cleaning up the dead bodies in the villa

On the floor tiles by the swimming pool, there were bloodstains from dragging corpses everywhere.

Six or seven gorgeously dressed Mexicans were tied up and knelt by the pool.

Behind each of them stood a killer aiming a gun.

"Boss, these are the backbone of the Qatar Group!"

Willie Gambino saluted slightly to Tang Song in the call video, pointing to the Mexican kneeling by the swimming pool and explained.

"Ferdinand, who participated in the kidnapping, is the younger brother of the head of the Qatari group!"

"The butcher just interrogated them. The reason why they participated in the kidnapping of Miss Skye was because they wanted two secret fan channels from Mexico to the Federation!"

In the video, a butcher passing by with a corpse in one hand stops when Willie Gambino mentions his name.

Just seeing Tang Song's figure on the computer, he quickly put down the corpse in his hand and saluted Tang Song.

Tang Song raised his hand to signal him to continue, and then he grabbed the body and continued to throw it into the swimming pool.

Seeing this scene, Willie Gambino's pupils shrank, but his face was still full of respect.

"These two fan tunnels were made by Jin Bing and a drug tycoon from Mexico City. Two four-kilometer-long underground tunnels were dug from Mexicali in Mexico City to Calexico in Federation! "

"The prizes transported to the Federation by these two tunnels are calculated in tons every year, and they have always been an important source of income for Jin Bin!"

"Later, the Qatari group captured an important subordinate of the seller in a firefight and learned about these two tunnels!"

"They didn't attack these two tunnels because they were afraid of the Jin merger, until recently..."

While saying this, Willie has been carefully checking Tang Song's expression, but if Boss Tang shows any interest in these two tunnels, Willie will definitely enshrine these two tunnels with both hands. superior.

There is no way, the strength of the Assassins of the Brotherhood of Assassins that Boss Tang sent over to help is really too tyrannical
Although Willie Gambino had been the manager of the Continental Hotel for several years, it was precisely because he had seen many assassins that he, as an expert, understood how powerful the group of assassins sent by Boss Tang was.

"Boss, what to do with these people!"

Seeing that Boss Tang was obviously not interested in these two tunnels, Willie asked cautiously.

Tang Song looked at the kneeling people in the video, raised his hand slightly, and wrote lightly: "Kill them all!"

A gunshot sounded, and the Mexican singer drug dealers in the video were executed after being put on a hood, and fell headlong into the swimming pool one by one, instantly dyeing the clear water red.


After dealing with the backbone of the Qatar Group, the call with Boss Tang ended.

Willie picked up a beautifully wrapped bottle of tequila on the table by the pool and pulled out the sapphire cork.

Willie casually picked up the crystal glass beside him and was about to pour himself a glass of wine.

"If I were you, I wouldn't drink this glass of poisoned wine!"

A voice interrupted Willy's movements. He put down the wine glass in his hand and looked behind him.

By the pool, the second batch of people were being shot, a thin black man with glasses struggled his upper body and shouted at Willy.

Looking at the beautifully packaged tequila in his hand, Willie signaled his subordinates to bring the thin black man with glasses over.

"You said it was poisoned wine?"

Faced with Willy's questioning, the black man with glasses broke free from the restrained hand, and straightened his suit and tie.

Very elegantly extended his hand to Willy.

"Let me introduce myself, Gustavo Frin, Elandio's enemy, this bottle of highly poisonous tequila is my gift to Irandio, it's a pity that you did what I wanted to do first! "


Willie played with the wine bottle in his hand and looked up and down at the black man in front of him.

Strange to say, as an Italian, he looked at the black man in front of him and felt that his behavior was very elegant.

Regardless of the gunman's black muzzle behind him, Gusta took out a white handkerchief from the outside pocket of his suit and wiped his slightly foggy glasses.

"Ten years ago, right here, Elandio killed my brother, and this time I was going to take revenge.

You have solved my enemies for me, we can cooperate! "

cooperate? !Willy sneered: "Now you are all in my hands, what capital do you have to cooperate with me!"

"Aren't you from the Federation?" Gusta looked at Willy, the expression under the glasses was full of determination:

"If you want to take over Elandio's business, you need a partner in the Commonwealth!"

"I have a stable shipping channel in seven federal states, I can help you!"

"Not enough!" Willy raised his index finger and shook, "Your offer is not enough to buy your life!"

Gusta was silent for a moment, and glanced at the white gangster who was kneeling on the ground not far away.

"I have two professional therapists, they can purify the ** to more than 95%, you should know their value!"

The purity is more than 95%, and Willie is interested. This purity is much higher than what he bought from France.

That batch of goods is said to have been made from a village in the east of *country*, sold to France, and he has already sold them third-hand, which is nearly one-third more expensive than Italian local goods.

But the advantage lies in the high purity, so it has a great market in Italy.

If it's really a bargain over 95%.

Willy looked at Gusta with a calm expression, frowned, picked up the wine glass from the table beside him, poured a glass of sapphire tequila, and handed the glass to Gusta.

"I want to see your sincerity!"

Gusta didn't hesitate at all, after taking the cup, he reported an address to Willy,

"After I drank, please send me here, where I arranged for a gastric lavage doctor!"

Before Willy could respond, Gusta drank the tequila in the wine glass in one gulp.


In a motel, Gusta woke up from the operating table in a daze, lying on the bedside and retching.

"They're gone, here's the business card left by the Italian!"

Gusta's capable subordinate, a robust white man over sixty years old, was standing by with a double-barreled shotgun.

Seeing Gusta relieved from the state of vomiting, he stepped forward and handed Gusta a business card.

"Willie Gambino, the Gambino family, the Italian Mafia!"

After pondering for a moment, Gusta stuffed the business card into his pocket.

"They took Jesse away!" the old white man said to Gusta.

Gusta didn't have any accidents. He walked to the hanger aside, took off a new suit, and changed into it.

"Where's Walter?"

"It's still the same, not very peaceful!" The white old man curled his lips.

Gusta adjusted his tie in the mirror: "Go and teach him a lesson, but be careful, we still need him now!"

The old white man nodded knowingly, pushed open the garage door, and walked out.

"The Gambino family, Song*Tang, the new underworld emperor?" Thinking of the face in the sneak peeked video, Gusta's face flashed a bit of haze.


In the recreation room of the manor, Ryan was playing billiards with Boss Tang.

While playing basketball, Ryan reported to Boss Tang.

Hearing Ryan's report on Willy, Tang Song wiped the pool cue and smiled.

"**, we won't do it, let Willy handle the two tunnels by himself, but let him hand over 20.00% of the profits every month!
How about a painter's euro imitation?After copying it, let Willy sell it through his own channel! "

"The electric board has been completed, and the first batch of finished products will cost about 5000 million euros in a few days!

I'll connect with Willy right away! "

"Well, by the way, at this time, Frank should have gone to Japan as well!"

"The flight from San Francisco to Tokyo last night should have arrived!"

After Ryan cleared the last black ball, he closed his shot and returned.

"Thirty people, Ryan, do you think Frank can surprise the Hand?"

Looking at the billiards that Ryan had just set up, Tang Song raised his cue and was ready to go.


Shizuoka Airport is the closest international airport to Mount Fuji, only [-] kilometers northeast of Mount Fuji.

The airport is so small that even your luggage has to be left outside the airport, and you can take your luggage in when it's your turn to check in.

However, because it is the closest international airport to Mount Fuji, it receives a lot of people every year.

Here, foreigners are also common.

When Frank walked out of the airport with his luggage, he didn't attract much attention. At most, a few enthusiastic private tour guides came to Frank's side to sell his hot spring pool and beautiful girls.

"I'm in Dongying, when will my order arrive!"

Africa, Yuri, who was enjoying the dance of two black pearls in a hotel in a small country in South Africa, walked to the window with his mobile phone.

"Soon, I've got someone to pick you up, and he'll take you to the warehouse, where you'll find what you want!"

Frank was walking on the road outside the airport with a mobile phone and a suitcase in one hand. After declining several taxi drivers, a black Honda stopped in front of him.

A young man from Japan with a crew cut got out of the car.

"Are you Mr. Frank, I'm Takeru Sato, Mr. Uri asked me to pick you up!"

 It’s 6000 a day to see the children, my throat is a bit dry and itchy, it should be, I hope it’s okay

(End of this chapter)

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