Chapter 87

A sea of ​​green forest, in the distance is the snow-capped Mount Fuji.

The sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara is very famous in Japan and even in the world for two reasons.

One is that this forest was originally a famous scenic spot under Mount Fuji in Japan, and the scenery of Mount Fuji seen from here is breathtakingly beautiful;
The second point is suicide.The forest is so dense here that after the suicide act is over, the body may never be found by anyone again.

Because people often come here to end their lives, the Aokigahara Forest in Japan is also known as the "Suicide Forest".

A helicopter hovered over the forest sea, and flew towards the depths of the forest. Looking down, there are huge uncut huge trees everywhere.

Dimly could be seen many wooden houses amidst the cover of the jungle.

"grown ups!"

The helicopter landed on the ground, and a group of ninjas in black bowed and waited in front of the helicopter.

The first person was a middle-aged man wearing wooden clogs and wearing a kimono!

"Sowanda, Alexandra, and Botu have all arrived!"

"My lord, the lords have been waiting for a long time!"

The ninja in black bowed and saluted.

"Well, go meet them!"

The history of hand and society can be traced back hundreds of years ago. Mrs. Gao, Suowanda, Murakami, Botu, and Alexandra are all outer disciples of Kunlun. They stole Kunlun's secret treasure keel, in order to avoid Kunlun's pursuit. , established hands and associations in Japan.

The five people are collectively known as the five fingers of the hand and society, and they have lived for hundreds of years with the power of the keel.

The forest under Mt. Fuji is their private land. It is hard to say how many of the people who committed suicide in these years were "killed" because they smashed into the base of the Hand Association.

"Murakami, you're late!!"

In a camouflaged wooden house, I saw Murakami pushing the door and entering.

A tall black man in a suit looked up at him.

He is Sowanda, one of the five fingers.

Botu was a large white man, and Alexandra was the only woman besides Mrs. Gao.

Murakami is not in the mood to quarrel with Suowanda now. He looked at the three sitting and told a bad news.

"Just received the news that Hayato Tanaka failed, and all the ninjas we sent to respond were broken!"

Murakami rubbed his eyebrows: "Everyone, we don't have much time. We won't get the keel within a year, and we will be able to meet Mrs. Gao soon!"

Murakami's words immediately made the expressions on the faces of the other three fingers anxious.

Several of them relied on the strength of the keel, and lived for hundreds of years, and now the keel is almost exhausted.

This also means that those who have lost the strength of their keels will soon age and die like normal people.

After enjoying the glory and wealth for hundreds of years, they will naturally not be reconciled.

But if they want to continue their lives, their only way is to find another keel.

there's a place for sure there's a keel
But Kunlun, they absolutely dare not go back.

It took them decades to finally find out the whereabouts of another keel.

It is in New York, which is why Mrs. Gao has been stationed in New York.

It's just a pity that the keel was not found, and one of their five fingers was broken abruptly.

Regarding Mrs. Gao's death, although the four of them were a little sad, the most important thing now was to get the keel.

However, several people thought about it, but they didn't think of a way to solve the trouble of Tang and Song Dynasties.

After all, New York is now the home of the newly promoted Emperor of the Underworld.

"If it still doesn't work, let's borrow Yashida's strength, and we will enter New York through regular channels, and dig out the keel in the name of real estate development!"


"Mr. Frank, the sea of ​​green trees is just ahead!"

A bus was driving on the road leading to the sea of ​​green trees, with the slogan of Sato Travel Agency printed on the bus.

Of course, this travel agency is just a sideline business of the Sato family, and Takeru Sato's main business is selling arms.

Takeru Sato knew very early on that the more a country bans something, the more it is a profiteering industry.

Dongying is a country that bans guns. Takeru Sato has been very interested in arms since he was a child. Later, by accident, he became Yuri's dealer and was in charge of Yuri's business in Dongying.

However, due to the institutional relationship in Japan, although Sato Takeru's business is not a small business, he only sells hundreds of pistols every year.

When you meet a big client, you just buy some micro punches.

This time Yuri transported things to the warehouse, even Sato Takeru felt his scalp tingling.

In the back row of the driver's seat, Takeru Sato said to Frank with a trembling voice.

I can't help him not being nervous,
The bus was full of strong men over 1.9 meters tall.

These strong men with fierce expressions had a bulging luggage bag under their seats.

Takeru Sato took out the things from the warehouse with his own hands. He knows the power of these weapons.

As an arms dealer, Takeru Sato doesn't care what buyers use for their weapons.

But even if it is the Red Army, they bought so many ruthless goods, shouldn't they go to attack Tokyo!
What to do when you come to Mount Fuji.

The car drove more and more sideways, and when Sato Takeru was muttering in his heart, the car drove into the forest.

Takeru Sato almost sat up straight away. As a local, he knew how evil Kihara Jukai was.

After walking into the forest, the compass will automatically fail,
Let those who enter the forest find no way out, get lost in the forest, even if they don't want to commit suicide, they will starve to death.

Although some professors from Dongda University have pointed out that the cause of the failure is related to the magnetic field of volcanic lava.

The tree species growing in this area are simple, and the landscapes of every place in the sea of ​​trees are similar.
And there are magnetite deposits underground, which will make the compass not function normally and cannot guide the climbers in the right direction
, the entire forest is lush and dense, covering the sky and the sun, and there is no way to use the sun to judge the direction.

Moreover, in high mountains with an altitude of more than [-] meters, as the altitude increases, the air pressure decreases and the air gradually becomes thinner.
When the surroundings are full of forests and the landscape lacks changes, people often easily lose their sense of direction and cannot find a way out.

However, Takeru Sato grew up listening to the legend of the Aokigahara Forest Sea.

He didn't believe the explanations of these so-called experts.

It is said that most people who commit suicide in this forest will choose to hang themselves
Some residents living nearby said that they often heard the sound of ropes rubbing against each other in the middle of the night, and some even saw ghosts with fangs and long tongues wandering outside the forest, which was very scary.

"get off!"

The bus was quickly blocked by dense trees. Frank greeted, and many big men picked up the luggage bags under them.

Filed down from the back door of the bus.

"Let's go, together!"

Frank patted the pale-faced Takeru Sato on the shoulder, almost half-dragging and half-hugging him out of the car.

Cuckoo, the sea of ​​trees is densely forested, even at noon, the dense treetops will cover the forest in darkness.

 I was recruited, my body temperature was 38 degrees 1, I just finished the injection and took the medicine.

  Only two thousand today, please take a leave
(End of this chapter)

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