Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 91 Ghost Call?

Chapter 91 Ghost Call?

"The center point of the spread of the wildfire has been found, sir!"

Two police helicopters hovered above the sea of ​​green trees, and a policeman wearing the uniform of the Dongying Metropolitan Police Department looked down with a binoculars.

Because the thick smoke from the burning of the sea of ​​trees obscured most of the sight, it also forced the two police helicopters to have no way to lower their altitude.

This makes the police department, acting as an observer, risk being smoked, or even fall off the plane at any time, and look down.

"Gaoqiao Police Department, observe carefully to see if you can find out the cause of the wildfire eruption, whether it was a meteorite impact or a real "shelling"!"

In the communication channel of the Metropolitan Police Department, the voice of a middle-aged man with a thick Tokyo accent sounded.

"Yes, sir!"

Takahashi police department rubbed his red eyes that were smoky, and scolded him ten thousand times in his heart, but he still respectfully replied to the inquiries of the people in the communicator.

There is no way, the opposite is the deputy chief of the police department of the entire Dongying police system. In terms of position, he is four levels higher than the police department in his small place.

"Bombardment, Baga, do you think this is the Middle East or Afghanistan!"

The Takahashi Police Department slandered the group of idiot leaders sitting in the office remotely commanding ten thousand and one times in his heart. He waved his hand, wanting to ask the helicopter pilot to lower the altitude further.

The pilot pointed to the billowing black smoke outside and waved to him, indicating that this was the lowest altitude the helicopter could descend to.

In the communication channel, the voice of the deputy chief talking with others kept coming.

At the last sound, Takahashi could even hear the Deputy Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department calling that person "Sir".

Could it be the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, Takahashi swallowed, looked at the real-time video equipment placed in the cabin, and suddenly had a bold idea.

Takahashi withdrew his body from the cabin door, returned to the cabin, and wrapped himself in two layers of fire-resistant isolation clothing.

Then he put on a communication helmet equipped with a video camera, and tied two lock and drop ropes to his waist, back and underarms.

Immediately afterwards, Takahashi came to the door of the helicopter cabin, and jumped down regardless of the pilot's loud dissuasion.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, this is a good opportunity to show your face in front of the leaders!"

That was Takahashi's only thought when he jumped off the helicopter,

He is over [-] years old, and he is not a member of the professional group. If there is no accident, this police department will be the last stop of his career.

This time may be the only chance for him to show his face in front of the boss, and it is also the only chance for him to break through the bottleneck of his career.

The feeling of weightlessness is accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness caused by blood congestion in the head, and the whistling wind blows past his ears.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time had passed.

When Takahashi opened his eyes again, he was hanging upside down. Two meters below him was a scorched old tree. The billowing black smoke was enough to smoke him even through the protective clothing and closed helmet.

Regardless of fear, Takahashi directly turned on the video transmission device connected to the helmet.


Dongying Metropolitan Police Department, the No. [-] meeting room of the Metropolitan Police Department at this time.

A dozen people gathered together to watch the real-time video on the big screen.

Those who can sit here, the lowest police ranks are all high-ranking Japanese police officers at the police surveillance level.

Including the deputy director of the Police Department, the chiefs of the police department, the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the chief of the district police.

Among them, the highest police rank is the Chief of the Police Department. At his level, there is no class badge, but it will be equipped with one more day badge than the police chief's class badge, which will be used as the "Police Chief's Badge" shoulder badge.

However, the person with the highest position present was not the Chief of the Police Department, but the thin old man who sat silently in the chief position and watched the real-time screen quietly.

He was wearing a gray suit and a pair of presbyopic glasses. The lenses of the glasses seemed to be highly prescribed. The thin old man would take off his glasses from time to time and drip a few drops of eye drops into his eyes.

"Ono-kun, you are the only soldier among us present. In your opinion, are these the traces left by the shell explosion?"

The surveillance footage captured by the camera helmet was a bit shaky, with charred trees and charred corpses everywhere,

The camera screen scanned the ruins of two wooden houses. Judging from the large crater on the ground, it was obviously not caused by a wildfire, but some kind of impact or a crater left by a shell explosion.

The man called Ono-kun was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general of the Navy Self-Defense Force. When the Minister of Defense called his name, the man's face flickered with sadness.

But he had to get up, "From the testimony of eyewitnesses and the analysis of traces on the scene, this should be the bomb crater left by the bombing of the Federation's 60MM M2 mortar!

At least one base number of shells was bombed to create a crater of this size! "

After Lieutenant General Ono finished speaking, he saluted the Minister of Defense and sat directly in his seat.

No follow-up comments were made, apparently, not wanting to cause trouble.

But he is not the only one who understands the philosophy of being wise and safe.

Hearing that Lieutenant General Ono admitted that it was shelling, the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department suddenly regained his spirits.

"Ono-kun, when it comes to the artillery of the established system, this is not something that our Metropolitan Police Department can get involved in. I think it is safer for our Self-Defense Forces to take over this matter!"

"Mr. Kameda, the source of the mortar shells has not been clarified yet. Everything is just a suspicion. Wait until your Metropolitan Police Department thoroughly investigates this matter. If you really need to mobilize our Self-Defense Forces, you can apply to the Prime Minister yourself!"

As a professional soldier, Ono can naturally see from the traces at the scene that such dense and regular craters require at least ten mortar salvos to form.

Using a mortar battalion in the hinterland of Mount Fuji in Japan, other than the Japanese government itself, Saburo Onohara only thought of one force—the group of uncles stationed on Okinawa Island.

But no matter which side it is, he, a lieutenant general of the Navy Self-Defense Force, cannot provoke him.

Seeing Saburo Onohara shrink his head, the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department turned his attention to the Minister of Defense.

They are all foxes who have been there for many years. What Saburo Onohara can see, most of the people present can also see.

As a semi-colonial country, when the Dongying Police Department encountered a case of federal soldiers molesting, molesting, or even raping Dongying women, it would try its best to make the major incidents into minor ones.

The bureaucrats of the Dongying Metropolitan Police Department are naturally able to push this kind of major event that obviously has the characteristics of the federal military.

"Ahem, let's watch the video first. This is the first-hand information brought back by our police officers at the Metropolitan Police Department!"

The Minister of Defense coughed and brought everyone's attention back to the video.

At this time, the video screen was constantly moving, and more details of the scene appeared in front of everyone.

The fire in the sea of ​​green trees is still spreading to the surroundings, but the fire has already subsided in the very center of the fire.

The charred tree house and the charred corpse made many senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department know for the first time that there was a secret base hidden in the middle of this suicide forest that they didn't know about.

Of course, from the eyes of the Minister of Defense and the chief, director, and deputy chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, they did not see any surprises.

Apparently, the existence of the Hand is no secret to the real top Metropolitan Police Department.


"It's getting foggy!"

Although the fire has been extinguished, the heat from the burning trees is still condensed, and the area is like a giant oven.

Takahashi hangs upside down in mid-air, feeling that his protective clothing has been soaked with sweat, pouring down towards his head, and the closed helmet is dripping with sweat.

Just when Takahashi couldn't hold on anymore, he wanted to change the channel of the communicator and call the helicopter pilot to leave.

An extremely cold chill swept over his whole body, and the sweat all over his body instantly became icy cold.

Takahashi's dizzy head instantly seemed to be poured on his head by a bucket of ice water, and he opened his eyes wide and looked around.

At some point, a white mist enveloped the entire forest.

At a glance, he couldn't see anything but the white mist.

clap la la...

Takahashi looked around, suddenly accompanied by the sound of iron chains dragging and colliding, many figures appeared indistinctly in the white mist.


Takahashi struggled to remove the police gun from his waist holster, and pointed at the figure in the white mist while hanging upside down.

The sound of the iron chains colliding was getting closer, and Takahashi's hand holding the police gun was trembling involuntarily.

"Hi I I I!"

A figure in the white mist appeared before Takahashi's eyes, and Takahashi's eyes froze instantly...

A three-meter-tall black-clothed ghost walked towards him from the white mist, dragging chains.

The white mist covered the faces of the ghosts and gods, and Takahashi could only see the undead in extremely tragic death on the thick chains dragged by the ghosts and gods.

These undead were tied to the chains reluctantly, and were dragged forward by ghosts and gods.

Just when the ghost walked up to Takahashi and was about to collide with him,
Takahashi screamed in horror, and fainted from fright.

But unexpectedly, the tall ghost seemed to be just a light and shadow, passing directly through the upside-down high bridge, dragging a bunch of fierce souls and undead into the mist.


"Who can tell me what this is, a mirage, or a night walk of ghosts!"

In Conference Room No. [-] of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, more than a dozen high-ranking officials from the police and military circles in Japan looked at the images transmitted from the real-time screen,
The sound of the collision of iron chains seems to be echoing in the ear,

Even though the conference room was full of people, they still felt a chill coming from behind them involuntarily.

The Minister of Defense looked at the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department who was sitting at the bottom.

"It seems to be some kind of supernatural event!" The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department said uncertainly.

"However, the professors of Dongda University have analyzed the geology of the sea of ​​green trees before. There are a lot of magnets in this forest. Perhaps these are image illusions caused by magnets."

Hearing the ambiguous words of the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Minister of Defense cursed nonsense.

"Kameda-kun, the Metropolitan Police Department will not announce such ambiguous matters to the public for the time being!"

"The fire in Aoki Forest Sea is still spreading. The most urgent task now is to extinguish the fire. The cause of the incident will be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department after the fire is extinguished. Ono-kun, your Self-Defense Forces should cooperate with the Metropolitan Police Department to do a good job of putting out the fire!"

The Minister of Defense changed the topic, which directly changed the topic center of the entire meeting, and the theme of the entire meeting also changed from chasing murderers to disaster relief.

As for Takahashi still hanging on the helicopter, who still remembers? !


On the outskirts of the sea of ​​green trees, there is a leeward mountain depression.

A few soldiers were using slings to carry heavy wooden boxes to the bus halfway up the mountain.
The wooden box is made of simple iron birch boards, and the golden light inside can even be seen through the gaps in the boards.

These are loot looted from the Hand's base.

There are more than [-] wooden boxes in total, all of which are filled with large pieces of gold bricks, small pieces of gold bars, and gold bars.

Twenty or so boxes added up to a full two tons. For this reason, several soldiers specially found a bus.

Soon the two buses drove along the winding mountain road with their backs towards the fire.

In the shady place under the mountain depression, Frank did not leave with the bus. When the bus was gone, he carefully took out the small flag from his arms.

The boss called this half-finished magic weapon the Bone Ghost Banner, and it used the banner body to feed ten thousand ghosts to devour the enemy.

However, according to the boss, because it is a semi-finished product, this magic weapon can only temporarily control those evil spirits and ghosts, and wants to truly exert its power.

All these evil spirits must be sacrificed into the banners in order to be driven like arms.

Although Frank is still a little confused about how to raise these evil spirits into a piece of cloth.

But the general meaning of the boss at the time, Frank was sure that he heard correctly.

Although his Chinese is not as good as Ryan's, he clearly remembers what Boss Tang said on the phone when he sent the banner to someone.

The four black jars contained the dead souls they had collected in New York for more than two years. These dead souls had been sacrificed by the Taiyin Formation Formation for a long time, and they had reached the level of fierce spirits.

Once blood is seen, the ferocity of these ominous spirits will be aroused immediately. If these ominous spirits get out of control, they can be sealed in the jar again with this bone ghost banner.

Frank looked at the four open black jars visiting before him,

Holding a small banner, according to the spell taught by the boss, a mouthful of blood from the tip of the tongue mixed with true energy was sprayed on the eyes of the black-clothed ghosts and gods on the banner.

The black-clothed ghosts and gods who originally only had a shape but no charm, were sprayed with blood from the tip of the tongue mixed with true energy, as if they were the finishing touch, giving people the feeling that they had suddenly changed from clay sculptures and wooden bodies to flesh and blood.

"Live" directly.

There was a rattling chain dragging sound, and when Frank looked at the banner, there were only two ghosts and gods in white, one black and one white, surrounded by many demons and stars.


Time passed little by little,

The white mist unknowingly enveloped the entire valley, and even the winding road halfway up the mountain was shrouded in white mist.

Listening to the sound of the iron chain sliding in the white mist, the image of the Japanese man in the kimono being eaten by mouthfuls kept appearing in Frank's mind.

But soon, stimulated by the cold breath in the white mist, the zhenqi around him began to circulate on its own, and the vigorous zhenqi enveloped his body surface, as if covering him with a layer of crimson fireworks.

From a distance, Frank looks like a red mandrill.

Bai Wu, a black-clothed ghost came out pulling a string of ominous spirits.

The ghost in black came to Frank's side, bowed his head and said, "Command!"

The chain shattered in mid-air and turned into a huge net. Many ominous spirits turned into clouds of gray-white smoke and scurry through the net. Finally, they were forced into the black jar by the ever-shrinking net.

Seeing that all the vicious souls had entered the jar, Frank was relieved at this moment.

He swiftly covered several black jars with mahogany covers and affixed talisman seals, and Frank was completely relieved at this moment.

When he came back to his senses again and looked for the black-clothed ghost, the black-clothed ghost had already disappeared.

Frank couldn't help but look at the Bone Ghost Banner tightly held in his hand. At this time, the disappearing figure of ghosts and gods in black appeared quietly on the banner at some point.

Frank came to the bottom of the cliff and said twice to the communicator. Soon, two strong soldiers slid down the cliff halfway up the mountain.

Calling the two men to fetch the backpack, Frank put the four black jars into it carefully.

After the black jar was installed, the two soldiers pointed at the stone wall on the cliff and pulled down the claw guns in their hands.

The retracted claw gun led the two soldiers to climb quickly, while on Frank's side, he stepped on the protrusion on the cliff and jumped four or five meters high. Go up the winding mountain road halfway up the mountain.

At the corner of the winding mountain road, an unremarkable black Toyota car parked quietly in a secluded place.


Not long after Frank left the sea of ​​green trees with Boss Tang's yin weapon, the col where he stood before shook violently.

The mountain rocks cracked, and a [-]-meter-long crack was revealed on the mountain wall.

A huge snake head protruded from the crack, with black scales and a white belly, with white scales on the abdomen. The snake head protruding from the crack alone was taller than the tallest tree in the Qingmu Sea of ​​​​Shuts.

(End of this chapter)

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