Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 92 Invitation to the Eight Qi Press Conference

Chapter 92 Invitation to Yaqi Press Conference

"Emergency, emergency, Yamata no Orochi No. [-] has awakened! Do you want to take emergency measures!"

The huge snake head sticks out of the cracks in the mountain. Looking down from a high altitude, there is a huge rock with black and white patterns on Mount Fuji out of thin air.

However, the rock was shaking from side to side non-stop, and there seemed to be some huge object struggling to turn over under the crack where the snake's head was.

Crashing, on Mount Fuji, the rocks are tumbling, as small as a few kilograms, as large as several tons, and rocks weighing more than ten tons are rolling and sucking towards the forest and cliffs below.

Man-made landslides, the dense vegetation under Mount Fuji was sucked to pieces in an instant,
Boulders the size of houses slid from the top of the mountain, directly blocking the winding mountain road halfway up the mountain.

People who came to Mt. Fuji had been evacuated urgently because of the sudden outbreak of wildfire in the sea of ​​green trees and trees.

There were not many casualties caused by landslides.

However, the fire police who went to the sea of ​​green trees to fight the fire were directly blocked by the sudden mudslide.

At the foot of the mountain road, a black Toyota sedan drove onto the highway leading to Tokyo.

"What happened, did Mount Fuji erupt?"

Not long after the black car turned into the expressway, the big man driving the car watched a huge boulder hit the roadbed not far behind his car, and he was so scared that he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Frank was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looking at the shaking Mount Fuji behind him, with a dazed look on his face.

Twelve mortars, one basic number of shells, will not knock down Mount Fuji!
Could it be that the Mount Fuji of the Japanese people is just paper?
Smoke was billowing behind him, and the ground was shaking. Frank patted the slightly nervous driver on the shoulder:

"Relax, as long as we can arrive at Tokyo Bay within four and a half hours, where there is an ocean-going whaling ship that leaves the waters of Japan, someone will naturally meet us!"


On the side of Mt. Fuji, using the observation post rebuilt from the original cave, more than a dozen observers organized by the Emperor are checking the movement of Yamata no Orochi through the monitoring equipment all over Mt. Fuji.

"Are you sure it's only the fifth snake head that has awakened? Are there any signs of the other snake heads waking up!?"

At the headquarters of the Emperor Organization, a middle-aged man in a white coat was looking at the satellite surveillance image and comparing it with the video sent back from the observation post.

His expression is extremely serious. Observation target No. 91, code-named "Yaki no Orochi", is an existence whose energy source is the volcanic geothermal energy that devours Mount Fuji.

It can be said that this titan has largely delayed the eruption of Mount Fuji.

Once this giant titan wakes up, the blow to Japan can be described as devastating.

The middle-aged man's name is Ishiro Serizawa. Well, the name is a bit rustic, but his father, Kageji Serizawa, is one of the founders of the Emperor Organization.

Therefore, Dr. Serizawa himself is also a member of the imperial organization Genzheng Miaohong.

At this moment, he looked at Yamata no Orochi who seemed to wake up in the crater in the next moment, and thought of a backhand left by his father.

"Activate the second emergency plan!"

The order was conveyed to Mount Fuji Observation Point No. 91, and all the soldiers in the post got busy after receiving the order.

In the deepest part of the outpost, in a remodeled pressure pump room, four soldiers from the Emperor Organization shook the circular metal valve vigorously.

Deep in the mountain wall, several iron plates embedded in the mountain wall rose slowly, and countless water jets shot out instantly.


In the depths of the mountain, in several huge hollows, a huge snake body like a hill coiled around the crater.

The surface of the black and white patterned snake body is covered with solidified volcanic ash, which looks like a huge stone statue extending from Mount Fuji.

A giant snake with eight heads and eight tails, the volcanic rock layer on one snake's head has fallen off, and it is desperately dragging the other seven snake heads to rush out of the thick rock layer.

Under the drag of this snake head, the huge body of the eight-headed and eight-tailed giant snake kept hitting the hard mountain.

The volcanic rock layer covering the body surface of many snake heads began to fall off slowly, and the huge snake tail also began to swing unconsciously.

At this moment, several waterfall-like streams of water flowed out from above the mountain cavity.

In an instant, it poured on the body of the eight-headed and eight-tailed giant snake.

When these liquids came into contact with the magma under the giant snake, a sea of ​​flames rose immediately.

As a giant titan that feeds on geothermal heat that devours magma, ordinary flames can't hurt it in the slightest.

But the flames rose, and the rich aroma of wine instantly attracted the black and white snake's head that was writhing wildly outside.

When Snake Xinzi smelled the familiar smell in the air, the huge snake head suddenly retracted into the crack of the mountain.


"It seems that Dr. Serizawa's analysis is correct. The myths and legends of various places really help us understand these giant titans!"

The volcano where Yamata no Orochi is sleeping, the cracks in the rocks, the clear "wine" is constantly flowing out!
These "drinks" gather together, like a rainwaterfall. The high-concentration wine touches the magma in the volcano, and the flames of the entire crater rise.
In the flames, a huge snake head was swallowing snake letters, licking the wine flowing from the rock.

At the headquarters of the Emperor Organization, several high-level officials watched the snake head sink into the magma drowsily after swallowing hundreds of tons of alcohol through the built-in camera in the crater.

Yamata no Orochi, a monster in Japanese myths and legends, also known as Yamata Torochi and Yamata Torochi, according to legend, was beheaded by Susano after getting drunk with wine.

Because of this myth and legend, at the beginning of the establishment of this observation post, Kageji Serizawa tried his best to store hundreds of tons of alcohol in the rock layer above Yamata no Orochi.

Unexpectedly, it actually had an effect on this giant titan.

"Maybe our organization should recruit more experts who study ancient theology!"

A senior executive of the imperial organization stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"The ancient humans worshiped these titanic beasts, and recorded some of their habits in the myths!"

Dr. Serizawa put his hands in the outer pocket of his white coat, looked at the looming giant snake in the lava, thought of another giant beast, and his eyes were thoughtful.


Just when the Aokishukai Mountain Fire broke out in Japan was about to spread to the entire Mount Fuji,
new York
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Stark Industries!"

Stark Building, the parking lot in front of the building, and the roads are full of news interview vehicles of various media.

The media people with long guns and short cannons surrounded the Stark Tower with water.

Many blond hosts danced excitedly at the camera, pointing to the building behind them from time to time.

Outside the building, teams of police and bodyguards are working hard to maintain order at the scene.

Many media reporters flocked to squeeze into the building, but were stopped by Stark Industries' bodyguards.

In the building, a press conference is being held. This is Tony Stark's first public appearance after experiencing The Adventures of a Billionaire.

This is great news. It's a pity that enough media have already been invited in with invitation letters.

As for the media people who were blocked outside, it was obvious that there was no external storage reserved for them.


In the center of the stage, the burly, bald, seemingly sleepy, not very energetic Vice President Obadiah greeted the guests briefly, and then gave up the main stage.

Well, a middle-aged man with a bruised nose and a mustache walked onto the stage.

Tony Stark, who still had a Band-Aid on his face, just walked to the center of the stage, and the atmosphere of the scene changed from Obadiah's low-key on stage to a lively one.

It can be seen that the reporters have many questions.

"Mr. Stark, how do you feel about this terrorist attack?"

"Mr. Stark, who rescued you?"

"Tony, I love you!" Well, obviously, the female reporter is a fan of the Playboy.

"Mr. Stark, it is said that the Stark Group has offered a bounty of [-] million US dollars to the outside world. Will this bounty be honored?"


"Okay, everyone be quiet!"

Tony Stark stood in the center of the stage, countless flashes were aimed at him, and he spread his hands and pressed down.

"Welcome everyone here, I know you have many questions, but the purpose of my press conference is not to explain my experience and suffering to you, but to make a decision!"

Tony Stark glanced around and seemed to be staring at everyone through the reporter's camera.

"My family, including myself, has provided a lot of support to the Commonwealth in weapons research over the years,"

"I always thought it was right, my original intention of making these weapons was to protect the world,
Later, I discovered that the weapons manufactured by Stark Industries are pushing the world into a borderless world, so I plan to shut down the weapons manufacturing department of Stark Industries, Stark Industries, and withdraw from the arms market from now on! "

After Tony Stark finished what he wanted to say, he turned and left surrounded by several black-clothed bodyguards.

Leave a scene of uproar.

"Mr. Stark, why did you choose to close the weapons manufacturing department, is it related to this attack?"

"Mr. Stark, without the weapons manufacturing department, how do you ensure the profitability of Stark Industries, and what do you take to be responsible to shareholders..."

"Mr. Stark..."

"Tony, what are you going to do, you will destroy Stark Industries like this?"

Obadiah wanted to stop Tony, but was stopped in front of Tony Stark by Agent Coulson dressed as a bodyguard.

"No, Uncle Stanislav, I'm going to save Stark Industries!"

Tony Stark glanced at Obadiah indifferently, and walked away surrounded by a group of bodyguards, leaving Obadiah waving his hands and desperately explaining his crazy behavior to the group of reporters.


"To Stark!"

In the Tang Manor, Boss Tang, who had been waiting for the press conference, put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the wine glass in front of him,
To Tony, who just announced the disbandment of Stark's weapons manufacturing department on TV, toasted a glass of wine.

Boss Tang appreciates righteous people who have justice, ideals, and courage to make decisions.

"Ryan, let our trader act quickly!"


There are many mansions of Tony Stark.

In addition to the most famous Liberty City, a beach house in West Los Angeles.

In New York alone, Tony Stark owns four villas.

The villa that Tang Song visited was the one closest to Stark Industries.

Boss Tang's Rolls-Royce had just parked at the entrance of the villa, and a blonde beauty had been waiting at the entrance for a long time.

The blond beauty was wearing a professional girl shirt, a white shirt that was about to come out on the upper body, and a black skirt on the lower body, revealing a pair of slender legs in black silk.

Ryan opened the car door for Tang Song, took out a wooden box containing wine from the trunk, and handed it to Tang Song.

The blond female secretary greeted her.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, welcome. Mr. Stark has been waiting for a long time. Sorry, he is ill and cannot come out to greet you!"

Looking at the familiar delicate face in front of him, Tang Song subconsciously rubbed his cane.

"you are?"

"Hi, Mr. Tang, I'm Mr. Stark's life secretary, Natalie Roseman, very happy to serve you!"

The blond beauty is full of smiles, like a qualified life secretary, walking in front to lead the way for Tang and Song Dynasties.

She swayed and walked in front, clearly feeling the burning eyes behind her.

Natasha was no stranger to this look. As a top secret agent, seduction was just one of the compulsory courses.

She killed no less than ten targets on the bed alone.

I have seen all kinds of men, and I have long been immune to the eyes that want to eat her alive.

But this time she was mistaken.

The reason why Tang Song looked at the secretary in front of him was because he was a little curious about the truth of the famous black widow.

Curious about her looks, figure, and age.

As one of the Avengers superheroes, the status of Black Widow and Hawkeye has always been very embarrassing. Without the leadership ability of the US team, the combat power is not enough, and they can only clear up the miscellaneous soldiers in a big battle.

It's more like Nick Fury's two nails wedged into the Avengers.

Belonging to the real S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own people.

But in Avengers 4, the Black Widow really surprised everyone.

In the comics, the age of the Black Widow is set to be that of the same period as the US team, but it is only by injecting some kind of enhanced serum that it remains young.

Looking at the one in front of him, Tang Song looked at the swaying peach buttocks in front of him, and began to guess her age.


"You are welcome, Don, sit wherever you want!"

In a high-tech villa, Tang Song met the owner of the villa, the famous Tony Stark.

This is also the first time Tang Song met Tony Stark in real life.

The iron man in front of him is not in a good condition, with a haggard face, a bottle on his arm, and he is boringly manipulating the metal arm to solder a circuit board.

Seeing the secretary bring Tang Song in, Tony Stark just looked up:

"Natalie, make a drink for Mr. Tang, sorry, I still have some work to do!"

Boss Tang was naturally not polite, and casually handed the gift wine box in his hand to the black widow who was beside him, and without taking a seat, he began to visit Tony Stark's living room and workshop on his own.

As a technology madman, Tony's villa decoration style is quite technological.

Smart appliances, hidden, semi-hidden robotic arms can be seen everywhere.

Even the TV screen is a virtual projection.

"Sir, your wine!"

Instead of the Black Widow, it was a mechanical arm, accompanied by an old butler's voice.

A robotic arm held a glass of wine and handed it to Tang Jinyan.

"Thank you!" Tang Song took the wine glass and replied politely.

"You don't seem to be curious at all!" At this time Tony Stark had finished his work, washed his hands, and walked to Tang Song.

Tang Song picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Not bad wine!"

After approving, Tang Song rolled his eyes at Stark:
"Curious, you mean intelligent life?"

Tony Stark was a little unconvinced: "Intelligent life is a great breakthrough in technology. Isn't it a real miracle to convert computer programs into real life!"

Tang Song smiled:
"With the development of future technology, intelligent life will be a major trend,

Especially when human beings set their sights on space, many things often require them to replace human beings,
You are a genius, you may be decades ahead of the world, but outside the earth, you may have just started! ,"

Tony Stark looked at Tang Song with surprise in his eyes: "I can't believe that a person from the underground world has such insight and vision..."

Tang Song picked up the wine glass and drank it down: "In your impression, what is it like to be born in an underground organization, full of swear words, smoking, sex..."

"Mr. Stark, that's just one's background. No one can choose one's own one, but one can choose one's own life..."

"I'm sorry!" Tony Stark realized the presumptuousness in his words, and he rarely apologized.

This was never possible before he went to Afghanistan.

The trip to Afghanistan changed a lot for this rich second generation.

Of course, the problem of bad mouth seems to be the same as before, and it caused him a lot of trouble later.

"It's nothing, my past has never been afraid of being checked!" Tang Song shrugged: "I'm curious about the purpose of Mr. Stark's invitation to me?"

"Mr. Tang recently bought a lot of Stark Industries shares in the secondary market?"

 The baby is still not well, and keeps coughing and spitting milk. My partner and I are also coughing.

  I was originally thinking about the content of the third chapter of water, but I really can't lift my spirits
(End of this chapter)

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