Chapter 96
Roar! "

Hearing Xin Cha's rude words, the man in the windbreaker sitting in the co-pilot opened his mouth threateningly at him, and the two sharp canine teeth slowly extended out of his lips.

"Hey man! Get your eight hundred dollar fangs out of my way, I'm not interested in being a vampire!"

With a look of disgust on his face, Xincha avoided the big mouth of the man in the windbreaker.

As a scavenger, Xincha can be regarded as having seen many big worlds with the big boss.

Vampires are urban legends to ordinary people, but to scavengers like them, they are no different from other corpses.

Not long ago, in the terrorist attack at the New York station, most of the corpses inside were this kind of vampire.

Syncha won the right to host the New York Underground Race because he and two other scavengers risked their lives to steal a vampire corpse from the military.

It is said that the corpse was sent to the big boss. The big boss was happy, and Xincha's status changed from the bottom scavenger to the little boss in charge of underground racing.

I heard that the two vampires came for the original corpse.

Xincha had many ideas in his mind, thinking that if he could sacrifice these two vampires, his status would be improved.

As for betraying the big boss, Xin Cha didn't have the courage!


Neon lights flicker and the noise of heavy metal music echoes through the streets.

This is a nightclub in Brooklyn.

The dance floor is full of hippies shaking their heads.

Many beauties with hot bodies shuttled on the dance floor.

The quality of the beauties in this bar is unexpectedly high, with hot bodies and excellent appearance, especially the dazzling white skin.

The eyes of many drunk men who have attracted a lot of drinks follow them, like sunflowers

The heavy metal music in the bar is loud, and men and women can be seen leaving in groups from time to time.

Two blond, blue-eyed, hot beauties in leather clothes walked out of the bar with the help of two big men, one black and one white.

The two strong men were at least 180 in height and weight, and they both drank a lot, but the two women seemed to be very relaxed as they supported them.

The bar is full of people who are having fun, and the atmosphere is intoxicating, and no one notices this abnormality at all.


The two women helped the two strong men out of the bar, and they didn't go to the hotel not far away, but to the alley not far away.

The big white man was supported by the beautiful woman beside him, raised his eyes and looked around, with a wretched smile on his face.

"Girl, ****, I like it!"

He impatiently fumbled in the woman's arms, raising and lowering his hands.

At the same time, he stretched out a hand drunkenly, touching his belt.

The strong man who put his whole head into the woman's arms did not notice that the blue eyes of the beautiful woman he was holding were gradually showing scarlet light.

A pair of canine teeth swelled in her upper jaw, hissing
The blond girl's two fangs stuck firmly into the big man's artery, and there was a sound of blood gushing from her throat.


The black burly man was pressing another beautiful woman against the wall, and Bidong laughed.

Turning around inadvertently, just seeing this scene, he immediately let out a miserable howl like killing a pig.

He was so frightened that he went limp and wanted to run without even thinking about it.

At this time, the two nephrite-like arms around his waist suddenly became like steel hoops, locking him tightly.

The black burly man turned his head stiffly. In front of him, the enchanting stunner turned into a devil with red eyes and fangs, looking at him with a grin.


"This time the prey is good, without the smell of tobacco, I hate big *!"

The two female vampires took out tissues from their bags and wiped the corners of their bright red mouths.

Discussing the quality of prey with each other is just like ordinary women discussing whether today's Malatang is good or not.

At their feet, there were two shriveled mummified corpses.

After successfully hunting two good prey, the two female vampires put on their makeup, turned around and went back to the bar.

The night is long, and the vampire's thirst for blood will never end.

This bar is one of their hunting grounds.


"This is your territory, I thought you all lived in the castle, just like in the movie!"

In the box on the second floor of the bar, Xin looked at Selena in front of him, chattering nonsense, and at the same time kept looking through the window at the men and women on the dance floor.

Selena changed into a black one-piece leather jacket at this time, playing with two extended black pistols in her hands, and looked at Xin Cha with a blank expression.

"You better pray that what you say is true, otherwise death will be your best ending!"

"That corpse is hidden in the back kitchen freezer of the Night Bar. The black market says that your vampire fangs can strengthen yang. You also know that things that strengthen yang are in high demand in the underground world!"

Xincha chattered endlessly, but his heart was always uneasy, praying, even if the boss is not there in the night bar this time, if one of the big bosses is there, his life will be saved.


night bar
The light and dark lights interspersed, and the dance floor was empty.

It was past two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the bar was almost closing at this time.

Several resident gunmen sat at the bar playing cards boredly.

However, they all had long and short weapons at their hands, and they were very vigilant.

Different from the excitement of playing cards and gunmen, Frank sat alone in a booth beside him in a corner of the bar, holding a bottle of brandy in his hand.

Under the dim light, Frank breathed and exhaled, faintly as if the wind and thunder were whistling.

This is the sound of powerful lung vitality driving blood circulation, which originated from the powerful breathing method of the god and demon Zhu Yanbian.

It can improve a person's physical fitness enough to look down on steel and break mountains and rivers with his fists.


The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and several gunmen immediately dropped the cards in their hands, grabbed their guns, and aimed at the door.

A greasy-haired, pink-faced man in a windbreaker walked into the bar. He had a thin figure, a pale face, and a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Shh," the man in the windbreaker put his middle finger by his mouth weirdly, and gestured towards the gunmen.

"Guys, don't panic, I'm here to talk about cooperation, where are your heads?"

Several gunmen glanced at each other, and all turned their attention to Frank.
Kakaka, Frank got up from the deck, moved his muscles and bones, and the bones all over his body crackled.


Frank's eyes were fixed on the man in the windbreaker like a violent ape.

"Yes, cooperation, humans, you have taken something that does not belong to you!"

The man in the windbreaker laughed strangely: "Hand it over!"

Frank tilted his head, without any nonsense, the thunder exploded, and he arrived in front of the man in the windbreaker in an instant.

Lifting his right knee, a huge force hit the windbreaker man's lower abdomen, knocking him flying four or five meters in an instant.

The whole person stuck to the wall like mud.

"throw it out!"

Frank gave the man in the windbreaker a cold look, then turned around and went back to practice.

A strange laugh suddenly sounded behind Frank.

Frank stopped and turned around.

The man in the windbreaker let out a strange giggle, struggling to get up from the wall,

"Human, you are an elite among the lambs, but who gave you the courage to resist the great blood race!"

Frank turned around and looked at the man in the windbreaker calmly.

The man in the windbreaker was covered in blood at this time, and his abdomen and chest were sunken. It would have been dead for an ordinary person, but the man in the windbreaker didn't seem to feel pain.

He smiled strangely, and his ten fingers swelled wildly, like daggers, and rushed towards Frank.

The man in the windbreaker is very fast, exceeding the speed of normal humans.

Two fangs protruded, and the scarlet pupils under the sunglasses stared straight at Frank's neck.

With the sound of howling wind, ten spear-like sharp claws reached Frank's neck almost instantly.

The man in the windbreaker seemed to smell the sweetness of blood.

He didn't notice Frank's calm and ferocious eyes from beginning to end, and he never blinked from beginning to end.

The moment the man in the windbreaker's sharp claws was about to touch Frank, Frank's foot moved, his body was short, his foot was wrong, and his shoulder bumped.

The man in the windbreaker felt like he was hit head-on by a car

His body was thrown away like a broken doll.

Huh, huh, that's not counting, Frank stepped on his feet and jumped four or five meters.

Frank, who rose into the air, was the first to strike, and the shadow of his fist changed in mid-air.

bang bang bang bang bang...

A pile of rotten meat fell to the ground.

Seeing the still squirming rotten flesh, Frank stepped forward and raised his foot.

The man in the windbreaker's head was broken like a watermelon.

Frank Xiu squatted down, reached out and picked up a fang from a pile of sticky dirt, and looked it over carefully.


"I'm Frank, use your Skynet system to check a license plate number for me! Find out where this car started!"

At the gate of the venue, looking at the black car parked at the gate, Frank took out his phone and dialed.

At the same time, an office building somewhere in New York was named as the office of Down's Information Company.

In the huge computer room, there are flashing blue lights of computer mainframes everywhere.

"Permission confirmation, Frank, the fingerprint comparison is successful, and the authorization is passed, Commander Square Piece!"

Amidst the sound of computer prompts, a dozen super hackers on duty began to get busy in front of the computer in front of them.

Soon, these super hackers used the company's network to intrude into the monitoring network of the New York Police Department, calling the monitoring equipment in various places, and found an address.


"This is our prey this time!"

Frank picked up a mummy with his feet, his tone full of displeasure.

He finally returned to New York from Japan, and before he had a good rest, he was planning to take his wife and son to Hawaii for a vacation, but these things found him.

Behind him, twelve masked square soldiers stood silently holding guns, like sculptures one by one.

These square soldiers wore black masks on their faces, like ghosts, with only two eyes exposed.

Wearing black battle armor suits, the armor modified by these green goblin suits is worn on these soldiers, with the black iron Yaksha mask, and two mummified corpses in the dark alley.

A solid midnight horror flick.

Looking at the bar in front of him, Frank put his hands in his pockets and walked in.

Behind him, twelve ghostly soldiers followed him quietly like shadows.


Walking to the door of the bar, the grumpy Frank lifted his foot directly, and the thick soundproof door of the bar flew straight up, smashing heavily into the noisy dance floor.

A few unlucky ghosts who were jumping happily didn't notice the door falling from the sky, and were shot flying to the ground.

The huge noise caused everyone's eyes to turn to the door.

Several irascible vampires couldn't help showing their bloodthirsty fangs.

"Keep two living samples, and kill all the others!"

Frank clapped his hands, glanced across the dance floor, and gave the order coldly.

Kakaka, twelve soldiers raised their guns at the same time.


A vampire closest to Frank couldn't bear it anymore, roared, bared its sharp fangs, and rushed towards Frank.

The speed of this vampire is very fast, but the speed of transforming Frank after practicing Zhuyan is even faster.

His figure was like the wind, before the vampire could react, Kaka
His two arms have been twisted into twists.


The vampire let out a painful hiss, followed by two clicks.

Frank kicked over with both feet, and the unlucky vampire's legs were broken in two.


Frank stepped on the vampire's chest and hooked his fingers towards the center of the dance floor.

On the dance floor, more than a dozen figures rushed over at the same time.

Da da da da da da da...

Twelve Cube soldiers pulled the triggers simultaneously.

The aiming assist system of the battle armor allowed twelve modified rifles to form a dense firepower net in midair.

For vampires, human hot weapons can seriously injure them, but as long as they are not hit in the head, their strong recovery ability gives them an overwhelming advantage over ordinary humans.

puff puff...

The few vampires at the front were shot through their chests, and their bodies were suddenly lit up with green smoke. In just a few seconds, the few vampires turned into piles of ashes amidst howls.

"It's an ultraviolet bullet!"

Seeing the miserable state of their companions, all the vampires were frightened.

Ultraviolet bullets are to vampires what acid is to normal humans.

And it hurts more.

The vampires looked at each other, carefully curled up in the crowd.

The ordinary people on the dance floor have long been petrified by this sudden change.

Someone yelled, and everyone rushed to the door of the bar.

A dozen or so vampires mixed in the crowd, shrinking their minions, trying to fish in troubled waters.

Frank sneered,
The twelve cube soldiers reached out and touched their waists at the same time, and waved at the same time.

Glass grenades the size of melons were thrown from their hands.

The grenade exploded in the crowd, and what was ejected from the strange grenade was not shrapnel, but a dazzling glare.

The grenade that condensed the strong ultraviolet light instantly enveloped most of the bar.

A dozen or so vampires mixed in the crowd suddenly turned into flying ash under the strong light.


"One more!"

Frank looked at the bar, and a bartending bunny girl turned around and was about to run away.

Frank drew a pistol backhand,
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The twelve bullets without silver plating accurately interrupted the bunny girl's hands and feet.

Two cube soldiers stepped forward and tied up the bunny girl.


Frank looked at the second floor, and a tyrannical vampire breath suddenly appeared within his perception range.Selena held a gun in both hands, standing at the stairs on the second floor of the bar, watching Frank warily.

"It's quite beautiful, but it's a pity that you are a vampire, but the boss will definitely like you!"

Frank looked Selena up and down, took his hand out of his pocket, and a small pocket switchblade appeared in his palm.

Press the trigger at any time, and the spring knife made of vibrating gold pops out a sharp blade.

Selena's physical fitness is more than three times that of ordinary people, and the vampire's physique gives her a super recovery ability.

The name of the death walker is widely spread among the blood clan.

She killed hundreds of werewolves with her sword.

Only this time she met her opponent.

In just one round, the pistol in her hand was broken into four pieces.

A small switchblade was inserted into her right shoulder, and a powerful energy wave rushed out of the switchblade, directly knocking her out.

(End of this chapter)

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